• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 8, 2021

    BTC People in Argentina love BCH

    BTC People in Argentina love BCH

    People in Argentina love BCH

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    Notice which way the B is tilting

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Prompt.Cash: Lucrative way to make money with your Podcasts

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Prompt.Cash: Lucrative way to make money with your Podcasts


    Prompt.Cash developer here.

    I've seen a very clever way to make money using our URL shortener.

    1. create your podcast and upload it as "unlisted"
    2. use our URL shortener and set a price for the video
    3. share that link

    Let's say "only" 100 people pay to watch in the first week. That's already 95 USD.

    Seeing that small accounts are not eligible for advertisements on YT and sponsorships also only bring in little with small accounts, to me, this seems the easiest way to fund our work.

    After a week you can still change your video from "unlisted" to "public" and profit from your sponsorships, reach the free audience, etc...

    I've been told we can't post payment click-2-pay links here (hence only the screenshot).


    Technical notes:

    • the URL shortener paywall is session-cookie based and will remember your payment for 1 year. So you can click on the link multiple times without paying again
    • we support 20+ fiat currencies and do rate conversion automatically for you (using rates from the European Central Bank)
    • we will bring up more features such as "conversion rate" metrics for your shortened links soon
    submitted by /u/Ekliptor
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    Check out this Bitcoin.com branded Ducati 1299

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    I just want to make the world a better place.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    I think Adoption and daily use of a crypto currency by your "average joe" across the world is the way to end centralized fiat currencies. With the potential to bring prosperity and fair markets to the people. I believe crypto could be the biggest change in human history ever for the good of man. I'm not here to make millions, although inevitably it's Tied to the success of a crypto.

    When looking at the top 20 crypto's in market cap it seems obvious that bitcoin cash has the best potential to do this. These pump and dump and hype coins are still exciting but will consistently prove to be just that. El Salvador and bitcoin core are still exciting. I'm not rooting for it to fail. And I don't think anyone should.

    When I look at the parties involved and the Sidechains, I get very concerned that bitcoin core was disabled on purpose. Made to fail as a world currency, and these parties involved with core fixed it so it benefit them financially. If El Salvador fails to bring bitcoin core to the forefront as a world currency because of reasons above I will be disappointed and proven right.

    It would seem so much simpler to just use bitcoin cash. I was just tipped recently, relatively anonymously, with bitcoin cash and it wasn't much. But it did truly make my day. Thank you stranger. It was the exciting feeling that I got when I first discovered bitcoin. I couldn't wait to claim it.

    Am I wrong to think that the bitcoin solution for El Salvador is convoluted and dangerous?

    But I do want to congratulate bitcoin core for getting the opportunity and leading the way! Way to set the world on fire with this opportunity! I hope I'm proven wrong. I'm not going to post this in bitcoin reddit because I don't want to get blocked. Maybe btc Reddit Community can give me some perspective on both directions?

    submitted by /u/BoomCoin10
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    What Happened? Flipstarter Campaigns That Did Not Deliver - Summary/Conclusion

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Part 1

    Part 2

    This was a one person self-initiated research, and as such time and energy were in short supply. Therefore, the scope of the research was limited and it focused on projects that were submitted in the previous 12 months and were funded for more than 10 BCH.

    Criteria for determining projects as "Did Not Deliver" was:

    • proposal included a soft/hard deadline within which to deliver and:
    1. deadline + 3 weeks expired with less that 50% delivered
    2. link to status updates is not provided in the proposal
    • proposal included a set amount of deliverables each month for n months and:
    1. less than 50% of set amount was delivered
    2. project is inactive for the past > 5 weeks
    3. link to status updates is not provided in the proposal
    • proposal included building an application or creating content. Upon examination of the links provided in the proposal, it is not possible to verify delivery (with reasonable effort) because:
    1. link to deliverable does not exist
    2. link to deliverable is broken
    3. link to deliverable has no content
    4. link to status updates is not provided in the proposal

    Primary goal of this research was to raise awareness about some of our own shortcomings - picking up the slack of sorts. We are missing-out on a lot of important, invaluable, information by not following up on projects that failed to deliver.

    We need to be more responsible. We also need accountability from people behind these projects. When projects get abandoned, under-perform, or struggle, keeping the community which funded the project updated is in order. This would benefit everyone. Creators build credibility. Community receives valuable feedback.

    Finally, I want to give a big shout-out to u/dagurval for creating and maintaining https://flipstarters.bitcoincash.network/#/. It's a great resource for keeping track of flipstarters, and one I found very helpful throughout this research.

    I encourage anyone to make it a habit to check-in from time to time. It's good practice. Don't trust - verify.

    submitted by /u/Functioning_Idiot
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    Tether looking for “Anti-FUD” Managers

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Onboarding people to BCH

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Bitcoin cash animal rescue: (Progress) / Let's save Nobu.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Bitcoin cash animal rescue: (Progress) / Let's save Nobu.

    A big greeting again Bitcoin cash community.

    Today I find myself here again bringing as usual new advances from my Bitcoin cash animal rescue project.


    In these last days we have had several advances between them, we have met the people after an excellent animal clinic and shelter center in my city.

    We have donated a total of 50kg of food which will feed the 10 animals awaiting adoption which live today in their facilities.

    In the same way, I have engaged in several conversations with the main administrators of this animal clinic, this in order to be able to count on their support to be able to treat several of the animals that we rescue during our activities.

