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    Thursday, February 10, 2022

    Crypto Currency Markets What strategies are you using to stay safe in the crypto market?

    Crypto Currency Markets What strategies are you using to stay safe in the crypto market?

    What strategies are you using to stay safe in the crypto market?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:07 PM PST

    I know that every user defines "staying safe" in the cryptocurrency market differently and depending on their risk aversion, but as a risk averse person, I always prefer to take next level measurements to keep my funds and assets safe.

    Starting with hedging my portfolio against the volatility of the market, especially after the recent bear market, I decided to allocate more to $EURST and $USDC since they're stablecoins.

    And when it comes to keeping my digital assets safe, I'm using Vault12 where I'm able to recover, back up, and provide legacy inheritance for all my digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFTs, other cryptocurrencies, private keys, seed phrases, PIN codes, digital art, and of course, my crypto wallets.

    What are some major points that I should know to stay even safer in the crypto space?

    submitted by /u/BigDong1142
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    Colombia registers first-ever real estate purchase with Bitcoin

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 11:08 AM PST

    Let me just start by saying that the person that agreed to sell their real estate for Bitcoin in Colombia is a lucky person. Not only did they make history, they are owners of a pricey item that stands the chance to increase with the heightened demand for it.

    This means that regular people are starting to embrace what Bitcoin offers. More people will sell their real estate and items and receive payment in Bitcoin. The demand for what this space has to offer is awesome. As a trader that copies the trades of highly performing traders on Tycoon.io, I doubt if I will ever give up my Bitcoin to buy items. They are staying with me. Congrats to the person that sold their real estate for Bitcoin in Colombia. Many will follow soon.

    submitted by /u/Far_Resident_1482
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    Chose your favourite IOTA price path (pushing P)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:16 PM PST

    Digifinex - Orders never fill when they should. What's going on?!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:12 PM PST

    Digifinex - Orders never fill when they should. What's going on?!


    Seems like something fishy going on here. Bought a shit-memecoin a while ago. Forgot. Then remembered. Saw that it was having some pretty wild swings in short timespans so thought I would try and get on it and do some trading before the swings stop or it crashes or whatever...

    So I sign up to Digifinex (one of few exchanges that list it), transfer token and get going. This was a couple of days ago. So I waited until the price was at a peak, and then set a limit sell order to a price that was slightly lower than the current best buy/bid. I did this to mimick a market order as there's no market order option for this token, only limit and stop limit, which I thought was weird too. As soon as I sent the order, the buy/bid vanished and I now had an order on the sell book. At first I thought this was fine, that maybe the buy/bid was cancelled just before I sent my order. But it happened again... and again... and again. Every time infact. Price goes up, I sell, bid disappears, I have order on sell book.

    At this point I tried to search online to see if there was an explanation (and alos why there's no market order option), to no avail. So I thought I'd write a quick and dirty bot to see if I could figure out what was going on. So the bot is very simple, I've made an HTML page with some inputs, you put in a target price and an amount to sell, then it watches the price of the buy book and as soon as there's a bid that is >= the target price, sell it for the price of the bid or lower. Basically, the bot does exactly what I was doing but lightning speed. The purpose of the bot is to remove any human slowness. So it will sell as soon as the price is available...

    And yet... Same story. Every... single... time. No matter what I try. And what's also weird is that if I leave my sell order on the book, it will never fill, it will just sit there, and then an order that is one unit (0.000000000001) lower will fill at some point.

    The picture at the top of the post explains it. It's an extreme example, I set the sell price much lower to show how it's not just 1 order that will magically disappear. In this example, 6 orders disappear. My sell price was so low that there was 6 price points it could have traded at. And then my sell order would just sit there, no one would buy it, and the price will never get to it (0.000000001911), but will go to one unit below (0.000000001910).

    So WTF IS GOING ON?! Am I missing something super trivial, something so obvious that it's hiding in plain sight? I even spoke to live chat support, sent them this same picture. The response I got was not helpful in the slightest. I just don't understand. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/PlantBasedCools
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    LQTY Stable Coin | Solving Maker's DAI Problem and No Governance

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:41 PM PST

    We provide over 100+ FREE crypto articles on our SubStack! :D (Link on our profile). This is not financial advice.

    TLDR:As a debt protocol, Liquity's goal is naturally to expand the demand for $LUSD. When the demand for $LUSD increases, the protocol revenue earned from mint and redeem activities will also be larger.$LUSD is an over-collateralised stablecoin with a minimum collateralised ratio of 110%, but the actual collateralisation of the system is around 250%. Liquity is one of a number of recent prominent lending projects. After more than 2 months of development, the project has achieved many notable achievements. $LUSD is currently the 8th largest market capitalisation stablecoin according to Coingecko's statistics. However, $LUSD's DeFi integrations and use cases are very limited.

