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    Monday, March 8, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Monthly Skeptics Discussion - March 2021

    Cryptocurrency Monthly Skeptics Discussion - March 2021

    Monthly Skeptics Discussion - March 2021

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Welcome to the Monthly Skeptics Discussion thread. The goal of this thread is to promote critical discussion by challenging popular or conventional beliefs. Please read the rules and guidelines before participating.


    • All sub rules apply here.
    • Discussion topics must be on topic, i.e. only related to skeptical or critical discussion about cryptocurrency. Markets or financial advice discussion, will most likely be removed and is better suited for the daily thread.
    • Promotional top-level comments will be removed. For example, giving the current composition of your portfolio or stating you sold X coin for Y coin(shilling), will promptly be removed.
    • Karma and age requirements are in full effect and may be increased if necessary.


    • Share any uncertainties, shortcomings, concerns, etc you have about crypto related projects.
    • Refer topics such as price, gossip, events, etc to the Daily Discussion.
    • Please report top-level promotional comments and/or shilling.

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    • Read through the CryptoWikis Library for material to discuss and consider contributing to it if you're interested. r/CryptoWikis is the home subreddit for the CryptoWikis project. Its goal is to give an equal voice to supporting and opposing opinions on all crypto related projects. You can also try reading through the Critical Discussion search listing.
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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Discussion - March 8, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Turned my girlfriends Coinbase earn rewards into a vacation.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:56 PM PST

    In early November I signed my girlfriend up for coinbase and consolidated her $33 of Earn rewards into UNI when it was slightly above $2.00 per token. Today it reached around $500 dollars and we are taking a little trip to the coast. Just wanted to share. Happy gains friends!

    EDIT: Geez guys/gals, all the love on this post truly warms my heart and is the reason I love this sub. Cheers to celebrating small victories together.

    EDIT 2: I appreciate all the people creating awareness about taxes when taking profits, it's definitely something that was taken into account before deciding to splurge a little.

    Ps. Sorry if I made anyone think UNI hit $500 haha. My bad y'all.

    submitted by /u/Sherman888
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    Recovered old Bitcoin wallet!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 12:30 AM PST

    So this morning I finally managed to recover a seed to an old wallet I had been mining into in like 2013/14 I didn't think there was very much in it maybe a few hundred quid! Open it up and boom 0.48 btc I'm so fucking happy it's unreal I kept some in there for the future (0.1) and cashed the rest out I've got 5 brothers and 2 sisters plus my mum and dad so I'm gonna spilt it with them £1000 each! I'm so pumped right now it's unreal 🖕🎭😳🤦‍♀️😃😞🎭🤦‍♀️💩©😄🍪😀☝️☝️💩👍👍😂 whooooahhhh get in xD

    I used undelete 360 which is free so if anyone has tons of old hardware lying round their house (which I'm sure a lot of you do) give it a go!

    I know we aren't supposed to keep private keys on hdd but I'm so glad I did!!! I had renamed a txt file to dat to try and keep it secure and just saved it as key - idk if that was a good security measure and I'm sure people can tell me why it's not but yeah it kept it safe just long enough to really help out my family during this bloody Covid crap!

    Hope others have some luck too!

    submitted by /u/Ddwaggy
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    My Father-In-Law - The Crypto Boomer

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:36 PM PST

    It's 2011. We're having a nice Friday night dinner with my wife and her family. My father-in-law tells me about this new Internet coin he discovered and started "mining" from his laptop. I'm an experienced software engineer, I brush it off as nonsense. What is this Boomer even saying to me. His wife laughs at him. I chuckle a bit too. My mind doesn't give it a second thought. Bitcoin? meh.

    *fast forward*

    It's 2015. My father-in-law invites me downstairs to his basement. It feels like hell. I have never felt such heat in my entire life. He shows me his new mining rigs with pride. He tells me he's mining a new coin called "Ethereum" now. I pat him on the back and go back upstairs. I see my mother-in-law crying. She asks me if her husband has gone insane. He spent most of their savings on internet magic money.

    For the next 2 years... I hear her constantly ridiculing him and making fun of his 'dumb coins'. My mother-in-law's jaw starts hurting from bickering 24/7. My father-in-law shrugs it off every time and goes down to his basement to check on his rigs. It is hot like the sun down there. He's always kind of sweaty. I bring him a beer, and help him replace a broken fan.

