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    Monday, August 9, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - August 9, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - August 9, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - August 9, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Senator Mike Lee warns that passing crypto law will be a huge mistake | "You’re going to stifle innovation, you’re going to make a lot of people upset, and you’re going to make Americans poorer"

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:33 PM PDT


    U.S. Senator Mike Lee has raised concerns that adopting the crypto tax provision in the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill will stifle innovation and make Americans poorer. He explained that cryptocurrencies are not like securities and cannot be regulated with the same policies, noting that to do so would drive innovation offshore.

    "These aren't just stocks. It's something very different. It's a medium of exchange that, if adopted more widely, could facilitate a lot of economic activities and a lot of innovation within the United States of America."

    "What you'll see is the flight of innovation, and investments related to innovation, to offshore locations around the globe."

    "You are trying to adopt many-decades-old regulatory policies to a completely new form of exchange — one that, by the way, values very highly the privacy of those who exchange in it."

    "If what you're going do is take away that value by requiring that all of it be registered and publicly disclosed by giving the federal government the ability to peer into it, you're going to stifle innovation, you're going to make a lot of people upset, and you're going to make Americans poorer."

    Im blown away! He has outlined basically all of our arguments hasnt he?

    submitted by /u/Ardi2Ole
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    Change.org: "Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen Needs to Resign or Recuse Immediately".

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Yellen needs to resign. She is corrupt, collecting millions from the same banks she regulates. And at the forefront of these draconian anti-crypto laws that seek to stifle innovation.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    Yellen needs to resign. She is corrupt, collecting millions from the same banks she regulates. And at the forefront of these draconian anti-crypto laws that seek to stifle innovation.

    Multiple reports claim that Yellen has been the person pushing the aggressive laws against Crypto, sandwiched in the Infrastructure bill. Because if the laws pass, it will give her the power to regulate the entire crypto industry. Yellen is the person behind White House's push to favor Sen. Warner's amendment over others. While the entire crypto community has been publicly tying to educate Senators on these laws, she has been making calls behind closed doors trying to arm twist the Senators into bringing in these draconian regulations. "Shadowy"

    As it turns out she has also been getting paid by the banks she is supposed to regulate. And she is brining in regulation that kills decentralised competitors to banks, who have so far enjoyed near monopoly when it comes to controlling people's finances.

    As Treasury Secretary, she is paid by the US Government to regulate banks - a role that requires the highest standards of ethics and moral turpitude. But she has collected $7m from the same banks that she regulates! Including Citi, Citadel Securities etc. How, without impartiality, can she regulate these banks that are paying her millions of dollars in speaking fees?

    All the payments she received in 2020. All from home, due to lockdown. Collecting millions from the entities she regulates.

    Imo - public officials paid by the government should not be collecting millions from the same entities they regulate. This is nothing but grift. While it is not per se criminal, because she was doing it when she was not a Govt official, but nevertheless these payments were received between her 2 terms as Treasury Secretary.

    The ethical thing for her was to not accept the role of Treasury Secretary in the new Biden Administration, because she was aware she had been paid by the banks she is supposed to regulate. But despite all this, she took up the job. clearly indicating her lack of morals and ethics.

    She really needs to STEP DOWN. The crypto community must unite to get such greedy grifters out of public policy for good, if we need to have a fair chance at our decentralised future.

    submitted by /u/Set1Less
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    Ted Cruz: Crypto Just "Got Screwed" in US Senate

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on TW: Crypto got screwed tonight. There's a partisan disagreement on spending, so Dems objected to ALL further amendments. That means NO vote on Wyden-Lummis to lessen the damage this bill will do to crypto, & NO vote on the Cruz amd. to repeal the new crypto rules altogether.

    The result? The Senate's going to inflict billions of dollars of damage on the growing & exciting crypto industry & drive much of it overseas. There aren't 5 Senators who understand much of anything about crypto.

    What the Senate said tonight: Let's tax the hell out of something we know nothing about, so we can pass a giant bill we haven't read, and spend the American people's money on stuff we can't afford. It's reckless & harmful.

    submitted by /u/robis87
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    The crypto amendments are in YOUR hands now. There will be NO vote on the amendments unless EVERY Senator votes to consider them. This is ALL HANDS ON DECK to call your senators.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:19 PM PDT

    tl;dr: A single senator can block all consideration of crypto amendments, altogether. PLEASE call your senators to let them know that you want a vote on the crypto amendments, even if they won't vote for them.

