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    Sunday, December 5, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - December 6, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - December 6, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - December 6, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Tether (USDT) created $1,500,000,000 Worth of USDT Out of Thin Air in the Last 24h: Nothing of it is backed by actual Cash

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 05:23 AM PST

    In the last 24 hours Tether, the creator of USDT, has minted $1,500,000,000 worth of USDT out of thin air.

    Nowhere it is documented where the money which was just created comes from and where it actually went.

    Before 2019 Tether claimed 100% of its reserves would be backed by actual cash

    Suddenly in April of 2019 Tether claimed only 74% of Tether would be backed by "cash and cash equivalents"

    A pie chart (yes, this is how they want to proof their reserves) released by Tether in 2021 revealed that only 2,9% would be backed by cash

    How much of it is actually backed of the $1,500,000,000 they somehow created in less than 24 hours? You can probably guess

    (source 1) (source 2) (source 3)

    submitted by /u/Dwez1337
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    Anyone else not give a single shit about this “crash”?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 05:11 AM PST

    If you're actually investing and not just gambling you should know that we're still in the very early days of all of this. I wouldn't be surprised at all if 10-20 years down the road we are all using coins that we haven't even heard of yet.

    I guess my sentiment here is that the front page of r/CryptoCurrency is full of fear coddling posts. If you are actually INVESTING in the tech, you shouldn't be worried. But if you threw half your bank account into shib and are hoping to retire then I don't know what to tell you.


    submitted by /u/MiLeSmAn45
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    Not everybody has 'buy the dip' money.. and that's OK

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 06:04 AM PST

    You've heard it before.

    "Bull markets make people money and bear markets make people rich" "This is what we are waiting for! If you're not buying now you're a fool!!" "YES I dream of this stuff! Chips and dip!!"

    Believe it or not, some people don't have the fiat to throw in at a moment's notice. Especially with the holiday season coming, things are tight for many.

    Some bought in a couple weeks ago which some now consider 'high' (it's not). Don't feel the need to rub it in "Glad I didn't buy X date and got in after a crash". Good for you, however new coiners can feel defeated by these things and nobody profits from discouraging people away from Crypto.

    I was fortunate enough to have a small amount on hand, but I didn't after the May crash and that was tough.

    TL;DR: Not everyone can afford to buy whenever the market dips, don't gloat about it. Be supportive, if not just be nice.

    submitted by /u/illintent99
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    Luna didn't care about the crash and is now a top 10 cryptocurrency

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:39 AM PST

    Luna is killing it man up 65.71% since last week and breaking ATH after ATH even when the whole market is down, now sitting comfortably in the top 10.

    This run up seems kinda similar to that of Solana a few months ago, i could see it going up a few other places if all the planets align.

    If you haven't look into Luna yet i suggest you do, it's a great project with a very solid team, who are always doing their best to improve and usually listen to their community.

    This is not financial advice, just DYOR and enjoy the ride :)

    submitted by /u/buuhhu1
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    $13 million of stolen ETH is being sold right now after the BitMart hack - watch it live

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 05:46 PM PST

    $13 million of stolen ETH being sold live right now and you can watch the hackers getting rich on the blockchain: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4bb7d80282f5e0616705d7f832acfc59f89f7091

    As confirmed elsewhere tonight (eg https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/r92ztx/it_appears_bitmart_has_been_hacked_and_several/), BitMart was hacked and a huge number of tokens and coins were stolen.

    The official list is available here: https://twitter.com/peckshield/status/1467302620000043013

    As well as a range of shitcoins, CRO, FTM, GALA, SAND, MATIC and MANA were also looted.

    But there is one upside: the ETH gas fees : )

    So far the hackers have sold off more than $130 million of stolen coins .... and they're still selling as I type this.

    submitted by /u/sandygws
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    Seatgeek CEO Jack Groetzinger: nearly 100% of all tickets will be NFTs in the next 5-10 years

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:12 AM PST

    Seatgeek CEO Jack Groetzinger: nearly 100% of all tickets will be NFTs in the next 5-10 years

    This week the CEO of Seatgeek predicted that nearly 100% of all tickets will be NFTs in the next 5-10 years. Seatgeek is large mobile focussed ticketing platform, its clients include clients include the Dallas Cowboys, Arizona Cardinals, New Orleans Saints, New Orleans Pelicans, Cleveland Cavaliers, Major League Soccer, and the majority of clubs across the English Premier League, including Liverpool F.C. and Manchester City F.C.


