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    Friday, December 29, 2017

    Cryptocurrency Daily General Discussion - December 29, 2017

    Cryptocurrency Daily General Discussion - December 29, 2017

    Daily General Discussion - December 29, 2017

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:13 PM PST

    Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread.


    • Questions, debates, meta issues, etc are all welcome.
    • Breaking news should be posted separately from this thread.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread except for the karma and age requirements. Anyone can participate.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

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    • Consider checking out our Weekly Skeptics Thread for discussion focused solely on critical analysis. Click here and select the latest thread on the search listing.

    Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Candlestick cheat sheet

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:03 PM PST

    me every morning

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:18 PM PST

    Paying for lunch in Venezuela where $1 USD equals $107,000 Bolivar, thanks to the government and hyperinflation. This is why crypto will win.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:32 PM PST

    Today I had to break my HODL mindset and cash out my only two ethereum tokens for something more valuable than dollar signs, my dogs life. I know 2 isn’t a lot, but I’m a greenhorn. I’m bummed that I had to sell so soon, but I’m grateful crypto has allowed me to pay for the first nights stay.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:33 PM PST

    Ripple at second place by market cap: surpassed Ethereum!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:55 AM PST

    A Warning about SCExchange - Launching December 31st

    Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:02 AM PST

    Hey All!

    So I can't verify every detail of what I am posting here, but I wanted to be sure that I would make a post as a fair warning to all that you should do some further research into this exchange before using it.

    It sounds to me like the creator has some explaining to do to everyone (including those he allegedly ripped off) before anyone uses his exchange.

    As far as I can tell, this has Cryptsy 2.0 written all over it! Here is the research I have done.

    • The creator of SCExchange is "Shane Cory" (please tell me SC in SCExchange makes this "Shane Cory Exchange").

    • Shane is 19 years old.

    • Shane ran a company that RAN AWAY WITH EVERYONES MONEY. They disappeared off the face of the planet without an explanation and suddenly 4 months later - boom - we have SCExchange.

    • This 19 year old kid is saying he will accept fiat. There is a reason you don't see fiat support on most exchanges. The moment he accepts USD from a US Citizen without a Money Movers license he is going to run into some serious problems. Being from Ireland is not going to protect him if he's putting peoples money at risk. I personally have spent a lot of time with lawyers about these issues while searching for potential business opportunities in this space. End result? DO NOT ACCEPT FIAT.

    • Another red flag? Why would you advertise your new exchange and not even have a landing page up? If you push your product to the world, have things prepared.. this is mind blowing to me. This alone is enough to not use this exchange in my mind. Its the simplest thing int he world... put up a page that says "Coming Soon SCExchange" with a countdown. One hour of work or less.

    Do what you will, and I am not stating any of these things as facts. He may have an explanation for things... but the fact they simply shut down their website and disappeared without any explanation to any of the people they owe many thousands of dollars tells me they will do it again.

    We have already seen this happen with exchanges run by far more professional and seemingly trustworthy people. I would be very skeptical about Cryptsy 2.0.

    I have been ripped off by shady exchanges before and the last thing I want to do is see other people put their money into things and watch someone run away with it when things get tough.

    submitted by /u/bradynapier
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    RaiBlocks (XRB) crosses $2 Billion market cap just days after crossing $1 Billion

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:33 PM PST

    Thank you, seriously, you saved my life.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:43 PM PST

    Crypto has literally changed my life for the better. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.

    Rewind a year(ish). I live paycheck to paycheck and have no idea where all my money goes. I have literally $5 in a savings account, and the day before payday my bank account has <$200 in it. I have never had more than $2000 in my bank at any given time. I have tried doing all different kinds of budgeting techniques but I either get bored of it or the math doesn't add up and I still end up broke.

    6 months ago I dive into Cryptocurrency as a hobby, literally just something to do. I start putting more and more money into it. 50 bucks here 50 bucks there. I start to value my crypto more than I value my dollars. I literally pinch pennies to be able to deposit a couple more dollars each day. I start challenging myself, "Hey, if I pack a lunch instead of eating out I can deposit $7 today." Little mind games I played on myself and my portfolio started to grow.

    Three months ago I was able to withdraw about half my portfolio, $5,000, and pay off a 3 year old credit card debt. No way in hell I would have been able to due that with traditional savings or making payments. Today I have $13,000 in my portfolio. I still have less than $200 in my bank account at any given time because all my spare money goes to crypto, but it's better there than in my bank well, because I value it more than I value the money if it were in my bank. I decided to tally up all my deposits I have made in the last 6 months. It came out to be about $4500. Even if my portfolio made 0% or even lost some, I would still have more saved up than I could have possibly done without crypto.