    General Conclusion

    Liquity is a decentralised borrowing protocol similar to the Maker DAO. In the Liquity protocol, users lock collateral to open collateralised debt positions (CDPs, in Liquity called troves). The system then lends the user $LUSD from the system - a stablecoin pegged to $1.The two main and essential components of the project are $LUSD — stablecoin and $LQTY — revenue token:

    • $LUSD is a stablecoin that is collateralised only by $ETH and is kept stable at peg 1 $LUSD = 1 $USD.
    • Liquity ($LQTY) is the project's utility token, only used for staking and earning protocol revenue generated during borrowing and redeeming $LUSD.

    Classifying Stablecoins

    We look at them in four different ways:

    1. Mechanism
    2. Peg
    3. Collateral amount
    4. Collateral type

    About $LUSD

    It uses two mechanisms, a dual-token and a reserve. It's soft pegged to USD and the collateral amount is over-collateralised. It uses just $ETH as collateral type.

    Dual-Token Model

    There are two tokens in the system, $LUSD, which is a stablecoin soft pegged to USD and the other one is $LQTY which is not a governance token but purely a value accrual token. When we talk about value accrual there is a liquidation fee that is generated from the system. The $LQTY holders will be receiving this liquidation fee which is the profits from the system. You hold $LUSD when you want to be using it, creating it, and paying people in it and you hold $LQTY when you want to receive accrual from the system.


    Reserves are over-collateralised. Ideally, it is 150% over-collateralised, but the entire system is 200% over-collateralised. The lower bound or the lowest amount that can be over-collateralised is 110% and below that you'll be liquidated. It uses $ETH as collateral.

    submitted by /u/economicsdesign
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    I think the time has come for the Cannabis industry to have its own DeFi solution.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:32 PM PST

    Even before legalization, the cannabis sector had undergone an unstoppable transformation. Many local dispensaries only accept cash for payment. I read that organized mobs are robbing cannabis dispensaries around the country, but Senate leaders are doing little to stop them.

    Unless Congress steps in, the cannabis industry must take matters into its own hands. Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies provide legal cannabis businesses an immediate alternative to a banking system that doesn't deal with them and to running an all-cash business model.

    The state-legal cannabis industry has grown significantly over the past 25 years, but even if the business is lawful, banking the money from it is still prohibited by federal anti-money laundering rules. Banking and financial services will be unavailable to the industry, as would any enterprises that serve it. Tangi is a newcomer here and has some interesting DeFi aspects. Although the industry was shaken by the suspicion of earlier BS coins, I believe there will be a leading coin in the future

    submitted by /u/alfredfcd
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    Propy is auctioning a home minted as an nft for the first time in Florida today and the charts tell us a huge pump can be coming soon. A 1.8 billion dollar market cap for pro coin does not seem unreasonable to me.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:31 PM PST

    KEX Token: Genesis of Decentralized Finance

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:12 PM PST

    Which cryptocurrency/tokens are most environmentally friendly and also some good future?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:00 PM PST

    Cryptocurrencies are not all created equal. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that rely on ""Proof of Work"" as a consensus security mechanism are not and will never be environmentally sustainable. Others, such as Hedera Hashgraph, have found a theoretically sound but significantly less energy-intensive solution to the consensus problem, making them orders of magnitude more environmentally friendly. Binance USD, Chainlink or Uniswap

    A utility token is only valid if the token issuer/owner is listed on a crypto exchange. Only after the utility token has been listed will its value be determined. Until then, the token will be worthless.

    It's a common misconception that as more people use utility tokens, the token's value will rise. When the demand for utility tokens exceeds the supply, the tokens' value rises.

    People are gravitating toward cause-based projects, which are referred to as utility-based tokens in the crypto world, as adoption grows. Bob Eco Coin, the first of its kind in the ev sector, is one such project to keep an eye on. It's the first time a for-profit social enterprise has been tokenized in the world. Bobcoin is a type of security token that has both equity and assets backing it.

    submitted by /u/Shot_Dependent6779
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    New to the DeFi space and I have a few questions

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 11:58 AM PST

    Hello reddit, sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I have been recently interested in getting started in DeFi. I'm a crypto beginner so I want to get more knowledge and experience about this amazing space.

    My friend recommended me a DeFi project called Aggregated Finance and he mentioned it is beginner friendly and it would be a good project to start building experience with. I want to ask everyone here what's your experience with that project and what's your opinion on it.

    For the people who haven't tried it yet they offer community powered investing. The community votes on a DeFi 3.0 or yield earning investment and the DeFi buys it from the treasury funds. And when the investment makes profit, it gets distributed among the community and the treasury. Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/Far_Resident_1482
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