    In April Seatgeek already announced that it was in talks with NFL and NBA team to roll out an NFT prototype. Seatgeek also hired a a blockchain executive as VP enigeneering to help lead the ticketing company's efforts to turn its tickets into NFTs. In the meanwhile competitors like ticketmaster already launched its version of NFTs on polygon. Fans attending games will receive a commemorative ticket as an NFT in a Ticketmaster digital wallet. Other examples NFTs in the ticketing industry include Dallas collectibles. Visitors to games of the Mark Cuban owned NBA team will receive a NFT collectible.

    The benefits of NFT ticketing go much beyond the value of collecting NFT tickets

    Benefits of NFT tickets include:

    Increased profitability - Total control and insights over the primary & secondary market. Take in the profit that would have gone to scalpers.

    Collectible - Tickets become tradable digital collectibles (NFTs), with a variety of awesome possibilities for fans & event organizers.

    Unrivalled data - Clear, verifiable data on ticket ownership, vastly improving marketing efforts.

    Pre-financing events - NFTxDefI, allows event ogranizers to use their ticketing inventory as colleteral in exchange for upfront funding of NFTs


    Mark Cuban has been particularly interested in being monetizing the secondary markets with royalty functionalities on NFTs. In March Cuban stated:

    "With the [Mavericks], we're trying to find a good option for turning our tickets into NFTs," Cuban said on "The Delphi Podcast" on Wednesday. "We want to be able to find ways so that not only can our consumers, our fans, buy tickets and resell them, but we continue to make a royalty on them."

    Read more on NFT tickets in this extensive FAQ:


    Listen to the full conversation of Joe Pompliano with Jack Groetzinger









    submitted by /u/Newmovement69
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    No, Tether did NOT just mint 1.5B "Out of thin air" - Audit linked

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:58 AM PST

    Latest audit by a third party firm: https://tether.to/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/tether-assurance-sept-30-2021.pdf

    You can dislike them using low risk investments to make money off the cash they are holding to back their assets, but saying they are pumping BTC to print more to buy more BTC is just patently false. What they are doing is generating value for their share holders through low risk investments, and generating funds they need to pay for operations, holding cash won't do that.

    The commercial paper is generally the sticking point for a lot of people, and that's fair (see: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/commercialpaper.asp) as it is an unsecured loan, if those companies go belly up they will need to fight in court as a creditor to recover funds. The FUD that most of that was to Evergrande was just made up, they have confirmed they had no dealings with them (https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/stablecoin-tether-says-holds-no-evergrande-commercial-paper-2021-09-16/). You can argue they are just lying, as they have before. Sure, they could be, but Evergrande is too big to fail in China anyway, they will continue to be bailed out.

    If you want to honestly discuss the risk of Tether, fine, but don't make up bullshit that can be disproven with a google search.

    submitted by /u/pegcity
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    This will blow your mind. Exactly 100 years ago in December 1921, Henry Ford proposed to replace gold with energy currency and stop wars

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:09 AM PST

    This will blow your mind. Exactly 100 years ago in December 1921, Henry Ford proposed to replace gold with energy currency and stop wars


    100 years ago on December 3, 1921, Henry Ford discussed an idea he conceived. It was published the next day on December 4 in the New York Tribune. The title of the published article was called "Ford Would Replace Gold With Energy Currency and Stop Wars."

    Ford is well known for developing the assembly line technique and creating one of the first mass-produced American-built automobiles. Ford's energy currency concept describes a digital currency much like Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin and one that is also scarce.

    Not only would Ford's energy currency be backed by energy measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) he also discussed with the Tribune that the currency would "be issued only to a certain definite amount and for a specific purpose."

    It has always been understood that Henry Ford was well ahead of his time, but he also thought about a concept that is very similar to what's described in the Bitcoin white paper.

    It's very simple when you analyze it. The cause of all wars is gold. We shall demonstrate to the world two things, first, the practicability, second, the desirability of displacing gold as the basis of currency and substituting in its place the world's imperishable natural wealth.

    Almost everybody in the world except the newspapers and the bankers recognize that civilization has entered on a new era. The newspapers don't see it and the international bankers don't want to see it-it would mean changes in world finance and bankers always oppose changes.

    This is mind blowing vision from Henry Ford for the early 20th century.

    87 years later we got Bitcoin.