    So, again, thank you to the crypto community, thank you for all of your help, thanks for the shillings (thank you antshares, btc, and nuls), thank you for quite literally changing my life. I don't have to worry about having a random car emergency and not being able to pay it anymore, I don't have to worry about not having groceries. I don't fight with my wife about money anymore. (I firmly believe crypto even saved my marriage.) I was struggling with depression because I wasn't a part of anything, I was going nowhere. Now I have my place. I feel like I am part of an alliance of people who are going to change the world. All because of crypto and the crypto community.

    tl;dr- Investing in Cryptocurrency made me less reckless with money and saved my life.

    submitted by /u/Friskiestnut
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    Summary of VeChain and Why I Believe in this Project

    Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:21 AM PST

    VeChain and Why I believe Its a Top 15 Project

    Here an quick explanation about VeChain:

    • What is VeChain? What's the vision of VeChain?

    VeChain is the world's leading blockchain platform for products and information. VeChain strives to build a trust-free and distributed business ecosystem based on the blockchain technology self-circulated and expanding.

    -What are the advantages of VeChain ecological environment?

    • Relatively transparent and symmetrical information
    • Reduce the potential trust issue between different parties
    • Each person and each enterprise can find their own place. Based on their contribution and value, they can obtain relatively fair reward
    • The value is in a loop that keep expanding accompanied by the development of commercial activities with high-speed transmission.

    It has its focus on various industries such as: Liquor, Luxury products, Auto, Retail, Agriculture and Logistics.

    VEN has a National Level Partnership with the Chinese Government, which was announced last week. This alone is big news not only for VeChain but for Crypto overall. In my opinion its shows that VeChain is a solid and legit project, managing to get a National Level Partnership with a Government that was about to ban crypto in general is interesting to say the least.

    VeChain also recently partnered up with BitOcean, they are together building on the world's first ATM powered fiat payment application ecosystem on the blockchain

    • Korean Exchange Listing

    It was about to get listed on Korean exchanges late December/early January but unfortunately because of the Korean regulations it is being delayed now until further notice. But I think this South Korea FUD will clear soon, its only regulating since the Government thinks the speculations are getting ''out of hand''. I think these regulations are healthy and needed, and will work in our advantage. Korean Exchanges mostly have around 10 coins listed and the coins are over a billion dollar cap coins, imagine VEN sitting between those coins with its relatively small market cap.

    • People's Bank of China

    Theres rumors about a VeChain and the PBoC Ecosystem Partnership, its not clear yet but if this is true than the sky is the limit for Vechain. To be honest I'm not even surprised by this since they also managed to get a National Level Partnership with China last week. And the CEO Sunny Lu said in Telegram a couple days ago that there is major news coming up for January. VEN also has confirmed partnerships such as Renault, Givenchy, DNV GL and many more Strategic Partnerships. (See their announcements of this week on twitter)

    And last but not least, big news coming up within two days, we don't know exactly what it could be. But we are expecting a VeChain Gas system to be implemented.

    Like the title said, this is why I believe it will be and also deserves a spot in the top 15, with a multi billion market cap. Its now Ranking #48 with around a 500M Market cap.

    Do your own research and let me know what you guys think in the comments




    submitted by /u/patek_
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    SC Exchange launching on Sunday the 31st of December allowing the instant Fiat to digital currencies exchange! $BTC $ETH $LTC $XMR $XRP $BCH $IOTA $XRB

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:00 PM PST

    Wax adds Cryptokitties

    Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:49 AM PST

    The (Official) Tron Github

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:16 PM PST

    ICX (ICON)'s Loop Blockchain Network can scale and handle 9,000+ TPS

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:02 PM PST

    The ICON loop blockchain can do 3000 transactions per second (TPS) per channel/layer with additional layers/channels added later. This means the ICON loop blockchain can scale to 9,000 TPS or more if the demand is required. This eclipses most blockchains on the market today.


    submitted by /u/HeavierMetal89
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    LIVE STREAM: #TRON open source big day! #TRX $TRX

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:10 PM PST

    DeepBrainChain - Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Driven Computing Platform

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:19 PM PST

    This just got listed on 2 exchanges

    • Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Driven Computing Platform

    • DBC won the first prize in the business community of the SMP2017 Chinese man-machine dialogue evaluation at Harbin Institute of Technology. More than 30 domestic top artificial intelligence teams participated in this competition.

    • Received 32 million CNY of angel investment from Jinsha River Investment, Gobi Investment, and Chance Investment.

    • DeepBrain skills platform has more than 1000 skills. It is the first manufacturer of an artificial intelligence skills platform in China.

    • DBC has been worked for around 6 years

    • NEO is an official partner with DBC

    • Their CEO and CMO had tons of experiences with AI, respectively overseeing the development of the world's first artifical intelligence sound box and China's first cloud brain system, and the other the Director of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of Shanghai. The team had also won first place in a competition of the enterprise sector of SMP2017, a Chinese man-machine dialogue evaluation which had over 30 national top AI teams take part.

    • More than 100 corporate clients and 200,000 users are already using the DeepChain platform, including Microsoft, Huawei, Lenovo, Siemens and Samsung. Building on their current product, the DeepBrain Chain will integrate existing data sets and indigenous AI skill applications into the ecosystem.

