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    Saturday, April 24, 2021

    Bitcoin Daily Discussion, April 24, 2021

    Bitcoin Daily Discussion, April 24, 2021

    Daily Discussion, April 24, 2021

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

    If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

    Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

    Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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    My Birthday Cake my girlfriend made me since all I talk about is Bitcoin����

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    When Bitcoin dips - by Lina Seiche

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Michael Saylor: Go f*ck yourself ... tax that! ����

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Not gonna lie, the “Don’t Panic” posts are getting really irritating

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    If anyone out there is panicking, a stranger on reddit isn't going to make them feel better. For those who have seen the dips and bear markets before, please stop humble bragging saying "I've been in this for years you idiots don't know what hodling is" and for those who just got into bitcoin within the last few months, please stop posting like you have any idea what you're talking about.

    submitted by /u/Beginning_County_869
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    I guess dreams do come true

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    Bitcoin encourages hard work

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    Even though I work as an engineer and make a decent living, I am going to work this weekend washing windows to make extra money. Why? Because I want to make extra money while Bitcoin is cheap so I can buy more. Why? Because I want to buy an honest currency that can't be inflated into oblivion by some bloated inefficient government or central bank.I want to provide for my family the best I possibly can because I love them. Bitcoin is a hard currency that I believe in. It makes me want to earn more, save more, and work harder. Bitcoin is awesome!

    submitted by /u/Milkshakebuckaroo2
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    ECB contributing to the Bitcoin Moon mission

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    Oh no!!! The price of BTC is dropping because of this and that. Who cares? I sure don't, because I am betting on the potential of Bitcoin as a medium of exhange in the long term.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    I love how people don't get that many are super long on Bitcoin because they understand it will be how money is commonly exchanged in the future. It's not just speculative. There is no central authority and no one single company pushing it, so yes, the development of payment networks, apps, infrastructure, and so forth is taking a while. Look at innovations like SegWit and the Lightning Network. These are only the beginning. The improvement of renewable energy should help with mining as well.

    As Mark Cuban put it, Bitcoin will reach the masses when it's so easy your gma could use it. Well, it's taking time, but the technology that will be behind bringing Bitcoin to the masses will be no more complicated than the technology behind paying with a debit card at the grocery store. You just don't think about it because they have boiled a system that reads a chip and then instantly transfers funds from your institution to another across hundreds or thousands of miles down to a simple POS swipe, insert, or tap.

    When people can figure out how to use it more easily, I can only imagine how high the price of BTC will go. Will people buy houses with bitcoins someday? No. You won't spend a "bitcoin" in the future, because even a Bugatti or a mansion won't cost a bitcoin. Instead, people will buy cars and houses with Satoshis. Look at the Shift card. That was a major step towards what I think mainstream adoption will look like. It just didn't work out. But others will step up and take their place.

    If you don't think it's at least worth a flier long term, well...then I just can't help you. I would rather dump 5gs into BTC right now and end up losing it all because my thesis was wrong than to find out in 20 years I could have been a multi-millionaire if I would have only had the guts and foresight.

    The other day someone told me they didn't get what makes Bitcoin valuable. "Like I don't get where its value comes from?" they said. They have been taught that the government backing a currency is the only thing that can make a currency valuable. It's not. The dollar is really valuable because people agree it's valuable. If the zombie apocalypse started tomorrow, would gold be currency? No, food, water, guns, and ammo would be currency because that is what people would agree is valuable. The idea that a government has to back a currency to make it valuable is the idea that will eventually become outdated here. I believe people will all agree BTC is valuable in the not-so-distant future. It's a risk I am willing to take, and I think others should too.

    submitted by /u/CrownonTHErocksJ
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    The day before MicroStrategy first bought Bitcoin (August 10, 2020) was the last day gold traded above $2,000/oz. It's down ~15% since then. Bitcoin is up 5x.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    Benjamin Cowen, respected bitcoin analyst, gives a pep talk at the end of his video today to those that are currently feeling uncomfortable.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Let's Talk Censorship? No Really, Let's Talk Censorship!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    Yesterday I posted a link to a YouTube video containing a Satire I've made about the clickbait trolls that attract people into registering into leverage exchanges and making money on it.
    The video also contains a serious analysis of the current Bitcoin market outlook.
    The post was censored and removed.

