• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 24, 2021

    BTC If you ever wonder why Bitcoin is congested and has high fees, remember who funded Bitcoin development. Follow the money. Conflict of interest.

    BTC If you ever wonder why Bitcoin is congested and has high fees, remember who funded Bitcoin development. Follow the money. Conflict of interest.

    If you ever wonder why Bitcoin is congested and has high fees, remember who funded Bitcoin development. Follow the money. Conflict of interest.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:30 PM PDT

    lets not forget what happened 2017

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Bought the dip

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    The Real Scammer (OC)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    “ Bitcoin Cash has double spend protection even at 0-conf which are more secure than on BTC since BCH eliminated the RBF vulnerabilty which harms usage as p2p cash. BCH also is highly secure after ~10 blocks due to deep reorg protection. That's less than 2 hrs on average.”

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    CashApp Limits BTC Withdrawals Due to High Fees

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    BTC Dev Team Fail

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    The current backlog in transactions and insanely high transaction fees demonstrates a complete and utter failure of the BTC Dev team to solve the scaling challenge.

    submitted by /u/vladimir0506
    [link] [comments]

    BCH Unlimited 1.9.2 Now Out. Go grab it now!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    Major Upgrades Coming To BCH

    It's nearly time for BCH to level up again. We have some exciting new features coming to BCH Unlimited in this release!

    One of the big new capabilities is long unconfirmed transaction chains. BCH Unlimited already supported a version of this functionality via something we called 'intelligent forwarding'. Now that the rest of the BCH network is adopting technology to enable long unconfirmed transaction chains, we are able to disable our intelligent forwarding and completely remove any friction with publishing transactions to the blockchain, how money always should have been!

    The other new advancement on BCH is the capability of including multiple OP_RETURNs in a single transaction. Previously, network rules stated that only a single OP_RETURN was permitted within a Bitcoin Cash transaction. From the May upgrade, Bitcoin Cash transactions will be allowed to include multiple OP_RETURNs and we can't wait to see the exciting new tools and services this unlocks.

    Go Download It Now!

    BCH Unlimited version 1.9.2 is now available from:


    Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:



    This is a major release of BCH Unlimited compatible with the upcoming protocol upgrade of the Bitcoin Cash network. You could find a detailed list of all the specifications here:


    If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Bitcoin-Qt (on Mac) or bitcoind/bitcoin-qt (on Linux).

    Main Changes in 1.9.2

    This is list of the main changes that have been merged in this release:

    • Disable intelligent forwarding on or after May 15, 2021, as per BCH network-wide upgrade agreement.
    • Accept transactions with multiple OP_RETURN outputs as standard on or after May 15, 2021, as per BCH network-wide upgrade agreement.

    Commit details

    • a7064a4ef Add release notes for BCH Unlimited 1.9.2 (Andrea Suisani)
    • 85dace460 Adjust to use isMay2021Enabled check (Nicolai Skye)
    • b64c42682 Make multiple OP_RETURN standard (Nicolai Skye)
    • c3cf650fe Bump BCH Unlimited verions to 1.9.2 (Andrea Suisani)
    • 6956d9e8e Add an in memory block cache (Peter Tschipper)
    • a062c90f7 Use 120 wait instead of 60 in wallet.py (Peter Tschipper)
    • 738bc3d4f Remove the call to IsMay2021Next() when setting unconfPushAction. (Peter Tschipper)
    • 68594909c Revert back to the 4hr orphan timeout after the fork is activated. (Peter Tschipper)
    • 681a40dbe Add tests to mempool_push.py (Peter Tschipper)
    • a719bb1b0 Adjustments after rebasing on sickpigs activation code (Peter Tschipper)
    • 22d51b0c7 Adapt the long chain code for the May 15, 2021 hard fork. (Peter Tschipper)
    • 9463b562f Remove misbehavior for invalid dsproof and throw if spenders are the same (Peter Tschipper)
    • 38b12091a Cleanup parallel.cpp/.h and remove the redundancy with regards to clearing the orphanpool (Peter Tschipper)
    • 7b9a1a415 Output where the txn is found when doing a getrawtransaction rpc (Peter Tschipper)
    • 84142123a Activate Nov 2020 upgrade by height, add helpers from May 2021 (Andrea Suisani)
    • 34eefe7a3 Set the RPC warmup earlier when reindexing (Peter Tschipper)


    Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

    • Andrea Suisani
    • Nicolai Skye
    • Peter Tschipper

    We have backported an amount of changes from other projects, namely Bitcoin Cash Nodes. Following all the indirect contributors whose work has been imported via the above backports:

    • BigBlocksIfTrue
    submitted by /u/BU-BCH
    [link] [comments]

    Another case of pro-LN mods censoring discussion against their narrative.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    Found myself in a r/TheLightningNetwork 'learn the fundamentals' thread and decided to once again ask about how LN will handle routing/path-finding if LN somehow scaled up.

