• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 18, 2022

    Cryptocurrency The scammer who received the single largest payment of 26BTC has received a total of 87BTC.

    Cryptocurrency The scammer who received the single largest payment of 26BTC has received a total of 87BTC.

    The scammer who received the single largest payment of 26BTC has received a total of 87BTC.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 05:43 AM PST

    The scammer who received the single largest payment of 26BTC has received a total of 87BTC.

    So recently a person fell prey to a Bitcoin doubling scam and sent the single largest payment of 26BTC to the scammer.

    I found the scammers wallet address and found that the scammer has received a whooping total of 87 BTC(Worth a total of 3.6 mil).

    His bitcoin address has been reported on scam alert.

    This person managed to earn 3.6mil dollars from a YouTube live video. This money is enough for someone to retire and live a happy life and falling for such a petty scam is stupidity at its finest. Now there is one very happy Nigerian prince out there. Doing almost nothing for a cool 3.6 million dollars.

    I have decided to do research on tools that can be used to not fall for these scams. I will make a post on what these scams look like, what you can do to make other people aware and not fall for these yourself. It may not be perfect but I will try. I can use all the help I can get. There is no one out there who will double your money willingly.

    submitted by /u/Abhishekgarg0
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    "When Bitcoin goes to 10K, I'll go all in", and other lies you tell yourself

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 02:26 AM PST

    I've seen it many times: Bitcoin is at 60K, people say: I wish I could buy at 40K! Then it goes to 40K and they say: Oh it's going to 30K. When it goes to 30K, I'll go all in!

    Then it reaches 30K and they hope for 10K.

    The opposite also happens, with people saying: When Bitcoin reaches 50K, I'll take profits. Then it reaches 50K and you wait for 60K to take profits. Then 70K.

    The thing is, Bitcoin has been at or below 10K for a decade, why didn't you go all in then? Maybe 40K is the lowest we ever go, who knows. But if you wanted to buy at 40K when we were at 60K, then buy at 40K.

    Many people say: When we get a bear market, then I'll buy! But it's kinda like: When it's 2023, then I'll start losing weight!

    I know there are exceptions and I know some people are very disciplined in their crypto goals. I know 100 people are going to reply to this: "Just DCA and HODL". Yes, that's fine, as long as you continue doing that during the bear market, and don't capitulate then.

    So if you were hoping for 40K when we were at 60K, don't hope for 20K now, then you'll never buy.

    submitted by /u/Wiardv
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    As statistically most of you out there have portfolios in the red right now here's a list of less embarrassing reasons to tell people instead of saying you lost it on crypto

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 03:31 AM PST

    1. I have a drinking problem (made more convincing if you actually have one which if the market keeps dropping you probably will soon).
    2. I have a drug problem but I'm getting help.
    3. I have a drug problem and I'm never getting help.
    4. I have a gambling problem (the best lies are the ones that are also true so this one is a good one!)
    5. I'm having an affair with my much younger and hotter receptionist.
    6. I used to have an affair with my receptionist and she now has my bastard child that I need to support.
    7. I have very specific pornography tastes that require expensive donations to have carried out (you will NEVER receive follow up questions on this one!)
    8. I purchased and then lost 11 wallets full of cash one after another.
    9. I brought a new home to live in but I forgot the address of where it is.
    10. I traded it all for magic beans in the hope of a beanstalk growing in my garden and allowing me to find the golden goose (this one is more of a retelling than a lie).
    submitted by /u/xavierwest888
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    Priceless NFT Artwork Vandalized With Spray Paint Tool

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 10:03 PM PST

    $1k into the Top 10 Cryptos on January 1st, 2019 (THREE YEAR REPORT) +504%

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 04:35 AM PST

    $1k into the Top 10 Cryptos on January 1st, 2019 (THREE YEAR REPORT) +504%

    EXPERIMENT – Tracking 2019 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – Three Year Report – UP 504%

    The full blog post with all the tables is here.