    The U.S. Senate just voted to end debate on the Infrastructure Bill. This means that all further debate on the Infrastructure Bill will be limited to 30 hours. A final vote on the Infrastructure Bill must occur by ~3:00 AM Eastern Time on Tuesday morning. However, some of this 30-hour period may be allocated to debate and voting on the crypto amendments.

    Neither the Warner/Portman/Sinema amendment, nor the Wyden/Toomy/Lummis amendment will even be voted on unless every senator votes to be allowed to vote on the amendment and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer permits a vote. This means that just 1 out of the 100 senators can block consideration of the crypto amendments altogether. If neither of the amendments is considered, the disastrous language in the original bill (which does NOT exempt miners, validators, software/protocol developers, or wallet manufacturers) will go through. This is really bad and would mean that Janet Yellen would win. The reporting requirements would possibly mean that Americans would have to provide their name, address and verify their ID every time they purchase a Ledger cold wallet or download a new software wallet. It would also drive many miners, who just relocated to the US from China, out of business. There is a good chance that other countries would follow the U.S.'s actions and create similar laws.

    If you live in the U.S., PLEASE call your senators and ask them to "Support consideration of, and taking a vote on, BOTH the Warner/Portman/Sinema crypto amendment AND the Toomey/Wyden/Lummis." Please also ask them to "Vote YES on the Toomey/Wyden/Lummis amendment and NO on the Warner/Portman/Sinema amendment." It will suck if the Warner/Portman/Sinema amendment passes, but it will be far, far worse if neither amendment is even brought to a vote.

    This site makes it easy to call your senators. The time for us Americans to act is NOW-- the whole world is watching.


    Relevant text from the Bloomberg article, because fuck paywalls:

    "The last minute frenzy to reach a deal may prove to be fruitless if the senators are unable to get the amendment called up for a vote. The Senate has been deadlocked for days over addressing more changes to the bill because of disputes between lawmakers about which amendments to consider and how long to continue debating. Any single senator can block an amendment from getting a vote.

    'I don't know if they will allow, the floor managers and the leadership, will allow us to offer our amendment in the second 30 hours, but we're going to find out,' Lummis told reporters Sunday, referring to a 30-hour debate time period beginning Sunday night before the lawmakers will vote on final passage of the infrastructure bill."


    EDIT: You can leave a voicemail for your Senators since it is currently after business hours. Given the time-sensitive nature of the amendments, it may be more effective to speak to a staffer in the morning during business hours (After 9:00 AM Eastern Time).

    submitted by /u/poiytrewq1066
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    A database to track how US Senators vote regarding the "crypto provision" hidden in the proposed infrastructure bill

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Tech Lead's Million Token scam has been exposed as their community implodes.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    Tech Lead's Million Token scam has been exposed as their community implodes.

    As you all know, there is a scam token created by the infamous Tech Lead and marketed to his Youtube and twitter followers. He was exposed earlier today in a video produced by CoffeeZilla, who is well known for his investigatory work in the crypto space, you can view his video here.

    Not only is the price tanking due to this revelation. The community is crumbling under it's own weight as it's religious hopefuls and FUDers battle it out. To spice things up, their commander in chief and shill general has tipped the scale to FUD territory, causing complete chaos in their discord.


    What followed after this was a huge ban wave with anything making humor of the matter OR supporting his concerns. The mere mention of him also landed a ban.

    The chaos all started with a total ban of their discord server on the platform for brigading other discord servers during their so-called "raids", a form of marketing they adopted that involved their users spamming other servers with memes and messages in support for Million Token. This included the Dogecoin and Safemoon servers. However, this didn't stop them and they created a new server and carried on, until this very moment.

    I don't know how many more times we need to witness a scam like this before we learn our lesson. But while they still exist, we can always enjoy the entertainment.

    Update: Tech lead has responded to Coffeezilla's claims. Seems like he's doubling down, the saga continues.

    Note: Their discord is well known for brigading so expect a lot of downvotes to suppress this post.

