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    Tuesday, January 2, 2018

    Cryptocurrency Daily General Discussion - January 2, 2018

    Cryptocurrency Daily General Discussion - January 2, 2018

    Daily General Discussion - January 2, 2018

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:12 PM PST

    Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread.

    Disclaimer: This thread is open to all readers, and hence is not as strictly moderated as the rest of the sub. Consider any information posted on this daily thread with a pinch of salt, and always cross check the information with known sources. If you find this thread is being used to brigade a particular coin or project, bring it to our notice via the Modmail.

    Any trade information posted on this open thead may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PND) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and excercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned on this thread


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    Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ETH has passed $900 and has retaken the #2 market cap spot from XRP

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:28 PM PST

    The Secret Art of Altcoin Trading

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:02 PM PST

    Crypto trading logic

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 04:37 PM PST

    Why I think that Enigma is super undervalued

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:26 PM PST

    The whitepaper is great, really well written and shows full understanding of the product, it's not just buzzwords!

    The technology is super unique, it's the only coin that lets you use private dApps within the blockchain.

    Team, its great. Alex Pentland is apart of it, he's a top comp-sci expert.

    The partnerships are made of giants.

    The mcap is only 250m, huge potential for growth.

    I fully believe this should be above XVG in terms of marketcap. Its better in every way, the monero of ETH.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql4Z_H0fzCU This video explains it better than I ever could.

    submitted by /u/nikiHXM
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    The Stellar coin has some of the Whose Who of Silicon Valley on their team. Definitely undervalued @ only $.48 cents.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:15 PM PST

    Welcome to ‘the year of altcoins’

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:01 AM PST

    Me waiting for XRB to dip, so I can finally buy in.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:06 PM PST

    A fundamental quantitative valuation of REQ (Request Network) - Report in comments.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:11 PM PST

    XRB on a mission. Just surpassed $30!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 04:37 PM PST

    Livestream AMA by Sunny Lu starts soon! Subscribe to 'Foundation VeChain' and get ready for the AMA!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:36 AM PST

    The top 10 cryptos to buy for 2018 - discuss!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:51 AM PST

    Hey guys, just sharing my knowledge as a frequent trader of both stocks and cryptos of a few years now. 10 essential cryptos/coins/tokens everyone should think about owning in 2018. Feel free to share your own essentials.

    1. Rai Blocks(XRB) -- In its simplicity, it currently works beautifully. If it can continue to scale with no fees and maintain the quick tx times, it WILL be a top 5-10 market cap coin by end of year. This is the new litecoin/DASH/original Bitcoin spiritual successor. Very few things have seen the growth that XRB has this year. The only things holding it back are some questions on security, and the need for idiot-proof mobile wallets with good UI for widespread use and adoption.

    2. Ethereum(ETH) -- A strong foundation in place for dApps. With the influx of money, dApps are likely to continue to grow in 2018. Ether also is quickly becoming the preferred all-purpose crypto for exchange sites. They are also the current platform for many popular erc20 tokens going into 2018 such as REQ. Even if other dApp platforms take off, ETH looks like a strong contender to try and remain decentralized and innovative with its approaches to the technology.

    3. Stellar Lumens (XLM) -- When people realize this is essentially a slightly more decentralized version of ripple with half the circulating supply and an IBM backing, it will take off. Huge focus on micropayments and quick tx times.

    4. Bitcoin(BTC) -- Bitcoin is a giant question mark. They clearly have the name recognition and "old guard" status, but their fate relies on being able to reduce their high tx fee and times. Plans are in place, but there are strong arguments for both sides of why this may or may not work considering the emerging tech. Regardless, worth investing a portion of a portfolio in due to its store of value status , being able to acquire practically every alt coin out there, and being the most notable crypto in existence.

    5. Request Network(REQ) -- Despite its current run, REQ has one of the strongest roadmaps for 2018. Their actual product is quite simple and yet desirable, as the world as quickly needing an efficient method to transact both crypto and fiat through a trusted source. The ambition comes from their vision to implement this as effectively as paypal. Support from YCombinator and other strong sources will guarantee this is a finished product that could be one of the first to break crypto into the mainstream for mobile and retail purchases

    6. Neo (NEO) -- Dubbed the "Ethereum" of China, it's clear Neo is the frontrunner for dApps in the East going into 2018. China presents a semi-closed off market, and Neo has the most connections and foundation in place. I am bullish af on dApps as you can tell. Deep Brain Chain was one of Neo's first and it is already taking off. I feel like Neo is highly undervalued at the moment and one of the surest bets to see a steady price increase throughout 2018.

    7. Walton (WTC) /VeChain (VEN) -- take your pick, both focused on RFID integration with blockchain. One of the most practical approaches to applying tech to the business world. Currently undervalued!

