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    Saturday, April 24, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - April 24, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - April 24, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - April 24, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    So apparently government couldn't care less when banks secretly get $16T of bailouts of fiat from the Fed, but when people use crypto to secure their financial wellbeing, it becomes a problem

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    And then we have SEC who sued Ripple for selling an "unregistered security". Why aren't the SEC suing the banks and the government for the bailouts, especially when these are the big banks that don't need them? Oh wait, SEC is part of the government.

    When you hear about some criminal with a stolen suitcase of cash no one cares. Meanwhile, talk about carrying stolen bitcoin and monero and now people hates crypto for money laundering, and the government works extra hard to crack down and put regulations whenever possible. It's a double standard. And they let the banks launder $2T a year.

    The government is fucked.

    submitted by /u/Iiau_
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    People That Say "Imagine If DogeCoin Went to $10 or $100" Do You Guys Understand Market Cap and Circulating Supply? Dogecoin Price/Market Cap/Circulating Supply Analysis and Calculation

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    People That Say "Imagine If DogeCoin Went to $10 or $100" Do You Guys Understand Market Cap and Circulating Supply? Dogecoin Price/Market Cap/Circulating Supply Analysis and Calculation

    If you are buying dogecoin because:

    1. You are doing it for short term profit (Which is a risky game you are playing)
    2. You are doing it for fun

    I'm okay with this because you understand the dynamics involved.

    But if you are doing it for long term profit...


    Lets examine this:

    Note: I calculated this when dogecoin was at $0.32 several days back (this might not reflect the price when you read this)


    • Although there are many factors that drive Cryptocurrency price, this is a general way to calculate what the price of a cryptocurrency is going to be.


    • When you are dividing, if the top number is higher, the answer will be a higher number.
    • When you are dividing, if the bottom number is higher, the answer will be a lower number.


    • In order for the Market Cap (Top Number) to go up, many people would have to buy dogecoin, but many people understand this is a meme coin or a pump/dump coin. They are using this as short term profit or self entertainment because there is no long term adoptation compare to other crypto currency projects.
    • In order for the Circulating Supply (Bottom Number) to go down, they would have to stop mining dogecoin, but there is 14.4 Dogecoins being produced in one day which is 5 Billion Dogecoin a year.

    • If you want DogeCoin to be $10 based on the circulating supply we have now, then the Market Cap would have to be 1.29 Trillion (Note: I calculated this several days back, so the number might be even higher now), that's if DOGECOIN STOPPED MINING and NEVER MAKE ANYMORE!


    • How big is a 1.29 Trillion Market Cap? How much would it need to reach $10?


    • Dogecoin would have to overtake Facebook and Tesla!

    Once again, this is if Dogecoin stopped mining right now and produced no more Dogecoin supply, but Dogecoin will produce to infinity, it will not stop producing because there is no cap.

    This is like trying to mop a wet floor that has a water leak and the water leak will never stop leaking. Yes, you can recruit more workers to mop the floor, but at some point the workers will quit and leave, then you are left mopping the water by yourself and eventually you will drown in the water.

    Take your mop and go home!

    PS: I'm NOT posting this in Dogecoin subreddit. I will get stoned to death.

    submitted by /u/DriveLamboToTheMoon
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    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    Ethereum, you've clearly won, my heart.

    When you start, to take a dip, you flip the script and right the ship

    Despite many coins down 30 percent, not far from your ATH is where you've went.

    And where you'll go, we only know, it will bring us joy, whether fast or slow.

    And here I send, this ode to you, so others may know the truth

    That Ethereum, at the very least, is one enticing, sexy beast

    submitted by /u/BoundariesAreFun
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    Kraken telling customers on the login page: "Not your keys, not your coins". This is the type of business I can support

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    One of their tips: "Keep the majority of your crypto offline in a hardware wallet. Only keep the funds you need for trading and other activities on Kraken."

    The fact that they want people to get crypto off their platform is an indicator that they are customer-centric. They'd benefit if people kept it there because they could use customer's crypto to stake it themselves and make a wagonload of money.

    It's good for the crypto space that we have exchanges that are doing their best for customers. We win, they win. I doubt Kraken is perfect, because who is? They are trying, and that's what matters to me.

    I'm not sponsored by them, check my comment history, I'm just a random customer. I am currently using Binance US, Coinbase Pro, Voyager as well, so if you have questions about them, I'll answer what I know.

    Side note if Kraken is reading this: Please allow us to do ACH deposit! :)

    submitted by /u/ehh_what_evs
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    If you're asking strangers on the internet whether or not you should sell you crypto, you should probably sell your crypto

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    If you're basing your investing decisions on the reassurance of random people on the internet you probably:

    a) don't actually understand what you're putting your money into, so don't have faith in the investment long-term

    or b) have more invested than you're able to lose, so are panicking and looking for answers (PS. nobody has the answer).