    Tech lead joking about being smarter than Vitalik

    submitted by /u/maximus_ndb
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    Yellen Banking Corruption shows how cheap it is to buy a law and how Decentralised Finance is essential

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    The problem for regular banks is easy to understand; DeFi is a dangerous threat that would make them obsolete, prehistorical, slow and -- worst of all -- unable to milk us anymore in all sorts of fees, interests and other shady "investments".

    So our dear friends at Citi Group and Citadel found the oldest trick; 7 million dollars! And who could be more appropriate to take care of this heavy bag than Secretary of the Treasury? Of course she knows how to take care of money, it's literally her job! Janet Yellen only needs to give a few Zoom Conference Call in exchange and voilà !

    Of course, The Infrastructure Bill really came in handy here. She just added a quick footnote on last minute basically giving smart contract coders the same responsability as a broker to please her puppet masters. Why would senate protest? Banks are not a danger to economy, they barely crash twice or thrice a decade, who cares? They can seize pesants' houses and bail out! Look at crypto, how dangerous those little bits are! Citizen might get independent, worse they might stop serving the real economy. Crypto would kill the middle man, bankers. It must be avoided at all cost.

    So useless to say the huge win for Yellen's paycheck is a huge loss for democracy and thanks to whoever discovered this and wistleblew it, she was caught. I hope the following is her being fired and dragged into court, if dreaming is still allowed.

    Do you think she would have been able to keep this money secret so long In a DeFi economy? Imagine how many more people in power (in senate's, your town, your state, your country) would accept cash to help the rich and greedy keeping things as they are?

    Keep her accountant American friends, don't let her get away with it!

    submitted by /u/GuyWithNoEffingClue
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    Se. Ted Cruz: Crypto got screwed tonight. There’s a partisan disagreement on spending, so Dems objected to ALL further amendments. That means NO vote on Wyden-Lummis to lessen the damage to crypto, & NO vote on the Cruz amd. to repeal the new crypto rules altogether.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    With enough pressure we can get them to drop the entire crypto provision in the infrastructure bill. KEEP CALLING and EMAILING!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    The effect this could have on crypto is profoundly negative.

    But most in Congress couldn't care less about the provision. Most of them don't even understand what blockchain is.

    In all likelihood, this made it into the bill because of Janet Yellen and her corrupt bullshit (which we should continue to expose and highlight).

    But since it's only paying for 1-3% of the bill… I doubt most senators really care that much about it.

    With enough pressure we can 100% get them to drop it. We don't have to accept some half assed amendment.

    Just keep calling, keep emailing. Obviously be polite, but don't hesitate to let them know how much this personally offends you, etc.

    Even the Reddit crypto community alone is large enough to accomplish this if people actually make the calls.

    Someone else posted this… but it's a great resource to use for coordinating your efforts:


    submitted by /u/HenryfromCC
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    I analyzed top 16 contributors in the latest Moon distribution. What did they get their Moons for?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Triggered by the case of u/safelyoptimized, I decided to analyze top contributors of this month. First of all, you might want to vote in the poll linked below to remove u/safelyoptimized from Moon distribution if you haven't done so yet:


    As many as 16 redditors reached the limit of 15 000 karma in the last cycle (July 7 – August 4):


    Reddit allows to check only the last 1000 comments. And since ultron290196 has written more than 1000 comments, the last one I could check was from July 24. I guess we can safely assume ultron290196 wrote more than 2k comments.

    One of those comments was: BTC dumps to 30k in one day: Manipulation! BTC pumps to 40k in one hour: Natural Progression! Which earned him 112 upvotes (https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oro9dv/bitcoin_just_touched_40k_from_the_mid_35k_range/h6jehdo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 )

    Ultron was so proud of this comment that he shared it one more time, adding a sentence from another user:(https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oro9dv/bitcoin_just_touched_40k_from_the_mid_35k_range/h6jejn4/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 )

    and then also made it into his most successful post with almost 3k upvotes: (https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/orrp9c/btc_dumps_to_30k_in_one_day_manipulation_btc/ )

    99.9% of ultron's comments are on r/cryptocurrency or connected subs (memes, meta) and the great majority of them are very short comments trying to be funny or fit in with subreddit's sentiment (this is characteristic also for all the other redditors who managed to reach the karma limit). What I have to admit is that ultron, although his comments aren't groundbreaking or controversial in any way, is rather creative and - except for the example above - he doesn't repeat his comments (at least not word for word). He also doesn't hide the fact he's an Indian moon farmer.