    Source : https://richpicksdaily.com/how-henry-ford-envisaged-bitcoin-100-years-ago-a-unique-energy-currency-that-could-stop-wars/

    submitted by /u/KAX1107
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    I made a crypto trading bot that takes advantage of Kucoin listing announcements

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 05:52 AM PST

    I made a crypto trading bot that takes advantage of Kucoin listing announcements

    As some of you have noticed, new listings tend to spike up quite a bit once they are announced on a big exchange. The aim of this tool is to take advantage of this initial spike, at the moment that the announcement is made, not once the listing is actually trade-able on the exchange.

    The reason behind it is that, once the announcement is made, the coin is not immediately trade-able on the exchange, and usually takes a few hours for the exchange to set the listing live.

    The tool allows you to take advantage of this by listening to Kucoin announcements, and then placing a trade on gateio. I chose gateio because they are more relaxed with coin listing, although they're janky af. This means that what Kucoin and Binance WILL list, is probably already listed on there.

    I made a similar tool for Binance, and while it does have the potential to be profitable, the script must run on a Tokyo VPS in order to take compete in a more competitive environment.

    Using Kucoin announcements instead, seems to be a lot less time-bound in order to be able to make a profit.

    Here some of the inital testing results by user busyuqboy:



    In both of these test cases the algorithm would have actually been able to catch a relatively nice spike. The two locations represent the VPS' location and speed of execution.

    I have started running this in live mode and report back with my results. Wish me luck!

    Here's a video where I explain all of this in more detail: https://youtu.be/qU8wcBRGihI. If you like this project and want to follow its progress you can always subscribe to my youtube channel ;)

    I made the tool open source so that anyone can play around with it if they wish: https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/gateio-crypto-trading-bot-binance-announcements-new-coins


    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set the bot up: https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/10/17/a-binance-and-gate-io-crypto-trading-bot-for-new-coin-announcements/

    submitted by /u/CyberPunkMetalHead
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    IMF, Governor of the British Central Bank "Not happy" because El Salvador adopted Crypto | Bukele responded to the governor of the British central bank by stating, “I’m really concerned about Bank of England printing money out of thin air.” Nayib Bukele is a chad.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:44 PM PST

    Andrew Bailey, governor of the bank of England was "concerned" about Bitcoin being used as legal tender in El Salvador.

    It concerns me that a country would choose it as its national currency … What would worry me most of all is, do the citizens of El Salvador understand the nature and volatility of the currency they have.

    Thankfully Nayib Bukele is a chad and he responded by tweeting

    I'm really concerned about Bank of England printing money out of thin air. Bank of England is 'worried' about El Salvador's adoption of bitcoin? Really? I guess Bank of England's interest in the well-being of our people is genuine. Right? I mean, they have always cared about our people. Always. Gotta love Bank of England.

    This man also bought the dip yesteday with 150 Bitcoin and and tweeted

    Missed the f***ing bottom by 7 minutes 📷

    TLDR: Nayib Bukele is a chad and knows how to put greedy bankers back in their own place.

    submitted by /u/Many_Scratch2269
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    NFT bear market will obliterate the NFT holders

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:02 PM PST

    The time is approaching when there would be no liquidity, no volume, no self-proclaimed art geniuses willing to buy anything anymore.

    It requires almost zero efforts to actually create an NFT and sell it to the general public. Worst yet, you can google a image and make it your own NFT. A colleague of mine has sold a pirated copy of a comic on wax.io.

    Even this could've been fine had these NFTs sold for a few dollars, but the bigger NFT projects with 1000's of the similar art designs are selling individual NFTs for as much as 3/4 SOL. $600 for a picture of a turtle and -to hit the final nail in the coffin- you're not the only one with such a photo, there are 9999 more such photos who've paid the same price for it. Imagine what would happen when all of these folks will try to sell their 'unique' pieces to the public at once.

    Most of these NFT projects don't even have a working game where these NFTs could be used. It literally serves no purpose at all. They've just sold a dream in the manner of a roadmap. Yet they are selling like hot cakes.

    This is worst than margin trading, atleast there you are trading with something which ideally should've some real value. Here you are just playing with fire.

    submitted by /u/tanmay1010
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    I don't think anyone in this sub actually sold their position during the dip - we are all too indoctrinated by our own repetitive mantras to be even faced by it, this was market manipulation only.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:22 AM PST

    First of all, what exactly is market manipulation you might ask:

    "Market manipulation is an attempt to artificially influence an asset's price or the market's behavior. This typically involves a single individual or group looking to create an illusion in the market, so they can profit from the aftermath. For example, a pump and dump may involve a person pumping a penny stock's price with fake news and then profiting at the peak. You may recognize that example from Wolf of Wall Street, the true story of notorious stock-market manipulator Jordan Belfort.