    In either case, you should probably downsize your position

    submitted by /u/mrquib
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    Never forget that the Federal Reserve secretly gave $16 trillion dollars in bailouts to the big banks.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Never forget that the Federal Reserve secretly gave $16 trillion dollars in bailouts to the big banks.

    Sources: Forbes, CNBC, New York Times, Huffington Post, Bernie Sanders press release

    This is why we need cryptocurrency. From December 2007 to November 10, 2011, the Federal Reserve, secretly and without the awareness of Congress and the people, funneled about $19.6 trillion to bail out the big banks on Wall Street and around the world. Just 14 global financial institutions received 83.9 percent or $16.41 trillion. These are the same institutions that were responsible for the financial crisis in the first place.

    A list of the corrupt banks that received the secret bailouts and the amounts they received. (source: http://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/wp_698.pdf)

    This was only found out because Bernie Sanders amended the Dodd-Frank Reform law to audit the Fed, pushing the GAO (Government Accountability Office) to step in and take a look around. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. This was the first audit of the Fed in the history of the United States since its beginnings in 1913. Unsurprisingly, this was scarcely reported by mainstream media – albeit the results are undoubtedly newsworthy. I find it funny that the American people were absolutely outraged that the federal government spent 700 billion dollars bailing out the "too big to fail" banks. Well, that bailout was pocket change compared to what the Federal Reserve did. Keep in mind that the GDP of the United States for the entire year of 2010 was only 14.58 trillion dollars. 19 trillion dollars is an almost inconceivable amount of money.

    Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was absolutely no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world. The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. I find it pretty evil that they had such incomprehensible amounts of money to throw around to corrupt financial institutions while regular people were suffering and struggling to find jobs. This kind of gross corruption is what led Satoshi Nakamoto to create Bitcoin.

    tl;dr - Fuck the big banks. Fuck the Federal Reserve. Take back your financial power. Be your own bank.

    submitted by /u/dragondude4
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    How Market Cap ACTUALLY Works

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Saw a guy thousands of upvotes and awards for trying to use Market cap to explain things. The thing is he used it incorrectly.

    I'm going to go ahead and explain how it actually works.

    EDIT: I have went ahead and added a non-Dogecoin example of this to show this applies to all crypto - not just Dogecoin. u/RFV1985 assisted with providing non-Dogecoin example

    market cap comparisons can be applied to any cryptocurrency- however he and many try to use it to discredit Dogecoin as an example - so will I and you how to correctly use it.

    First - let me clear up some misconceptions that the guy used in his post

    1) Economically speaking Dogecoin can rise to whatever value the market dictates based off of supply and demand. As long as demand out paces the supply then the value will rise. - this apples to all cryptocurrency

    2) Mathematically speaking market cap = price multiplied by supply MC (Market Cap) = P (Current Price) x S (Current Supply) HOWEVER - This is economics- not pure straight math. The order is important - The price or supply have to change FIRST - and THEN you get the market cap.

    3) YOU CANT CHANGE ADD OR DECREASE MARKET CAP TO GET A DIFFERENT PRICE - MARKET CAP IS NOT A MANIPULATABLE value you can only change the price and supply. The price and supply change the market cap - completely different. The reason for this is because Price and supply are independent variables and market cap is a dependent variable. What this means is that supply and price can increase or decrease independently, but market cap cannot. he cannot mathematically say price = market cap / supply and then try to change market cap to change the price because market DEPENDS on the price and supply

    4) *MARKET CAP DOES NOT MEAN TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY IN THE SYSTEM - A 6 billion dollar market cap does not mean there's 6 billion dollars in the system. It means that the entire supply is "worth" 6 billion at the current price. people get confused so I wanted to clarify that. Simply adding money to the system does absolutely nothing to affect market cap in the same way it does not necessarily change the price/demand. The only two variables that change the market cap are price and supply nothing else can change the market cap.

    5) People use the "unlimited supply/infinitely being mined" argument as a way of saying the supply will continue to increase and therefore the market cap will continue to decrease and therefore the price is unsustainable. That is completely incorrect - yes there are 5.25 billion per year - but when taken into perspective with fiat currency - this number is extremely small. Dogecoin is indeed inflationary, but in the span of human life, Dogecoin is not infinite. In order to have an infinite supply requires infinite time. It would take 360 years for the supply to reach 1 trillion dollars. Which is less than the total supply of the US dollars fiat paper supply - for comparison.

    I will take this guys original point and explain it correctly. - his point is that based on market cap Dogecoin cannot hit $10 or 100. He used market cap Incorrectly when making his argument.

    I also see people asking what's stopping Dogecoin from going to bitcoin levels? Well, The short answer is the supply of Dogecoin is high relative to the supply of bitcoin. Dogecoin has a current supply of 128 billion, which is why the price is lower and harder to change in value. It is easier for bitcoin to rise $1 in price because the supply of bitcoin is so low and the supply of Dogecoin is so high. It doesn't mean that Dogecoin can't rise in price - just that it's harder.