    His highest comment score was 364. 9 of his comments managed to get more than 100 upvotes. Haven't seen him going below -1. Most of the comments are in 1-2 range (this is also characteristic for all the others).

    As for the posts – it's similar. Most of them are his opinions in which he tries to relate to other members of the community and get those upvotes – most of the time he fails but there are a couple of posts that were pretty successful. But Ultron, as a professional moon farmer, knows that money is Moons are made in the comment section.


    WackyMister is also aware that Moons are made in the comment section so he didn't bother with creating any posts.

    Unfortunately, as in the case of Ultron, WackyMister has written so many comments, that the oldest comment I could check is from… August 4. Yes, he wrote more than 1k comments in 4 days.

    This is moon farming at its purest/dirtiest. The comments longer than a couple of words are as rare as people who are "in it for the tech, not for the money". This is best illustrated by the fact that only 3 of Wacky's comments managed to receive more than 100 upvotes (top score: 348).


    Created 3 posts, got only 4-11 upvotes, so went all in into comments.

    He's just like Wacky: full moon farming mode is enabled. Massive number of very short comments of rather low quality and only 4 of them managed to receive more than 100 upvotes (top score: 226).


    He started the month by posting a lot but probably later realized that it pays better to focus on comments. Out of 26 posts, which are mostly news or pretty useful tips/reminders (how) to stay safe, 7 were successful and received more than 100 upvotes (1 of them even broke the barrier of 1000 and another one was pretty close).

    Unfortunately, when it comes to the quality of jasonluxton's comments, it doesn't look as good (most of the comments in 1-2 upvotes range, top score of only 168). Again, these are short, rather low effort, plenty of GIFs. But at least he doesn't seem to be spamming as much as the two guys above (which, of course, doesn't mean he isn't a spammer ;-).

    What I like about this guy is the fact that he seems to have a life outside of r/cc on Reddit – he's active in psx and amiga subreddits.


    Only two (unsuccessful) posts. But plenty of comments. Most of them short and low effort (and unsuccessful). But there are some exceptions. The comment history looks pretty good compared to WackyMsiter or Too-raw90. But it's still 99% moon farming. 7 comments managed to receive 100 upvotes or more with the top one scoring 321 points.


    When it comes to posts, it's (surprise!) quality over quantity – 3 posts and 2 of them very successful. But when it comes to comments it's (no surprise) the other way around. It's enough to say that Soupapinho highest rated comment, despite all the spam, got only 28 upvotes. He likes to post lots of GIFs.


    This guy is a full time farmer it seems – he's not only active in r/CryptoCurrency, but also in r/FortNiteBR (that's where you can farm Bricks, right?).

    When it come to posts, he made around 50 of them, including 8 with more than 100 upvotes (2 of them extremely successful – 900+ and 1 800+ upvotes and plenty of awards) .

    When it comes to comments, he struck gold with commenting on the mistake made in the title of one of the most upvoted posts in the history of the subreddit and received more than 1.1k upvotes for this comment (and 318 for another in the same post). Other than that, it's typical moon farming but 6 other comments of his received more than 100 upvotes.


    20 posts, mostly news, 3 of them reached more than 100 upvotes (145-403 points).

    Comments? No surprise – spam of mostly short, one-sentence (or even word word/letter) comments. But probably not as severe as in the case of some other farmers. Also – many successful comments which scored 1.3k, 657, 572, 422, 368 and 143 points. Definitely the most impressive "portfolio" so far.


    Now, here we have a guy who did something useful – he's the one responsible for the governance poll that allows us to tip up to 100 Moons without losing the 20% bonus. So, maybe he's the first guy who managed to reach the limit without farming? Let's see the comments.

    Nope, he IS a farmer – spam, GIFs, short replies. Top comment with only 31 upvotes (and it's a GIF).


    Only 3 posts, none of them successful.

    When it comes to comments, Tenma isn't different from all the others – lots of them. And still – only 3 with a count above 100 upvotes.