    8. ICON (ICX) -- another great platform to invest in that has the backdoor to a closed market (Korea). This would have likely risen in price even higher than it did earlier in December if their Main net release wasn't delayed until January. They are the frontrunner to be the best dApp platform for South Korea

    9. Enigma (ENG) -- with blockchains actually being adopted by businesses and institutions, enigma has the current most versatile program for privatizing data on any blockchain. A year of growth would make them look very undervalued right now if we are to be bullish as a whole on crypto in 2018. I think this is much more promising than the current slew of privacy currencies which will likely maintain their value or only slightly rise.

    10. Dogecoin (DOGE) -- because 1 doge will always = 1 doge, and if the entire market crashes, you will want your money in this. Trust me.

    I would love to hear your opinions, I'm sure many will disagree. But my portfolio has strongly grown over last year and I am confident in these choices.

    submitted by /u/broccoleet
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    Interesting crypto stats for 2017

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:31 AM PST

    Price DOES NOT Equal Valuation

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:49 PM PST

    I know there are a lot of new people entering crypto and trying to understand how to value altcoins and their growth potential. However, it seems like many people do not understand that the price of a coin does not equal it's valuation or potential.

    For example, I saw a tweet today from someone from someone who believed privacy coins will be a trillion dollar market and so he recommends Verge (XVG) because it has the lowest price per coin and has the most room to grow! And he was making a BUY recommendation to 2k+ followers based on this mistaken understanding of valuation!

    So I thought it would be worth sharing a quick overview on how to approach valuation when looking at cryptocurrency. In fact, it's not that different from stocks.

    Price ≠ Valuation
    First off, the price of the coin is virtually irrelevant. Price is not the same as valuation or market cap. One coin can have a price of $0.15 and another can have a price of $15 and the latter can still have a lower valuation/market cap.

    How to calculate market cap
    Price * Supply = Market Cap (i.e. Valuation).

    It's that simple. So if you are comparing valuations of coins on CoinMarketcap.com, ignore the price and look at the column called "Market cap" https://ibb.co/g78fGb

    Also Look At Max Supply
    In addition to looking at the current market cap, you will want to look at the circulating supply vs max supply. What many people don't realize is that many coins only have a small percentage of their max supply in circulation today. The implication of this is that as supply continues to increase, the price is more likely to decrease. So in addition to looking at the total market cap today, I like to look at the potential market cap based on max supply.

    Max market cap = Price * Max Supply.

    This will give you an even better idea of relative valuation and future valuation growth potential. A coin that has a high market cap and only has a small percentage of its max supply currently circulating would have less potential of maintaining (or growing) market cap than an identical coin with a higher percentage of its max supply already in circulation (all else being equal).

    On CoinMarketCap.com: https://ibb.co/diQz9w

    So, for example, while Ripple (XRP) has a market cap of over $88b today (crazy!), if you look at the max supply you would have to believe the future valuation potential is higher than $227,000,000,000 ($2.27 price * 100,000,000,000 max supply) to believe that today's price is justified long term. If you don't believe that XRP can support that valuation, then the price has to decrease at some point. (I'll let you make that call for yourself).

    Inflationary Coins
    The next point of consideration is PoS (Proof Of Stake) coins with no max supply. This means that the coin has an infinite supply. While this sounds bad, it really depends on what the actual inflation is. Many PoS coins (NAV, PIVX, XSPEC, etc) reward wallets staking coins with 5% annually. This means the max inflation is 5% on those coins. However, that assumes every wallet is staking 100% of their coins. In reality a much smaller % of people are staking (I've heard about half). This means that the actual inflation is closer than 2.5%. This should not be a major near term concern for most currencies. Plus, if you're staking you earn new coins in proportion to the inflation so it does not deflate you.

    Other coins pay much higher rewards (I believe ARK pays 10%?) which would create more of a concern around inflation.

    I hope that helps some people better understand how to evaluate market cap and growth potential when comparing coins!

    submitted by /u/tallross
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    ‘Privacy Coin’ Verge is Allegedly Leaking Users’ IP Addresses

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:36 PM PST

    What I think I look like explaining crypto to my friends

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:00 AM PST

    Beginners guide to the difference between Cryptocurrency and Stocks

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:44 PM PST

    I see a lot of posts talking about how something like Paypal is worth 500b, therefore if RequestNetwork takes that business, then REQ coin will have a market cap of 500b and be worth like $10 each

    This, unfortunately, is wrong. You cannot compare company value to cryptocurrency market cap, because of what cryptocurrency is and what it represents.


    • Represents ownership of a company.