    Four Common Market Manipulation Strategies

    1. Pump and Dump

    The crypto market's most prevalent offender is the pump and dump, which involves a group of people working together to artificially inflate a coin's value. Pump and dumps usually target low-market cap coins that are available on limited exchanges. The group's insiders will buy a coin early and dump it once there is enough attention from traders and investors buying in. In recent years, pump and dumps have become more accessible via social media communities like Reddit, Telegram and Discord. You may have recognized them from names like Crypto Pumps. In these situations, the leaders typically profit while most of the participants end up taking a loss

    2. Whale Wall Spoofing

    Spoofing was a common tactic used during Bitcoin's early days and still happens on less-regulated exchanges. This strategy involves a whale placing large orders to create fake buy or sell walls in the order books, hence the name spoofing. For example, if they wanted to create a bearish sentiment and drive a coin's price down, a whale will set large sell orders to trick investors into panic selling. Once the selloff occurs, the whale removes their sell orders and proceeds to buy more at a discounted price.

    3. Wash Trading

    Wash trading is similar to whale wall spoofing because they both feed misleading information to the market. This strategy involves a person or group rapidly buying and selling the same cryptocurrency to inflate the volume artificially. The asset's increased activity gains attention from traders and investors, which distorts the price even more. Smaller, unregulated exchanges will typically perform wash trades to inflate trading volume, generate more commission and entice more users.

    4. Stop Hunting

    Stop hunting involves whales driving a cryptocurrency's price to a level where market participants have set stop-loss orders. Most people set their stop orders around the same key technical levels. The whale executes multiple sell orders to drive the price down and trigger the stops, which causes high volatility and an opportunity to rebuy the asset at a lower price."

    Source: What is Market Manipulation in Cryptocurrency?

    So what can you do against Market Manipulation:

    "How do I Deal With Market Manipulation

    Tracking market manipulation is a tricky game of hide and seek. Remember always to do your research and due diligence before investing money in any asset. We've listed four basic strategies you can use to protect your crypto holdings from market manipulation.

    1. Double-check with different sources

    Don't rely on a single source of information, like the order book, to verify an asset's movement. Compare your asset's data across different sources like Coingecko and Coinmarketcap.

    2. Focus on historical price trends

    Whales will sometimes inflate volume by performing wash trades on multiple exchanges. For example, posting a large trade on a popular exchange while doing the opposite on a smaller one. Traders can avoid this whale tactic by basing their decisions on historical price trends instead of recent movements.

    3. Longer-term contracts vs. perpetual futures

    Whales will sometimes drive prices to liquidate their shorts and benefit from a long position of equal size. For an unbiased method, always compare the premium on longer-term contracts to perpetual futures.

    4. Dollar-cost average (DCA) with recurring buy

    If you're more of a HODLer than a trader, you can use Binance's recurring buy feature to dollar-cost average (DCA). This strategy will not only lower your exposure to potential market manipulation price swings but also strengthen your crypto holdings. Remember, market manipulation causes more harm to short-term traders since the effects happen quickly before the market corrects itself. If you're interested in learning more, you can read our recurring buy FAQ guide.

    5. Diversify your portfolio

    Your crypto portfolio should include a healthy mix of different assets according to your risk appetite. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket—don't all in. If your portfolio is properly diversified, market manipulation can only affect a small percentage of your assets."

    Source: What is Market Manipulation in Cryptocurrency?

    I don't think any of us trained Hodler's were part of this crash this saturday. If anything this sub does, it teaches you basic crypto knowledge in the form of ever repeating mantras:

    It indoctrinates you with the 10 commandments of this sub (DCA; DYOR; HODL; etc.) and melds it into our brains so we don't forget the next time a minor correction happens. I am thankful to all of you indoctrinators out there, keep up the community spirit.

    submitted by /u/KofiOlut
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    Algorand rally in the recent dip

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:04 PM PST

    It would seem Algorand is currently bucking the trend and seeing some green in an otherwise red few days.

    With that, it also jumped up to number 18 having held the number 21 spot a week ago. Today alone its overtaken Uniswap and Litecoin.