    Welcome! This is the monthly report for my homemade 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund. This group contains BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH, EOS, XLM, USDT, LTC, BSV, and Tron.


    • What's this all about? I purchased $100 of each of Top 10 Cryptos in Jan. 2018, no selling or trading, reporting monthly for 4 years. Did the same in 2019, 2020, 2021, then again into the 2022 Top Ten a few weeks ago. Learn more about the history, rules, and FAQs of the Experiments (including the answer to the "WHY TETHER?!?!" question) here. Snapshots taken on the 1st of each month.
    • THREE YEAR UPDATE (since Jan. 2019): ETH more than double second place BTC (+1,408).
    • 2019 Top Ten Portfolio up +504%, all coins in the green. Total market +1,638% over same time period.
    • 2018+2019+2020+2021 Combined Top Ten Portfolios are returning +406%.

    Some exciting new changes for 2022!

    1. Less spamming the sub with data (down to two reports/month)
    2. Incorporated Decentralized Finance (DeFi) for the first time.
    3. Factoring in stablecoin gains: In the past, I have not included ROI that is possible with stables in the monthly reports. This year, I will detail ways to build on the $100 of USDC in the 2022 portfolio and gamify it a bit: my goal is to outperform as many as the other cryptos in the 2022 Top Ten Portfolio as possible (simple if it turns out to be a bear year, a bit more challenging if the 2022 market moons).
    4. Giveaways: I'll be giving away crypto during the year, either through Twitter, Reddit, or my email list. I'm still figuring out the details, but aim to give away around $100 a month in crypto.
    5. Friendly competition (or Battle Royale?): I will compare my homemade 2022 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiment to a Total Crypto Market Cap Index Token ($TCAP r/TotalCryptoMarketCap) to see which one outperforms.

    On to the report!

    Three Year Report – UP 504%


    The 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund consists of: BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH, EOS, Stellar, USDT, Litecoin, BSV, and Tron.

    December highlights for the 2019 Top Ten Crypto Portfolio:

    • A very bloody December
    • Ethereum in the overall lead, up +2,608% since January 2019, more than double the ROI of second place Bitcoin.
    • After three years, the 2019 Portfolio is +504%

    December Ranking and Dropout Report

    Here's the difference in rank since January 2018:


    Top Ten dropouts since January 2019: After three years, 60% of the cryptos that started in the Top Ten in January 2019 have been knocked out. EOS, Litecoin, BSV, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, and Tron have been replaced by Binance Coin, Cardano, DOT, SOL, Luna, and USDC.

    BSV has fallen the furthest so far (#61) – it is the only crypto that has dropped out of the Top Sixty.

    December Winners and Losers

    December Winners – None, except stablecoin Tether

    December LosersLitecoin had a tough month, losing nearly one third of its value. EOS was the second worst performing crypto in the portfolio, down -24% in December.

    Tally of Monthly Winners and Losers

    Which crypto holds the most wins or losses over the life of the project? Here's a snapshot of the winners and losers over the first three years of the 2019 Top Ten Experiment:


    By a large margin, Tether has the greatest number of monthly victories (11) followed by ETH with six.

    Every crypto has won at least one month since January 2019 and BSV and USDT have the most losses, 11 each (out of 36 months).

    Three Year Update – ETH easily outperforms its peers, 100% of cryptos in positive territory, EOS worst performing non-stablecoin

    ETH (+2,608%) is far and away the best performer of this group, more than doubling the ROI of second place BTC (+1,144%) over the same period of time.

    The $100 investment into first place ETH on January 1st, 2019 is currently worth $2,779.

    After three years, 100% of the cryptos in the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio are in positive territory. Not counting stablecoin Tether, the worst performing crypto is EOS, up +18%.

    Total Market Cap for the Entire Cryptocurrency Sector:


    The entire cryptocurrency sector is up +1,638% since January 2019. This is still well behind first place ETH (2,608%) but much better than the rest of the Top Ten cryptos, including second place Bitcoin (+1,144%). And the total market is performing much better than the Top Ten approach (+504%).

