• Breaking News

    Monday, August 13, 2018

    BTC This dude needs a therapy...🤷‍♂️

    BTC This dude needs a therapy...��‍♂️

    This dude needs a therapy...��‍♂️

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 06:34 PM PDT

    Remember, companies like Bitfury hate bigger blocks because it would make it harder for them to spy on your Bitcoin transactions and report them to the government.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 10:22 PM PDT

    Some Core supporters mistakenly think that Core will still eventually raise the blocksize cap with a hard fork. Core have already set the precedent that they will not with segwit2x failure. The pressure to increase blocksize has left for BCH and is routing around BlockStream Dam.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 12:22 AM PDT

    I have noticed a few Core supporters still hope and think that Core will eventually do a hardfork blocksize limit upgrade. Bitusher is a great example of this, he thinks they can still raise block cap even after a measly 2MB upgrade failed to pass with segwit2x and the false New York Agreement, while fees and unreliable transactions were at an all time high. Personally I think that ship has sailed for BTC-Core and they will never increase blocksize capacity. I think BCH has a lot to do with it. The pressure to increase blocks came from BCH and the Bitcoin early adopter community. It came from people that actually use Bitcoin. We were the ones that always believed in Satoshi's vision.

    This was actually a large part why the 2MB even failed, it was because a large portion of the community decided to join BCH instead and abandon the crippled segwit chain. The pressure to increase blocks had left for somewhere else. Even when fees reached record highs of $20 and $30 per transaction, sometimes much more, the Core community still refused even a tiny hard fork capacity increase. This set a major precedent that they will never increase block capacity with a hard fork. There are countless examples of people who are now BCH supporters that considered this the final straw to break the camels back. Roger Ver is a perfect example, it was when the segwit2x movement failed, that he put all bitcoin.com resources to BCH. Ryan X Charles is another example.

    With BCH's creation it has siphoned off a lot of the pressure that was being put on the BlockStream Dam. You can think of the stream of transactions as a raging river and BlockStream Dam is there blocking the flow with the 1MB cap. They have a bunch of AXA funded neck beards on the dam controlling the flow rate and they refuse to open the flood gates and allow the stream to grow. Things were getting violent for a while, with a 200K backlog flood of transactions and giant fees, until BCH was formed as a tributary a little upstream, routing around the dam. BCH had alleviated the pressure on the BlockStream Dam. The water/transactions/businesses started flowing down a new route.

    I think that the dam operators and community won't bother opening the flood gates on BlockStream Dam anymore because the water just isn't as high, its flowing somewhere else (to BCH). On top of that, they have a giant censorship created cult community wearing hats and signs that say NO2x and they are picketing outside the dam to keep the flood gates closed in the name of "decentralization" (although they misunderstand what that term means). As more water/transactions/users are onboarded onto the system it just flows around the dam and they keep their 1MB cap, the Bitcoin Cash tributary grows and eventually becomes the main river, while the tiny BlockStream Stream becomes irrelevant. Trying to stop BCH is like trying to stop a raging river, or stop the tides, or stop an avalanche. Nature takes over. There is a reason why they say Honey Badger don't care. There is now only one Bitcoin that can bring economic freedom to everyone in the world, and that is Bitcoin Cash.

    submitted by /u/cryptorebel
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    Fivebucks.com is LIVE: the only global freelance marketplace where anyone can start working in few clicks as long as they have an internet connection. Help Bitcoin Cash adoption now by listing your services, over 50 freelancers have already joined!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 04:57 PM PDT

    Kim Dotcom: "buy crypto"

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    Statement from Calvin Ayre & CoinGeek about Bitcoin protocol

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 12:41 AM PDT




    CoinGeek, as a significant miner, will support in the November 2018 protocol upgrade:

    1. Continuing the program to re-enable the original set of op codes. Specifically for November, CoinGeek supports re-enabling: OP_MUL, OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT and OP_INVERT
    2. Removing the current limit of 201 op codes per script
    3. Raising the maximum block size to 128MB..."
    submitted by /u/fookingroovin
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    Canonical block order, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the DAG

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 08:10 PM PDT

    If government was uncomfortable with Bitcoin's progression/roadmap, they wouldn't be shilling it on CNBC every day. If Bitcoin was actually headed towards p2p cash, the gov't would be kicking and screaming much louder. The seas are awfully calm for an asset which is supposed to eat their lunch.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 05:35 PM PDT

    BTC fees during the NEXT bull run: all-time-highs of $200-$500 fees in 2019/2020 predicted. Lightning Network is not going to be able to save Bitcoin during the next bull run.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 05:22 PM PDT

    Jihan Wu on Twitter : Hashers and mining pools are import for for the system, but they have to play responsibly and the other parties do have counter measures for whatever miners do. Working together. Unite, not to divide. BCH & BTC can develop their diff roadmaps and have peace.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 12:58 PM PDT

    Salty George ?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 03:37 PM PDT

    To these calling us conspiracy theorists: Did you really think that banks & governments would just let us eat their piece of cake without a fight ? There literally HAS to be a conspiracy, any other possibility is just improbable.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 12:09 PM PDT

    Banks conspiring with governments to either destroy or subdue Bitcoin Cash is not a "conspiracy theory", but "conspiracy practice".

