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    Sunday, December 24, 2017

    Ripple Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 12/24/17

    Ripple Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 12/24/17

    Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 12/24/17

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 12:13 AM PST

    Hello! It's Sunday. Welcome to our daily discussion thread. Put your commentary in here.

    We'll probably add more to the body of these threads, but for now, just go read the rules: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ripple/wiki/rules

    Also, make sure to report any comments or posts that don't follow the rules!

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    Discord, and some features in our Discord:

    • Tweets from ripple official, staff, community contributors and many more;

    • Real time XRP price update every 2 min

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    One aspect of our subreddit is clear transparency. If you ever feel like a moderator is abusing their position of power please review their actions in our public mod logs here. Make a modmail if you discover any issues or mods overstepping their roles.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Exciting! Investopedia writes and circulates a "How to buy XRP" article!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 08:08 AM PST

    The Case for XRP in 2018

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 11:28 AM PST

    Cryptocurrencies have grown exponentially not only in price this past year but also in public awareness and popular attention. The novel feeling to an emerging financial and technological market is reminiscent of the rise of the Internet with its innovative potential. In turn, a heightened collective societal awareness of this new innovative potential has led to a change in the nature of the market dynamics of cryptocurrencies. As Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle posits, "The observation of a phenomenon changes the phenomena itself." The observation of thousands of young millennials, and now middle-aged investors, will only accelerate the rise of cryptocurrencies as times goes on.

    Today, we are seeing the real-world effects of a newfound intrigue into cryptocurrencies. This new interest is causing a narrowing of the divergence between truth and fiction over accurate knowledge about cryptocurrencies. The force drawing this gap narrower each day is an increased dissemination of truthful information that has generated legions of individual investors into new cryptocurrency markets; in particular, Ripple's XRP.

    As the public expands its understanding of Ripple's XRP, the capital inflow from both individual and institutional investors combined will likely grow to levels that will exponentially grow the liquidity of XRP and, as a byproduct, its price.

    Here, in this report, I will provide an overview and analysis of Ripple's XRP and the implications Q4 2017 and the year 2018 and beyond hold for the future of XRP and its price.


    XRP is the digital asset used by Ripple to offer financial institutions an option for liquidity to conduct cross-border payments. It is predominantly used for Ripple's solution for the minimization of liquidity costs. In contrast to most other cryptocurrencies, XRP's application here features a real-world applicability that extends to real-world transactions. It is used for the xRapid solution provided by Ripple, and is the only one of the three solutions Ripple offers (The others are xCurrent and xVia) that employs the use of XRP.


    There is a myriad of factors that distinguish XRP from other cryptocurrencies and establish it as a forerunner to what may become the dominant cryptocurrencies in the years that lie ahead.

    Cost: Comparatively, XRP has the lowest cost per transaction at $0.0004. In contrast, BCH is $0.26, LTC is $0.37, DASH is $0.64, ETH is $0.96, and BTC is $28.23.

    Scalability: XRP can handle over 1,500 transactions per second whereas BCH can handle 24 per second, LTC can handle 56 per second, DASH can handle 10 per second, ETH can handle 16 per second, and BTC can handle 24 per second.

    Speed: XRP can conduct transactions at a rate of 3 seconds per transaction, BCH at a rate of 58 minutes per transaction, LTC at 17 minutes per transaction, DASH at 15 minutes per transaction, ETH at 2 minutes per transaction, and BTC 1 hour and 6 minutes per transaction.

    XRP's availability is ever-expanding. It is currently available on over 50 exchanges including Bitstamp, Bithumb, Bittrex, Binance, Bitfinex, Kraken, and Poloniex. The volume of XRP availability is, in addition, in an expansionary phase. The primary location of exchange volume is concentrated in Asia; in particular, South Korea. However, as mainstream media attention increases, so will American interest as well. There already have been tell-tale signs indicative in news outlets that have covered Ripple recently in the wake of XRP's rise in CNBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Investopedia, and Yahoo Finance.

    Simply consider the mania generated by the media attention to Bitcoin. Repetitive news stories featured on CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN, CBS, and other mainstream media news outlets. Countless articles disparaging it as a bubble and hailing it as a force that could deconstruct the financial apparatus governed by the Federal Reserve and other central banks. Now, consider the results of media attention directed towards the substantive information behind XRP. Once news segments and articles are shown and written that illustrate the comparative superiority of XRP to other cryptocurrencies, then the viewers and readers will likely flock to XRP in pursuit of acquiring a tried, tested, and proven cryptocurrency with real-world usage.