    Translation: unless you went all in on ETH or Bitcoin three years ago, you were better off diversifying, and much better off if you had captured the gains of the entire crypto market.

    The Top Ten approach has beaten every individual crypto except ETH and Bitcoin.

    Crypto Market Cap Low Point in the 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: $114B in January 2019.

    Crypto Market Cap High Point in the 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: $2.65T in October 2021.

    Bitcoin Dominance:


    BitDom dipped in December, ending the month at 40.2%. This is a new low for the 2019 Top Ten Experiment.

    For context, here are the high and low points of BTC domination over the life of the 2019 Experiment:

    Low Point in the 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: 40.2% this month.

    High Point in the 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: 70.5% in August 2019.

    Overall return on $1,000 investment since January 1st, 2019:


    The 2019 Top Ten Crypto Portfolio lost $1,604 in December. After three years, the value of the initial $1000 investment is $6,044, up +504%. This is down from last month's all time high for the 2019 Portfolio.

    Below is a table summarizing the monthly ROI over the life of the 2019 Top Ten Index Fund experiments, providing a pretty good sense of the journey up to this point:


    Fairly steady upward movements punctuated by massive dips. During the Zombie Apocalypse in March 2020, for example, the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio was returning only +6%.

    Although the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio is up an impressive +504%, it is still a distant second place behind the 2020 Top Ten Portfolio which is up +795%.

    Combining the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Crypto Portfolios

    Speaking of other Top Ten Portfolios, let's put them all together now:

    So overall? Taking the four portfolios together, here's the bottom bottom bottom bottom line:

    After a $4,000 investment in the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies, the combined portfolios are worth $20,257 ($1,341 + $6,044 + $8,951 + $3,921).

    That's up +406% on the combined portfolios, down from last month's all time high for the Top Ten Index Fund Experiments. Here's the combined monthly ROI since I started tracking it in January 2020:


    In summary: That's a +406% gain by investing $1k on whichever cryptos happened to be in the Top Ten on January 1st (including stablecoins) for four straight years.

    Comparison to S&P 500:

    I'm also tracking the S&P 500 as part of the experiments to have a comparison point with traditional markets.


    Because the S&P 500 Index is up 90% since January 2019, the initial $1k investment I put into crypto three years ago would be worth $1,900 had it been redirected to the S&P 500 in January 2019.

    But what if I took the same world's-slowest-dollar-cost-averaging $1,000-per-year-on-January-1st-Crypto-Index-Fund-Experiment approach with the S&P 500? It would yield the following:

    • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018 = $1,780 today
    • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019 = $1,900 today
    • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2020 = $1,480 today
    • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2021 = $1,270 today

    Taken together, here's the bottom bottom bottom bottom line for a similar approach with the S&P:

    After four $1,000 investments into an S&P 500 index fund in January 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, my portfolio would be worth $6,430 ($1,780 + $1,900 + $1,480 + $1,270).

    That is up +61% since January 2018 compared to a +406% gain of the combined Top Ten Crypto Experiment Portfolios.

    Here's a table providing an overview of the four year ROI comparison between a Top Ten Crypto approach and the S&P:



    To both old-timers and newcomers: thanks so much for taking the time to read and for supporting the Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiments. I hope you find the updates helpful in terms of perspective as you navigate the crypto landscape. Be careful out there and don't put your mental, physical, or financial health at risk chasing gainz. If crypto is causing you to lose sleep at night, chances are you have too much in crypto: try to think long term and don't invest what you can't afford to lose. Feel free to reach out with any questions and stay tuned for progress reports. Keep an eye out for my parallel projects tracking the Top Ten cryptos as of January 1st, 2018 (the OG experiment), January 1st, 2020, January 1st, 2021, and most recently, January 1st, 2022.

    submitted by /u/Joe-M-4
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    4,600 ETH Worth $14.6M Reportedly Stolen From CryptoCom, Money Laundered via TornadoCash

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 02:17 AM PST

    Business Insider a few months ago: “Bitcoin price to $100k”. Business Insider now: “Bitcoin's slump could be the start of a crypto winter”

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 02:42 AM PST

    We all know nobody knows shit about fuck, but there are levels to this. I just came across this Business Insider article:

    Bitcoin's slump could be the start of a 'crypto winter' that sees prices crash


    Waaaittt a minute. A few months ago, Business Insider had dozens of articles written by journalists and analysts claiming that Bitcoin was going to $100k. What happened to those predictions?