    To think otherwise would be simply illogical, irrational and extremely naive.

    submitted by /u/ShadowOfHarbringer
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    [INVITATION] Unite.cash Preview Livestream

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 10:44 PM PDT

    Unite.cash is a protocol for creating, sharing, and linking content on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain and IPFS. I'll be doing a live stream and fundraiser to demonstrate what I've built so far, introduce myself to the Bitcoin community, discuss my future plans for the project and hopefully get some developer attention and funding.


    Ty Everett, the founder and lead developer of the Unite.cash project, protocol and application. I'm new to the Bitcoin community but will be glad to meet everyone and hear your opinions.

    I'm also a college freshmen as well as being about 70% blind. I've been working on this project on my own for a long while, so my hope here is to get some help and finally attract this project the attention it deseres.


    I'll start by introducing myself and the project, and then move into a quick demo. I'll talk about why I think implementing things the way I've chosen is the best way and take criticism about my choices.

    The fundraiser will be to help me hire some graphics people (me being blind, I can't do that), and to help with my living expenses. Even if we don't raise much money, the primary purpose of this event is to get exposure for the project.

    I hope to capture the interest of some developers as I'll be headed off to my first year of college in the fall and can't afford to give this project the time it deserves.


    8/14 at 9AM Pacific




    Building decentralized technologies everybody can use is extremely important. It needs to be done right, and in a way that puts content authorship (attribution) at the center of the protocol.

    I believe in building permissionless systems, as it will eventually lead to the establishment of a permissionless world. Come join me in my quest to develop a better, more decentralized future for content creators, consumers and the entire ecosystem.

    Please circulate this invitation and notify as many people as you can to join me during the stream! I look forward to seeing you!


    The GitHub: https://github.com/unitecash/unite-client The Website: https://unite.cash/ The Stream: https://unite.cash/live The Demo: https://demo.unite.cash/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb0_-VFcUqUxAzkTTCtrkBA?view_as=subscriber Twitter: @unite_cash Reddit: /u/unitecash (I'm /u/UTXONinja) My Email: ty@tyweb.us

    submitted by /u/UTXONinja
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    Documentary: The history of money

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:46 AM PDT

    Tokens Have Arrived on Bitcoin Cash! ��Alex Jones Censored & Gun Control Discussed ��| Bitcoin News

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 02:28 PM PDT

    New Projects are using WHC to issue crowdfunding token

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 04:25 PM PDT

    If they solve one of the hardest problems in computer science to solve = ?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 04:10 PM PDT

    Never Forget!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 07:59 AM PDT

    Bitmain holds 1 million Bitcoin cash and hardly any ETH

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 07:51 AM PDT

    Core devs are mostly highly rational people, they don't believe in conspiracy, they believe in mathematics!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 02:10 AM PDT

    Funny how money changes things...

    Adam Back (2015) (before he was Blockstream CEO): "My suggestion 2MB now, then 4MB in 2 years and 8MB in 4years then re-asses."

    Pieter Wuille (2013) (before he was Blockstream co-founder): "I'm in favor of increasing the block size limit in a hard fork, but very much against removing the limit entirely... My suggestion would be a one-time increase to perhaps 10 MiB or 100 MiB blocks (to be debated), and after that an at-most slow exponential further growth."

    Theymos (2010) (before turning /r/Bitcoin into a censored cesspool): "In the future most people will run Bitcoin in a "simple" mode that doesn't require downloading full blocks or transactions. At that point MAX_BLOCK_SIZE can be increased a lot."

    submitted by /u/FreeFactoid
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    Next generation ASIC chip design that will be released later this year

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:43 AM PDT

    The next bull run is when BTC will show its failure to scale in a *massive way*. We saw $50 fees in Dec 2017. What kind of fees do you think we'll see next bull run? I'm guessing many hundreds of dollars per transaction ($200-$500 per tx). This will both make news & push people away from using BTC.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 05:52 AM PDT

    And where do you think those people will go? To other platforms with low fees, such as Bitcoin Cash.

    I predict the next bull run will be the largest migration from BTC -> BCH we have ever seen.

    submitted by /u/ColinTalksCrypto
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    A critique of canonical transaction ordering

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 06:46 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I wrote an (admittedly pretty blunt) criticism of the idea to switch from ordering by validation order to ordering by TXID in the upcoming November hardfork.

    The criticism is a PDF here: https://www.docdroid.net/pvFaNUq/critique-canonical-order.pdf

    For context, further discussion on this issue can be read here.

    Please prove me wrong on my criticism or let's rather please think about at least postponing this change :-)

    submitted by /u/awemany
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    Crypto Millionaire Lost 5,500 Bitcoins in Alleged Investment Scam

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 12:43 AM PDT

    The routing problem and Lightning Network

    Posted: 12 Aug 2018 05:35 PM PDT

    I'm looking for something at least slightly scholarly or from someone with at least some credentials on the routing problem that LN faces. Something easy to read and understand would be preferable. Hope that's not asking too much.


    submitted by /u/fookingroovin
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