    • Current price is about $0.10

    • The AI industry is valued at $20 billion, and with this being at a 15million cap

    • They have a finished product

    I see a lot of potential in this and room for growth, what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/MakeMeHappyAgain
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    Weekly Review, WTC: The Remarkable Yet Unmarketed Blockchain-RFID Token

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:42 PM PST

    Ripple has grown by an amazing 22,000%

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:40 AM PST

    Ripple now #2 with market cap

    Posted: 29 Dec 2017 03:00 AM PST

    Upfiring (UFR) added to Cryptopia - $1.4 million market cap

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:13 PM PST

    What are RaiBlock’s serious flaws and risks?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST

    RaiBlocks has been hyped to death on here, and that may or may not be for good reason. Thus far I've read a disproportionate number of great things about it, but never have I seen a serious discussion about its risks and flaws.

    In an effort to be an objective and level-headed investor, I'd love to hear some of the more serious and substantiated criticisms of XRB — criticisms of the team, the technology, the strategy, its position in the landscape, etc.

    Please don't downvote negative opinions, unless they're blatantly inaccurate or dishonest.

    submitted by /u/krptoh
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    So, Freewallet is a 100% SCAM and here is the proof.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:42 PM PST

    So, Freewallet is a 100% SCAM and here is the proof. Legal action is being taken and any help I could get from the internet would help.

    Here is the backstory, Freewallet has been holding .31 BTC of mine since November 8th. I contacted Freewallet after waiting 72 hours for three (3) of my exchanges to confirm. They were in the amount of .05 BTC, .10 BTC, and .16 BTC for EOS, XMR, and DASH. My email response with support is documented in one of the links below.

    After waiting for over amount and posting on their facebook, twitter, and reddit accounts, I finally received a refund for two (2) of the original transactions. You can confirm the amounts refunded from the pictures posted below.

    I would like to add that I have only generated one (1) BTC address on Freewallet, as documented below. The address is: 1ATHs6pab8TYGTAiio75AqkaKQ8poJEYQ2

    Address Transactions: https://blockchain.info/address/1ATHs6pab8TYGTAiio75AqkaKQ8poJEYQ2

    Image Documentation: https://imgur.com/a/KrA8k

    Original hash: https://blockchain.info/tree/299519508

    According to Freewallet, I have only had one(1) address, but somehow transferred over .25 BTC to two addresses from another wallet. The blockchain does not provide information for the two (2) transaction totaling over .25 BTC.

    The original hash I received from Freewallet is linked above. In the tree there are three (3) transactions (unspent) which coincide with the transaction I made on freewallet. Based on the pictures provided, you'll notice that freewallet refunded .10 BTC and .05 BTC, but NOT .16 BTC.

    Freewallet has now banned me from posting on their facebook page. The word needs to get out. We now have proof these people are thieves. Please, Help spread the word.

    For 'proof' of tampering/fabrication view the attached pics and do the math for yourself. If the transactions aren't present, where did my BTC go? Freewallet stole it!

    submitted by /u/BloodWillow
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    OKEx To List Stellar and Monero

    Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:29 AM PST

    "We are pleased to announce we have been confirmed on @Cryptopia_NZ $PRL trading is now live #Cryptocurrency #IOTA #Ethereum"

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:02 PM PST

    Regardless of what you're invested in, everyone can agree that Coinbase's market control/power has grown to dangerous levels. Enter FairX, a fiat<->crypto exchange founded by IBM employees... However, this venture has not gotten the attention it deserves.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

    As Coinbase flaunts the upcoming addition of several Alt's to their platform, CB users (and investors in these 'rumored' alts) are rejoicing. However, it's a very, very grim outlook for people using other exchanges who are invested in Alt's in BTC/ETH markets. This concern is common on here and there have been several calls for 'regulation' and additional competition to help cool the giant.

    Enter FairX - a Fiat<->Crypto platform currently in development. Reddit users have dug into this and uncovered that it's founders are current IBM blockchain employees.

    Although rumors are pointing to it running on Stellar's platform, this post isn't meant to be a plug. The benefits of FairX to the crypto community as a whole will be massive. A fiat based exchange taking a majority of BTC/ETH price 'strain' off of participating alt's while simultaneously shaving market share/control away from CB. Isn't this what we all want?

    Again, very little information is known, or has been confirmed, regarding FairX up to this point. I think this is partially due to the lack of attention it has been receiving. Beta testing begins in 'very, very early 2018' as they stated. We should know more at that time.

    But if you agree that true competition for CB along with a fiat<->crypto platform is necessary... please consider helping to spread the news.

    They have a twitter account with only 800 followers and a website which, although limited to a home screen, is hiding clues to more information in it's source code... nobody has been able to figure it out yet.

    submitted by /u/TheTimeIsChow
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    SALT: buy for 13$, sell for 27,50$

    Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:03 AM PST

    SALT confirmed last night that you can use SALT tokens to pay off loans on their platform, which launched yesterday. These will count for 27,50$ per token, so 13$ right now is a steal for anyone intending to use the platform soon.

    submitted by /u/IntiLive
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