• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Proposal to move all memes to a different subreddit

    Cryptocurrency Proposal to move all memes to a different subreddit

    Proposal to move all memes to a different subreddit

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:02 AM PST

    As everyone has seen, allowing everyone to post one meme per day results in the sub being completely overrun with memes for whatever days this is allowed, currently Saturday and Sunday UTC time. This policy of allowing memes only on the weekend was adopted because the previous policy of only allowing two meme/COMEDY posts in the top 50 during the week and five meme/COMEDY posts on the weekend was prone to being gamed, and was a constant source of frustration for users who felt (fairly or unfairly) that the memes that did make it into the top 50 and stick didn't deserve to be there soaking up karma while their own precious creation was removed by a bot.

    This proposal would disallow all simple image and gif posts in /r/CryptoCurrency. We would still allow COMEDY flaired posts in the main sub, such as this one, and those posts would be subject to the proposal that recently passed limiting karma to COMEDY flaired posts. However, direct link to an image, images, or gif would not be allowed to be posted in this subreddit.

    Of course, we don't want to kill all memes (well maybe some mods do, but not all of us), so what we are proposing is to shift all memery to our sister subreddit /r/CryptoCurrencyMemes. In the immediate term the plan is to reward the top five meme posts in terms of upvotes that sub has at the end of each week UTC time with MOONs from the mod/community pot in the amount of 400, 250, 150, 100, 50 MOONs. In the medium term, let's say a month or two, we are hoping that we can define a way for these rewards to come directly from the monthly MOON distribution. We have had some preliminary discussion about this with admins and they seem onboard but would like to see the community define a distribution governance proposal and pass it to define exactly how this would be done.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/jwinterm
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    Daily Discussion - March 3, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Amazon just added ETHEREUM SUPPORT to AWS!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:26 PM PST

    Never trust crypto YouTubers or tip channels period. They are not trying to make you rich, they are trying to get rich off of you!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:47 AM PST

    It is as simple as that, if they had a secret method to making millions they would keep it to themselves. All of these youtube and telegram tip channels are simply pump and dump schemes where they buy into a token cheap and then shill it to their followers so that they can dump their shitcoins at a profit.

    The old saying "if its too good to be true, then it isn't true" applies 99% of the time in crypto. There are a few individuals out there that do share their genuine knowledge but they are far and few between, dont get suckered into the biggest and most prolific scam in crypto!

    submitted by /u/AvidasOfficial
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    One of the world's largest aluminum providers, Hydro, to use VeChain via DNV GL's 'Tag. Trace. Trust.' solution

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:11 PM PST

    1,000,000 transactions, confirmed instantly for free...

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:03 AM PST

    Never thought I would see the day people were getting paid for Internet Points.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:07 PM PST

    Look at us now! My wife always laughed at me for being on Reddit and wasting time as it is my only form of Social Media.

    Now who's got the last laugh 😅

    I haven't made enough to change my life obviously but it feels good saying that Reddit paid for a nice date night for me and the wife. It's not much but I am over appreciative of the generosity. Not just from reddit, but from everyone in r/CryptoCurrency upvoting as well. If it wasn't for you guys my wife would be getting McDonald's!

    submitted by /u/Bud-Sniffer
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    Research firm Glassnode says only 4 Million Bitcoins are currently circulating freely. This could lead to a massive supply squeeze in the near term

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:57 AM PST

    So I have finished the last cig from the last pack I bought...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:40 PM PST

    And I didn't buy another one.

    Instead of the 6 bucks I've been sitting back, I made it ten. Don't tell my wife, but I have faith in that extra $4.

    Due to the high rates right now I'm going to dump in 1 time at the end of each month. I will have a picture of what I have saved already on Friday!

    Quitting is hard. But I've been at only 2 cigs a day since I bought my final pack last week. I gave my wife the rest of the pack when I got home from work. And I've already have $22 I didn't spend on a slow suicide.