    This is the long answer. First, It is important to note that demand does not necessarily equate to adding dollars to the system in 1 to 1 ratio. Demand can increase without ever having to add money into the system, however, adding new money into the system does help. I see people saying Dogecoin requires X million dollars per minute to account for the increase in supply. That is just completely wrong, and not how demand works. Increased Demand just means more people willing to trade Dogecoin at a higher price than people willing to trade at the current price. No net increase in fiat currency needs to be added in order for demand to increase.

    Despite not having a capped supply, using the current supply known, as well as the mining rate to account for new coins entering - you can make comparisons to other cryptocurrency to get an idea of the demand required in order for Dogecoin to reach a certain price. The way to do this is through market cap comparisons

    Market caps REAL use is a comparison tool. It's used to compare how successful a market is compared to other markets.

    If Dogecoin were to reach $1 today it would have a market cap of about 128 billion dollars ($1 x 128,495,957,919 circulating supply). Bitcoin (the most successful cryptocurrency) currently has a market cap of approximately $898,761,019,333 (~ $900 billion). This means that at $1, the total supply of Dogecoin would be "worth" about 1/7th of Bitcoins total supply.

    The take away from this comparison is that in order to reach $1 Dogecoin would require approximately 1/7th the current demand of bitcoin due to the differences in supply between Dogecoin and bitcoin. This is definitely not impossible, and an achievable goal. If Dogecoin were to reach the demand bitcoin has currently - its price would $7. Since bitcoin is the highest performing cryptocurrency, $7 dollars is the most realistic possible goal at current market conditions. Anything past $7 dollars per coin means that Dogecoin is reaching uncharted territory for cryptocurrency as it will have surpassed bitcoin.

    Now for the hypothetical extension of this comparison. Everything after this point is hypothetical since we don't have a true comparison available in the market

    The estimated supply of the US dollar is about $2,000,000,000 (2 trillion), thus the market cap of the US currency is $2 trillion. If Dogecoin were to reach the equivalent market cap ($2tn / $128bn), the price per Dogecoin would have to be $15.60, thus matching the entire short-term US currency (M0 money supply in economics).

    This is definitely not impossible, but it is highly highly improbable to reach such value any time soon. If that were to ever happen, it would take years. Now, the entire supply of the entire worlds fiat (short-term liquidity / paper) currency is $37 trillion. You can apply the same logic from above and see that the value of Dogecoin would have to be $288.60. If it was valued any higher than that amount, Dogecoin would be "worth" more than the entire world's short-term liquidity currencies combined. It could technically go past this point, but what that would mean is that the economy behind Dogecoin would be stronger than the entire global economy of today. At that value you wouldn't even compare it to the dollar anymore because it already surpassed all fiat currency. It's not impossible- but is is highly unrealistic to pass that point. It is important to note that this number is not static. Which means if the market conditions change such as an increase in supply or change in price the numbers will change.

    Here is another real world example: - not mine but I wanted to add it case it gets lost in the comments

    Thank you u/RFV1985 This can also be explained with a real world scenario.

    As of the time I'm writing this, I am going to pick a low ranking alt...let's use SPI (ranks #300 on CoinGecko). It has a $132M market cap.

    If I go to KuCoin, I see it currently trades for $141. Based on the order book, if I were to place a $1k market buy order, the price would then immediately jump to about $144 based on the supply of the order book. So my $1k market buy order drives the price up by $3. So I effectively increased its market cap by ~$3M with just a $1k order. So clearly, market cap does not equal money in the system.

    That is how you CORRECTLY use market cap

    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

    submitted by /u/Adventurous_Piglet85
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    Took advantage of the dip to finally get the remaining .18 I needed for 1 ETH

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Something I've learned over the past few years dealing with crypto is to pull your profits and keep them in stable coin or whatever currency you're buying with in order to take advantage of big dips like we've seen over the last few days.

    I'm not a big investor but my one full ETH was made possible by doing this. When you're pulling $20 here and $50 there it doesn't seem like a lot, but when we're bullish like we have been for the last year or so it really adds up. It's always good to have some sort of stable crypto/fiat to use when the market tanks.

    The people who make the most off this buy when everyone else is selling. Something to think about.

    submitted by /u/seansy5000
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    The typical crypto Redditor