    These are no ordinary people doing some woo-woo. These are so-called experts, analysts, researchers or strategists. (You might argue that they are ordinary people doing some woo-woo, since they're wrong 9 out of 10 times, lol.)

    Just have a look at the Business Insider headlines a few months ago:

    Bitcoin just surpassed all-time-highs, soaring above $66,000. A chief market strategist lays out why $100,000 is the next stop.


    Bitcoin to $100,000, ether to $5,000: Famed investment strategist Lyn Alden explains her bullish predictions


    Bitcoin could soar to $100,000 by the end of next year as demand rapidly exceeds supply, a crypto investor says


    Bitcoin to peak at $100,000


    Here's how bitcoin could chart a path to $100,000 — and how ether could reach $4,000 again


    I don't care about price predictions, but it is fascinating how "solid analysis" can change in just a few months time. A gentle reminder to not give a fuck about what so-called experts are saying. It's hard to predict things in an irrational market.

    submitted by /u/damnsonwhyyoutrippin
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    My thoughts about the current state of blockchain gaming.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 01:44 AM PST

    I was reading an article about another blockchain game. And I was thinking about the current state of blockchain games. getting crypto from doing things I enjoy would be fine, but we don't want to change why we play video games for fun. I think blockchain gaming is a great idea and beneficial for those that make money, but a lot of people don't play games to make money. It's all about having a good time.

    This, I believe, is what most blockchain game devs are now unaware of. As a gamer, I believe the game should be fun first, with tokenomics as a later consideration - but blockchain games are currently handling things the wrong way.

    A game created on the primary purpose of play-to-earn will necessarily be a shitty game, because it will feature grindy bullshit at its core rather than good gameplay. I mean I love some good MMORPGS as a person who enjoys them and as a member of a generation that used to grind a lot. Grinding is acceptable for me as long as the game is good.

    I'm sure there is a place for blockchain technology in gaming and some of it will almost certainly be great. Instead of trying to come up with a horrible play-to-earn or pay to win grind that will be terrible, I want a studio to make a terrific game with some blockchain integration. Perhaps this will encourage game developers to abandon the pay-to-win approach.

    submitted by /u/EleonorTrimpe
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    No, Business Insider didn't "change their prediction" - you cannot both complain about "biased media reporting" on crypto and when a medium reports in an unbiased fashion

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 04:39 AM PST

    Sometimes you people are absurd. Right now, there's a post climbing to the top of "hot", titled

    "Business Insider a few months ago: "Bitcoin price to $100k". Business Insider now: "Bitcoin's slump could be the start of a crypto winter"

    The OP read an article that talked about the possibility of a bear market and got really mad. That article is called

    Bitcoin's slump could be the start of a 'crypto winter' that sees prices crash, UBS says. Here are three reasons why.

    ,emphasis by me (also in the following headlines). It reports on analyses by "analysts at investment bank UBS" and gives potential reasons why a bear market could be ahead. They make very clear that this is not their prediction, even in the headline. They report on stuff, they don't predict stuff.

    Okay, so OPs criticism is that BI is too negative on crypto? Nope, he critizices that "they changed their predictions" and presents some articles from a few months ago, like

    Bitcoin just surpassed all-time-highs, soaring above $66,000. A chief market strategist lays out why $100,000 is the next stop.