    However I see dozens of YouTube videos posted here and people are fond of them, upvoting like crazy. These videos, however, are made by well known YouTubers that do market analysis too.

    So what's the real problem here? My post doesn't brake any of the subreddit rules...

    Is it because I'm not as known as these other YouTubers? Is there a "famous level" so that your posts are not censored? Maybe a moderator could explain why the posts get censored?

    I invite you all to check the video in question (watch it in full because the intro is a satire and can be misleading if watched out of context) and comment here about any rules this video is breaking? This is the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61srDUTXsoM

    Thanks in advance to all of you! I'm ready to read your comments/opinions about this issue. Let's get a debate going!

    submitted by /u/HugoRamos
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    Hodlers aren’t lucky, they’ve worked hard for it.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    There are lots of people who have become extremely wealthy by acquiring coins from years ago. These same people often get called "lucky". To some extent, that's true as they may have simply stumbled across bitcoin before many others - but to a larger extent, it's plain unfair.

    Those "lucky" hodlers, have gone through several cycles. They've seen their fiat networths go sky high, and then drop off a cliff.

    If you're a wise hodler, it involves constant research. If you got in a few cycles ago, say 2013, then bitcoin was a completely different beast then. There were no guarantees. The theory and technology was still very robust, but the proliferation of bitcoin wasn't there yet. Buying bitcoin wasn't as easy as entering your credit card details.

    If you bought bitcoin on April 1st 2013, you'd have got a coin for ~$100. You would've likely had to send some money to an Estonian bank account, and pray to all that's holy that in a week or so's time that money would arrive. A little over a week goes by, and you'd have more than doubled your money to $230. A week later, it dropped to ~$80. Most people would have panicked and sold. The price wouldn't reach $200 until early November that year. By the end of November 2013, bitcoin was over $1000 again. If that same hodler kept his $100 bitcoin, he'd have made 10x on his investment in under 8 months.

    Then it dropped. It would be over 3 years until that hodler saw prices over $1000 again - January 2nd 2017. That would have been 3 hard years of toil, wondering if bitcoin would ever surpass it's previous ATH of ~$1150.

    A wise hodler would've kept their cool, trusted the tech, kept their belief, analysed the macro economy and trusted their gut. If they kept their nerve, then within another 12 months, that same $100 coin they bought on April 1st 2013, would reach a value of ~$19300 on December 16th 2017 - a 19200% return - in a little over a 4 and a half year time period.

    That same hodler probably had friends and parents screaming at them to sell. If the hodler had conviction in his research and his investment, he'd have continued hodling, only to be taunted by friends and family for another 3 years, until December 16th 2020, when the price breached $20k.

    That same hodler (assuming they held), is currently sitting on one bitcoin worth ~$50k at today's prices, a 49,900% gain. Yes, he could've sold on April 13th at ~$63.5k for a 63,400% gain - but if he was smart, he stuck to his conviction and is still holding.

    What's the point to all this? HODLing isn't easy. It is a combination of balls of steel, continual research, and self-belief - belief that bitcoin has the potential to upend the entire financial system.

    Things are a lot different in 2021 than they were in 2013. Things are looking incredibly strong for bitcoin despite this recent dip.

    Stop getting scared out of your position by people in the know who want your coins for cheaper. If you bought bitcoin because you believe it will ultimately change the crooked financial system and bring about more financial democracy, keep that faith.

    If you bought bitcoin because you want to make a quick buck, and have no idea about the inner workings of this tech, then bitcoin is probably not for you.

    submitted by /u/NickyNakamoto
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    Nigerias P2 P bitcoin trading has INCREASED 27% since the CBN and the government banned it. I THINK THATS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!! One more plus for bitcoin... cant be stopped by authoritarian rulers❤️❤️

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Bitcoin is an asset that I have invested money into

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    When it goes up, I think to myself, "yes." When it goes down, I think to myself, "no."

    submitted by /u/DerangedTrekkie
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    Bitcoin sprite by me

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    HODLing is freaking hard for normal people. Long time HODLers are not 100% luck.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    HODLing is not easy. It's a combination of ball of steel, constant research, and self-belief - continual defy all the urge to sell from friends and family.