    Fxck cigarettes. Buy crypto.

    submitted by /u/SirDePseudonym
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    You DO NOT Have to Report Crypto Purchases Made in $ US Dollars $ to the IRS. Score!!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:03 PM PST

    Cardano Google Searches at All-Time High as Retail Investors Come for ADA

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:27 AM PST

    Some interesting facts about the top 15 cryptocurrencies

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:55 AM PST

    Here are some interesting facts or history about the top 15 cryptocurrencies by market cap. A lot of it is taken from the wikipedia. Feel free to correct me if something's wrong.

    Bitcoin (BTC):

    The receiver of the first bitcoin transaction was cypherpunk Hal Finney, who had created the first reusable proof-of-work system (RPoW) in 2004. Finney downloaded the bitcoin software on its release date, and on 12 January 2009 received ten bitcoins from Nakamoto. In 2010, the first known commercial transaction using bitcoin occurred when programmer Laszlo Hanyecz bought two Papa John's pizzas for ₿10,000.

    Ethereum (ETH):

    In 2016, a hacker exploited a flaw in a third-party project called The DAO and stole $50 million of Ether. As a result, the Ethereum community voted to hard fork the blockchain to reverse the theft and Ethereum Classic (ETC) continued as the original chain.

    Cardano (ADA):

    The platform is named after Gerolamo Cardano and the cryptocurrency after Ada Lovelace.

    Binance Coin (BNB):

    BNB was launched through an initial coin offering in 2017, 11 days before the Binance cryptocurrency exchange went online. It was originally issued as an ERC-20 token running on the Ethereum network, with a total supply capped at 200 million coins, and 100 million BNBs offered in the ICO.

    Tether (USDT):

    Despite being "tethered" to USD, USDT sometimes lost a part of its price per coin. The biggest price drop happened on April 25, 2017, when the price almost got to 0.9 US dollars per coin. As a result traders sold USDT coins, making the price of USDT much lower. Some of the cryptocurrency exchanges (particularly those that implemented Tether as a USD alternative) experienced a rapid Bitcoin price uptrend. The same happened with other cryptocurrencies, traded in pairs with Tether.

    Polkadot (DOT):

    Gavin Wood was previously the Chief Technology Officer and is co-founder of the Ethereum Project. While developing Ethereum and developing the new Ethereum 2.0 specification that would include sharding, Dr. Wood and his team began pondering the sharding hurdles a blockchain would face. From initial conception to a white paper, it took him about four months to come up with a vision for a heterogeneous multi-chain framework, the Polkadot Protocol. Wood released the Polkadot white paper on November 14, 2016.


    A class action was filed against Ripple in May 2018 "alleging that it led a scheme to raise hundreds of millions of dollars through unregistered sales of its XRP tokens." According to the complaint, "the company created billions of coins 'out of thin air' and then profited by selling them to the public in 'what is essentially a never-ending initial coin offering'."

    Chainlink (LINK):

    The launch of the open-source cryptocurrency ChainLink was not successful. The fault was the mistake of the developers in informing investors and in carrying out collective cooperation, in order to raise money and other resources to finance this project. Thus, after the launch, the program worked only 10 minutes, but because of the failure of the company, users accused the creators of cheating.

    Litecoin (LTC):

    In May 2017, Litecoin became the first of the top 5 (by market cap) cryptocurrencies to adopt Segregated Witness. Later in May of the same year, the first Lightning Network transaction was completed through Litecoin, transferring 0.00000001 LTC from Zürich to San Francisco in under one second.

    Bitcoin Cash (BCH):

    In 2017 there were two factions of Bitcoin supporters: those that supported large blocks and those who preferred small blocks. The Bitcoin Cash faction favors the use of its currency as a medium of exchange for commerce, while the Bitcoin-supporting faction view Bitcoin's primary use as that of a store of value. Bitcoin Cash detractors call the cryptocurrency "Bcash", "Btrash", or "a scam", while its supporters maintain that "it is the pure form of Bitcoin"

    Stellar (XLM):

    Jed McCaleb is a co-founder of Stellar Development Foundation . Before the official launch, McCaleb formed a website called "Secret Bitcoin Project" seeking alpha testers. Also ,in 2000, McCaleb created e-Donkey which became one of the largest file-sharing networks in its time. He later created Mt. Gox, the first bitcoin exchange, which was subsequently sold and re-coded by its current owners.