    It's 2017. Everyone I know is standing in line to have my father-in-law build a mining rig for them. Myself included. I buy my first Bitcoin.

    My mother-in-law's jaw is still hurting, nowadays because she wakes up my father-in-law with a morning blowjob and fresh pancakes every day. He is hailed as an investing genius.

    My father-in-law still doesn't say much. He sells some coins and pays off the mortgage.

    He builds rigs and teaches everyone in town who's interested, on how to buy crypto.

    It's 2018. I'm worried my coins are tanking. I'm down 85%. He sends me a meme with a teenage Angelina Jolie next to a sexy Angelina Jolie and the word 'HODL' printed at the bottom.

    It's 2019. My mother-in law is furious that my father in law didn't sell all those stupid coins in order to buy that second house and the new Mercedes. She told him! And the idiot didn't listen. Paying off the mortgage wasn't enough. I ask him if he regrets not selling it all - he says the only thing he regrets is marrying this woman, and goes back to his basement.

    It's 2020. My father-in-law is getting morning blowjobs again. It's some Russian model now. Her jaw doesn't hurt, she's young and fit.

    Fucking guy.

    EDIT: thanks for the comments guys. The story is real. I hate myself for not taking him seriously. Every time crypto ever comes up around me in conversation, I mention my father in law and how I should have been paying attention. Luckily, my wife doesn't really care since we're doing alright regardless :)

    submitted by /u/Dennisaryu
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    I think NFTs today are what BTC was over a 11 years ago. [Thoughts/Discussion]

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:24 PM PST

    No one today can look at NFTs today and confidently say 'this is the height of what NFTs can achieve'. It is without a doubt that the absolute sad state of the 'NFT markets' is nowhere near what they will likely end up becoming, or their purposes will evolve into (in terms of application). I find the same parallel between NFTs and BTC in the same way that BTC was once just the way to buy drugs with funny internet money, but has now become possibly a global store of value and payment intermediary (or is at least on the precipice of becoming so). If we take a look at the absolutely sad state of some NFT markets all you will see is tokenized Pepe the Frog after tokenized Pepe the Frog with a large side of blatant intellectual property infringement. Obviously, NFTs are early and yet to find their niche or application, but I still think there are some exciting prospective NFT roads ahead, which if you're just interested in the tech or are an investor like me I think they offer a really large door for everyone to get some value from. I've linked some traditional media articles to demonstrate even large companies are interested in NFTs. What does this mean? Really good uptake. It means that companies are going to pour money into it, get early adaption going, and it means projects can really begin to innovate in new and exciting ways.

    Mark Cuban is not necessarily a 'crypto' guy or a maxi but he understands business and I find it interesting how highly he talks of NFTs to the point he is even now suggesting Laker's tickets might be tokenized.


    Also, a good article here by Forbes that sort of hints at where companies are going to go with NFTs that could give us some indication of the potential profits that lie ahead for some:


    There are obviously countless projects, but here are a few that people can read about to either learn more or get interested in (from either an investing standpoint or just out of an interest of the potential of NFTs). What excites me is the diversity we are seeing allover the place, and as anyone knows a wide range of diversity and a large melting pot leads to unique and creative ways to do things, and I truly think we will see a much more larger and useful purpose for NFTs down the line that today we can't really comprehend yet.

    Ecomi (OMI): Partnerships, partnerships, partnerships. If you invest in crypto, this is the day trader's wet dream; news that is going to drive big spikes in price. And we're not talking little ones, we're talking Marvel and other large companies creating virtual NFTs that people can buy and use. The AR element of this is very interesting too. What I like is that they're not just creating NFTs, or NFTs for AR, they are innovating new ways to enjoy those NFTs in a virtual space with things like showrooms, instead of just digital things you can buy—they want you to interact with and that is a big part of what is going to drive demand (and value in the token/company). I actually think this is a really fun project, and I think it's going to drive over the barrier people might have into trying to get amongst NFTs.

    OpenSea: Think eBay, but NFTs. Make a custom NFT you want, or of an existing product/IP you have created, and sell it on an open market. OpenSea takes a small fee which goes back to token holders. The beauty of this is you don't have to be a creator yourself, or if you are a creator you don't have to be a large one. It's perfect for people looking for new and unique NFTs from a wide range of creators, and the fact that it's not just big names like NBA, Marvel, etc means you're going to find a lot of weird, new and unique ideas and NFTs floating around. I like this because it presents sort've a second-hand antique store bargain hunting opportunity where your weird NFT you purchased may just be a dud, or may one day become something immensely valuable (not likely, but who knows!).

