• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 9, 2021

    Cryptocurrency New Moons Are Ready! (Round 17)

    Cryptocurrency New Moons Are Ready! (Round 17)

    New Moons Are Ready! (Round 17)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    This distribution of Moons has been finalized, and Moons are being delivered to users with a registered Vault. Users who do not have a Vault yet will get their Moons when they create one through the Reddit app.

    This distribution is based on karma earned from 2021-08-04 to 2021-08-31. Here is the finalized list, with contribution scores signed by Reddit.

    Moons are r/CryptoCurrency's form of Community Points, a way for users to be rewarded for their contributions to the subreddit, and they can be used on premium features in the community.

    submitted by /u/CommunityPoints
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    Daily Discussion - September 9, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Mark Cuban says the SEC is trying to regulate Coinbase through litigation and urges CEO Brian Armstrong to 'go on the offensive'

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    I tried to explain Solana’s market appeal 16 days ago. I got called a shill and told I don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s up almost 300% since then. I’m going to try and explain it again.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    So I'm always trying to follow the DYOR advice that everyone rightfully spouts here and I think I get why Solana is being treated as a potential Next Big Coin. I'm going to try and summarize the things I've learned so hopefully you won't have to do as much thinking to understand it if you do your own research. Additionally, I hope this will explain why I'm bullish on SOL.

    Part 1: The Byzantine Generals Problem is one all blockchains must solve

    The Byzantine generals problem goes like this

    1. The army of Byzantium is huge and led by a proportionate few generals who each lead vast legions (the users of the blockchain and their validators)

    2. The generals all have to agree on a tactic for the army to be effective (the validators must validate a block before it gets added to the chain)

    3. Generals communicate through messengers (we assume the messengers themselves always follow orders, as here they represent digital signals)

    4. Some generals are traitors and send bad plans to the network (bad validators, possible 51% attackers)

    5. How do all the generals know when a general is trustworthy? (We need a consensus protocol)

    6. The tactic that most generals agree with is the one which will help Byzantium (the network democratically decides the movement of the blockchain)

    This is where all blockchains agree: something must be done. There are different strategies to get this done but they all have to consider what happens when the network is huge, what happens when there are a lot of potential traitors, and how to keep the army efficient as possible in its actions without letting it get bogged down in security validation.

    I think Solana's approach is novel and robust.

    Part 2: Proof of History resolves the dilemma between pure Proof of Work and pure Proof of Stake

    Bitcoin's revolutionary consensus protocol, Proof of Work or Nakamoto Consensus, objectively secures the blockchain through hard mathematics applied to deterministic physics. Basically, people compete to do math in a way that can't be shortcut until they get the chance to validate the new block. However, as people have pointed out, this is inevitably energy-draining. Energy use is not inherently immoral, as some FUDers would have you believe, but it is a real logistic concern in a world that is running out of time to stop dumping energy into carbon emitting things. Thus you see the investment into non-saleable renewables, like geothermal and hydroelectric energy, being diverted towards Bitcoin's massive energy requirements. In an ideal system, we'd have fusion and all energy would be free, but we're not there yet so we have to work with what we have.

    Ethereum is switching from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake consensus, which uses game theory to validate the network. The idea is that if your generals materially depend on the army, through investment of their resources in its stability, they will be the least likely to betray the system. This is clever, as it banks on humans being selfish dicks overall (which we are, let's be honest, it's okay as long as it's not hurting anyone) and doesn't need great energy consumption, but it's normative security, determined by people, not objective security, determined by math and physics.

    Solana combines staking with Proof of History. Proof of History is a consensus protocol where the output of the encryption function relates directly to how many times the function has been called, and the output can't be retrieved without having called the function that many times with the exact same input beforehand. Additionally, unlike Cardano and other would-be ETH killers, Solana already has smart contracts and NFTs.

    Part 3: A dumbed down example of Proof of History

    It helps me to understand consensus protocols if I can see an example of what's happening.

    Let's say we have three transactions. They're encrypted so we don't know what's in them, but let's call them A, B, and C. I call them this because that lets you retain their transaction order, first A, then B, then C.