    USD Coin (USDC):

    Unlike the most popular stablecoin Tether (USDT), creators of the USD Coin are obligated to provide full transparency and work with a range of financial institutions to maintain full reserves of the equivalent fiat currency. All USDC issuers are required to regularly report their USD holdings, which are then published by Grant Thornton LLP. All the monthly attestation reports can be found here.

    Uniswap (UNI):

    Uniswap was born out of an idea proposed in reddit in 2016 by Vitalik Buterin for a decentralized exchange (DEX) that would employ an on-chain automated market maker with certain unique characteristics. A year later Hayden Adams began working on turning this idea into a functional product. After receiving several grants as well as $100,000 from the Ethereum Foundation, Uniswap launched in November 2018.

    NEM (XEM):

    In January 2018, Coincheck exchange was hacked and approximately 500 million NEM tokens ($530 million) were stolen. The currency was transferred through a total of nineteen accounts, one of which was found to have no connection with the hacker. On March 12, the exchange announced reimbursements for the victims, some 260,000 holders.

    Dogecoin (DOGE):

    On January 19, 2014, a fundraiser was established by the Dogecoin community to raise $50,000 for the Jamaican Bobsled Team, which had qualified for, but could not afford to go to, the Sochi Winter Olympics. By the second day, $36,000 worth of Dogecoin was donated and the Dogecoin to bitcoin exchange rate rose by 50%.

    EDIT: Some additional info about Cardano and Ada.

    Gerolamo Cardano was an Italian polymath, whose interests and proficiencies ranged through those of mathematician, physician, biologist, physicist, chemist, astrologer, astronomer, philosopher, writer, and gambler. He was one of the most influential mathematicians of the Renaissance, and was one of the key figures in the foundation of probability and the earliest introducer of the binomial coefficients and the binomial theorem in the Western world. He wrote more than 200 works on science.

    Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and to have published the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as one of the first computer programmers.

    Edit 2: Maybe I got the Chainlink thing wrong, sorry about that. Apparently the launch was a success according to some comments.

    submitted by /u/LivingThings37
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    Trading Stocks is Like Trading Crypto at 0.1x. Change my mind.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PST

    When I used to trade stocks, we considered a 6-7% return on investment a good year. A bad year was a 50% loss.

    In crypto, 7% gain is a good day. 25% gain is a great day. 50% loss is last Sunday. Life's too short to trade stocks!

    submitted by /u/neuronamously
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    The amount of positive news lately is absolutely incredible for crypto

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:25 AM PST

    I've been lurking here for about a year only but nowadays the sheer amount of new projects being developed, credit companies joining in crypto, moons releasing on Reddit, big players like Amazon, Apple investing or researching, NFT adoptions, small business starting to support crypto payments is nothing short of breathtaking.

    There is so much going on its hard to track all the new things coming out and even harder not to be excited.

    I strongly believe a very bright future awaits us early adopters. There is no denying that this is the future and we will play a big part in it!

    submitted by /u/DaddySkates
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    A year ago, I posted about working on a crypto-themed game as a solo dev on this sub. 2020 and Covid-19 threw a wrench in my plan but I kept working on it thanks to the positive reception I got here. Now I’m happy to announce the game is finally releasing today! Giving away FREE keys to devs

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PST

    How r/CryptoCurrency looked over the years (2013-2021)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:43 AM PST

    To commemorate the upcoming 8 year birthday of r/cryptocurrency, I wanted to take a look at how our community grew and see how the hot pages looked over the period of 8 years. I've put quite a bit of work into this and I hope you will find it interesting.

    Here's how r/cryptocurrency reached its ATH number of subscribers. EDIT: Added BTC price change to the chart.

    Click on the >>🔥<< symbol to see a hot page from random day in that month.  