    SeedSwap: SeedSwap (SNFT or Seed N Feed Token) is based on a meme from the Simpsons TV show about a shop called Sneed's. It's basically a two-second clip that's never referenced in the show ever again, but is one of the longest-lasting and most popular memes on the 4chan website (a testament to their weirdness). Why would anyone ever be interested in it? NFTs. It is a project that is going to launch an NFT marketplace like OpeanSea, but will also have some innovative staking rewards such as NFTs and NFT discounts based on farming habits which means integrating staking into consuming real products. I like this because 1: meme coins are always undervalued because they are almost always garbage. And, 2: because it is seeking to do something in it's memeness that's actually practical, like OpenSea'. This means the difference between its initial ICO value and it's stable value will be much larger, and better for ROI. Edit: Note they are having an airdrop on their website seedswap.io so check it out and get your some FREEBIES!

    Overall, to be honest, my favourite are NFT based games where you can farm for rewards that can interact with gaming engines simply because I think this is a fun outlet for NFTs that may bring a more mainstream crowd. I think a lot of the public uptake comes from simplicity, and integration into things as simple as mobile games is going to go a long way to making crypto mainstream (and not just on reddit mainstream, I mean really integrated into the world).

    Nonetheless, it seems NFTs are very popular right now for innovation, and I think we are going to see a ton of new ideas and unique purposes for NFTs we can't even conceive right now, but will later go on to shape the market. If you have any interesting ideas, or seen any unique or interesting NFTs (or even good NFT investments let me know, or if that's against the rules feel free to PM me).

    Final note, to some comments I am not saying NFTs as they are, but what maybe they will be down the line

    submitted by /u/da_pandas
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    This sub looks much better without the flood of memes

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:46 PM PST

    Seriously, it is much more enjoyable and useful this way. I haven't much time to read this sub during working days and on the weekends this sub was so silly being full of repeated memes. I really hope it stays like it is now. Thanks for the awesome job.

    submitted by /u/leires-leires-leires
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    Just a reminder that the US Governement doesn’t actually have 1.9 Trillion to hand out.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:03 AM PST

    This money will be completely printed out of thin air via the non-governmental agency that is the federal reserve. It does nothing other then create inflation in the economy. The trick will be to figure out where the inflation will show up. Normal quantitative easing usually shows up in equities and expensive shit like art and yachts because it's sent to large banks and distributed to the already wealthy. This time the people get the cash... I think equities will still do fine but crypto is bound to pop up. It isn't that anything is more valuable it's that the dollar is worth less in terms of those assets.

    Full disclosure: I'm Canadian and will 100% be riding the financial asset inflation wave 🏄

    Edit: first post and I manage a spelling error in the title 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Edit 2: My first award! Thanks u/marvage 🤗

    submitted by /u/rockyjunior
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    Coin specific subreddits are echo Chambers. Do not use them for investment advice!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:14 AM PST

    As the title says, specific crypto subreddits are echo Chambers where only positive sentiment is upvoted to the top.

    You will not receive an unbiased opinion or answer to your questions. In fact in some subreddits negative comments are completely removed with posters even possibly being banned.

    submitted by /u/Dangeruk
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    ⚠️ WARNING: do not use cent.co to buy NFTs - their smart contract is flawed, and contains logic allowing the admin to steal ALL THE MONEY ⚠️

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:01 PM PST

    Born too late to explore the Earth. Born too early to explore the stars. But born just in time to invest in Bitcoin.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:18 PM PST

    I’ve decided I will ask “do you take Bitcoin” every time I buy something from now on.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Not because I want to spend my Bitcoin (I'm a Hodler) but just to spread awareness. I think you should all consider doing the same. No need for us to be private about it in most cases. Crypto and Bitcoin need to be household names for us to really see some serious price appreciation from here.

    If they do take Bitcoin, I'll just pay and then immediately buy more. Sure, there will be a negligible amount in tax, but I can't afford it.

    submitted by /u/adsvark
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    My crypto mistake in 2016 cost me about $6,850,000 with current prices. What was your worst crypto mistake?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:23 PM PST

    No Cap Invest checking in with my oopsie.