    Solana passes each of these transactions in order through its consensus protocol, PoH. PoH takes as input the transaction and internal clock that objectively measures the order of transactions, so it goes:

    PoH(A, timestep 0) —> hash: encrypted version of A at timestep 0

    PoH(B, timestep 1) —> hash: encrypted version of B at timestep 1
    PoH(C, timestep 2) —> hash: encrypted version of C at timestep 2

    This provides an objective measure of not only that each transaction has happened, but when each transaction happened in order. If transaction B were input at timestep 0, the entire blockchain would be affected. This is an objectively secure function that cleans up transaction order without relying on humans and game theory to work. Aliens couldn't crack it no matter how powerful and godlike their tech and understanding was; it's simply the laws of physics at work.

    Conclusion: Solana outperforms the big boys in the ways that matter

    Let's put aside the conceptual math and just look at numbers. We're going to be looking at transactions per second (TPS) and average fees.

    Visa manages 1.7k transactions per second for credit cards with a processing fee of 1.43-2.4% (Visa claims it can tolerate up to 56k tps, but this hasn't been stress tested)

    Bitcoin manages 5-7(0.005k-0.007k) TPS with an average fee of ~$3 USD.

    Ethereum currently manages ~30 TPS with an average fee of $2.50 USD Vitalik himself claims that this will be boosted to up to 100k TPS with sharding and other strategies rolled into ETH2.0, but this is purely theoretical until it's real.

    Solana manages ~59k TPS with a theoretical upper bound of 710k TPS and an average tx fee of $0.00025 USD. Naturally, these fees are paid in SOL and they're congestion-based like ETH, so even if SOL reaches BTC levels of market cap or price, its fees will still be a fraction of a dollar.

    All this, with smart contracts.

    tl;dr: 5 reasons why me like SOL money

    1. Money fast (TPS greater than BTC and ETH by orders of magnitude)
    2. Money secure (PoH is objective and staking further insures the network against bad actors)
    3. Money easy (the energetic requirements of Solana are vastly lower than the major L1 chains)
    4. Money cheap (tx fees sub dollar for the foreseeable future no matter how huge the network gets)
    5. Money useful (Smart contracts are already live)

    SOL money good. Me like.

    submitted by /u/onlymadethistoargue
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    SEC moves to shut down latest moon distribution.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has moved to shut down the latest Moon distribution, claiming the official token of the cryptocurrency subreddit is, in fact, a security.

    The SEC has threatened Reddit with legal action should the latest distribution go ahead.

    Frustrated and confused redditors, some of whom had stayed up all night waiting for their Moons, were left in the dark following an initial announcement on Reddit that Moons would be distributed.

    A statement released by the SEC cited comments from irate Redditors who were angry at the SEC for their stance on cryptocurrencies and their proceedings against Coinbase and Ripple.

    "One Redditor even told us to suck his big fat hairy balls." the statement read, "here at the SEC we take statements like that very seriously, we'll see how they like it when they can't get their precious Moons!"

    We have reached out to Reddit for a statement.

    Stay tuned for more on this development

    submitted by /u/Wargizmo
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    I don't care how many down votes this gets. Everyone here needs to understand the security risks with ADA's smart contracts are not FUD.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    Tldr: This isn't debatable: ADA will not have defi until they deploy a sidechain or other solution that has not yet been developed, let alone tested. Telling people "it's okay, don't worry about this FUD" will directly cause people to lose serious amounts of money. Everyone needs to understand the additional risks they will be taking on if they use centralized "defi" on cardano.

    This is not FUD; this is a serious problem. The cardano chain absolutely cannot run a uniswap DEX. That's bad, but the real problem is that everyone, including devs learning plutus , are actively being misinformed by cardano's leadership.

    The problem is fundamental to cardano's eUTXO architecture. In plutus, every AMM pool has an NFT that must be referenced to create a tx on the exchange. And, every tx writes over that pool NFT with an updated NFT that reflects the current state of the pool. Every tx must create a new pool NFT, and no txs can call the previous NFT.