    Bitcoin to $100,000, ether to $5,000: Famed investment strategist Lyn Alden explains her bullish predictions

    for some of them he even fakes the headlines so they seem worse than they are: he altered

    Bitcoin to peak at $100,000: Influencer BitBoy Crypto shares his journey into crypto, and explains why one of the worst bear markets ever could happen after the next big run up


    Bitcoin to peak at $100,000

    so he could make it seem like a prediction by Business Insider.

    And you know what's the worst? He cherry-picked the current article. There were articles presenting bullish opinions by analysts 11 days and 3 days ago. And if you really need me to, I'll find you a few bearish articles from a few months ago.

    "Their analysis" didn't change, they never had one. They present multiple opinions and predictions to their audience and hope it's intelligent enough to make up their own opinion. Well, I guess not all of them are.

    tl;dr: you always complain that the media is so biased and one-sided - but if one medium presents multiple opinions and possible scenarios across the spectrum you don't like it either. make up your mind.

    submitted by /u/mic_droo
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    Cardano (ADA) presents a get example of learning to dial in expectations. There really is ground between dead and to the moon.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 11:50 PM PST

    A fair few posts either talk up a project like it's going to be cool to tattoo it on your ass in a few days or talk it down that it's worse then cancer. It's pretty much why the saying "Buy the rumour, sell the news" exists. As people don't know how to dial in expectations to make a fair price judgement.

    You need to be realistic with the news, basically see through the hype with your own research. Ask the fundamental questions, and not just leave it to following the crowd.

    Cardano Smart Contracts Example

    The news was painting it as "this is it, see the explosion of a new dApp ecosystem". Whereas if you stepped back and realised for that to happen you'd need heaps of independent projects all tested and ready to go off testnet to mainnet.....which definitely was not the case.

    There was no Plutus Application Backend ready, which without kinda prevents dApps developing. If you did some research you'd of discovered that as Cardano didn't make it a secret. Even googling a few of the annouced dApps would of shown it.

    The price climbed, people bought into the hype. Smart Contracts arrived and reality hit, price dropped way back. People who blindly followed the hype were pissed, just take a look at the posts on here from then.

    Well that's just hindsight?

    Maybe, but take what's happening now. Sundaeswap is releasing their Dex (in beta but some news sites leave that part off) in a few days on the 20th Jan. ADA has been climbing in price with hype building of "this is it, see the explosion of a new dApp ecosystem".

    However if you have been just doing a little research, you'll understand that Sundaeswap has said:

    Even with all these factors in play, due to staggering levels of demand and excitement from our community, we expect a large backlog on mainnet as well — even under our most optimistic predictions. To be as transparent as we can, we want to inform you all that while orders (including swapping, providing liquidity andwithdrawing liquidity) may take days to process


    Which among other reasons is because the Cardano blockchain is only slowly being dialled up in performance. Measure twice and cut once approach. They had this to say about a recent 12.5% increase in performance:

    We are taking a steady, methodical approach to changes in Cardano's parameterization. A 12.5% increase is sizable, but not too big. It leaves room for further expansion, and allows stake pool operators (SPOs) to adjust to the increased demands.


    What's it all mean?

    Really what it spells out is that people who don't keep up with things, which is a large percentage, will buy in on the ADA price rise thinking this Dex will be bangin' on day 1. Then they see the Dex come out only to be extremely slow initially.

    No doubt you'll see a bunch of posts basically calling it a complete failure as the ADA price dips on the perceived bad news.

    You can apply this to all project updates, ADA is just a very clean example. With both the project and the blockchain Dev making no secret of what is to come.

    If you dialled in your expectations

    You still need to make a fundamental call on the price of the project. Even with all the hype you may still see it as a buy opportunity.

    If you judge the majority of people have hyped a coming release, feature or update then you can take advantage of the now expected dip when people wake up to reality and sell.