    Calls herself a "degenerate Moon farmer". Aptly so?

    Let's see – only one post in r/cc (didn't catch on) but very active in other subs (F1 fan). Doesn't look like a degenerate moon farmer so far. Let's see the comments.

    Oh, yes. A truly degenerated moon farmer. And a Daily Discussion one. Therefore, her top comment earned her as few as 18 points.

    Pretty active in r/ccmeta but still the title of a degenerate moon farmer seems to be apt.


    3 posts, 2 of them of comedic nature. Only one with more than 100 upvotes. Seems to be active in many other subs, at least when it comes to posting. Because when it comes to commenting, it's no surprise that step11234 floods the r/cc sub. 9 comments above the 100 upvotes mark. Top one with 403 points.


    Joined in the beginning of May 2021. Hasn't posted anything. And also when it comes to comments, Bob didn't spam as much as the others – I was able to go back as far as the beginning of the distribution cycle (July 7) in his comment history! This was impossible in the case of other users. This, of course, doesn't mean bob didn't farm. He did. But with more moderation, it seems. His 1.2k+ upvotes comment on July 17, followed shortly by three 200+ comments, made him hit the jackpot and probably allowed to relax and cut the spam. Or maybe he's the perfect shitposters you should look up to if you want to become one? He made 6 more comments which scored more than 100 points.


    Posts a loooot. But mostly for Donuts(?) on r/ethtrader. From 31 posts he made on r/cc, only 3 were able to get circa 100 upvotes. 3 comments with more than 200 points (267 being the top one), 5 with more than 100. Short, even very short comemnts, lots of GIFs, lots of spam. 100% farmer, like all the others.

    The conclusion is something we already knew: the best way to farm Moons is to be funny (quality shitposting/commenting). But if you're not that funny you still have a chance – spam the hell out of the sub and keep trying. Even if 1 in 100 of your comments catches on, if you write more than 1000 of them, you still have a chance to be handsomely rewarded.

    PS. Yes, this is what I spent my Sunday on.

    EDIT: I know that most of you guys are adults and don't need this edit but I just wanted to say that this post wasn't meant to attack anyone personally. As much as we might not like the fact that someone writes so many comments - as long as those comments aren't copied/stolen/recycled over and over - we should also appreciate the creativity and devotion of those guys. They also showed good humor about the whole thing in the comments below (well, how could they pass up such an opportunity ;-) ) so kudos to them and the most important thing is - they don't break any rules. Hate the game, not the players.

    Thanks for all the nice comments!

    submitted by /u/Blendzi0r
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    No, the terrible Portman/Warner/Sinema crypto amendment has not passed yet.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    Several people have posted that the Portman/Warner/Sinema crypto amendment that will destroy the crypto industry (to the best of Congress's ability) has passed by a vote of 69-28.

    THIS IS NOT TRUE. The Senate has NOT voted on the crypto amendment yet. In fact, it is possible they won't even vote on any crypto amendments. The 69-28 vote was to end debate on the infrastructure bill.

    THIS MEANS THAT YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO CALL YOUR SENATORS. A vote on the crypto amendments is likely to happen tomorrow, if Senate Majority Leader Schumer lets the Senate vote on them at all.

    This site makes it easy to call your senators.

    submitted by /u/poiytrewq1066
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    I withdrew a large chunk from the bank and was met with resistance.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    Imagine wanting to send a bunch of your Eth to someone and Vitalik pops up and harasses you asking why you need to send it?

    It makes zero since why a bank should have any say in what you do with your money and seems like a big breach of privacy to even ask.

    submitted by /u/choamnomskee
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    TechLead responds AGAIN to the scam allegations with a video where he manages to address NONE of the important accusations for 10 minutes.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    For those not up to speed

    I mean, if anything at this point i kinda respect the hustle.
    He's doubling down on the hodl narrative and telling everyone how any press is good press.

    Many times during the video you can see him struggle to hold back laughter, that's how much he believes the shit he's saying.

    If you are in on this scam token: GET OUT!

    Here's the video response.