    I discovered Ethereum when I was 19 still in college. I tried mining it but didn't succeed. (Nowadays I'm mining $2k a month and I'm building a solar powered bitcoin mining farm. I know, just like vosk.)


    I bought an ethereum mining contract for $300 when Ethereum was at $0.07.

    I got basically nothing in return, and had I just bought instead, I would have 4,285 ETH. Or about $6.9 million dollars.

    it messes with me every day, but I learned my lesson. After working for the largest bitcoin exchange in the world for over a year, I only grew even more in love with blockchain. it keeps me up at night. I catch myself day dreaming of the possibilities and applications, and how things will develop geopolitically, philosophically, and of course, technologically.

    EDIT: When I said 'it messes with me every day' I don't mean I'm suffering. I'm doing great and its probably the best thing that ever happened to me, as it lead to me to learn more and eventually get a job working at a crypto exchange. Yeah it sucks but that's life, can only keep your head up and keep going.

    Edit 2: To all the people saying that i would have sold at 20, 30, or 100k: i bought and held btc before that and still have not sold. i have about 10 altcoins that i hold and earn interest on through DeFi. So knowing myself, its highly unlikely. I even went and sold some of my btc and bought more eth so i ended up having several eth, but not thousands.

    submitted by /u/koct
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    “We could have been rich” says my paper-handed partner...

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:02 AM PST

    You know all these posts about people telling their sold-too-soon-stories?

    My partner is one of them. But he has not learned his lesson yet.

    He got into Bitcoin at the end of 2011, when it was mostly used to buy stuff off the darknet. After accumulating a couple BTC he sold it for - for a Domino's pizza.

    So far so good..

    The year is now 2021 and this guy has so far sold a shit load of UNI, DOT and ETH in early February.

    Ironically, he tells me everyday how much we could have made if he didn't sell.

    submitted by /u/ChipmunkAmazing
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    I’m quickly turning into a socialist

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:15 AM PST

    I'll be completely honest. For long chunks of my life I've lived with tunnel vision. As long as I was okay, I didn't care too much about what was going on in the world outside of that. I lived in a bubble, and I was happy with that.

    The past year has been too painful to ignore. Even though I've been fortunate, I'm more aware of how others are not. While your average person might be suffering, the rich continue to get richer. The company I work for netted billions of dollars this year and had the nerve to complain that they were beneath their goal numbers.

    For me this past year was a turning point, and I think it may have been for a lot of others as well. Last Fall I voted for the first time in ten years. If we were going to spend another 4 years with Trump as our president then I needed to at least be able to tell my little girls I did my part to try and stop it.

    I joined the crypto world not too long ago as well. If I'm being honest, I joined for the investment opportunity as many of us have. Years in the corporate world sucks the life out of you and this seemed like it may offer me a way out. The bullshitting and brown nosing quickly grows old and I'm not sure I can last as long as I need to.

    The reason I'm staying in the crypto world isn't because of the investment opportunity, but because I believe in the DeFi future. We cannot continue to rely on the government and big banks to protect us and continue to be let down by them, we cannot continue to let them rob us of our money by forcing us to pay for their unnecessary services, and we need to give second and third world countries better opportunities to succeed.

    There's too many people with too much money and too many people with not enough. I want to see that changed.

    Moons are the next step on my socialist journey. The last couple months has been eye-opening in terms of the power of moons. People are paying utility bills with their moons, people are able to pay rent in some countries with their moons. We now have this special power granted to us. Just by giving someone an upvote we can essentially donate a small amount of money at no cost to ourselves. I think that's amazing and I hope others enjoy the beauty in that just by clicking a button we can help make someone else's life a little better.

    I never thought I would be this kind of person. I'm not talking about the sharing the wealth aspect of being a socialist. I've always enjoyed spreading the love. I'm talking about turning into a radical who wants to change the world. Screw the banks, Fuck the system, let's make the world a better place.

    submitted by /u/marchdk2016
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    Conspiracy time: First weekend without memes = First weekend without dip. Coincidence ?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:09 AM PST

    Is it possible that our memes were so bad that we caused the market dips every previous weekend ?