    Year Month Subscribers BTC price, $ Hot page Random post from that time
    2013 March 161 47 🔥 LTC is goin' up! I bought at .47USD earlier today,... LTC trades for .61USD now.
    2013 April 633 165 🔥 You invest $10,000 in Bitcoin, $10,000 in Litecoin and $10,000 in PPcoin. What are they going to be worth in 18 months time?
    2013 June 1331 106 🔥 CureCoin - Dedicated to finding cures, and paying you for your contributions.
    2013 September 1970 132 🔥 Ripple is officially open-sourced
    2013 December 3222 1096 🔥 /r/Scamcoin subreddit
    2014 February 7466 931 🔥 Whats your opinion on Dogecoin?
    2014 March 9549 544 🔥 TargetMoon clearly shows which coins have the most buzz by number of hourly tweets.
    2014 April 10986 444 🔥 Edgecoin dev's scam users out of 70+ BTC... Be careful with IPO investments everyone.
    2014 June 12576 650 🔥 i'm becoming disillusioned with cryptos. i think people just want to invest in 'the next bitcoin'
    2014 July 13342 627 🔥 Litecoin founder is discussing dogecoin's dangerously low hashrate.
    2014 August 13738 592 🔥 What are the safest altcoins around? (i mean long term, +6months, active devs on BitcoinTalk)
    2014 September 14101 475 🔥 There are so many damn coins, how should I choose what to spend my time on?
    2014 October 14482 331 🔥 All the biggest cryptos have been taking a beating recently... what's going on?
    2014 December 15380 335 🔥 If Reddit doesn't call their cryptocurrency "Creddits" they are missing a golden opportunity
    2015 February 16154 236 🔥 What Aspect Of Cryptocurrency or Digital Currency Has The Greatest Potential To Do Good In The World?
    2015 March 16395 248 🔥 Darkcoin Rises, Rebrands to 'DASH'
    2015 April 16587 225 🔥 -
    2015 May 16770 237 🔥 -
    2015 June 16901 233 🔥 MasterCard Lobbying The UK Goverment Against Bitcoin
    2015 July 17021 255 🔥 Are there any CryptoCurrencies where the actual mining contributes to something? IE: Decoding DNA, contributing to SETI or Medical research?
    2015 August 17748 260 🔥 Bitcoin's PROTOCOL has forked. /r/bitcoin mods censoring all news & debate.
    2015 October 18696 311 🔥 What coins are most likely a scam?
    2015 December 18796 415.4 🔥 The process of creating a coin
    2016 February 18966 390 🔥 Cryptocurrency 2.0 startup Ethereum has skyrocketed 688% since the start of 2016
    2016 March 19262 434 🔥 How Bitcoin Became the Slowest, Most Expensive, Least-Developed Currency
    2016 April 20111 427 🔥 One coin to rule them all?
    2016 May 20604 446 🔥 ELI5: Why can't we use all that computer power to cure cancer?
    2016 June 21314 620 🔥 Which currency should I invest in?
    2016 July 22265 654 🔥 /r/btc getting ready to hardfork.
    2016 September 23415 610.7 🔥 What is the most profitable coin to mine?
    2016 October 24276 653 🔥 Zcash tokens traded for a few millions dollars each this morning. Now they are a steal at $25,000 each.
    2016 November 25215 733 🔥 Hacker holds San Francisco railway to ransom, demands 100 bitcoins
    2017 February 27391 1049 🔥 Where are we on this curve?
    2017 March 27844 1222 🔥 Coinbase Exits as Hawaii Requires Bitcoin Companies to Hold Fiat Reserves
    2017 April 31933 1286 🔥 Tether drops 5% to $0.95
    2017 May 46827 2052 🔥 Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Using Ethereum with Vitalik Buterin
    2017 June 69676 2590 🔥 Missed out on investing in BTC at $10, looking to get back into cryptocurrencies, where do I start?
    2017 July 76062 2675 🔥 AntShares price skyrocketing - preparing for NEO rebranding
    2017 August 98796 4141 🔥 Crypto Nightmare Scenario 2025
    2017 September 133511 4195 🔥 A guy has spent $0.0025 on every single coin on Bittrex. It's 197 coins total around $2000. Diversity at its finest.
    2017 October 142751 5432 🔥 BITCOIN HITS $5,000 ON COINBASE!!!
    2017 November 187361 8200 🔥 Looks like Fartcoin just passed Gas in market cap
    2017 December 286801 16462 🔥 Charlie Lee sells all of his LTC
    2018 January 484957 11362 🔥 +1(800)273-8255 - U.S. National Suicide Hotline
    2018 February 581053 8559 🔥 I lost 147k Nano ($1.4 M, and falling) in the Bitgrail hack, AMA
    2018 March 619984 9217 🔥 Man Stunned When "Vitalik_Buterinn123" and "Elonn_Muusk" Fail to Send Him 2 ETH
    2018 April 646946 6962 🔥 MAJOR Crypto Influencers Caught Planning Massive Pump And Dump Schemes
    2018 May 668049 9319 🔥 5 Years ago, Wired magazine called Bitcoin an abstraction, destroyed their wallet keys and now can't access $120k worth of Bitcoin
    2018 June 690172 6082 🔥 There's nothing like a fine piece of art)
    2018 September 719682 7189 🔥 SilkRoad wallet with $1 Bn in Bitcoin on the move
    2018 October 743707 6291 🔥 This is why I don't give a fuck about this 10-month bear market.
    2018 November 750034 6424 🔥 The Man Who Bet It All on Bitcoin, and Still Believes
    2019 February 828760 3611 🔥 How I successfully converted $1200 into $340 with crypto!
    2019 March 860128 4102 🔥 Justin Sun Not Giving the Tesla to The Winner they Announced First
    2019 April 868052 5415 🔥 Old screenshot I took of Silk Road just weeks after it had opened
    2019 May 878801 7635 🔥 Good reminder that we're still super early... 80% of college students asked whether they want $1 or 1 BTC Chose the Dollar
    2019 June 894148 10897 🔥 Bitcoin's Price Is 'Taking Aim' at $100,000, Says Analyst Who Predicted Last Year's 84% Drop
    2019 July 909929 9804 🔥 Trump: "I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air."
    2019 August 918417 10131 🔥 Even whales can't psychologically do a transaction without a test transaction
    2019 October 931376 8198 🔥 How do ICOs get so much funding?
    2019 December 946662 7298 🔥 The Number of Dying Crypto Currencies Is Rising Greatly
    2020 January 956157 8059 🔥 Don't Buy Bitcoin
    2020 February 968299 10333 🔥 We just broke 300B marketcap
    2020 May 1019690 9677 🔥 Elon Musk discusses Bitcoin with J.K. Rowling
    2020 July 1058172 11022 🔥 We're coming for you baby......................
    2020 August 1071651 11390 🔥 10 years ago today, a BitcoinTalk user lost $600 in bitcoin. That bitcoin would now be worth $100 Million.
    2020 September 1090075 10472 🔥 Peter Schiff's son just bought even more bitcoin
    2020 November 1120431 16294 🔥 One of the Largest Bitcoin Whales in History Just Moved $225,000,000 in BTC
    2021 January 1279188 33374 🔥 Dogecoin Surges 77% as Retail Fever Pitch Stretches Into Crypto
    2021 February 9 1603307 46508 🔥 If Bitcoin doesn't hit $69,420 in 2021, I will eat a carolina reaper January 1st 2022 and post it on here.
    2021 February 24 1795411 49697 🔥 DeFi User Accidentally Pays $42k in Gas to Move Funds to Uniswap - 24 ETH Gone in 30 Seconds