    In UTXO all txs are deterministic. That means that if you and me both call the existing NFT pool for our tx, only one of our txs will be completed. I can't reference the pool NFT if it doesn't exist anymore, because you beat me to it. My tx will fail, and I will have to call the new NFT that your tx created.

    So, you can code a Uniswap AMM program, and everything will look completely fine as long as one person trades at a time. When 50 people attempt to interact with it (within the amount of time it takes to query the state of the pool, consider accepting the exchange rate, and actually submitting a tx), 49 of their txs will fail, and you will soon have a pile up with thousands of txs failing for every one tx that succeeds. Realistically, the pool will change before most people even attempt to submit the tx, causing it to immediately fail.

    That's why it currently is not possible to run a DEX on cardano. DEXs will have to be run on non-eutxo sidechains or use other methods that have not been fully tested yet. This is a PITA, but the real problem is the workaround solutions that are going to be implemented. The ADA community's (and Charles' very intentional) misrepresentation of the issue is going to end disastrously.



    Sidechain and decentralized solutions to this problem do exist, but none of them have been developed or tested yet. Sundaeswap claims to have a secret solution, but it's really not possible that their solution is decentralized.

    There is a HUGE difference between going "off-chain" to a decentralized sidechain and going "off-chain" through a centralized, trusted custodian (even if they route your tx to another decentralized chain). Charles knows this, and he also knows that you don't.

    This means, that for the time being, cardano will not have decentralized exchanges, and because of the community's refusal to acknowledge and honestly address this conversation, most ADA users will have no understanding of the vulnerabilities these centralized exchanges represent.

    Until this problem is solved, treat every cardano "DEX" like a "CEX." Do not leave large amounts of money in their SCs. There will be DEXs that pop up and offer great APRs using the same code as well-known projects, but they will exit scam. People will exploit this. Cardano should delay smart contracts until this is resolved. This will make cardano the riskiest chain for defi.

    submitted by /u/Awhodothey
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    Buying The Dip: 3rd Largest Bitcoin Wallet Just Bought $23 Million Worth of BTC

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    Coinbase should not give in against the SEC. It is a private company. The SEC is going too far with their bias towards banks.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    If you didn't know yet, the SEC wants to sue Coinbase for offering people a 4% interest rate on their stablecoins. This is should not be the SEC's business whether or not Coinbase offers more interest rate than the banks since they are a private company.

    This is just another way for the SEC to save the banks from competition. Banks currently offer terrible interest rates compared to Crypto. This is just basic capitalism. If you can't offer decent interest rates compared to your competitors, you deserve to lose out on customers. Yet they are trying to save their ass by directly attacking Coinbase.

    The average bank interest rate for interest checking accounts in the United States is 0.03%. Coinbase plans to offer their customers 4%. The banks know that Coinbase is giving them a run for their money. Them trying to sue Coinbase is pure stupid. In my opinion, as a private company, Coinbase holds the right to offer their customers whatever interest rate they want.

    The feds should not oppress a private company from their rights to provide their customers financial service. They are going after Coinbase since they know they can't do shit against Cryptocurrencies that offer high interest rates directly. Coinbase should definitely fight this in the court. The SEC has no business trying to sue a private company for offering tough competition.

    TLDR: Coinbase is a private company and holds the right to offer whatever interest they want. The SEC is being total bullshit and just wants to save the banks from the competition from Crypto.

    EDIT: Apparently, Coinbase is no longer a private company unfortunately. However my point is still there. The SEC doesn't have any business attacking a company that is just offering financial service superior to their competitors (Banks). It's publicly traded, but still a private company as it is not owned by the government.

    submitted by /u/Many_Scratch2269
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    Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we are back in business! The last 24h trade volume is now over $200 billion, most coins started to recover pretty nicely and we can see green all across the board. And the total market cap has increased by 7% Well done everyone.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we are back in business! The last 24h trade volume is now over $200 billion, most coins started to recover pretty nicely and we can see green all across the board. And the total market cap has increased by 7% Well done everyone.