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    1. Wants safety and transparency with their transactions without any regulations of some sort.
    2. Chases huge gains, but "Doge, stay!".
    3. Wants to move around loads of money without costs because "Blockchain no Bank" and because there are no node operators, validators, miners, etc.
    4. Wants crazy staking APY's because why not.
    5. Wants to be their own bank, loses the seed phrase, and blames the system.
    6. Is in for the technology.
    7. Is in for the technology (repeat).
    8. Is balls deep in crypto which roughly translates to 0.1% of net worth.
    9. Does less research on a coin they are going to throw their money at, than theory-crafting and choosing gear for their in-game character.
    10. Don't want repeated content because they think that everyone is 24/7 connected to the sub and because there is less competition for moons.
    11. "I don't always upvote and award meaningful posts, but when I do it is for the new ATH of my coins"
    12. Moons.
    13. "It's not shilling when I do it", credit u/Nox_Lucis
    14. Spends more than they can afford to lose, credit u/antonjg
    15. Falls for obvious scams without researching first, then says f#*k crypto, credit u/tatvam_asi
    16. "regurgitating sentences they heard", so true, credit u/-Rhymenocerous-
    17. "in for the long-term, sell at new ATH", credit u/The_Ghostronaut
    18. "Not your keys, not your coins" but leaves all coins in exchanges, credit u/rorowhat which is a lot on par with No 16.
    19. "Parabolic", credit u/repostssleuthbot
    20. Approximately 30% of my net worth is in Crypto. I'm 18, And I want to keep it that way, credit u/ashesofturquoise. Let me just do a quick math of how much my net worth was at that age. Maybe less than my current iPhone. Nope, way less.
    21. "Asking for lower prices mid pump and when a dip happens is too scared to actually buy ", credit u/TR5_
    22. "SEC bad, XRP bad", credit u/HeyitsmeKuangGM2. Battle of the BAD.
    23. "HODL and DCA", credit u/CoolCoolPapaOldSkool
    24. "Buys high, sells low", ouch, credit u/Rabbit071
    25. "All coins I don't hold are overvalued. Everything I own is undervalued", credit u/pinoygs

    Did I miss anything else fundamental?

    Edit: Keep em coming

    submitted by /u/i-dler
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    I have released a more powerful version of my crypto algorithm that places trades based on daily news sentiment, and it's all open source

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    I have recently shared my latest project with you guys - a trading algorithm connected to Binance that buys cryptocurrencies based on how positive the daily news sentiment is for the top 100 crypto news feeds.

    With the help of some talented Redditors and GitHub contributors, the algorithm is now more powerful than before, allowing you to further configure how you would like it to trade.

    Many of the improvements made, were actually suggested by you in the previous post, so thanks to you all, there is now a better news algo that we can all use!

    The algorithm analyses the news sentiment from biggest crypto news sites, and automatically decides what coins to buy or sell based on how many times a coin is mentioned across all headlines, and how positively or negatively it's depicted in the news headlines.

    I've been working on this project for about a month now, and I can say that the bot is now in a state where it can be used and it's stable! I haven't yet tested it on the mainnet but I will put together some reports on its performance on the testnet and will post on here.

    Here is the link to the open-sourced project:


    And here is a step-by-step guide if you would like to set the bot up yourself but you need some more guidance on how to do so:


    This is a guide on how to set up the base version, not including the latest updates, for a guide on how to add additional featured to the bot please see:


    If you do follow either guides, I suggest working off of the code posted on GitHub as that contains the updated latest version of the algo.

    Happy coding!

    submitted by /u/CyberPunkMetalHead
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    Can someone recommend me a cryptocurrency subreddit that doesn't try to earn moons all day?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    Every other post is directly related to moons. The rest of them are parroted advice about Dogecoin or not selling low. Shit we know everyone agrees with gets upvotes, big surprise.

    So while I'm trying to figure out what to invest in next, I get bombarded with people either trying to earn moons or coming up with new ways that should be implemented to earn moons. It's so obvious it's stupid.

    If you thought reddit was people spewing canned bullshit for upvotes before, why not pay them to come up with new and clever ways to spam bullshit.

    submitted by /u/pillfromdarkweb
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    Friendly reminder on dip buying strategy and making REAL money in crypto

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    There's a lot of talk about DCAing (dollar cost averaging) and "buying the dip" so I wanted to share a few strategies that I rarely, if ever, see posted on here.

    The thing is, it makes almost no sense to just tell people to DCA into markets or to "buy the dip."

    There are nuances that make or break the strategy.


    But more importantly, you can take profits, and then reinvest them during the dips.

    And rest assured, even if the market doesn't crash, local corrections ALWAYS happen. Bitcoin can reach 10 million USD by the end of the year, and on the way there we will still see plenty of 10-30% corrections.

    What you should be asking yourself is are you ready to act when these corrections happen?

    And are you ready to act when your random altcoin goes 2x or 3x?

    Here is some food for thought:

    1. Set sell orders for your alt coins. I target my sell orders at 1.5-3x the current price, depending on the volatility of said coin.

    2. I set my sell order for 10% - 50% depending on two things: How much I believe in the coin (For example I would sell 90% of my stack for something like Doge or Safemoon if I hit a 3x or 5x) & My sell order target (for example if I set it for 1.5x the current price, I might only sell 15% of my stack at that target, but if I hit my 2x price target I might sell 30%)

    3. Sell orders are important for alts because they can randomly pump & dump and you want to try to hit the top of those wicks.

