• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 26, 2017

    Cryptography DES neural cryptanalysis by M. Alani

    Cryptography DES neural cryptanalysis by M. Alani

    DES neural cryptanalysis by M. Alani

    Posted: 25 Dec 2017 03:59 PM PST


    I read a paper by Mohammed Alani titled "Neuro-Cryptanalysis of DES and Triple-DES", published in International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2012 (paywalled link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-34500-5_75 ). He claims that he can break DES using 2048 known plaintexts by training a neural network to recover a plaintext from a cipertext. After training, it is claimed, the network can recover plaintexts for new ciphertexts not in the training set. This is a dramatic improvement upon other known attacks, e.g. those mentioned in the Wikipedia page on DES.

    However, this attack did not gain much attention. I tried to reproduce it and failed: (using PyTorch) https://gist.github.com/sorrge/4460c251081a833fee9d03913e6debb0 In my experience, the network can fit the training set well, but fails completely on the examples outside of it.

    What is the opinion of the cryptography community about this attack?

    submitted by /u/sorrge
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    Does a Feistel cipher need a key schedule if the one-way function is SHA256?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2017 11:36 AM PST

    Suppose you have a 4 round Feistel cipher with block size of 512 bits using SHA256. Assume the key is a 256 bit string of entropy.

    You run your key through sha256 once and use the resulting state as the a starting point for all future calls (you in effect replace the starting constants which is equivalent to prefixing your [padded] key to every input)

    Is this scheme secure?

    Feistel ciphers turn one-way random functions into random permutations, but the permutations are data dependent. Wouldn't this make the approach immune to slide attacks?

    Also why do Substitution–permutation ciphers (ex. AES) use key schedules when you can introduce round constants?

    submitted by /u/FelixMooray145
    [link] [comments]

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