    It seems to be performing well during this latest crash/dip/correction or whatever you want to call it.

    It's left me feeling even more bullish on this project and got me thinking those that hold it are keeping a level head, where other investors seem to be losing theirs.

    I've never understood the need or desire to sell when there's a dip, but looks like the Algonaughts are all on the same page.

    Happy hunting, hope you've been enjoying these pre Christmas sales. Interested to know what you've been buying these past few days?

    submitted by /u/dmack080288
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    How much further down the crypto rabbit hole can one go?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:38 PM PST

    When I got into the space early this year it opened my eyes to a world of macroeconomic thinking, I deep dived. HARD. I started by watching all the MIT Gary Gensler lectures, all of the videos where Micheal Saylor proved he was a maximalist. I read books trying to understand the gold standard, the bitcoin standard, where Peter Schift is coming from. I reading the white paper again and again, understanding byzantine, and then others.

    In the past year I've learned

    • To code hashes and blockchains in python,
    • Staking and swapping
    • Tax laws in both my countries,
    • How to spot good/bad news article
    • Tracked hash rates moving to North America
    • Charted on chain metrics
    • Watched interview after interview
    • Read about the fourth turning demographic crisis era, of new digital internet money revolution
    • Participated in macroeconomic lectures and seminars.

    I get it. I think most of us here do.

    Where does it stop? I feel like I've gotten the equivalent of a bachelors degree in DeFi market finance having been hyper obsessed the past many months. What's next? Do I learn how to build my own cryptos? Learn Haskell? Do I start trading evolving NFTs 'for the tech'? Set up nodes just for principles sake?

    I've become desensitized to the volatility and have just decided not to sell until 2033. What do I do till then?

    submitted by /u/Jxntb733
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    There's some mad lad out there with tons of money that created the 69,000$ ATH and 42000 dip.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:44 AM PST

    On 10-11-2021, BTC hit a new ATH of 69,000, in the following month of December 4, BTC hit 42,000.

    This doesn't happen on its own, someone out there took the time and effort to create a bunch of major sell orders at 69K building or what we traders call "invisible wall" and buying orders at 42000. It could be a single whale or whales.

    Is it immature? yes.

    Is it hilarious? yes.

    Is the whale(s) a mega chad? yes.

    I can't wait for news articles to quote this and go "look how immature the market is", good luck doing this with your stocks folks.

    submitted by /u/_DEDSEC_
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    Giving my moons to charity.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:44 PM PST

    I'd like to give my moons to charity or to a genuine user who can do that for me. I'm deleting my account as I regularly do and I don't want the moons. I'll still be invested in crypto for the long run, but this sub isn't what it once was and also I just don't want another avenue of crypto filling up my life.

    Whilst this sub can be good for certain things I just find it boring and tiresome to even try and read through now and I'd much rather spend my time that I would here on something else.

    So, hopefully someone can help me and a charity out with these moons.

    (Edit - will donate when I work it out in the morning. Sleep time).

    And remember: Kadena stays Babena.

    submitted by /u/Automatic__Nomad
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    Crypto influencers are not your friends and they are not giving you a secret "once in a lifetime" chance to get rich.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:02 AM PST

    BitBoy crypto, DIY investing, Crypto Homie, MMCrypto and many others didn't get rich because of their superior technical analysis or knowledge of the universe and beyond. Names of the channels kinda give it out but they aren't who you should be listening to. They got here to make profits off your losses and to get funded by sponsors of their videos/posts/analysis etc.

    A LOT if not most of high profile crypto youtubers are simply covert pump and dump schemes.

    Remember the Phantasma video that BitBoy did? Yea, something like that. Buy cheap, sell while your followers bought a significant amount and then dump it for profit and never mention it again in your videos.

    Kardashian shilling shitcoin Ethereum MAX? No-one was held responsible for the money that people lost in that. And how much did Kardashian got paid by the devs of Eth MAX? A shitton.

    Then you have semi-influencers like Willy Woo who is still predicting 1 million BTC by the end of year.

    I did my share of shitty decisions and actually bought a small amount of Aldrin finance that was shilled beyond anything that was ever shilled by CryptoBanter Ran. It went from about 8$ to 2$. Was it ever mentioned again? Nop. Not once.