    EDIT: the fact that people are downvoting this thread is fucking absurd. -_-

    EDIT 2: Holy fuck first page? I'm kinda speechless.

    submitted by /u/The_Gabe_G
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    If Analysts Were Any Good at Their Jobs, They'd be Called Billionaires

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    They're right about 50% of the time in the stock market, have recently decided to dip their toes into the crypto market they don't understand, where they provide even worse analysis. You might as well flip a coin and decide to buy or sell your crypto.

    Most don't know shit, their recommendations are solely made because of internal institutional interests, whose ratings are not there to help investors but to help the institution that issues them.

    'Ethereum will never again breach $1K': Sell your Ethereum so we can buy lower.

    'Bitcoin to skyrocket 100x the price of gold': Buy more Bitcoin because we filled our bags.

    Now I'm not saying all analysts are bad, but the best analyst is always you(Once your DYOR of course).

    submitted by /u/HeIioz
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    What do you think about banning posts that just talk about moons?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    i.e this one… They seem pretty redundant and take up a lot of space from legit crypto discussion. Also, the more valuable they get, the more this sub will just turn into a strange meta moon sub rather than cryptocurrency

    Edit: I hate banning things, personally. It's made subs like r/showerthoughts extremely annoying to post in and same with r/bitcoin. I guess I'm just hoping for some sort of solution to quell extremely meta moon posts like this stupid post

    submitted by /u/choamnomskee
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    The American public is being hustled by the oldest trick in the negotiations playbook.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Exactly what the title says. For the purpose of this post, I will refer to the Wyden-Toomey-Lummis amendment as "Proposal 1" and the Portman-Warner-Sinema amendment as "Proposal 2". Here we go.

    Proposal 1 is introduced on 8/4, and there is an immediate public reaction. Thousands of citizens call their representatives in protest of this clearly last minute, shady amendment that will fast-track removing anonymity from the crypto space.

    Proposal 2 is introduced one day later on 8/5, and again there is an immediate public reaction. This reaction even stronger than the last because this amendment is so much worse than the other one (I won't get into why in this post). Suddenly everyone is suggesting that we call our representatives and ask for Proposal 1. Look at the most recent posts about the amendments from before Proposal 2 was released and then after.

    HUSTLED. Congress quite obviously created Proposal 2 as an anchor, in order to get the public on board with Proposal 1. Keep in mind, not many people were a fan of Proposal 1 before Proposal 2 came out, and now people have accepted Proposal 1. This is negotiations 101, and you just got served.

    It took our government 24 hours to create an anchor point and immediate shift the mood on Proposal 1, which was their goal to pass in the first place. If you think that Congress is not aware of what they are doing, I suggest you pay closer attention to how our legislative branch works.

    It is not too late, call your representatives. Vote NO on Proposal 1 & 2. Don't let our elected leaders hustle their constituents.

    submitted by /u/PBRent
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    I bought Bitcoin at a Coinstar machine so you don't have to!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Hey Crypto Comrades! This is my first well thought out post so I hope the information is useful to someone. I saw that they upgraded the coin counting machine at my local grocery store (Kroger) to sell Bitcoin and I had a couple years worth of saved up loose change to redeem! here's how it went:

    It was a big green Coinstar machine and it was pretty user friendly (Spanish option too) I had a little bit under $200 in coins which weighed a ton but I lugged it into the grocery store to trade for precious Bitcoin

    I pushed the Bitcoin option and the machine gave me the following terms before proceeding:

    -Inserted cash cannot be returned

    -Up to $2500 may be purchased & redeemed in a 24 hour period

    -Bitcoin must be claimed at Coinme.com

    -This is not an anonymous transaction (in order to claim my BTC, I had to upload a photo ID pic and selfie to their website)

    -Paper money only, no coins (Wtf false advertising!)

    -Bitcoin transaction limited to 5 minutes (maybe because the prices changes so fast?)

    -Transfers are permanent

    -Don't be a fraud victim, don't share your code with anyone

    I accepted the terms and the next screen directed me to insert cash while the 5 minute timer counted down. I put in a $20 bill and proceeded.

    At time of purchase (4:41pm central US time on August 8, 2021) according to Coinstar, the exchange rate was:

    $1= 0.00002118 BTC.