    4. You'll rarely hit your target perfectly, but for example the other day Nano pumped to $17 on my exchange from $5. I had a sell order set for $15 and it triggered. No, I didn't get the top of the wick but had I not placed that sell order, I wouldn't have been able to sell until Nano was already back down to $9 which is when I noticed it was pumping.

    5. Once you sell, your only job is to wait for a local dip to buy back in.

    But what does buying a dip actually look like?

    • In a bullish momentum, it might be as simple as buying coins that dumped the most from their ATH (assuming there wasn't any crazy news like rugpulls on Safemoon)

    • However, what I want to discuss is buying the dip in BEARISH momentum, which is what we are in right now.

    • I define bearish momentum as a sentimental change in crypto. When instead of feeling like the next pump is coming, we all feel like another 20-30% dump is on its way.

    Buying the dip in bearish momentum causes people a lot of anxiety because we all think "what if it keeps crashing? What if this is the end of the bull market?"

    Here's the thing about the bull market ending...

    The same way that local dips ALWAYS happen in a crazy bull run, local pumps ALWAYS happen in a bear market.

    Often times we call these a "dead cat bounce."

    And this is where we make our money when there is a lot of bearish momentum.

    I'll give you an example that I played a few months ago with XRP.

    I bought XRP at an average cost of about 55 cents.

    When the SEC news hit, I sold my entire stack at 48 cents for a sizeable loss.

    But here's the catch.

    It kept dipping, in fact it crashed all the way to like 17 cents.

    And I bought the dip

    It went back up to about 36 cents and I managed to sell the top of that wick because I was watching the charts all day at that point.

    Then it crashed back down.

    While most people were freaking out about losses, I turned my loss into big gains by buying the dip...


    Why did I sell the bounce instead of just holding?

    Bearish momentum.

    The sentiment change about XRP and its lawsuit + exchange delisting meant that the opportunity cost of holding it was too high, especially when I just made thousands of dollars on riding the dead cat bounce upward.

    "But /u/alexisaacs, if you had just held XRP for 5 months you would have made even more money!"

    And therein lies the mentality that loses people their life savings.

    Yes, eventually XRP pumped to $1.70+

    But what guarantee did I have that the lawsuit would go well?

    How could I guess the bull market would continue?

    How could I know that we'd have an alt season?

    The risk vs reward was too much, but I knew ONE thing for certain.


    So I sold the dead cat bounce, bought a ton of other alts + eth, and made way more money holding those than I could have by just holding XRP and "buying the dip."


    1. DCA out of the market when you make crazy gains, use sell orders

    2. Buy the dip and HODL when the momentum is very bullish

    3. Buy the dip and sell the dead cat bounce when the momentum is bearish

    4. If you get fucked by short term moves up or down, remember that there will ALWAYS be local dips and local crashes.


    1. Stop worrying about the USD price of a coin, and pay attention to % changes.


    You buy Harmony One @ .01.

    You sell Harmony One @ .02

    Harmony One keeps pumping to .05

    You start panicking, but instead you should pay attention to the chart because...

    Harmony One eventually has a local correction to .03

    Yep that's way above what you sold it for but...

    Buying at .03 is buying the local dip, and in a bull market it could easily pump back up and even if it never goes above .04 again, you can sell at .04 and enjoy 33% gains.

    I hope this all made sense and helps some traders. Just thought I'd share a strategy I rarely see posted in the daily thread here.

    submitted by /u/alexisaacs
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    For long term gains, buy for tech and not hype

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Stellar lumens is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to transfer money across the world with no middleman, banks across the world are using xlm to transfer millions cheaply and securely. Whilst this was previously expensive before crypto existed, with crypto this has become much cheaper. Nano is completely free and almost instant and thus the use case for future adoption is very promising, though as of now it lacks adoption

    Monero is completely untraceable providing anonymity to transactions which is hugely important for people living in repressive regimes across the world, people wary of government tyranny and many other valid reasons. Dash and zcash are also privacy coins though don't have the same level of adoption and thus aren't as good long term projects.

    These are examples of working products with real use cases that are proven to work and thus make excellent long term investments.

    Ethereum is the backbone of hundreds of different block chain services/products/ decentralised applications. Litecoin has stood the test of time as a cheap secure coin for transactions and will have added privacy soon. Cardano is an 'Eth killer' that's is faster, cheaper and doesn't need mining. It also has smart contracts coming soon and is basically eth on steroids and was built by one of the eth Co founders.

    Now compare this to dogecoin, safe moon, cum rocket ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°) or whatever 'moon' coin that was released today, what do any of them do? They are essentially a ponzi scheme and as they fulfill no purpose (or none that other coins can do better) they won't stand the test of time and people will be left holding bags.

    What's I'm getting at is do your research and buy based on the tech and fundemantals, not hype, as this is what will grant you successful investments long term.