    I know that the recent dip was a bit scary but looks like we are back on track and it's looking pretty good, market has recovered pretty quickly. We've seen some SEC FUD etc. but it looks like it didn't affect us as much. Looks like the community is maturing fast and is less susceptible to FUD which is great.

    • Almost all coins except one or two are in green when it comes to the last 24h gains charts.
    • Last 24h trading volume is over $200,000,000,000!
    • The total market cap is still lover than before the dip but it's at the same level as it was on August 31st (only 9 days ago).

    Trading volume.

    Almost all coins in the top 100 are in green in the last 24h (99 cryptos out of the top 100 are in green right now).

    Some of the highlights:

    • ADA +16.8%
    • SOL +41% (congrats to all lucky bastards who bought SOL recently)
    • LINK +11.3%
    • ALGO +27,7%
    • DOT +16,3%
    • BTC +5,4% (looks like alt seasons continues and BTC will recover slower than others)
    • ETH +10,2%

    Top 10 coins.

    Top 11-20 coins.

    Altcoin season chart is gaining momentum. Looks like we will be in alt season again soon. But to be honest I think it's been an altcoin season for a while now.

    TLDR: It's looking good boys and girls!

    submitted by /u/rootpl
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    Do filmmakers have potential in NFT?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    With the current NFT craze going on, a lot of artists are trying their luck by selling their works as NFT. I'm an aspiring filmmaker and a crypto fan so I can't help but wonder if there's an opportunity for us in the NFT world? So far I've heard of Anthony Hopkins' new film's gonna be an NFT, unseen footage of Wong Kar-Wai's 'In the Mood for Love' being released as NFT short film, and Mogul Productions (a blockchain film prod) opening their own NFT market soon. Not sure if they'll have films as NFTs though.

    So, what do you think? Are we going to see films as NFTs in the future? Do you think that we have the potential to earn from this?

    submitted by /u/Agitated-Music2365
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    MrBeast Reveals His Cryptocurrency Portfolio �� (VIDEO)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    Our Community shows their full support for Brian Armstrong. Coinbase has to fight this. Brian, take this to court and change the world!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    3rd largest BTC wallet bought another 1,465 BTC hours ago

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    From time to time I whale watch and a few days ago this whale sold like 1,5k BTC at 49k. But after the recent dip he bought close to 2k BTC for about 46,5k.

    Guys this is how its done: Buy low, sell high. But if you dont have the capital and friends to move the market then maybe just hold longterm.

    And stop leverage trading, these guys can see when the market is overleveraged and can clearly use this information to profit.

    Maybe this means something, maybe it doesnt. But if a wallet like this buys at these prices I feel hopeful for the midterm future.

    submitted by /u/_Captain_Retard_
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    Rocket Pool mainnet launch date announced for October 6th! An overview of the Rocket Pool protocol and the importance of decentralised staking pools in maintaining the health, security, and decentralisation of Ethereum.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:08 PM PDT


    Rocket Pool has just announced it's mainnet launch date for October 6th! Permissionless, fully decentralised, and non-custodial liquid staking will be possible on Ethereum with as little as 0.01 ETH. Rocket Pool allows for a large network of node operators around the world, with no single centralised points of failure. Stakers and node operators maintain custody of their funds, and withdrawals are smart contract enforced, so there is no need to trust a third party with your ETH or the withdrawal keys.

    We have seen there is enormous demand for staking pools that allow you to stake with less than 32 ETH. A decentralised staking pool like Rocket Pool is integral to the health, decentralisation, and security of the overall network, because without this option, we will likely see continued concentration of staked ETH on centralised competitors. Whilst it is extremely important in its contribution to the ongoing decentralisation of Ethereum, it should also be noted that Rocket Pool is designed to allow stakers and node operators to maximise their returns, allowing for greater opportunities and staking yields.


    Who can stake ETH using Rocket Pool?

    In Rocket Pool, there are two types of users.

    - "Stakers" are able to stake any amount, with as little as 0.01 ETH. In a super simple 1-click process, with the ability to keep funds on your hardware (or any other) wallet the entire time, they can deposit ETH and receive rETH (staked ETH on Rocket Pool) in return. The value of rETH = ETH + staking rewards. It will become more valuable than ETH over time, as staking rewards accrue.

