• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 30, 2018

    Ethereum Happy 5 millionth!

    Ethereum Happy 5 millionth!

    Happy 5 millionth!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 05:42 AM PST

    The Mastermind Behind Ethereum

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 06:05 PM PST

    OpenPGP.js will finally include elliptic-curve cryptography allowing users to encrypt and sign messages with their digital asset keys

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 12:52 PM PST

    Blockchains, LLC Acquiring Over 60,000 Acres In Nevada To Showcase Blockchain Applications: Yes Ethereum, No Mining

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 05:41 PM PST

    Happy Ethereum Block 5_000_000 - off to the next five million ;)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 06:11 AM PST

    Teaser time! Geth 1.8.0 growth on mainnet vs. old version (not yet merged)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 04:57 AM PST

    GitHub syntax highlighting for Solidity is finally here

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 06:30 AM PST

    Polymath Network Explainer Video

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 04:35 PM PST

    district0x Quarterly Report - Q4 2017

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 10:34 AM PST

    Finally got a wallet they syncs, and apparently someone sent me 80,000 penises a couple months ago

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 09:49 AM PST

    Joe Lubin at Ethereal Davos 2018

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 10:12 AM PST

    Fred Ehrsam's tweetstorm on token *Curation Markets*... Can you say 'Decentralized, competitive newsfeeds -- aka Reddit 2.0?'

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 12:13 PM PST

    EthCC sponsor announcement ConsenSys, iExec, Status, Aragon + speaker update + student ticket giveaway!!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 02:37 AM PST

    EthCC - Ethereum Community Conference

    What?⮕ EthCC is a huge ethereum conference

    When? ⮕ The 8th, 9th and 10th March 2018!

    Where? ⮕ In Paris at the Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers (CNAM).

    The venue is an engeneering school and a museum dedicated to innovation and technology.

    Who is coming ? Confirmed speakers/attendees (update):

    We are extremely grateful to the speakers that were eager to join us from the start:

    Nick Johnson, Martin Becze, Aron Fischer, Frankie Pangilinan, Makoto Inoue, Raine Revere, Thomas Bertani, Andres Junge, Jordi Baylina, Griff Green, Clément Lesaege, Thibaut Schaeffer, Raphael Mazet, Rick Dudley, Josh Stark, Nicolas Bacca, Ashley Tyson, Robbie Bent, Vincent Eli, Simon Polrot, Jerome de Tychey, Jenna Zenk, Jutta Steiner, Will King, Jack Spallone, Daniel Nagy, Hudson Jameson, Dimitry Khoklov, Rob Stupay, Yann Levreau, James Pitts, Andrei Maiboroda, Vanessa Grellet...

    And we are delighted to announce the newcomers:

    Philippe Honigman, Amber Baldet, Hervé Hababou, Robert Habermeier, Jared Pereira, Vaughn McKenzie, Jean Millerat, Xavier Lavayssière, Siddharth Coelho-Prabhu, Hugh Karp, Lefteris Karapetsas, E.G. Galano, Sajida Zouarhi, Josef Jelačič, Pavel Kral, Vlad Zamfir, Bjorn Wagner, Matías Nisenson, Luciano Bertenasco, Trent McConaghy, Kelsos, Rune Christensen, Ameen Soleimani, Jez San, Alexis Collomb, Kavita Gupta, Logan Saether, Emi Velazquez, Matthew Di Ferrante, Jorge Izquierdo, Jason Carver, Don Mosites, Eric Tang, Antoine Detante, Julien Bouteloup, Jeremy Millar, Jacob S. Czepluch, Greg Colvin, Christoph Mussenbrock, Patrick McCorry, Evan Van Ness, Bob Summerwill, Griffin Anderson, Manon Burgel... and a few to come!

    We will do our best to announce the agenda as soon as possible!

    Who is behind this and sponsoring EthCC? ⮕ Asseth is the organizer with the support of the Ethereum Foundation and the CNAM.

    Asseth is a regulated French non-profit organization. It hosts free Ethereum workshops several times a month since early 2016, feeds the ethereum-france website and translates technical papers in French (see here, here, here and there ). Asseth also participates to various educational projects and open-source projects. We (Asseth) are very proud to announce our sponsor for this conference:

    ⮕ Gold sponsor: ConsenSys

    ⮕ Silver sponsor: Status

    Status is an open source mobile client for interacting with Ethereum. The app has native features, such as chat and wallet, but most importantly it enables users to access the rapidly emerging ecosystem of decentralized apps (or DApps) directly from their phone. With the emergence of Ethereum and blockchain technology, a huge global movement is being fostered towards building the next generation of the internet. This technology removes the need for middlemen and trusted third-parties, and edges us towards a world where users get to own their own data, and people can transact and communicate freely and securely. Request access to the Alpha at https://status.im/

    ⮕ Silver sponsor: iExec

    iExec plans to decentralize the cloud computing market, which will power the future infrastructure of the Internet. iExec aims to provide companies with scalable, secure, and easy access to the services, datasets, and computing resources they need. Our technology relies on Ethereum smart contracts and enables a virtual Cloud infrastructure that provides high-performance computing services on demand. iExec recently announced a prize pool of 150k USD (the Dapp Challenge) for the best decentralized apps. The challenge is running until January 31.