    • If you own 1 stock and there are 1m stocks, then you own 1/1m of that company

    • Grants holders voting rights

    • Allows shareholders them to make decisions about the board of directors

    • Grants shareholders dividends, ie a portion of a company's net profit

    • Backed up by the value of the company

    • The value on their balance sheet. The difference between balance sheet and share price x number of shares is called book to market value

    • Public shares represent an "exit", a start-up is doing well and the owners want to cash out so they go "public" allowing anyone to own their company

    • Companies have a legal obligation to create value for the shareholders

    • Shares have no limit to the number that can be created by the company, but company is obligated to act in the best interest of its shareholders

    • Public companies are required to share their financial statements

    • Public stock markets hold a lot more money, and are what's called more "Efficient", the share price includes public information very well


    • Value is determined by speculation of adoption

    • If the cryptocurrency will be used widely in the future, value will increase

    • Grants no voting rights, ownership, or dividends

    • Unrelated to financial wellbeing of company

    • Not backed up by anything except speculation of adoption

    • An ICO is done by private companies as a method of initial financing, along with seed financing

    • Companies that issue cryptocurrency have no obligation to provide wealth for people who own crypto. They are allowed to do whatever they want with the value of a crypto

    • Crypto sometimes is limited in the number of coins that can be created, the number is sometimes lowered

    • Crypto does not have to share financial statements

    • Crypto markets are very inefficient

    So there is a LOT more systemic risk in cryptocurrency. Everything is fairly new, but eventually some of these companies will go bankrupt. When that happens, eventually the currency will fall to zero. They are all start-ups, and most start-ups fail. There are obviously a lot more differences between the two, like how stock is considered part of owners equity while crypto is likely just a sold asset.

    Think of Verge for example. They have no obligation to tell you what the company is doing, and you have no ability to change its leadership. They created tokens, went ICO, got rich, continued to sell coins, then are able to collapse the company and split the profits among its legal SHAREHOLDERS.

    Those investors are much more important than people who buy crypto, because they own the company, and take the actual profits from the company. If it collapses they can sell off the company's assets and leave. Crypto holders just kind of get screwed.

    Be careful, and don't invest everything you own.

    submitted by /u/Derekh72
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    Buying beer in Walmart with XRP using Centra card

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:35 PM PST

    As of just now, Bitcoin is, according to Coinmarketcap, at its all time low in terms of Dominance (37.1%).

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:37 PM PST

    What implications could this have in the wider crypto market? Is there the danger of market losing confidence to bitcoin as a store of value? Could it be bad for all cryptos? Is a rebound for bitcoin imminent? Discuss.

    submitted by /u/Chillin_tony
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    Crypto Posts On Reddit Be Like...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:26 PM PST

    I'm so overwhelmed

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:32 AM PST

    Today my portfolio went into the 4 digits, and while that may not be a lot to some of you, it's more then I've ever held before.

    I have a love/hate relationship with this subreddit, I browse it everyday but also think you guys are the biggest greediest cunts I've ever met.

    And no I don't hold RaiBlocks, and not looking for a reason why I should.

    I just wanted to say thanks to crypto for giving me a passion.

    submitted by /u/mrrandomguy466
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    REQ hype train

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 03:03 PM PST

    Hey guys, not sure if this type of post is permitted, but I'm just trying to gauge the playing field here and would like to get some outside opinions.

    REQ is closing in on 1$ and I've been super hyped about this project since day 1; I love the project and the concepts and ideas behind it, as well as how responsive and human the team is. I purchased a ton ( a ton in my not so wealthy kind of terms) in mid november to mid December, and I'm curious if now that it's closing in on 1$ that it's still worth purchasing ?

    Thanks guys, sort of new to crypto investing. And please, let me know if this should be posted/asked elsewhere! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/FrankyFinch
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    VeChain’s THOR Power Futures = Passive Income

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:12 PM PST

    IOTA year review sum-up

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:04 AM PST

    Stellar (XLM) listed on OKEx

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:33 AM PST

    Ark finally starting to push forward marketing. Videos linked in text.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:24 PM PST

    The Ark team has addressed community input in Slack and confirmed action on some points. They have created 2 marketing and info videos in the past couple days. Good start to the New Year. For those curious, below are the videos:



    ++ Ark speaking at Miami Bitcoin Conference as a gold sponsor - https://blog.ark.io/ark-is-going-to-miami-miami-bitcoin-conference-ac6c2195de79

    ++ Ark was announced to be listed on yet another exchange after OkeX, ZecoeX - https://twitter.com/zecoex/status/947747282803462144

    Mike's verbatim: "plenty going on behind the scenes, but it's best to have things completely in place before announcing."... "I'm referring to the concerns which have been mentioned regarding PR, marketing, development progress. My personal focus has been on physical products and services using Ark."

    submitted by /u/Nutellarrhea
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