    Long time HODLers are not 100% luck.

    submitted by /u/thanatosvn
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    Texas Federal Judge Rules Fourth Amendment Does Not Apply to Bitcoin Transaction Records

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    This isn't a crash, it's a Sh*tcoin Shakedown

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    We woke up yesterday morning to discover all of our beloved crypto currencies devalued against our chosen FIAT currency. People who have been in the game a long time will feel confident, while newbies may be worried that this bull run is already over. Comparing charts, quick fire analysis, weak minded investors may convince you it is, but...

    It is not the end of the bull run, this is just a Shitcoin Shakedown.

    Led by none other than the undisputed champion of shitcoins, Doge has surpassed unfathomable levels in value this last few weeks (thanks Elon) and reached an absolutely astounding market cap of $50 billion dollars. To those of us there during its creation (I was, and still HODL 2.2m Doge) it's recent 'pump & dump' spectacular has been a true sight to see. Imagining that it would ever surpass 1 cent per Doge would have got you laughed out the room until recently. To give some perspective, the levels and hype around it are beyond anything Roaring Kitty & $GME has achieved over on WSB.

    Bitcoin & Ethereum haven't even started to reach the parabolic levels associated with FOMO yet. What we are seeing the end of though is 'Alt-season'. It was short lived, but exciting and gained a lot of interest in the crypto space. The market has been waiting for it for some time, and its third outing (2013, 2018, 2021) didn't disappoint. There may be a few blips (dead-cat bounce?) over the coming months, but feel confident that your chosen shitcoin has had its day.

    Bitcoin, affected trivially (zoom out to find out) by the market slump will continue its march upwards akin to PlanB's S2F chart. There's still a long way to in this bull run. The only real way to play Bitcoin is to buy, hold and be patient.

    submitted by /u/samcornwell
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    Comedian / Libertarian Candidate Dave Smith gets it.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Today I found a Bitcoin buying station at the Shell gas station (1199 S PINELLAS AVE, 34689) in Tarpon Springs Florida.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Its inevitable

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    "TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!" Getting your friends into Bitcoin like

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    For everyone worried about Hedge funds and ETF's buying up and suppressing the Bitcoin markets, don't worry, we'll be buying them out one day for satoshis on the dollar. They don't own anything compared to use old whales who've bought, held, and believed in the project for years with time to plan

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:55 PM PDT


    Just look at the size of the youngest of our whales($10 Billion), and he doesn't even own anything close to a majority of us old dogs.

    Those corporate guys don't own anything compared to what us whales hold who started early. Most of us haven't sold our holdings, we leverage what we need when we want to make a business move. We buy out companies and redirect their income to buy more bitcoin and pay off their own loans until we own them and their revenue streams. Mark my words, one day, we'll be buying out their hedge funds and their banks for satoshis on the dollar, by then, we'll create a never-ending system fueling the process of converting fiat currencies for Bitcoin in a never-ending cycle. We'll pay our employees with Bitcoin, allow our tenants to pay their rent at discounts for Bitcoin, allow people to buy our products for discounts with it. We'll create an ecosystem that will only grow bigger with time. Buy out every politician we need to, fund and elect the candidates we need to. It's already happening today with the crypto millionaires and billionaires that exist now. Just imagine where it will be when more hodlers grow into business owners and join the effort in buying out the world with our leverage and redirecting its revenues towards a perfect thermodynamic battery that can store and absorb all the world's wealth.

    And for those who complain about the send fees getting too high, look up the lightning network. There are many more second-layer networks that solve the problems of fees. So educate yourself if you don't want to miss out on this ride. Because if you wait until we buy out the world's businesses, well I can tell you that the growth opportunity then will be nothing like today. It will likely still be the best most stable and growth you can bet on at that time, but nothing like the opportunity it is today with how young the network still is. Only .16% of the world has adopted to date, this is late 90's heading towards the early 2000's internet stock days. The only difference is Bitcoin's network effect is growing much faster, both in adoption and in value.

    submitted by /u/SatOnMyBalls_
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