    If you want to buy doge or safe moon go ahead, just treat it as a bit of fun and don't yolo your life savings in lol

    P.s I don't own all the coins I have examples of and am not trying to shill, just taking a few examples to get the point across

    submitted by /u/Excellent_Trouble125
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    I'm high right now, and I got a brilliant idea!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    I just got off my phone, turned on my laptop for the first time in a while just to type this up, so hear me out.

    Let me first define a term not everyone may know:

    Decentralized Autonomous Organizatoin (DAO) - as defined by Wikipedia: is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central government. (It's basically a company, but without the C-Suite)

    My Idea:

    There should be a DAO which its primary role is to invest in the cryptocurrency market. It is governed by a combination of code and its governance token holders. Once the token holders vote on various projects, it deploys its tradeable token to buy the different cryptocurrencies. The tokenonomics can be discussed in more detail.

    Why is this important:

    In the traditional financial world, there are hedge funds, venture capital, private equity, mutual funds, family offices, and many more different ways rich people invest their money. These same rich people are currently trying to enter the crypto space. Currently, wealth management firms are gathering all their abled bodies to find a way to get the SEC, and more largely, the US government, to allow them to buy, sell, hold, and trade crypto for their investors. These slow-moving giants are panicking.

    How do we know? Even JP Morgan is trying to enter the space - the very bank which its CEO, Jamie Dimon runs. Jamie Dimon has historically been a super bear when it comes to Bitcoin - even calling it a fraud.. Mr.Dimon if Bitcoin is a fraud, why is your company trying to gain exposure into the market? Wouldn't that be against the best interest of your investors, who you serve?

    We can take some of that market share.

    My Question:

    Do you know of any projects that is currently trying to provide wealth management for its investors? If so, let's talk about it. If not, could someone in this subreddit start one? I'd love to be your first investor.

    Again, I'm high as a kite right now, so this may all be garbage-talk. I'll see tomorrow morning.

    submitted by /u/DonutCravings
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    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    VeChain, bringin' a sea change

    Tsunami in the comments of the dailies

    Everyone bragging bout the rises like they hit with VeChain rabbies

    This shit is crazy.... but maybe... they onto something cause its potential does seem amazing

    And its rises have been pretty sustaining

    So my anger, has turned to respect and I'm embracing

    That VeChain's love probably isn't waning

    So I'll buy a few coins.... and start the waiting

    To see if it moons

    And if not? Its ok: I never bet more than I can afford to lose

    submitted by /u/BoundariesAreFun
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    Reducing brave rewards is a dumb move

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:33 AM PDT

    This is not just speculation, but if you calculate the maximum amount of BAT you would get in a month using the new rewards system, you would max out at 3 BAT/month.

    20 ads a day is the maximum number of ads a user gets on Brave, this is to demotivate usage of unethical means of obtaining and concentrating brave rewards.

    Now, let us assume that you get 20 ads a day which is not the case for most users as 20 is the cap or maximum ads you might get but not a guaranteed number

    20 ads times 0.001 BAT/ad as per the updated rewards system gives 20*0.001, or 0.02 BAT/day

    For a whole month of 30 days on an average, 0.02 BAT/day * 30 days, or 0.6 BAT/month

    This is not too big a deal for the users who have been using brave for a long time, but it does create problems in getting new users to switch to Brave.

    Decreased incentive to 0.6 BAT which amounts to $0.666 as of this time. This is not enough for new users to sign up with Brave, as privacy and open source is not unique to Brave, but being rewarded for ads is.

    I think there would be a huge reduction in new users signing up for Brave and leaving the browsers they have been using for years, all for 0.6 BAT

    submitted by /u/ComplexSeaweed
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    Seeing posts on this sub made me realize people are stupid

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    First of all, in this space it's very common to see 20% variation in a couple of weeks, and we keep telling you that it will happen sooner or later. Now what I spy with my little eye this morning? Suicide hotline posts, panic posts, etc. And for what? A 8% dip...

    Second thing: we regularly see posts saying to not get a loan to buy crypto??? How can you be so stupid to get a loan to buy something as risky as crypto? Every 2 posts in this sub is telling you not to invest more than you're willing to lose, how did you miss this information?

    Sorry for this post, but seeing all of these posts make me lose faith in humanity.

    submitted by /u/marc2772
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    Update: My polymath tokens are recovered :)!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:47 PM PDT

    TLDR: Celsius recovered the tokens which I sent to a wrong adres. woohoo!

    So around 6 weeks ago I accidentally bought Polymath tokens in Binance instead of Polygon (MATIC) which I actually was intending to buy. I wanted to transfer it to my Celsius wallet for the interest. After doing so and noting that the tokens did not arrive I checked the transferring receipt from Binance and noted the horror: I had transferred Polymath tokens to a Polygon wallet address from my Celsius (Celsius has no support for Polymath tokens at all)

    After reaching out to both parties, it became clear that I needed to ask Celsius to check if they could recover. Since both tokens are ERC-20 it was in theory possible. Eventhough the support is very busy and requires some patience, they were able to recover it within a reasonable time and they returned my Polymath without charging any gas fee.