    And don't think that those several hundred or thousand dollar giveaways are real. Most if not all are fake. Don't trust those who say that "its the last chance to get rich" or "this will go parabolic". Its a façade for their own interests. And they have one interest. To get truly, nasty rich despite how many bodies they leave behind their destructive wake.

    submitted by /u/DaddySkates
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    There’s a reason people say “Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose”

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:17 PM PST

    From someone who had a tough rough in with a gambling addiction in my past, it genuinely scares me when I see people throwing everything they own and the kitchen sink into crypto.

    Not investing more than you can afford to lose, allows you to remove any emotional attachment you have with crypto. You should realistically be able to look at your entire portfolio, and say that if it went all went tits up and dropped 99% overnight, you'd still be fine in the morning.

    If you can come into this highly volatile market with an actual plan/strategy, you will be much better off 5-10 years down the line. There are many safe investment strategies, with DCA being the most popular amongst them.

    If you're not afraid of losing your crypto, you won't be afraid of HODLing it. You won't panic sell at a loss, you won't convert to coins that are currently pumping. All in all, you'll be in a better place if you're not over-exposed.

    Trust me, once you go balls deep into the rabbit hole, you'll find yourself trying to catch the next Doge, the next SHIB, etc. & trust me, you won't.

    submitted by /u/Hopeful_Bus_2815
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    After losing $8,000 in an altcoin scam, one man started a group that hunts down crypto frauds

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:53 AM PST

    Cardano Is Set for Long-Term Gains Based on Its Development Roadmap

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:14 PM PST

    Ethereum balance on exchanges reaches 3 year low!! Bullish AF

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Here is the Tweet. If that doesn't make you bullish, I don't know what will. People keep taking Ethereum of exchanges, even tho we're close to the all time high.

    The bull market is not over yet, we're just getting started. Like, why would people put Ethereum in their wallets if this would be the beginning of a bear market?

    I was looking through these on-chain analysis tweets, as they tell a lot more than looking at the price. And for a moment I got scared, because I saw how much exchange inflow there was.

    Then I saw that there was much, much more exchange outflow.

    My thesis is that whales are sending their coins to an exchange, to scare people out and then the price flies again. I am not sure if this theory is correct, but what I am sure about is that people taking their Ethereum off exchanges is as bullish as it gets.

    I think you're still not bullish enough, be more bullish my friend.

    submitted by /u/Wiardv
    [link] [comments]

    Everyone is talking about how the "crash" has recovered and we are back to normal but am i the only one sat here thinking this dip is about to drop again before it recovers

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 07:07 AM PST

    Alot of post seem to be talking about how the dip is over and starting to recover but for me it feels like it's gonna have another dip or 2, I can't tell I feel this is because i have buy order sat that I want to trigger so keep telling myself another drip is coming or I legit feel this is true, just wondering on others feel.

    From the last times btc has dipped like this it gets a small bounce as people buy the drip until them same people sell their profits triggers another slaughter of the overleaved traders who got cocky after seeing a green candle following a huge red one

    submitted by /u/RandomDuckQuack
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    SEC Chair Gary Gensler shows his true colors by saying Bitcoin has disrupted the global banking system

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:07 AM PST

    CRO is in fact a lot more interesting than BNB.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:38 AM PST

    Binance is absolutely lacking right now. The app sucks. Withdraws for cash are an absolute nightmare. There's no plus in utilizing their system and security wise nothing pops out. I won't even go about Coinbase lmao.

    Meanwhile Crypto.com is becoming more mainstream, their investment in Marketing is insane, CRO is gaining value and the staking for the Visa cards is a master plan to get people to hodl as much CRO as possible for as long as possible. Cashback is nice, supercharger for staking without a specific time constraint.

    Of course the app needs to get better, but looking at Binance I already feel like they are miles ahead.

    I can honestly see CRO mooing pretty hard in 2022, at least 5$ is my price prediction.

    submitted by /u/bloodbuzzz-ohio
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    What advice would you give to a new-comer looking to participate in the crypto ecosystem?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:17 AM PST

    As with many bull runs in the past, there are numerous new-comers who spend significant amounts of their cash and buy near All-Time-Highs.

    If their purchases worked out for them, that's great. However, most of the time new-comers are more prone to panic during large percentage drops & sell their holdings at huge losses.

    We always hear advice to buy during dips. This strategy might or might not work depending on how the markets are going & other real world factors.

    What advice would you give to a new-comer looking to participate in the crypto ecosystem?

    submitted by /u/zephyrdark
    [link] [comments]

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