    In turn, a virtuous circle intensifying capital inflow to XRP is predictable and probably to occur. We can expect FOMO to rise and a number of oscillations up and down for the price to unfold. Nevertheless, the price of XRP is bound to not only remain but rather accelerate its demonstrated upwards price trajectory pushing us to new heights.

    Additionally, if the collective fear among cryptocurrency investors materializes, that is, if new regulations are imposed on our activities, then Ripple is stand to likely gain. Dr. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a scholar and risk analyst writes about a concept called "Antifragility." Antifragility is a term used to describe things that gain from disorder. Considering Ripple's ties to financial institutions and regulators, it wouldn't be too far-off to speculate that XRP is positioned to gain if such a black swan event were to occur.


    Financial institutions, renown investors, and accomplished financiers have already taken notice of XRP. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has advocated on Ripple's behalf. Zoe Cruz, former president for institutional securities and wealth management at Morgan Stanley and former global head of fixed income, commodities, and foreign exchange has joined Ripple's Board of Directors. She has been named to Forbes list of Most Powerful Women for three years straight.

    Perhaps most notably, a consortium of 61 banks – organized by SBI Ripple Asia – will be adopting Ripple's technology to settle transactions between its members with the eventual goal of applying XRP to usage. Mr. Yoshitaka Kitao, the CEO, Executive Chairman, and President has publicly stated, "Forget about bitcoin, we're all in on XRP!" In fact, SBI has already confirmed that XRP will be put in usage in Spring 2018. If successful, expect the price to reflect it.

    Moreover, TechCrunch Founder Michael Arrington has, as of November 2017, announced a $100 million XRP hedge fund. His efforts have already raised $50 million which will engender a ripple effect of new large net-worth individual and institutional investors. The entity will be called Arrington XRP Capital and new information about its activities are set to be released in the months that lie ahead.

    Also, David Schwartz, Ripple's Chief Cryptographer, has said that there are two major "household" companies (Not financial institutions) that will be announced in Q4. This is likely to provide a substantial boon to XRP.

    Finally, the Chief Technology Officer of Ripple, Stefan Thomas, has said that in 2018 there will be a "big push on XRP." For years, Ripple has kept a relative silence in expressing the superiority of XRP. 2018 will be different. 2018 is bound to be Ripple's year. I expect the price to rise as high as $10 and as low as $4.

    At any rate, this report only scratches the surface of Ripple and XRP's potential. For far more nuanced and in-depth analysis and information, I suggest reading from Ripple firsthand at www.ripple.com and perusing the best blog on XRP itself at https://xrphodor.wordpress.com/

    To the moon, we go.

    SOURCE: https://cellardoorway.com/2017/12/24/the-case-for-ripples-xrp-a-brief-overview/

    submitted by /u/OttoVonBismarck-
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    NASDAQ - XRP -3 Cryptocurrencies to Consider Buying Over Bitcoin

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 04:11 PM PST

    Petition for xrp on coinbase

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 07:39 PM PST

    "XRP is independent from BTC"

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 02:47 AM PST

    XRP Market Cap is Handicapping a $1000 XRP? Absolutely Not.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 12:00 PM PST

    I will post this once again. In a world with Trillions of Dollars being transacted each and second, minute, hour, day, Circulating coin Supply means absolutely Jack. XRP can hit $10 or $100 or $1000, there's no limit to what anything can hit. Will it ever hit over $100? Nobody knows, but trying to put a limit on it because of this Circulating Supply nonsense is simply meaningless.

    submitted by /u/NickT300
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    Zapster - FREE tool to allow XRP payments on your website

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 08:07 AM PST

    Disclaimer: I did not create this site, or tool. It was created by Witnessed, and first shared over on the xrpchat forum ( https://www.xrpchat.com/topic/14515-accept-xrp-payments-on-your-website-for-free-zapsterio/ )

    Hi, I'm launching a free service, Zapster, to help the community accept XRP as payment on their websites. I store no personal details about you and charge no setup or transaction fee. The aim is to try an reduce any friction you might have accepting XRP as a payment form.

    I have a simple API that allows you to create transactions (associated to an account you've created). The "transaction" just holds details of what to check the XRP ledger for, for an incoming payment to your own wallet. Once the transaction is created you can pull in a unique url into an iframe on your site which will provide payment instructions for the user and monitor the ledger for the incoming payment. Once I've identified the transaction I notify your website through a redirection to a url you specify, passing through some encrypted data so you can verify and complete the checkout process on your site.