    Hence I would like to thank both Binance: for providing a receipt everytime you transfer something. And Celsius for providing a service which they could have chosen not to provide if they wanted to.

    submitted by /u/shayan1989
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    Always, always rely on the madness of crowds

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    Simple as that. It's always happened, it will always keep happening. Rely on it, it will never change. Do the opposite of the crowd. When they sell and it dips, buy. When they buy and it rises, sell or hold. There is no real science to it. TA and all the other bullshit. Fibonacci this, RSI that, bearish divergence this... they know nothing and they know it too. When a crowd moves one way, go the other. Good luck all.

    submitted by /u/hyprmnml
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    PSA: Taxes DO NOT Work the Same Way With Crypto as Stocks... and Your Accountant Might Be Losing You Money

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:21 PM PDT

    Edit: This applies to US taxpayers.

    Many tax accountants are treating crypto the same way they would stocks. Unfortunately, this is wrong, and if you've ever sold a coin at a loss then quickly bought back in... it REALLY matters.

    With securities, if you sell at a loss then rebuy within 30 days you have performed a "Wash Sale" and your tax obligation will be more than just any gain minus loss. This rule does not apply to crypto. With crypto, you can simply add your total gains and losses together.

    From the IRS documentation: "For federal tax purposes, virtual currency is treated as property. General tax principles applicable to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency."

    See page 25: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p544.pdf

    Additional information in the links below:

    Crypto FAQ: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/frequently-asked-questions-on-virtual-currency-transactions

    See Also: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-14-21.pdf

    Definition of wash sales: https://www.irs.gov/publications/p550#en_US_2020_publink100010601

    Edit: This is financial advice. I am not your financial advisor or a fiduciary nor do I offer you any evidence that I am qualified to offer this advice in any way. I am writing under a pseudonym on Reddit. Please stop saying you aren't giving financial advice under everything.

    submitted by /u/ClimbingIce
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    Lesson learnt from the 2017/2018 crash that keep me sane nowadays

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:21 AM PDT

    I'm posting this as I see so many comments in the daily of people genuinely fearful and distressed and the recent price drop.

    Firstly, there is no point asking others what's going to happen with the price eg is this it are we crashing? Or is this just a correction and still heading upwards? No one will actually be able to answer your question with certainty. In addition, what you are actually looking for is reassurance. What you will find is people answering with opinions that can be like an echo chamber. The more people that are repeating the same kind of message creates this false sense of certainty that can actually make you believe something based on very little.

    Secondly, it's easier said then done but you need to keep your emotions in check. My first experience of crypto was investing 2017/2018 and rode it up and back down and I made many mistakes and bought/sold based on emotion. Very rarely is this going to be a sensible decision. If you struggle with this, there are options, invest less and make sure you are aware and prepared that you may lose this money entirely or at the very least it could crash down 80-90% and can you tolerate this?

    Thirdly, so many people want to get rich without putting in the time and effort. I'm not judging, I was the same. I did this 3-4 years back and went after moonshots left right and centre. I put months salaries in NEO at $150, GVT at $20, ICX at $5 etc. A simple look at the charts will tell you that I spent years down 90-95% because of these decisions. The vast majority of people (including me) don't have the skill, knowledge or time to successfully day trade or make money from short term trades. Most of us need to invest over the longer term and ride out the short term volatility. As a result of this, I learnt I need to weight my portfolio heavily in BTC and ETH. I do this because I would always encourage people to hold long term like I did with NEO, ICX and GVT etc as they return or are well on there way to ATH. However, some if not a lot of the alts you see are shitty projects with shit fundamentals and will be eaten up over the years. Even alts with massive support and popularity disappear, look at Substratum. So blindly holding really depends on what you are holding. I got lucky with my alts (except substratum :()

    In BTC and ETH we trust, I think the combination of tech, future adoption and support make these the safest holds you can have.

    I hope this helps even a few people

    submitted by /u/anon8496847385
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    I want you to get rich.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    This has taken a long time to feel. But I want all of you to get rich.

    BTC purist? Get those gains, poppa hodler!

    ETHhead? May all your decentralized tech change the world.

    Oh, you're into ADA? To the moon.



    DeFi cloud storage? MOON for all those coins.

    NFTs? Fuck it, I hope the artists you support AND you make incredible profits.

    I used to want some projects to fail because I got burned by them. But at this point, I just want us to all make gains.

    We're humans, many of us are probably looking for financial freedom or financial security through investments. Many of us are probably making longshots with a dream of one day being able to better our lives or our families.

    We're just people.

    Hell, you hold DOGE? I hope that even you make great gains.

    You hold some hyper-deflationary hype coin like SAFEMOON? I hope you 3x your initial.


    I understand warning others about the age-old traps. We need the old heads to give us the sage advice when it's warranted.

    But from now on, I'm committed to not laugh at or cheer on our brothers' and sisters' losses. We're just people.