    Research pays off, and hopefully you get to count your fat stacks you beautiful SOB.

    submitted by /u/InevitableSoundOf
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    Cardano Regains 5th Spot From Solana After 37% Rise In 7 Days, Main Reasons Of ADA Price Increase

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 01:22 AM PST

    Crypto.com Restores Withdrawals After Reportedly Losing $15m To Hackers

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 01:27 AM PST

    Influencers could face £250,000 fines in Spain for cryptocurrency ads

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 05:05 AM PST

    Warning: If you have used Multichain bridge, funds IN YOUR WALLET are at risk. Someone is exploiting it right now. You need to revoke access immediately

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 12:57 AM PST

    Warning: If you have used Multichain bridge, funds IN YOUR WALLET are at risk. Someone is exploiting it right now. You need to revoke access immediately

    If you have used Multichain bridge (formerly Anyswap) your funds are at risk and an exploit is underway. The hacker can steal your funds even if you dont do anything, if you have given approval to the contracts.

    You need to revoke the access right away.

    Critical vulnerability

    The vulnerabilities stem from certain token contracts.

    Whitehat Samczsun sounding the alarm

    You can check and revoke approvals using Multichain, or using Zapper or Revoke (dot) cash.


    submitted by /u/Set1Less
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    Influencers who are Paid to Promote Scam-/Shitcoins deserve to be Sued by Victims, They profited of their Audience being Scammed

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 06:21 AM PST

    Influencers who are paid to promote Scam-/Shitcoins to their audience on Twitter or Instagram deserve to be sued by victims of these rugpulls/ pump and dumps.

    Influencers like Kim Kardashian have promoted Shitcoins like EthereumMax (has nothing to do with the actual Ethereum), which dumped hard following the promotion by said influencers, making random, often young, people, lose all their money.

    Might be more of a controversial opinion, but: They deserve to be sued by every single victim of the scams they promoted, Shitcoins like EthereumMax never had a future, influencers just did a short cash grab, which in reality is funded by the people being scammed after their promotion, making them profit of people losing money

    submitted by /u/Dwez1337
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    Part of the success of memecoins is that their communities are stronger than the majority of other communities on this market

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 05:51 AM PST

    It's very interesting to see especially considering that memecoins have no technology to rally people behind and expect potential for the future.

    These communities are GREAT at generating hype though which is a great took especially in this market.

    We all saw the meteoric rise of coins like DOGE and SHIB and most recently ELON with a 100x and it's still going at it hard.

    If this doesn't prove that communities hold so much power over projects then I don't know what does. It's to the point where communities hold even more power than devs.

    Projects should focus a lot on their communities cause of that.

    submitted by /u/jesusvsaquaman
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    Bitcoin May Soon Wake From Slumber, Derivatives Data Indicate

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 04:00 AM PST

    How Silk Road Impacted Bitcoin

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 11:17 PM PST

    I'm curious to know this sub's point of view on how the Silk Road marketplace affected Bitcoin as we know it. While the dark web marketplace was essentially shut down years ago, I feel as though the current state of crypto would be different had the marketplace never existed.

    I understand that Silk Road's goals were far more than just gaining exposure for cryptocurrencies, but it did open a lot of people's eyes up on the potential that cryptocurrencies offer. With nearly 1 Million buyers and consumers interacting with the market place at one point, it would be silly to say that this didn't bring massive exposure and utility to the new form of currency.

    That being said, where do you think Bitcoin and other forms of crypto would be today without Silk Road? The way I see it, there's 3 main takes on the impact:

    • Positive: Silk Road provided so much exposure to the potential of cryptocurrencies that it outweighs the negative concepts attached to the marketplace.
    • Neutral: With or without Silk Road, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were inevitably going to succeed, and the online marketplace did nothing to speed up this process.
    • Negative: If it weren't for the illegal activities that Bitcoin has been utilized for, such as silk road, cryptocurrencies would have had faster progression and less skepticism from the public eye and the government.

    Coming from somebody who got into crypto long after Silk Road's days had come to an end, I'm very interested to hear some of this sub's responses. Cheers friends.

    submitted by /u/staunchnation
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