    You can find the full hot page album here.


    submitted by /u/Skysan
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    PayPal Bids $500 Million to Acquire Crypto Startup Curv: Report

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:26 AM PST

    PSA: If you're seeing huge gains, take some profit, recover your initial investment. It will help with your peace of mind!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:48 AM PST

    I started investing in crypto in 2017 (I did some daytrading before that, but never HODL). Didn't invest much, but it was a significant amount for me. I saw HUGE gains. Like 33x. When it went crashing down and after some bad decisions (Bitgrail...), I lost almost everything. I was stressed and angry but calmed down after some months and started accumulating slowly again using the almighty DCA.

    Now, we're in another bull run and the first thing I did as soon as BTC went over 50k was to recover all the money I had invested since 2017 plus a little more for some toys (new GPU and tablet, car tires, some other little things). I still have 90% of my stack but now I'm much calmer with the price swings because no matter what happens, I won't lose any invested money and even if it crashes mighty like in 2018 I have most of my crypto, all my invested money AND my new toys from this bull run so I won't feel like an idiot.

    submitted by /u/juanjux
    [link] [comments]

    Illegal use of Bitcoin dropped by 50% in 2020, Citibank reports

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:04 PM PST

    The Great FAQ about Moons, Community Polls, Governance and more

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:07 AM PST

    The Great FAQ about Moons, Community Polls, Governance and more

    Introduction:(FAQ Down Below)

    What are Community Points?