    $47,197.61 = 1 BTC (coinbase says different but oh well)

    Transaction fee was 4% ($.80)

    The machine printed a voucher with the website, a redemption code, and a pin #

    I went home and created an account on coinme.com which required my email, phone #, picture of ID, and a selfie. Quick and easy process, then I saw my Bitcoin there in my account (although it was now $18.08)

    I sent the Bitcoin to my private wallet and after the last fee was applied, I received....drum roll.........

    $14.06 in Bitcoin for my $20 investment! All fees together totaled $5.94 (29.7% of $20) to get it from Coinstar to my private wallet

    Conclusion: It's a way to buy Bitcoin if you don't have a bank account but you can get much lower fees on plenty of other exchanges. I won't be using the Coinstar machine in the future but at least I got some exercise by carrying around a huge jar of coins all afternoon (which I need). Hope this information is useful and I look forward to contributing more quality content in the future!

    submitted by /u/pizza-chit
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    Coinbase gives green light to Apple Pay and says Google Pay is next

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Today marks the 4 year anniversary of my first BTC purchase. Here's my journey.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    I bought my first BTC in 2017 on August 8th. I recall the price being around 3k at the time. Shortly after, I dumped my life savings of around 20k into BTC. My portfolio today is worth around 1.35M, but it was not easy to get from where I was to where I am today.

    By November of 2017 I had diversified into mostly shitcoins and hit 100k on December 1st. By Jan 1st, I had 250k. I became overwhelmed with the gains and got too greedy. I didnt realize I entered the market toward the end of a speculative bubble and quickly watched my 250k dwindle down to 17k by December 2018. (While continually adding capital from my full time job). I made and lost everything in a short period of time.

    For two years, I continued buying my favorite shitcoins, and managed to miss the entire defi bull run because I didn't buy any defi coins. Yet, I persevered. I managed to sell most of my reddit moons for 0.92 BTC and at the beginning of this year, I had around 2 BTC and a bunch of shitcoins.

    By Dec 2020, I had my 250k back with approximately 50k of capital invested over 3+ years. During the spring bull run, I sold for BTC for the first time ever, accumulating 21 BTC and consolidating my extra into my favorite shitcoin. Finally, a win for the first time in years as the markets came crashing down again. (Spring peak was 2.16M)

    My plan moving forward is to hope for a similar run up and blow off top around Dec-January and cash out around 5 million to stablecoins. I will spend 1 on a house and car while lending the rest, anticipating a buy back in around December 2022.

    As far as I am concerned the spring BTC bubble was too much and we are right on track for a 200k BTC end of year, with where BTC is at 43k. There are still almost 5 months left in the year and I expect a face melting bull run end of year because its never not happened before. I really believe the cycle will repeat and we will see the same emotions as we have seen in the past bull runs.

    This is simply my strategy and is not in any way financial advice or what anyone else should do.

    Share thoughts, ideas, where you think crypto is going.

    Right now I'm about 70% BTC, 30% HBAR, but ive owned everything from ARK and NANO to VET and NKN. If it's crypto, I've dabbled with it and I am excited to be a part of this beautiful, vibrant community. Hard work and dedication has made me rich and this bull run I hope to make even more lifechanging gains and hope you do too!

    submitted by /u/Cryptorich13
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    The world is soo much bigger then a US crypto bill

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    We are all aware of the US bill that was pumped through over the weekend and can see the impact it had on the crypto market. IMO this was a futile attempt to hamper down the return of a bull run.

    I've never seen the American government work so quickly on something in all of my life. They can literally drag ass on a bill for legalizing marijuana FOR YEARS but when bitcoin and ETH start showing signs of one of the most potent bull run kick-starts i have ever seen, US congress suddenly moves at super sonic speed.

    I'm calling US Government FUD. And the funniest part is, we can start to see other parts of the world buying up the dip.

    IMO the US is literally shooting themselves in the foot RN. By imposing rash and aggressive taxes to crypto, the US government will try and discourage any new crypto investors. Is this just a short term manipulation or a long term battle?

    Is this the time that crypto truly changes from one of the most advanced technologies of our generation to a revolution?

    submitted by /u/StinkyDuck86
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    Unpopular Correction: Sen. Warren never said that "Cryptocurrencies may need a Taxpayer Bailout" like Banks did

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:06 PM PDT

    I hate all FUD, the current anti Crypto legislation and corrupt politicians as much as you do, but we need to stay correct on what we say here.