    Thread in question

    The post copied below ended up getting removed for 'spreading FUD' since it was linking to posts criticizing LN based off real, recent examples. Most of the links referenced posts on their own subreddit or r/lightningnetwork.

    Just another example to highlight to those browsing r/btc that the narrative is tightly controlled on the BTC/LN side of the (lack of) debate.

    Even if I came across as abrasive, I'd still point out that my questions have still gone unanswered in a 'Learn Lightning' thread.

    Why would large hubs all censor another large hub? They would all be hurting themselves by doing so.

    The new small hub(s) trying to compete with the large hub(s) would absolutely have a chance of overtaking in the long run, but like I said it would be a very long uphill battle and, just like Facebook competitors, so they are much more likely to fail.

    As for 'incentivizing spreading' you're ignoring the economic factor that the more hops you have the higher your fees will be. This is the economic reason why large hubs will become inevitable, whereas my concern about the routing side (which is still unanswered, btw) is the technical reason.

    This liquidity allocation problem crushes the little theory you just made to make you feel good. 

    Except it doesn't. You can't argue with the fundamental factors that encourage centralization. :)

    But are you here to blame the ones who build because they are a threat to your coin, or to understand how it works :) 

    I'm a long-term Bitcoin supporter, and BCH is my chain of choice since it's actually usable, but you should always keep an open mind and see if what the competition is doing is worth adopting. That was the Bitcoin plan to begin with: if any other crypto created worthy features Bitcoin would simply adopt them since it's programmable money. There's no reason Bitcoin wouldn't remain #1 because of this.

    As it stands, and the lack of technical explanation to my questions reinforces, LN is still simply an engineering problem trying to solve a problem that shouldn't exist to begin with. It's a total failure for adoption just to show a couple recent examples.

    And the cherry on top is that if LN somehow did end up solving all the horrible pain points it has and enabled massive scaling it would simply work better on a crypto like BCH that scales. So no, saying BCH is threatened by LN as it stands is laughable. :)

    I await the fundamental technical info I've now asked three times for, or the incoming ban for the audacity to ask for such info.

    submitted by /u/kamchii
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    The Bitcoin Cash Latam team in Caracas Venezuela is growing

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    I guess tipping frustrated Lightning users is spam

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    Malaysia approves BCH for use in the country, only the 5th crypto approved and based on demand.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    Cantalupe Agency accepts BCH in Argentina

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    Cantalupe Agency accepts BitcoinCash in Argentina! Now you can contract digital solutions in the cloud, using BCH as a payment method. Website: https://agenciacantalupe.com Business number: 26



    submitted by /u/BitcoinCashArgentina
    [link] [comments]

    Exodus's new in-app title for BTC listing: "High network fees..."

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    Thinking of buying something with BTC? In order for vendors not to go broke they have to raise the price.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    I see a lot of people claim to be using BTC to buy things. It's hard to believe any vendors are taking it with these fees. If they do take it they would be forced to add at least another $20 to the transaction to cover the fee when they move the coins. Want to buy a 8TB hard drive which costs $150? Vendor would need to charge you at least $170 for it with BTC. Probably more the way things have been lately. Before you say well they can just use a payment processor you thing a payment processor is going to eat the fees? No they will pass it on to the vendor or the person doing the tx. Who is willing to pay an extra $20 or more on top of their tx fee for an item? I'm sure as heck not. Not even willing to pay and extra 20 cents. Luckily with BCH you don't have to.