    - "Node operators" with at least 16 ETH, and 1.6 ETH worth of RPL as insurance collateral, plus the appropriate hardware and technical knowledge, can run a node on the Rocket Pool network (I will note that although there is a learning curve to becoming a node operator, Rocket Pool simplifies this process in comparison to solo staking, and you can practice on the Prater testnet before committing to this responsibility on mainnet). Node operators perform all the same duties as a normal 32 ETH staking validator on Ethereum, with the difference being that in Rocket Pool, it will be made up of 16 ETH of their own personal funds, matched with 16 ETH from the rETH staking pool, before being staked on Ethereum.

    What does this mean and why should I care?

    It is the first permissionless, fully decentralised, open source, and non-custodial, liquid staking pool on Ethereum. That's a lot of buzz words! They are important though. These principles are fundamental to maintaining the ethos and security of Ethereum itself, the health of the Ethereum network, and to protect stakers from the inherent risks of centralisation. There are other staking options available on centralised exchanges and liquid staking providers, however, these are not permissionless and decentralised. For those who are profit maximalists, it will also be possible to earn higher returns in Rocket Pool.

    "Permissionless" and "fully decentralised"

    - In the Rocket Pool network, anybody with the required amount of ETH and RPL can be a node operator, the Rocket Pool team doesn't choose or give permission to a select few operators, which allows for a large, decentralised network of node operators all around the world. Rocket Pool supports all four ETH2 clients (Lighthouse, Prsym, Nimbus, and Teku), and selection of which client a node operator chooses is random by default, encouraging diversity and decentralisation amongst ETH2 clients. This means there isn't a single point of failure for this network of validators, which mitigates risk for Rocket Pool stakers, and also protects the health and resilience of the Ethereum network.

    - By comparison, centralised exchanges are some of the single biggest staking entities on Ethereum, and if they had an intentional or unintentional fault in their centralised systems, it could mean a large portion of validators across the Ethereum network could all go down simultaneously. In this example, it represents a single point of failure. Some centralised exchanges may decentralise their design to some degree, e.g by using multiple staking operators, however the end result still remains heavily centralised.

    - Similarly, other liquid staking competitors are also largely centralised in design, with a small set of permissioned node operators that they select to participate in their network. Whilst this is in an improvement vs a centralised exchange, which improves the relative health of the network, it is still essentially centralised and vulnerable in this way. In contrast, Rocket Pool will allow for a large, decentralised network of node operators all over the world.

    "Non-custodial", or "not your keys, not your crypto"

    - rETH holders can stake whilst maintaining custody of their own funds and simply storing rETH on their hardware wallet or other wallet of their choice.

    - Withdrawals by node operators are smart contract enforced, there is no need for node operators to trust the Rocket Pool team or another third party with their withdrawal keys, and no need for rETH holders to trust the node operators to return their share of ETH back to the network – this process is built into the system.

    "Liquid staking"

    - "Stakers" holding rETH (staked ETH on Rocket Pool), will not have their ETH locked until withdrawals are enabled following the merge. It will remain liquid, meaning they will be able to simply swap it back for ETH on the Rocket Pool website or on a decentralised exchange (their rETH will now be redeemable for the original amount of ETH + the accrued ETH staking rewards). The merge, also known as part of ETH 2.0, is when Ethereum will transition from proof-of-work, to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. You can read more about this at https://ethmerge.com/.

    - For those concerned about gas costs, you should also be able to trade rETH on a decentralised exchange on a layer 2 solution such as Arbitrum or Optimism, where gas costs will be cheap (for more information about current layer 2 adoption as it becomes more established, see https://l2beat.com/)

    "Higher returns"

    - Following the merge to proof-of-stake, lucrative priority fees and MEV rewards will go to staking validators rather than miners, which is expected to considerably increase the Ethereum staking APY. Rocket Pool has designed the protocol to fairly distribute these rewards to both "stakers" holding rETH, and "node operators". It remains to be seen how other staking competitors will approach this, and whether they will similarly share this value to stakers on their platforms.

