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    [Daily Discussion] - Thursday, March 04, 2021 Bitcoin Markets

    [Daily Discussion] - Thursday, March 04, 2021 Bitcoin Markets

    [Daily Discussion] - Thursday, March 04, 2021

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:00 PM PST

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    • General discussion related to the day's events
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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Best ways to go long or short Bitcoin? Buy GBTC or sell MSTR or OBTC

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:38 AM PST

    Why is CME futures contract size at 5 BTC?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:14 PM PST

    Did they intentionally price this contract out of reach for retail hands or something? To me, 1 btc per contract seems like a good starting point, why 5 btc per contract? The current margin requirement for 5 btc at its 3x leverage is over $70k! What small retail trader has that much collateral to put up for a single trade?! How am I supposed to margin trade bitcoin legally here in the US without using a VPN or otherwise risk my funds getting confiscated like with bitmex, etc?

    submitted by /u/Patient-Chemical6146
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    Proving Bitcoin Holdings to a Home Lender

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:29 PM PST

    I listed my cryptocurrency as assets on my home loan application and now my lender is asking for me to provide some sort of statement or documentation to verify my holdings. Does anyone have experience doing they or know if a way or program that I could do this? My holdings are spread among a few exchanges and wallets. I was thinking about seeing if I could do something with CoinTracker.

    I'd appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/howie9234
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    Bitcoin is the embodiment of the populist movement

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:25 AM PST

    Sorry for the length of the following, but just some commentary from someone who follows history and the market:

    Populism has been increasingly on the rise in the past decade. Starting with Trudeau in Canada, extending to the 5 Star Movement in Italy, Brexit in the UK, Yellow Vests in France, Trump in the US, the success of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, the protests in Russia, etc.

    First, defining populism. Populism is basically the idea that the elites have a certain level of treatment that's reserved for them, that government rules and laws are made and skewed towards their favor, and that the everyday person deserves to be treated just as fairly and equally.

    Its been fairly evident throughout history that lawmakers are biased. Why? Because lawmakers are inherently wealthy (Ted Cruz with net worth of $4mm, Romney with net worth of $250mm, even Elizabeth Warren with her net worth of $12mm). Therefore, in aggregate, the laws that are issued will naturally favor those making the laws.

    As a result of biased lawmakers, industries themselves who are governed by these laws will ultimately favor those at the top. Think private health insurance, financial services, etc. The rule of society is, those who can afford the bigger legal team wins. The GameStop debacle was the latest in a long history of inequalities which shows that the rules that are mandated to the common person don't apply to the rich.

    Enter Bitcoin, a platform where everyone is regarded equally. Where common day people can invest and grow their wealth at a disproportionate rate relative to stocks, bonds, and traditional assets that the wealthy have loaded up their yachts with. Where the average worker can break away from the traditional hierarchical pyramid, and actually start their own financial ecosystem. Effectively taking power away from those at the top, and spreading it amongst those who hold it.

    Central banks aren't stupid. They understand how technologically efficient crypto currencies are. That's why 86% of central banks around the world are experimenting with CBDCs (according to Deutsche Bank IB Research), and why China is live testing theirs as we speak. However, central banks also don't want to lose power. That's why they're extremely cautious of Bitcoin and the traction that it's garnering, and cautioning against the adoption thereof (think China bans, Yellen FUD, etc.).

    The question therefore becomes, who wins? Will the political and financial elite, who have dictated our current socio-economic constructs rise out on top like they always do and Bitcoin just fades away as a fad? Or will the average person grasp the opportunity that Bitcoin provides to show the 1% that the power of the 99% is a force to be reckoned with, and really change the financial system (and their own net wealth) for the better.

    Only time will tell. But with the continued rise of populism around the world and the idea that the average person should be treated the same as the financial and political elite, Bitcoin is the ultimate vehicle to propel that forward, and it's no wonder so many at the top are worried.

    submitted by /u/avernamethyst112
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    Suspicious crypto arb bot

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Has anyone heard / used phptrader bot? (wont put the link, easy to google).

    Essentially can only deposit btc which you need to convert to usdp and they claim the bot arbs across 13 exchanges and yields about a 2% return daily. They do take a 45% fee of the profit but if you refer others, your fee goes down. They also claim they absorb any potential losses due to the high fee on profit.

    Daily 2% yield just seems to good to be true especially these days arbing. I must admit though, the platform makes it look super legit as each buy-sell is recorded including which exchange it was done.

    Just don't think that info can be cross referenced though.

    Bunch of red flags I was able to find, claim to have a london office which is not true, they have non existent support besides a telegram chat which the mod types in broken english, claim to be part of cryptouk which is also not true. But a few people (mainly in Korea) have used it for close to 4 months and have cashed out their investment + profit. Any good investigators out there can uncover something I am missing and how something like this could be possibly legit?

    It seems very close to what Hodium was claiming to do (also claimed to be based in UK) and they shut down after 2-3 months.

    submitted by /u/MalRak02
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    Life of a Bitcoiner is all about making it from Shrimp to a Whale ����

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:11 AM PST

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