    The payment instructions form that's hosted looks like the attachment - You can see a full demo here https://zapster.io/demo. The service is very MVP (minimum viable product) at the moment - if it gains traction then I will certainly add more features / rigorous validation etc. If you wish to raise feature requests you can do so on the bitbucket issues page - https://bitbucket.org/evolve-software/zapster/issues?&sort=-created_on

    I would appreciate any feedback from the community, positive or otherwise as it'll all be taken constructively. Feel free to drop me a line - most forms of feedback on the site go straight to my slack channel and I'm pretty responsive (might not be for the next few days)

    Happy Christmas :)


    At first glance this looks great, and could give a boost to XRP takeup. If you have a site, implement it, and share your site here! Spread the word.

    submitted by /u/ireallydunn0
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    Merry Christmas Fellow XRP Hodlers

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 04:51 PM PST

    Just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas. 2017 has been a crazy year for XRP, we have seen highs and lows but the Ripple team has never failed to deliver on their promises. I am sure that there are massive things to come in 2018 for XRP and Cryptocurrency in general.

    But yeah, share the love this Christmas guys. Be safe and keep on hodling!

    submitted by /u/AKB9
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    The current & future backbone of XRP/Ripple explained in a rather relative "nutshell". MUST READ FOR NEWBIES!!!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 04:47 AM PST

    So, why aren't more people doing this?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST

    I'm just thinking out loud here really.

    I understand that there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies in general, but I feel like I've done enough research to see that pouring money into XRP is a no-brainer right now. The company is heading in the right direction, at the right pace. The senior leadership team is solid, as is the board of directors.

    They have partnership deals with some great organizations, and they're working on more. They have a big (non-FI) announcement coming soon, and will more than likely be added to Coinbase at some point. -- Honest question: Why aren't more people tossing their support behind Ripple?

    My fiance, friends, and family keep telling me, "We can't believe you're investing in that. Bad decision." On the other hand, I feel like the only people that ever say that are people that 1) Don't know how to get into crypto, 2) have money in a traditional and more stable investment, or 3) stand to lose money if the masses move toward crypto.

    Over the next few months, I'm going to pour every extra penny I have into Ripple, including my tax return. I'll just hodl for a few years, and see where we're at. I just don't understand why more people aren't doing this?

    Lightning Edit: My only regret is that the price probably won't be under $1/XRP when I get my tax return.

    submitted by /u/hicketre2006
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    XRP's 'Drake Equation'

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 02:28 PM PST

    XRP is one of the few Crypto Coins for which a deterministic future price is possible, due to the specific use case.

    Value of 1 XRP in 5 years = (USDt * USDr * Banksm * Banksmr * XRPtkr ) / Bankt * XRPt

    Total Mkt cap of XRP in 5 years = (USDt * USDr * Banksm * Banksmr * XRPtkr * XRPt) / Bankt

    a) Total Daily amount in USD currently sent over the Swift Network (USDt)

    b) Percentage of Total Daily amount in XRP needed on the network due to recycling of the same XRP (USDr)

    c) Total Number of bank branches on the Swift Network (Bankt)

    d) Ratio of Banks that are Small or Medium (Banksm)

    e) Ratio of Small or Medium sized Banks that will adopt Swift (Banksmr)

    f) Total circulating supply of XRP in 5 years (XRPt)

    g) Ratio of banks using XRP over the Ripple network vs using their own crypto tokens (XRPtkr)

    So let's do it people. Let's figure it out!!! -- What numeric values would you assign to the above? And what is the deterministic value of XRP in 5 years?

    Then a bit of math --- assuming that current interest rates are 2% annually.. and we get what should be today's price!!!

    Let's start off, by fixing our parameters and stating a few assumptions.


    i) The Future price we are looking at is in 5 years time - after all the XRP in Escrow has been issued

    ii) Only Small to Medium Sized Banks will use the Ripple network <-- larger banks will use their own dev teams to issue their own cryptocurrencies and form a handful of consortiums

    iii) XRP will only be used for Bank settlements (yes, it's larger than that.. but we'll comment on that later

    iv) XRP usage will last for 20 years -- so any adoption costs need to be factored to a daily amount by dividing by 365 * 20

    Assumptions In general, for a bank to adopt Ripple the below needs to apply:

    1) The Bank's daily payments to the Swift network (SwB)

    2) The Bank's daily operational support cost of the Swift network, tracking down payments etc (SwO)

    3) The cost per transaction (SwT) * the number of transactions (SwN)

    Must be more than:

    A) The initial cost to purchase XRP (XRPp) * (XRPn)