    Missed gains will still hurt, tanked investments will still devastate. But let's let the prices do the emotional harm, not us.

    In the Shakespearean words of the contemporary poet DJ Drama: we in this bitch together.

    submitted by /u/FurFaceMcBeard
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    Thoughts on a ‘life changing amount’

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    Some, if not most of us are not already wealthy. If you're like me you make (much) less than $50k/year working. We all dream of a life changing amount of money, but I don't often hear the reality of what it takes to get there.

    Right now I have more riding on crypto than I ever have and I can tell you how hard it is to watch $1,000 move up and down and that isn't a life changing amount (for me). Some people have tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions riding this roller coaster and I genuinely can't imagine what that's like.

    Dips like yesterday are pretty normal, so if you're in this for a huge amount that changes your life, you have to be ready to watch it fall as much as you're ready to watch it rise. It's gut wrenching, but if I've learned anything from selling at a loss in 2018, it's worth it. Just hold on, and set goals for when it's time to get off.

    submitted by /u/MistrWintr
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    How your hard wallet works : a simple explanation.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    How your hard wallet works : a simple explanation.

    Everyone knows that one of the biggest challenge in the crypto industry is to keep your secrets secret.

    How can one conciliate the paradox of keeping a private key away from internet while using a crypto wallet which requires both the private key and an internet connection? The simplest answer is : hardware wallet.

    First, an hardware wallet is a very simple piece of electronics. Actually, as simple as it can get.

    Internal components of a Ledger Nano S

    Why? Because the simpler the device is, the harder it is to hack it (No complex code that can be twisted, no forgotten vulnerabilities etc.).

    But... How does it work?

    I will (arbitrary) chose the Ledger wallet as an example (but the Trezor wallet is also a very good wallet). The Ledger wallet generates a MASTER KEY : the string of 24 words that you need to store safely. This is the MASTER KEY based on which, all your crypto private keys will be created. Simply put, you can imagine for instance that if your ledger Master key is : LEDGERMASTERKEY, your Bitcoin private key will be : LEDGERMASTERKEYBITCOIN, your Ethereum master key will be : LEDGERMASTERKEYETHEREUM and so on for every other crypto supported by the hardware wallet.

    But... How the hardwallet 'randomly' generates the master key?

    A computer or any electronic device is anything but random. A computer can not 'pick' or 'choose' a random number. This is why it is actually very difficult in the field of informatics to generate random stuff. But... there are tricks!

    Simply put : when you switch on your hard wallet for the first time, it will capture the electric noise inside itself to subsequently put a huuuuge number on this electric noise. This number will then be used to create the master key. Because the electric noise is extremely variable and will never be the same, EVER, your master key will be unique and 'randomly generated'. So, basically, the 24 words are the representation of the electric noise signature that was captured when the ledger was first switched on. No one will never be able to guess it or generate the same.

    Yes but, how come is it possible to regenerate my wallet on a new Ledger using my 24 words?

    If a Ledger get destroyed, the user just needs to buy a new one and enter his 24 words. The string of words will provide the new Ledger the electric noise originally captured by the destroyed Ledger. It will then allow the new Ledger to be in the same state as the previous one. Basically, it's like saying to your new Ledger : My previous master key was : LEDGERMASTERKEY. Because all the Ledger works in the same way, the new Ledger will regenerate the same private keys : LEDGERMASTERKEYBITCOIN, LEDGERMASTERKEYETHEREUM etc.

    So, if every Ledger can put the same words on the same numbers it means that they all have a 'common reference'?

    Indeed, there is a PUBLIC list of the 2048 possible words which can be used to create private keys. Each word is associated to a number. As long as all the Ledger devices share the same word-number association, everything is fine.

    Ok, but how come is it safe to use a device made by a company?

    As explained before, the MASTERKEY (and all the subsequent cryptokeys) is 'randomly' generated when you first switch on the device. After that, those keys never touch the internet. Indeed, to control the device (thus, the cryptokeys), you need to push physical buttons on it. No hacker can hack that because you need a physical finger to push it. You can not hack the finger of someone to push a button! No hacker can actually hack your hands.

    Good, and what are the worst case scenarios?

    1. You didn't buy your Ledger on the official website. It comes with an already generated MASTERKEY : It means that someone else already did the job for you. They know your MASTERKEY so they have your funds.
    2. Your ledger get destroyed and you didn't properly backup your 24 words : Your funds are lost
    3. The Ledger company gets hacked (what recently happened) : Hackers will never get access to your master key (because as I said, it was 'randomly generated' when the Ledger device was first switched on). But hackers will have access to some of your personal infos : name, address, email etc. So at best, you will receive phishing email. Never give your key to anyone. Ledger will never ask for your key. At worst, people might break into your house to steal your 24 words. So store your key safely!

    Finally : do not forget that your coins are not stored on your hard wallet. If you want to understand how it works in 1min, read this :)

    submitted by /u/Magelis86
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