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    Sunday, November 4, 2018

    Cryptography What are legit ciphers that were broken by linear/differential cryptanalysis?

    Cryptography What are legit ciphers that were broken by linear/differential cryptanalysis?

    What are legit ciphers that were broken by linear/differential cryptanalysis?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2018 01:20 PM PDT

    I know some toy ciphers are broken by both these techniques, but I was looking for legit ciphers that were broken by either or. This is because I want to implement something that was more than just a toy at some point.

    submitted by /u/davidw_-
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    Pseudorandom Boolean circuit encryption?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2018 09:56 PM PDT

    Pretty much all encryption is either very structured (based on a mathematical problem) or the so-called "unstructured" symmetric encryption which is a structured concatenation and stacking of small unstructured units/operations.

    Has there been research in actually generating a random seeming boolean circuit that results in a {0,1}n -> {0,1}n permutation that is hard to invert?

    It seems like the holy grail of asymmetric encryption would be a process which generates such a circuit to serve as the public key and the inversion as the private key. But even if this is a fantasy merely having an unstructured permutation for which an inverse is hard to compute would be an interesting addition to the field.

    To clarify, an algorithm that contains any structure (such as a loop) would not count as unstructured since it's repeatedly doing something similar if not identical. Which is why I'm primarily interested in a Boolean circuit graph that isn't reducible/compressible.

    submitted by /u/trubo793
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    Question about "The Code book".

    Posted: 03 Nov 2018 08:43 AM PDT

    So i just ordered this book and i want to get into it but was just wondering in what way should i read it.Should i google i find stuff in the book?Maybe take notes?Or just read it till the end without thinking much about it?I don't really know about cryptography and thought maybe this book would be a good start.

    submitted by /u/garden2231
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    trying to understand AES

    Posted: 03 Nov 2018 02:30 AM PDT

    I'm trying to work out a book example using the following code

    import sys from Crypto.Cipher import AES plain = "01101011110000011011111011100010001011100100000010011111100101101110100100111101011111100001000101110011100100110001011100101010" key = "0110000000111101111010110001000000010101110010100111000110111110001010110111001110101110111100001000010101111101011101111000000100011111001101010010110000000111001110110110000100001000110101110010110110011000000100001010001100001001000101001101111111110100" exp_cipher = "11110011111011101101000110111101101101011101001010100000001111000000011001001011010110100111111000111101101100011000000111111000" def dummy_aes(message, key): """ Implements 1 block AES enciphering using a 256-bit key. :param message: string of 1 and 0s with the binary representation of the messsage, 128 char. long :param key: string of 1 and 0s with the binary representation of the key, 256 char. long :return: string of 1 and 0s with the binary representation of the ciphered message, 128 char. long """ # Convert int to bytes key = (key).to_bytes(32, byteorder=sys.byteorder) message = (message).to_bytes(16, byteorder=sys.byteorder) # Create AES-ECB cipher cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB) # Encrypt and return and ciphertext. cipher_text = cipher.encrypt(message) # Return cipher_text in integer cipher_text = int.from_bytes(cipher_text, byteorder=sys.byteorder) cipher_text = '{0:b}'.format(cipher_text) return cipher_text 

    The problem is that my "cipher_text" is twice longer different than my "exp_cipher" and they are suppose to be exactly the same thing.

    My output:


    Expected output:


    Any help will be appreciated.

    P.S.: Updated post

    submitted by /u/daviddoji
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