    B) The initial cost for joining the Ripple Network (XRPj)

    C) The ongoing transactional cost (fee) per USD Equivalent settled over the network (XRPf)

    D) The pro-rata'd cost of retraining staff to use the Ripple Network factored converted to a daily amount (XRPs)

    For a bank to have sufficient incentive to change to Swift.

    submitted by /u/urbanStigmata
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    Maybe Nicehash will choose XRP?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 06:43 PM PST

    Ripple for Payroll

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 08:36 AM PST

    I admittedly dont know a ton about how payroll or direct deposit works for organizations but I am willing to bet that they have to submit their payroll days in advance in order to make sure it hits their employees accounts on the intended day. I am also willing to bet that they pay a hefty price annually to facilitate these payments. Any idea what the annual payroll is for the entire world? I know of a company that has a cryptocurrency that would allow for instantaneous payment/settlement which costs almost nothing to process. Happy holidays everyone

    submitted by /u/TalesoftheCrypto15
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    I Simply Trust You XRP

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 05:18 AM PST

    I just want to say that I am feeling really happy today with XRP gains, in contrast to any crypto, I just feel that I trust ripple in what they are doing and xrp. I have been HODL for a long time and questioned my strategy with all the bitcoin gains, and for the past few weeks, the price goes up, I buy, the price goes down, I buy even MORE!

    Thanks to this subreddit, I always knew that I was doing the right call. Merry Christmas folks

    submitted by /u/PhoenixHntr
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    What's suppressing Ripple prices on non-Korean markets?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 11:21 AM PST

    I know that Korean crypto prices are always higher than on other markets, but why is there such a stark difference between the ripple prices? Right now ripple is $1.29/piece on Bithumb, South Korea's biggest exchange, this price holds on the other Korean exchanges as well. But it's close to 40% less on non-American exchanges. The highest ripple has reached on a non-Korean exchange that I've seen was Binance at $1.33 U.S. dollars. I was actually watching it grow, while all the other U.S. exchanges were much less. Within a 3 minute window the price started plummeting to match that of other exchanges, presumably due to bot trading.

    submitted by /u/claipo
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    Noob question: But with services like changely not currently exchanging BTC to XRP, what are my options?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 01:14 PM PST

    I just bought into BTC a couple days ago with the hope of transferring it into ripple, however all the sites that I have been directed to no longer exchange XRP. This is a relatively new issue and am curious if anyone has found a way around it yet. If I am breaking the rules for asking I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me figure this out. Thanks for any help or insight on the this issue.

    submitted by /u/SpaceAndAlsoTime
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    Cryptocurrencies Decline on Christmas Eve: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple Down 10%

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 04:45 PM PST

    Ripple Annoucement Soon? Crypto Bloodbath

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 10:58 AM PST

    Ledger Nano S buggy

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 12:09 PM PST

    Anyone else have any hesitations storing their XRP on a Ledger Nano S? The application and overall installation process seems pretty buggy to me. The app from Ledger's site didnt work on my Windows 10PC, and an old version was required from some third party site. I finally got the device setup and was able to successfully transfer a small amount of XRP to the Nano S. Trying to transfer the XRP back from the Nano S to Bitstamp caused a number of "unexpected errors" though before the transfer finally went through and was credited to my account... I was expecting a somewhat seamless application/refined product, but i'm having my doubts with it...

    submitted by /u/Flynnst0ne
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    LTC to XRP

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 03:52 PM PST

    Hello, I bought a whole 0.94743121 LTC on Coinbase 2 days ago, my first Crypto purchase, I didn't get a whole 1 because I forgot about the fee's, but anyway I want to exchange my LTC entirely for XRP because I see more potential with Ripple, how can I do this without being charged a large amount of fee's, also, if in the future I wanted to get rid of the XRP for GBP what would be the best method? I'm thinking XRP > BTC > GDAX > Coinbase > sell for GBP? I could be wrong, I'm new to this.


    submitted by /u/Mcmul94
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    How long do most people "Hodl"?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 07:14 PM PST

    New to the market. There's obviously no one answer, but you see it everywhere. "Hodl!", "Hold", whatever. How long do most people plan to hold? 1 year, 5 years, 10 years? a few months?

    Again, a very subjective question with no one answer. Just trying to get some context to make since of things going forward.

    submitted by /u/balleigh
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    What is Ripple? Cryptocurrency passes major dollar milestone

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 11:32 AM PST

    XRP Commentator Streaming

    Posted: 24 Dec 2017 04:36 PM PST

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