    Before the LN shills show up and say just use that well LN was never designing for sending more than around $40 in the first place. Getting $150 to route would be a crap shoot assuming you don't need to pay a fee or 2 to open a channel in the first place.

    submitted by /u/FUBAR-BDHR
    [link] [comments]

    Since I often get asked about Lightning Network by my subscribers, I added my response to my website's FAQ. I wanted to keep it simple and somewhat brief. I know there are more reasons why LN is a fail. Let me know if you think I missed something vital and I'll consider adding it. Thanks!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    It's nothing crazy but just tryna spread the word of BCH. Built this in a Minecraft realm.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    This made me chuckle... but a million sounds nice also.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Thinking of asking local car showrooms

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    Since seeing that video of that guy willing to buy 111 teslas with BCH it got me thinking. I would like to visit every car showroom in my town and see If they will accept bitcoin cash as payment. Actually also have a well know national supercar dealer in my town (https://www.s-s-c.co.uk/prestige-stock/used-cars-in-huddersfield-west-yorkshire). BUT dont have nowhere near enough BCH to go around acting like a baller. Adoption is key and if we can get a large manufacturer on board or a supercar dealer it would be great PR for BCH. We dont need elon musk

    submitted by /u/Y0UNGJED1
    [link] [comments]

    Vicii Botanicals now accepts Bitcoin Cash!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    Bitforce5 is reborn! It's a blockchain visualization that uses a force-directed graph. BCH telemetry has been added (and about time!)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I wrote BitForce5 for Bitcoin years ago, long before the fork. This last weekend I dusted off the cobwebs, added BCH and tuned up the presentation.

    It was created as an educational exercise to learn about d3, Data-Driven Documents library, specifically the force-directed. A steady stream of transactions from the blockchain made an ideal data source. This time around I had an interest in Quasar and Vue.js frameworks and decided to overhaul BitForce5. One cool Quasar feature, right out the box, an appt can be installed as a PWA on your mobile device.

    I've wanted to add Bitcoin Cash activity for some time now but never found a good data stream. The original data stream was blockchain.info. It's still an option, but it doesn't emit BCH events. They also crippled the available BTC data points, and it doesn't emit all trxs. So I looked at TxStreet and added it as a source.

    If anyone knows of other BCH blockchain streams (websocket), I'd be interested, especially one that includes the value for each input/output address.

    Be sure to browse the settings menu in the upper right to fiddle with the graph parameters. It's still very much beta as I continue to add back features from the original site and smooth out the graph performance.

    Fun fact, when I wrote bitforce5.com there were so few transactions on the network that I had to wait nearly a minute for the next trx to pop. It took a half-hour before the nodes filled up. I had to write a test data generator to spew fake trxs to see any meaningful amount of action. Of course now it takes less than a 15 seconds to flood the whole display. And you can mix both the BCH and BTC action.

    Note: It can get overwhelmed with both BCH and BTC operating. There are times, often before a BTC block appears, when the data stops flowing and appears to spool up. And then bang! All of the transactions flood in at once and explode onto the screen. Unfortunately, this can overwhelm the browser. If this happens tune down the Max Edges setting. I highly recommend running in Chrome as it appears to handle the SVG/Javascript load better.

    submitted by /u/bitmeister
    [link] [comments]

    A month ago i drew this for a small job for BCH. This is one of the coolest crypto places on reddit. Much love everyone

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    Houston Rockets item of the game, Bitcoin Cash accepted!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    Due to high fees on the Bitcoin network, use of one of the most popular Lightning Network wallets has been disabled. (You can't make this stuff up!)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    Shoutout to Bitcoin Cash with its average transaction fees of less than a penny! (vs BTC fees of over $30)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    The first SLP token is listed on KoingFu! and some updates on Bitcoin Smart Cash,

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, just a quick update on our progress. We listed the first SLP token at KoingFu: https://www.koingfu.com/oli

    We think OLI is an interesting idea. Imagine the value of players such as Novak Djokovic tokenized. You could then have video games and then use an NFT token to play with that character. Many interesting ideas being discussed so join the conversation! While OLI is not at Djokovic level just yet, Oli can get there and we foresee a future where more and more athletes tokenize their careers. Imagine supporting the next Ronaldo and having the NFT to prove it!

    The Smart Bitcoin Cash team is moving quickly and a new release should be available in the next few days. We cant wait to update our nodes! Lots and lots of projects are being built by multiple teams and soon coming to Smart Bitcoin Cash, and we will list them all! As I said before Smart Bitcoin Cash is a game-changer.

    We still have a lot of work to do for KoingFu, but making steady progress, mobile view works much better now. Right now we are working on storing price data and charting, we should have our own charts soon (we are using tradeview charts for now and not all pairs are available). If you get a chance, give us some feedback and let us know how to improve the site. Also if you would like to see your SLP token listed, send us a DM! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/estebansaa
    [link] [comments]

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