    - "Node operators" will earn a greater ROI staking ETH on a node inside the protocol vs outside of it, due to earning the staking APY on their own ETH + a commission (approximately 10%) of the staking rewards on the matched 16 ETH that they are staking on behalf of rETH holders + RPL rewards based on the level of RPL insurance collateral they have provided (greater RPL insurance collateralisation = greater RPL rewards, and also more safety and security for the Rocket Pool protocol).

    - As mentioned, approximately 10% of the earned staking rewards from rETH holders will go to node operators as a commission for performing all the required staking duties on their behalf. This means rETH holders keep approximately 90% of the staking rewards. It is much more competitive than other centralised exchange alternatives, such as Coinbase which takes a fee of 25% of staking rewards (stakers keep 75% of their rewards), and Kraken which takes a fee of 15% of staking rewards (stakers keep 85% of their rewards).

    - "Stakers" in Rocket Pool will be able to store their staked ETH, or rETH, in their own wallet. This will allow for a range of opportunities to earn further yield by utilising rETH in defi protocols (e.g. by depositing rETH as collateral to take out a loan). rETH has been designed to be compatible in defi protocols. Importantly, the amount of rETH tokens you hold will remain the same over time, it will just increase in value relative to ETH as staking rewards accrue. This is a different design that achieves the same outcome of tracking and accruing rewards. Other liquid staking derivatives use a rebasing model, where rewards slowly drip in to your address over time and the number of staked ETH tokens you hold increases. The rebasing model can be problematic if it is incompatible for use within some defi protocols, as rewards are not easily attributable to the individual user when they are in a smart contract alongside a large pool of funds from various other users.

    This is a huge milestone for Rocket Pool, and a truly important development to maintain the decentralisation and security of the Ethereum network.

    For a comparison of staking services differentiated by characteristics such as custodial vs non-custodial, and centralised vs decentralised, see: https://beaconcha.in/stakingServices. For a more detailed explanation of the Rocket Pool protocol, see this series of blog posts from the team: https://medium.com/rocket-pool.

    Am I shilling my own bags? I support Rocket Pool and I own some RPL for the reasons discussed above. I believe this protocol is important for the health and decentralisation of Ethereum. I have also made every effort to keep this post accurate and factual, please let me know if there are any errors within it.

    submitted by /u/halzen627
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    JPMorgan just became the first big bank in July to give retail wealth clients access to cryptocurrency funds. Yes, that JPM, James Dimon's bank, the “i will fire every employee who touches Crypto” bank.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Algorand Climbs 30% During Market Downturn

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    When it dips, they hate it. When it bulls, they buy it.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:32 PM PDT

    Hey, I dont know if it is just me, but even tho people here seem to not like telling about them being involved in crypto, I just tell everyone. I dont tell them how much, but I talk with them and educate them in a bit. But... some of my friends just seem to not get one thing, they have to buy WHEN ITS LOW to profit, when its high. So whenever the price dumps, they tell me of how much they couldve made and that they couldnt. A few weeks later it dips, I tell them and... i just hear "nah its over, its worthless" Im facepalming myself every 2 weeks or so, and the trends seems to continue.

    R.I.P Crypto 2009-2021, died when it dipped 5%.

    submitted by /u/yuskan
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    Algorand blasts into the Top 20.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Algorand has moved up to number 17 in the Coin Market Cap list of top cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation. This recent climb may be down to the impending introduction of governance from October the 1st.

    What does everyone think about Algorand? and will it continue it's climb up the charts? I'm very bullish on algo but it'd be interesting to hear any dissenting voices as well as from my fellow algo bulls.

    Algorand is the first carbon negative blockchain, it has a top quality team working on it, and there are many new apps being built upon it's blockchain.

    Best wishes, H.T.

    submitted by /u/Hermes_Trismagistus
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    Our favorite stablecoin is popping off

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Algo gang stand up!

    We're on the move fellas and ladies and everyone in between, we all knew Algo would have it's time in the sun.

    Remember when we have large pumps like this that we can use part of our gains to help those who need it; your ETH, your ALGO, your moons can help a person more than you know.