    Any lurker that saw the state of this subreddit on the weekend started thinking about how much stupid money is invested in his favorite crypto project, so he decided to sell it right away :)

    Source: Look into it

    What do you guys think ? Put your tin foil hat on and comment any additional theories you have

    submitted by /u/mirza1h
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    4.6million transactions in less than 24hours!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:53 PM PST

    NANO did more than 4.6million transactions in less than 24hours for 0 network fees.

    That is 3 times of Bitcoin, Litecoin and Etherium COMBINED.

    The network fees of these would have been dozens of millions of dollars.

    Transactions are still settling under a second.

    The next generation of cryptocurrency are here and not just on paper, it is live and more decentralised than aforementioned.

    It is a great time for all cryptocurrency fans!


    submitted by /u/srikar_tech
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    No Meme weekend was amazing...

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:43 PM PST

    Just wanted to say that this was the first weekend in a long time that I actually enjoyed this sub during the weekend. It was usually full of crappy memes and lacking good content, the good content that was being submitted was getting buried down and hard to find. Whoever had the idea to ban memes on the weekend needs to get a prize, some moons or something....at least a hand job.

    submitted by /u/rorowhat
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    A new theory on who Satoshi (the creator of Bitcoin) may be

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:32 AM PST

    I realize what I'm about to say sounds a little crazy. (That makes me sane, right?) Bear with me. I've been working on this theory for a little bit and really enjoyed the journey of putting these pieces together, and figured you guys may enjoy it too.

    So, we all know Satoshi from his most popular creation Bitcoin. However, very few people know that it wasn't his only idea. He had a second. He proposed another crypto technology to solve the "Bitcoin snack machine" problem. What Satoshi is describing in the link is an idea to settle transactions asynchronously, in under 10 seconds, through node propagation rather than the traditional mining that Bitcoin uses.

    Sound familiar? It didn't occur to me that his second proposal is in use right now until I came across the project doing some research. That project is called Nano. While the comment is clearly not fully fleshed out, his approach appears to be an early stage brainwave on the potential for DAGs - Directed Acyclic Graphs, settled through node propagation (more specifically a system for rapid distribution of "seen first" transactions through a mesh network of connected nodes, which only Nano uses to my knowledge), no mining, and allowing for settlement in under 10 seconds. In other words, exactly what Nano offers.

    When I found out about this and looked into Nano and its founder, Colin LeMahieu, my first thought was "cool, so Colin got the idea from Satoshi". After more digging, a surprising amount of coincidences started popping up.

    When reading the respective white papers (Bitcoin, Nano), I found their writing styles to be rather similar. I've worked in text/language analysis in previous years and have a little experience and a few connections, so I decided to dig further and pull in some help. We used a little magic to do a comparison, starting with the whitepapers (in part with help from LIWC engine). The person providing the following responses and results is a well known expert in this field, however he didn't want to be named (has no interest in crypto) so I've removed a few identifying pieces. I've made available what I can in our emails in a pastebin.

    Initial response.

    tl;dr: I can't rule out the possibility that it's the same person, but it's definitely not a resounding "yes, same person" conclusion either. Forum posts might help disambiguate a bit more, especially if there are a good number (e.g., 30 or 40 posts) of a good length (at least 50-100 words apiece, longer is better) for each person. Authorship attribution on shorter/fewer texts is generally an unsolved problem in the field. But, if that type of data exists, more is always better, and throwing in a few people who definitely aren't the same person is helpful as well.

    Fortunately this extra forum data exists since both have forum histories on Bitcointalk. See next response.

    I've pulled Colin and Satoshi's forum posts and cleaned them up, plus another random 10 users or so just as a baseline comparison. It's definitely the case that Satoshi and Colin are quite similar -- much more similar than Satoshi and just some other random forums users. The degree to which they're similar, however, varies from "they're the same person" to "they're similar, but definitely different people" depending on the analytic method chosen here. This is common, and I'll preface this by saying that the more "simplistic" analytic methods show them as being highly similar, whereas slightly more sophisticated approaches still differentiate them without any trouble. An example using a statistical method called linear discriminant analysis basically says that they're identical (note that the "ungrouped cases" here is Colin):

    That said, a couple of caveats here. The first is that, in both graphs, notice that Satoshi's cluster is quite tight and well-defined. Colin's cluster is more diffuse. One reason for this is that there's less language data for Colin, so the estimates of his positions are a bit more uncertain. However, this could be taken as evidence of a couple of other things:

    • He's more variable than Satoshi in general, which might mean that he is a bit less of a "fixed" personality than Satoshi.
    • The posts being made by Colin are authored by more than one person, one of which could be the user posting as Satoshi

    There certainly appears to be something there. I tried to discover other connections outside of language analysis and didn't come up empty handed.