    Community Points are a way for Redditors to own a piece of their favorite communities. As a unit of ownership, Points capture some of the value of their community. They can be spent on premium features and are used as a measure of reputation in the community.

    Get rewarded for your work

    People earn Points by contributing to the community, for example by submitting quality posts and comments. Based on these contributions, the community ultimately decides how many Points each person receives.


    Governance polls

    What is A Governance Poll?

    With great power comes great responsibility

    In subreddits that have Community Points, polls have two sets of results:

    1. The normal count, where one member gets one vote.
    2. The weighted count, where members get one vote for every Point they have.

    In Cryptocurrency Our points are called "Moons" as most of you already know.

    Every month any member in our community can propose an alternative Distribution of Moons .

    Governance Poll is a Proposal poll that represent the Idea of the new alternative, One should make a post describing their Proposal and make a Poll so the rest of the Community members can vote on.

    If you want to read More about Governances Polls feel free to check my other post who goes into much more details about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lmlrir/governances_polls_moon_polls_what_are_they_why_do/


    Earning Moons:

    • Q: How can I Earn Moons?
    • A: First you have to open up your vault Via Reddit Mobile app, after that you can earn moons by posting and commenting in this sub. (https://www.reddit.com/community-points You can open your vault through here)

    • Q: How many Moons can I earn and When do I get them?
    • A: Moons are distributed monthly based on individual contributions (comments, posts, etc.) that people make in r/CryptoCurrency. Reddit karma provides a basis for measuring people's contribution, but the final decision is up to the community. Initially, 50 million Moons will be distributed based on karma earned in the subreddit to date. The amount distributed each following month will start at 5 million and decrease by 2.5% every cycle, so that the total number of Moons distributed over time will approach a maximum cap of 250 million.

    • Q: So How many moons do I get per Karma?
    • A: The ratio of Karma : Moons Changes every month, we can't know for sure how much Moons will you earn from Each karma point, Last Round it was 0.51 moons per karma.

    • Q: How can I know when moons are distribute or see past distribution?
    • A: Follow u/CommunityPoints posts and you will be able to see it all.

    Moons Usability:

    • Q: What can I do with the Moons I earned?
    • A: Currently you can Send Moons Via Reddit, Receive Moons to your vault or Sell Moons Via couple of ways (Uniswap, Honeyswap for ex)
    • You can Convert Moons to "Reddit Coins" that will Only be usable at r/CryptoCurrency
    • You Buy a Special Membership for this sub for 1000 Moons Per Month .

    • Q: Will there be more uses for moons in the future?
    • A: YES, I Don't want to spoil anything but the mods are working on some exciting features.

    Governance Polls:

    • Q: What is my Voting power?
    • A: You can only Vote with the amount of Moons you Earned, If you earned 2000 moons (in the past) and bought 5000 more, your voting power will be 2000.
    • If you earned 2000 Moons, sold 1000, Bought 1000 back will your voting power will back to be 2000!

    • Q: Do I lose my moons if I vote on one of the polls?
    • A: No! you don't lose a single moon from voting, Vote away!

    • Q: Can I make any proposal that I want ?
    • A: Yes and No, Yes you are free to make Proposals but not all of them are implementable, for Example we can take a look at:

    Proposal to give 0 karma for MOON distribution to copy and paste meme posts

    Last Month this Proposal has passed the threshold but the idea behind the proposal is too hard to implement According to u/jwinterm comment here , so before making a new proposal stop and think for a min if its possible to implement.

    • Q: What are the terms for a poll to pass?
    • A: For a poll to pass, its winning option needs to have enough Moons to meet a decision threshold. This decision threshold will be set to a minimum of 10% of the Moons supply to start with. The decision threshold will automatically update once a week. At that time, the new decision threshold will be calculated as the average of the existing threshold and the number of Moons cast in favor of the most highly-voted option in governance polls over the last 4 weeks. There will still be a 10% minimum of the existing Moons supply (it can't go lower than that).