    It's our obligation to help out fellow man, we're all god. We're all consciousness, we're all everything all at once. Your time in your vessel is finite, but your soul is infinite.

    Your don't get to take the money with you, so help a person less fortunate than you.

    Treat everyone like god in drag

    You are love.

    The culture of crypto should be when we pump we help each other. We are greater than our gains, than our money, or than ourselves.

    Be here now.

    submitted by /u/anotherjohnishere
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    Janet Yellen warns the US will run out of cash? Don’t worry people, there’s plenty crypto :)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    $5000, 5 alts for 5 years

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    OK so this is the idea. You get gifted $5000. Now you have to choose five alts to put $1000 into each. You then cannot touch the investment for the next five years. BTC and ETH are off limits.

    Which alts would you go with and why?

    To the person who is inevitably going to say put all 5 into cardano, that's not how this works.

    Five grand, five alts, five years.

    If I had to pick myself it might be:

    ADA/VET/XMR/FTM and LTO for the hell of it. (I've got a feeling LTO is going to make me very rich or completely disappear over the next 5 years..)

    Which ones would you pick and why?

    submitted by /u/JammieJarJam
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    Ukraine Has Legalized Bitcoin

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    And this is exactly why we need younger leaders and not dinosaurs

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:56 PM PDT


    Yellen warning us that treasury could rub out of money before October. So lets print more money! 💰 💵 💰

    We need more people on top positions who are younger with more open minded approach and less corrupt in order for crypto to really take off. We dont need 80 +years old dinosaurs who are run by greed and mentality from two centuries ago. We need a new better world not this shitshow run by monopoly guys.

    In US 50 senators are over age of 65. 141 representatives are over 65! And 14 governors are 65+. Average age of Japanese cabinet is 67. Minister of anti-cybercrime division in Japan has admitted that he never used a PC.

    With 68 years on the throne, Britain's Queen Elizabeth holds the record for the longest period in office. Now 94, she is the head of state of 16 countries including Canada and Australia.

    Time is now and wheels are in motion, we just need a slight push from a few more leaders and we will become an unstoppqble avalanche.

    submitted by /u/DaddySkates
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    Coinbase Accuses SEC of ‘Sketchy Behavior’ After Threat to Sue

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    So Many Countries Starting To FOMO. Love it!!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    Just this week, El Salvador became the first country to both adopt bitcoin as legal tender and hold it on its balance sheet. President Nayib Bukele has essentially tethered his political fate to the outcome of this nationwide bitcoin experiment.

    Two weeks ago, Cuba — a notoriously conservative government still set in traditional Marxist ways — passed a law to recognize and regulate cryptocurrencies, citing "reasons of socioeconomic interest."

    Last month, the U.S. proposed rules around crypto "brokers" in its $1 trillion infrastructure bill, and a new German law now allows funds previously barred from investing in crypto to allocate up to 20% to virtual currencies like bitcoin.

    Just today, Ukraine is the fifth country in as many weeks to lay down some ground rules for the cryptocurrency market, a sign that governments around the world are realizing that bitcoin is here to stay.

    Panama appears to be next on deck. The Central American country is kicking around a draft of its own cryptocurrency law. This list is hardly comprehensive — it just appears to be the latest pattern of dominos to fall, as more governments acknowledge the staying power of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

    submitted by /u/CryptoKeeper808
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    Crypto screwed up my sleeping schedule so bad that I'd be living in Asia but following American time zone.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    I got into crypto like 4 months ago and it's been a wild ride. I got really excited and looked at charts every 30 seconds lol.

    I knew my sleeping schedule is gonna be fucked up when I started looking at charts at mid night, like I'd be sleeping and suddenly I'd wake up and look at charts.

    Soon that went from there to looking charts till 1-2 AM.

    Addition to that there's shitposting. Ah I'm spending alot of time here than I should, But hey, I made good profits cause of it so its a win ig.

    Crypto also did a lot of good things, like I stopped wasting money on expensive clothes, junk food etc etc and bought crypto instead.

    How did crypto change your lifestyle?

    submitted by /u/gilgamesh_20
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