    In the latest known communication from Satoshi, dated April 23rd 2011, he mentions having moved on to other things. This is followed by his enigmatic post about him not being Dorian Nakamoto almost a full 3 years later (March 7th 2014), after which nothing was ever heard of Satoshi again. The first commit to the Nano Github happens less than 2 months later, on May 1st.

    While claiming in official communications that Colin developed this new distributed network alone, the first post about RaiBlocks (the prior name for Nano) oddly mentions "we" (remember the possibility above that Colin's bitcointalk account--writing of which is oddly similar to Satoshi's--was used by multiple people).

    RaiBlock makes one small change to existing cryptocurrency algorithms focusing on the two biggest adoption issues: high energy cost of hashing and slow transaction confirmation time. RaiBlocks achieves decentralization without the need for mining and at the same time lowers confirmation time so transactions can be confirmed almost as fast as they're broadcast to the network.

    In the famous "If you don't believe me or don't get it" comment Satoshi is linking to the snack machine post to explain how this could be as fast as swiping a credit card. In a post by Colin on Reddit, he mentions how "our transaction speed makes it useful as a payment method. You can complete a Nano transaction faster than a credit card transaction".

    The original Bitcoin white paper was created in Mountain Standard Time. The original Nano white paper was created in Central Standard Time. These are time zones that border each other in the United States. We know that Colin has lived and worked in and around these areas at various points in his life.

    At some point we may do further analysis of available texts. I think there are certainly enough coincidences here for a good mystery though, and I hope you guys enjoyed the read!

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Apple
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    A middle finger to my ex and a wink n nod to the crypto gods

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:48 PM PST

    Like millions of others, I bought my original BTC around 150-700 and then sold in 2017 after some medical issues causing me to lose my job. Obviously, a very big mistake but lesson learned.

    Last year, my bride-to-be and I began to set aside cash in the midst of the pandemic via deferring our crushing rent (Los Angeles) and debts (student loans, her addiction to consumption, my medical, etc.). I pulled everything out of stocks and such and altogether, I invested around 13k into crypto.

    Again, like millions of others, I was not in my right mind throughout the pandemic, lockdown, riots, etc. I was broken and not acting like myself. Don't want to get too personal but for example, I'm suffering PTSD from watching people get shot point-blank in the streets and get ran over, blah blah blah. All sad. Point is, I became something other than myself.

    In spite of the fact that I had been there for her through addiction, relapses, family deaths, etc., my significant other could not handle these changes to my daily attitude and behaviors. She acted out by cheating on me with someone I despise. Then treated me very poorly for weeks, even as I bought us a nice vacation among other things. She then dropped over 20k worth of rent and debts on me and left me in the dust.

    Now, my original investments are edging on a value of 200k give or take and guess who keeps asking me for money? Guess who is declaring bankruptcy? Guess who is getting cheated on with their new bf? Guess who to a thousand more similar questions. Her argument is that it was both of us using our money but it's all in my name and she dropped more debt on me than what she contributed to wtf does she expect. I might help anyway because I'm not a complete ass but it's nice being the winner here.

    Funny how someone thinks they can do better without you but then they end up doing worse. Anyway, just wanted to share the underdog story and celebrate my big win in the face of so many losses this past year.

    I'm excited to retire in ten years!! HODL HODL HODL

    TLDR; fiancee cheated and left me due to my mental illness from the shit show of 2020 but my 13k crypto investment last year is up to around 200k and she's begging me for money falsely claiming it belongs to both of us. I win.

    submitted by /u/unlimitedpubes
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    I literally bought a Land with Bitcoin Cash

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:17 AM PST

    What are the top 5 (or 10) Altcoins to invest and hold for the next 2 years?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:20 AM PST

    Hello to everyone! I hope all of you guys are doing great and having awesome times, wishing peace and love to everyone.

    Since I'm a beginner in the Crypto Scene,

    I wanted to know what are the Top 5/10 Altcoins to invest in and hold for the next 2 years.

