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    Monday, June 25, 2018

    Cryptography A question about MD5 hashes

    Cryptography A question about MD5 hashes

    A question about MD5 hashes

    Posted: 24 Jun 2018 09:01 PM PDT

    I want to start by saying I'm a complete noobie in this area, so I'll try to explain everything according to my understanding first, and if anything's wrong, I'll be glad if you could correct it.

    With that out of the way, as far as I understand MD5 (or any hashing in general) is that it is a process that takes a string of binary numbers (be it text or a file) and applies calculations on it that result in a certain amount of characters as output (32 in MD5s case). So, if one bit is changed the outputted hash will be different making it a good tool to verify downloaded files from alteration or corruption.

    If what I've understood above is true, then why isn't hashing used in DRMs for programs that checks for alteration, I mean a cracked exe should have different MD5 (or any hash) than the genuine one, so if the program is made to check its executable's hash at the beginning of running, shouldn't that be hindering piracy? If so, why wasn't this implemented yet since I think it's a very powerful tool against piracy?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Derura
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    "Software" Security Role

    Posted: 24 Jun 2018 04:26 PM PDT

    Interviewing with a company that's trying to make up a role for me that's going to lead security between disparate teams, eg. devs + backend + devops.

    Confused about the differences between "information security" for data, "cyber security" relatively new term, and "network security" roles. Also, I'm hoping to not have a "engineer" in the title, but researcher or specialist to highlight the work I'll be doing in privacy/ML.

    My dev experience will be used to evaluate & architect new distributed systems, work in the cloud, infrastructure is relevant. But pigeonholing "software" in my title seems really weird. What is the appropriate term for work like this? I'll be using crypto protocol analysis mainly, looking into their IAM a little bit, no auditing work.

    What kind of animal am I? Please enlighten me!

    submitted by /u/__levelofindirection
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