    ⮕ Silver sponsor: Aragon

    Aragon is a community driven open source project that emphasizes transparency and governance. aragonOS framework powers the Aragon Core, a governance platform for decentralized organizations. aragonOS is a Ethereum smart contract development framework with focus on upgradeability. It's architecture design works with any complex DApp or protocol. It allows extendability with the ability to plug in any Aragon governance module. The project's goal is to enable a borderless, permissionless and more efficient creation of value. A new version of Aragon Core released during February at https://aragon.one

    The generous sponsorship of these four companies developing cutting-edge applications on Ethereum will allow us to provide video recording, off conference events, and also student ticket giveaway (see below).

    We greatly appreciate the support of our sponsors and their continued dedication to the ecosystem. We hope that EthCC attendees will take advantage of the conference to discover their fantastic services.

    Other sponsoring option are available, contact us[contact@asseth.fr]

    Student tickets giveaway?

    Thanks to the support of our sponsors we are able to offer 80 free tickets (10% of the total tickets) for students who can come to Paris. Simply write an email to the contact below with the subject "EthCC student giveaway" and a picture of you holding your student id attached.

    ⮕ Are you from Portugal or Spain ?

    Write an email to Mark! hello[@]theblock.cafe Asseth will be in Lisbon at the Block the 9th February if you want to meet us.

    ⮕ Are you from Germany ?

    Write an email to Schaeff! schaeff[@]asseth.fr

    ⮕ Are you from the Netherlands ?

    The Ethereum Dev meetup group (http://ethereum.nl) will additionally try to match you up with a company/organization sponsoring your trip. Apply here ! Asseth will be present at Ethereum DEV-NL in Utrech the 15th of February if you want to meet us.

    ⮕ Are you from the UK ?

    Write an email to student@asseth.fr

    ⮕ Are you from France ?

    Get in touch with Asseth at the upcoming meetups or on our slack.

    ⮕ Are you from anywhere else ?

    Write an email to student@asseth.fr

    We are looking forward to seeing you all in March <3

    Should you have any question don't hesitate to reach out to us: contact@asseth.fr

    submitted by /u/Jey_s_TeArS
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    LEXIT Went to China and Returned with Amazing Results

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:30 PM PST

    How does NEO compare with Ethereum?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:16 PM PST

    What are its advantages over ethereum? How does it differ from Ethereum?

    Not being very specific, would like to just start a discussion. Where do you see it in the next few months? Next year?

    submitted by /u/caffienefueled
    [link] [comments]

    Canada And Accenture Announce Blockchain Based Traveller ID

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 03:56 AM PST

    The National Research Council Of Canada is Studying Ethereum and Smart Contracts

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 08:11 AM PST

    Article that thoroughly explains what Ethereum is for those getting started!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 10:04 AM PST

    How many Ethereum accounts do you have? (& why?)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 03:27 AM PST

    How many ETH accounts (all together) you have - I mean combining different wallets like myetherwallet, MetaMask and so on plus also accounts on exchanges? Also, of course we do it for security reasons, but are there any other reasons for that? If so, what are they?

    It's important for me because we're working on building a product for the Ethereum community and we were wondering if the feature where you could sum all your accounts to have a full view on your assets would be useful?

    So answering the questions would help our users and us so much - because we want to know real needs.

    And if you want to check out our platform you can do that here by checking:

    TOKENS: If you would like to check for example ZRX- 0x tokens you can do that here: https://trivial.co/t/0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498 (the number in the link is just a smart contract number of ZRX - you can check it with any different token on Ethereum blockchain). You can here also 20 top token holders of a particular token.

    ACCOUNTS: If you would like to check the balance or tokens of any address - you can do that here: https://trivial.co/profile/XX - where XX is any account number.

    submitted by /u/kelluk
    [link] [comments]

    Are you attending the Ethdenver Hackathon?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 10:32 AM PST

    I'm a product manager and am attending with an idea that just got admitted to the hackathon. Curious to know if people are attending knowing which project they'll be working on and how they'll be finding their favorite projects. Looking forward to meeting people at the conference.

    submitted by /u/bijansha
    [link] [comments]

    Ethereum Blockchain's Future With Casper And Constantinople

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 05:16 PM PST

    How can crypto actually gain widespread adoption if you have to treat every transaction as a taxable event?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2018 07:35 PM PST

    I wouldn't want to involve myself with such intensive record-keeping, and can't imagine many others do either

    submitted by /u/mrbrownmagic
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    Anyone else going to ETHDenver? Want to share some housing?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 11:47 AM PST

    (x-post from r/ethdev)

    This is my first big eth event & I think it'd be fun to get a big bnb with some other people in the community! I'm interested in building dapps (been working with this awesome framework), incentive structures, & stablecoins.

    Lmk in the comments or through a pm if you're interested and I'll add you to a group.

    submitted by /u/EmergentCthaeh
    [link] [comments]

    Can anyone see this post?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 02:29 PM PST

    None of my posts the past month have gone through and the mods are not responding the my messages.

    submitted by /u/Bearist
    [link] [comments]

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