    That's my plan for now as I need to plan for the future for my studies and I think it's the right one to hold the Altcoins since most of the good Altcoin increase in price over a period of time, please correct me If I'm wrong because that's my analysis till yet.

    Any kind of information and advice would be really appreciated and might help me in setting up my future. I'll be deeply grateful for the help, Cheers!

    submitted by /u/TooEdgyForHumans
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    No Crypto ban in India!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:37 PM PST

    Meitu Inc, a Hong Kong stock exchange traded company has just purchased 15,000 ETH and 379 BTC in open market transactions for US$22.1 million and US$17.9 million respectively from its cash reserves.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:55 AM PST

    Let's summarize the past week of crypto!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:36 PM PST

    It's been an exiting exciting week with lots of movement in all directions! The sub feels a whole lot happier after this week. This is mainly due to the increased amount of potassium in /r/CryptoCurrency 's diet!

    • The market cap is once again near 1.6t!
    • ETH has made enormous gains! Mostly in amount of mentions in the daily, but it's also done pretty swell in its value gains. Finally above 1700 again and moving towards 1800.
    • BTC broke the 50k barrier about 50k times, now having fun above 51k.
    • LTO is being shilled with such intensity it has started to pump tremendously! Gratz, LTO holders!
    • VET has finally started moving again and even came close to 6 cents.
    • Tether has been pushed down to 5th place, and we all love seeing that.
    • XRP has become stablecoin. XLM also still stablecoin, but lower on the ladder.
    • DOT, UNI and LINK have seen some good movement. Especially UNI, you go you one horned horse!
    • ATOM is below 20, so... ehmm, sorry ATOM lovers. :(
    • Another seeming favourite, AAVE, at least managed to go above 400. cheers on AAVE
    • NANO has fallen asleep for a week, but its cousin BANANO has been taking over its duties, making sickly gains of 100% the past week.
    • Some of the regular talked about ones, IOTA, EGLD and ALGO have seen gains of 6-15%. Hey, gains are gains!
    • PAID owners didn't exactly get their big bonus.
    • ADA shilling has significantly reduced as it's not been moving a whole lot.
    • NFT bubble has been gaining more size as the sub figured out they exist.
    • ENJ got loads of attention this week.
    • Oh yeah, almost forgot about this one. Doge barely been moving and even gone under 5 cents a few times. Now, let's ignore it some further.
    • BNB is still waiting to board its rocket. Fueling up that gigantic thing is taking ages.
    • Furthermore, BNB has gotten extra hate the past week and is now on schedule to be more hated than Doge and Musk combined.
    • I found out there is a cryptocurrency called CHONK and I am still giggling over it.
    • The biggest gainer of the week is CHZ, with a beautiful 157%. ENJ a close second with 154%
    • Other great gainers of the week are MANA at 81%, BNT at 75%, OCEAN at 74%, FLOW at 66%, TFUEL at 54% and one we actually know, LUNA at 50%
    • Only 6 coins in the top 100 actually went red this week! One of them doesn't like being talked about, though.
    • The biggest loser of the week is, ehmm... ehmm, sorry ADA fanboys. You're this week's biggest loser. You lost 13%. ;.;
    • Stepping outside of the top 100 we see multiple unknown coins with big gains. One has been getting some attention with a recent Binance listing. AUDIO. 131%.
    • Even in the top 500, the biggest loss is only 33%. Bull market anyone? Woohoo!

    (If I forgot an important one, please let me know in the comments.)


    • The brave BAT few out into daylight and has become quite famous in reddit very fast. Users making cents a day watching ads!
    submitted by /u/Arghmybrain
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    If crypto was a sport league and coins a team. Welcome to the Crypto Fantasy League (Week 1)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 01:48 AM PST

    If crypto was a sport league and coins a team. Welcome to the Crypto Fantasy League (Week 1)

    Ladies and gentleman's, welcome to the Fantasy Crypto league (week 1). I decided to have some fun and create an fantasy crypto league with all the top 20 coins who are currently listed in the TOP 20 Cryptocurrencies by market cap. I will do this regularly if this catches some interest in this sub. We removed memes, and to be honest, it seems like a good move, but still, I don't see any reason to be too serious and I hope we are still able to be a bit creative and have some fun.

    That is why I created this crypto league. Each game week there will be two cryptos paired and they will play a "game". The rules are simple, but we can make them more complex as time passes.