    • Q: How many Proposals can pass each round?
    • A: Up until yesterday I thought that only one Proposal could pass each Round , According to u/nanooverbtc each round isn't limited to one poll only , It's possible that Few proposals will pass! But if two proposals that are directly competing will pass the threshold, Only the one with most votes in favor will Pass Be Counted!.

    Which Proposal has passed and already in effect:

    1. Proposal - bonus karma for people that keep MOONs in vault- Users that have not moved MOONs out of their vault from the previous month would receive a 20% bonus to their total karma for the purposes of calculating MOON distribution
    2. Proposal: Double Comment Karma - This proposal would cut post karma weight in half, or double comment karma (same effect).

    Which Proposal has passed and currently not in effect:

    1. Proposal-Limit post karma to 1k and limit comment karma to 1k per comment.
    2. Proposal- Change moon distribution for comedy posts and media posts.

    These Proposals passed in the last round and should be in effect (Soon) .

    If you have Anymore questions that I didn't answer comment them down below and ill try to answer them as best as I can, If you have found something Wrong in my Answers please let me know and ill fix it!

    I Hope this post will help you guys :)


    submitted by /u/DivineEu
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    Altcoin Poll - Algo, Cosmos (Atom), XLM, NANO, and Tezos

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:20 PM PST

    These are all great coins, and I'm sure we're all tired of seeing the same posts about ADA, ETH, and BTC repeatedly. Let's gather some data and have some debates. I'm curious which of these coins you're most excited to see perform well? Do you think it will perform, and if so, why?

    Have fun - be civil and no simple shilling, have some genuine conversations, and change some minds! Peace.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/d3tra
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    We’re currently making a blockchain game called RoShamBo: Rock Paper Scissors Elite

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:14 PM PST

    Let's help the noobs instead of bashing them. Good places to start learning thread.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:53 AM PST

    I've been into crypto since 2013 but didn't actually buy any until 2017 due to being a student/busy/kept forgetting/etc.

    In that time, I haven't really learned as much as I would like so I've started spending more time lately looking into the actual technology involved to be better prepared for when crypto is commonplace in the future.

    Let's leave the elitism of fiat in the old world and welcome newcomers and help educate them so that crypto will continue to grow and be adopted faster.

    We don't need the "I got into this three weeks before you so I'm superior" high school fragile ego BS in this space.

    Edit: I'm mostly referring to a general environment, not this sub specifically. Everyone is usually pretty chill here.

    So post your links to legit sources of info that would help all the newcomers and people like me who aren't new but haven't dived in too far yet and lets make crypto a better place.

    My contribution is actually from Ledger as I just got a Nano X and was looking through their site, good basic overview starts here:


    Suggestions from the comments:






    submitted by /u/justindangerpants
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    Coinsilium Group Limited: MoU signed to establish Gibraltar NFT Technology Studio

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:37 PM PST

    Much wow, very vroom: Dogecoin to sponsor NASCAR driver in upcoming race

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:01 PM PST

    I'm from a second world country, but I'm still investing in crypto what I'm able to

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:30 AM PST

    Our wages for honest hard working people are pretty low, we have a near-dictatorship politics, we are supposed to work until we're 65-67 years old, our retirement funds won't be enough for a proper life.

    I'm only 19 but I want to start my adulthood being financially responsible and investing in my future. I'm no longer spending it on myself, I'm spending it only on what is necessary and rest of it is put into stocks and crypto.

    I don't want to work hard until I get an heart attack, I want to spend my last decades travelling around the world and doing what I love.

    I don't want to trust government on keeping me alive and fed when I'm old.

    I don't want to rely on banks and inflatable currencies.

    I want to escape the system and stop worrying about money, finances.

    All of this is possible thanks to the crypto world. It's our future, and even if I won't see coins being mass-adopted for everyday use when I'm alive, I know I was one of the few enligthened ones who believed in a better financial system.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Rexile
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    Bitcoin Tops $52,000 after Bullish Comments from Gary Gensler

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:54 AM PST

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