    What Sen. Warren has said is that companies which heavily invest in crypto may need a bailout if the cryptocurrency would crash. She never said Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin itself or any other crypto itself would need a bailout, but this was claimed here with thousands of upvotes.

    We dont need to make things up/ actively misinterpret statements to fight the corrupt polticians. There is enough actual things they have done or said which we can use go argue against them. I hate these corrupt people as much as you do, but doing things like this will only make it harder to fight against them, not easier.

    submitted by /u/ShadowBaj
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    The Senate has closed debate on Infrastructure Bill procedurally without listening to the Crypto community. There are pro-crypto Amendments, but the only way they are heard is if EVERY SENATOR votes to allow this. TODAY IS THE DAY TO CALL YOUR SENATOR

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    On Sunday, The Senate decided to move proceedings on the Infrastructure Bill and wind up debate on the bill. The final vote on the bill is expected late night today (Monday 9th August 2021), to pass the bill in the Senate.

    There are pro-crypto Amendments including the Wyden-Lummis Amendment that seeks to legislatively exclude miners. validators, developers etc from being classified as brokers. There is also the Ted Cruz Amendment that seeks to entirely exclude all crypto provisions from the Infrastructure Bill. However, the White House and Treasury are moving behind the scenes to push through the provisions of the original bill with respect to the Crypto with just the Portman-Warner Amendment that just excludes proof of work miners from being classified as brokers.


    The Senate is expected to go in for a final vote on Monday, late into the night. Throughout the whole day, there would be debate on the entire Infrastructure Bill and it is expected that someone from the "crypto camp" (either Wyden or Lummis or Toomey or Cruz) will bring up a "Unanimous Consent" vote to allow discussion and pass their pro-crypto Amendment.

    The only way this works is if the entire Senate allows this. I.e. if even ONE Senator objects citing any issue whatsoever, the entire process to have a pro-crypto debate and amendment FALLS THROUGH. It will collapse.

    Every Senator must unanimously allow the vote to pass.

    We need to ensure we reach every Senator or their staff over phone and inform them of the importance of the issue, and to not object to the debate on the crypto provisions amendments for the bill, and when the vote comes in, vote for the Wyden-Lummis Amendment.

    The best chance we have of this is if everyone wakes up and gets on their phone trying to reach their Senator. Every sitting US Senator must be contacted and personally be made aware of these proposals that seek to define the innovation and industry around cryptocurrencies in the USA. They must hear from their constituents how this issue deeply matters to us, and they have to make the right choice when it comes to cryptocurrency.

    You can find the contact details of your US Senator here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

    There are multiple contact numbers for each Senator and all are available on this page, if you find the Senator for your state, click on their name and it leads you to their website with the contact details of their various offices, including the Washington DC Office. You need to call in and tell either the Senator personally or their staff to pass this on as an emergency, time-sensitive matter:

    Hi Senator _________, I am a voter in your constituency and I care deeply about the crypto laws currently being proposed in the Senate, which threaten to destroy innovation, jobs and investments in your constituency. I call upon you not object to the Cryptocurrency Amendments in the Infrastructure Bills to be heard in the Senate before the Infrastructure bill is passed, and vote for either the Wyden-Lummis Amendment that specifically limits what the Treasury can define as a broker, or in the alternative vote for the Ted Cruz amendment that seeks to exclude any crypto related provision in the Infrastructure bill, because the topic is indeed complex and requires detailed consideration including testimonies from the industry, before laws are passed on it."

    What is being proposed is very dire, but this is the least we can do and if you are in the US and holding / believe in crypto, you should at the very least try to do this today.

    submitted by /u/DetroitMotorShow
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    Why Amazon Will Likely Make a Massive Move into Crypto

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    Always send a Test Transaction before sending a large amount of Crypto to an Address!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    My friend just learnt this the hard way.

    She wanted to send some VET from an exchange to the official mobile app; accidentally put in the incorrect address!

    It wasn't a huge amount (only like $250) but still, this can be quite disheartening for someone very knew to Crypto!

    If you are moving large amounts of coins, please make sure you know the address is correct! I always send just a little bit first, as soon as it's in the account I know I can send the rest!

    submitted by /u/MrNuttyJoe
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