    All the current top 20 crypto coins (by the current crypto market cap) will play a game with each other. This means a total number of 19 game weeks in the first part of the season, after that the best 8 crypto teams are making it into the playoffs. Now to make things interesting we won't take in consideration the current price or market cap, but rather take in consideration the weekly growth rate of each crypto. Each Monday two crypto teams are paired and the winner is the one who had a higher growth rate. Points are distributed as following:

    Positive growth rate point distribution

    1 points: positive growth rate up to 5.00% in a week

    2 points: positive growth rate above 5.00% and up to 10.00%

    3 points: positive growth rate above 10.00% and up to 20.00%

    5 points: positive growth rate above 20.00% and up to 30.00%

    7 points: positive growth rate above 30.00% and up to 50.00%

    10 points: positive growth rate above above 50.00% and up to 100.00%

    12 points: positive growth rate above 100.00%

    Negative growth rate point distribution:

    -1 points: negative growth rate up to -5.00%

    -2 points: negative growth rate up to -10.00%

    -3 points: negative growth rate up to -20.00%

    -5 points: negative growth rate up to -30.00%

    -7 points: negative growth rate up to -50.00%

    -10 points: negative growth rate up to -100.00%

    -12 points: negative growth more than -100.00%

    To make things a bit more interesting, there are additional points gathered between two coins who are competing during a game week, a crypto team will gain points depending on the growth difference between the two cryptos, here is an example of a randomized pair from last week:

    (1) Bitcoin Team vs. Ethereum Team (2)


    The Difference points are based on the growth point distribution, in this case the difference between two cryptos was 9.97%, which means that the Ethereum team snapped 2 additional points and therefore winning the game making the result 5-2 in favor of the Ethereum team.

    This point distribution will IMO make things more interesting and more unpredictable.

    Now let's look at the full League table:


    After 19 game weeks, the best 8 crypto teams go into the playoffs. The system is straight forward, once in the playoffs the league 1st placed will play against the leagues 8th placed crypto team in a one game match up. Here is the full list of the playoff games:

    Best 8 Game Week:

    Game 1: (1) placed Team vs. (8) placed Team

    Game 2: (2) placed Team vs. (7) placed Team

    Game 3: (3) placed Team vs. (6) placed Team

    Game 4: (4) placed Team vs. (5) placed Team

    Best 4 Game Week:

    Game 5: Game 1 winner vs. Game 4 winner

    Game 6: Game 2 winner vs. Game 3 winner


    Game 7: Game 5 winner vs. Game 6 winner

    Now here is the first Game week, starting from today and the results are coming up in exactly 7 days, on Monday 15th March 2021.


    1. Bitcoin Teams vs. Crypto.com Team

    2. Ethereum Team vs. Cosmos Team

    3. Tether Team vs. THETA Team

    4. Cardano Team vs. Aave Team

    5. Binance Team vs. NEM Team

    6. Polkadot Team vs. Wrapped Bitcoin

    7. XRP Team vs. Dogecoin Team

    8. Uniswap Team vs. USD Coin Team

    9. Litecoin Teams vs. Stellar

    10. Chainlink Team vs. Bitcoin Cash

    This is it. I hope this will gain some traction, if not then I will play it private and I won't spam you guys here. I would appreciate your feedback on this, and if this is interesting we can make some adjustments.

    The winner of this season will be crowned as the MOON League champion, and the winner will take its price a non-existing Moon ring.

    Thank you all, and stay safe.

    submitted by /u/vjeva
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    How I got fucked by a bag of moons

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:36 AM PST

    Last week I read all these post (like two, but it felt like a lot) about people selling their moons and cashing out big. So naturally I thought, why not kjarkr? Well one answer was that I only had a total of 700ish moons, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I found a site that let's you swap moons off of rinkeby for Nano. Like proper, actual coins. 10 of them actually, so a whopping $50! :D

    I got the coins over to my exchange and carefully pulled out. I then immediately released that this is nowhere near enough money to fulfill any of my big dreams. Except maybe one. One small one. So I went for it.

    A few days ago, my first Aneros prostate massager arrived in the mail. It was an experience I'll tell you that. So this is the story of how I got fucked by moons. Be careful out there, it could happen to you too!

    Edit: Wow, looks like this guy might be getting the Deluxe version once this rounds moons drop. Thanks y'all! :D

    submitted by /u/kjarkr
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