    Proposal which was accepted and allows us to move forward today on a larger scale!

    At the same time we are also proposing for this to become the first animal clinic in my city to receive Bitcoin cash as a payment method.

    Concluding this good news, we also want to give a report of our main activities.


    Nobu is a puppy which we rescued while we were touring the city, this one was prostrate right next to a very busy road in my city in a very complicated state.

    We proceeded to try to hydrate and feed him, but that's when we realized that his condition was worse than we expected.

    Apparently Nobu had suffered an accident which had removed his mobility in his two hind legs and this had been abandoning is this state.

    We immediately took care of him and proceeded to take him to the clinic where the corresponding examinations were performed.

    Thanks to this we get to know the following


    Nobu presents a flaccid paraplegia (hind limbs), and rigid monoparesis (fore limb), as a result of degenerative discospodylosis, and possible cauda equina lesion that is not possible to diagnose with Rx, although it is suspected due to its symptomatology. Both injuries affect the central nervous system and require a rehabilitation plan to avoid as much as possible their complete prostration.

    Therapeutic exercises are being carried out to increase muscle tone, improve joint mobility and nutrition, reduce muscle contractures and prevent fibrosis, maintain muscle memory, stimulate proprioception and gait, among others. In addition to controlling pain and sensitivity using physical therapies such as Tens and thermotherapy. so far it is improving muscle tone in later and reeducating the quadruplestation.

    With this our main objective is that Nobu can recover a good percentage of mobility in its extremities and so its life is not less affected.

    It is a long job but with a lot of effort we will get good results.

    We hope to have all your support so we can continue to help more animals and continue to achieve incredible things with Bitcoin cash.

    For all those who wish to contribute to the case of Nobu, any help large or small will be received with much joy and hope.

    Each of their therapies have a cost of 10$ looking to achieve an approximate of 2 months of treatment to see great advances in this case!

    You can make your donations in our official BCH wallet:

    tipb.ch ←click here or manually copying the address↓


    submitted by /u/GersonArellano
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    I watched this film recently and enjoyed it, and it’s even somewhat supportive of BitcoinCash…

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Reserve Bank of Australia Bond Buying Spree will Acquire 200% of 2021 Issuance

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Holding Bitcoin Cash no matter what.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:11 PM PDT


    When it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies there is no coin like Bitcoin Cash even with its polemic start Bitcoin Cash is, in my opinion, the only coin people should hold but the market is the exercise of free will so those who don't understand why they should only hold Bitcoin Cash will not profit and those who believe in BCH will soon get the rewards.

    Bitcoin Cash is not a fork and it is not a Bitcoin that is trying to be it is indeed the actual and real Bitcoin because it works as such and as described by its creator Satoshi Nakamoto, the fact that the narrative of Bitcoin Cash continues to be peer to peer electronic cash system is proof that is not a fork on anyway or form. The fraud that you know today as Bitcoin BTC is in fact a fork from the original idea and as such it is not Bitcoin when its community decided to change the narrative that is when Bitcoin Core BTC stopped being Bitcoin, a store of value narrative is a forked idea because the original continues to be peer to peer currency first and most.

    Bitcoin Cash will continue to be peer to peer currency for all rich and poor and as such it preserves the spirit and vision of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin Core on the other hand is a token that only rich people will be able to use with the whole purpose of speculation and speculation only, those that may try to use it as a currency will be and are being forced as I write this article to use a bank account or custodial services like Wallet of Satoshi and many others, being the last example of this a whole nation, El Salvador which its citizens will have to use a sponsored account service called Chivo. I don't think that most Salvadorians will be able to afford to use LN the proper way or to use Bitcoin Core the proper way either. Using Bitcoin LN the proper way means users must be willing to pay double the transaction cost literally.

    Those who understand that Bitcoin Core is a fraud and those that understand that BCH works as described in the Bitcoin White Paper will profit greatly in the future and because not only works but also holds the same narrative since 2009 Bitcoin Cash will continue to go up in price over time. Once you know you hold the greatest asset in the world, you want to either buy more or hold whatever amount you have already so that once everyone else realizes what you know you can profit because the market will correct the fraud that Bitcoin is soon. Make no mistake eventually everyone around the world will know that Bitcoin Core doesn't work regardless of price and at that moment you will have to be into the asset that it will take its place or lose the opportunity.

    The only coin that can take over Bitcoin is Bitcoin itself, and since Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, you can't be wrong by holding some BCH for the long term, which means holding your coins on cold storage for later use. You will hear that Bitcoin Cash works like cash and that you should spend your money just because BCH has low fees, they are wrong and you will regret it later. The only way to prosper economically is by saving money and putting it aside to invest later, same fact is for Bitcoin Cash, if you can't save Bitcoin Cash it only means you will be poor your whole life.

    In the fiat world, you are motivated to spend and spend not just because your fiat loses value over time but because our current fiat system requires that people don't save money and that live paycheck to paycheck, the same logic applies to Bitcoin Cash if you want to build a better future for yourself and your family you must save up today to spend tomorrow. Noticed that in the fiat world people spend money today by going into debt so that at the end of the loan the result will be that you will pay 3 times the original value, while if you have saved you would only have to wait for the time that it would take you to have the total amount to buy whatever you need.

    The same logic applies to Bitcoin Cash, it is a currency but you must save it if you want to invest that currency into something else in the future, in other words with Bitcoin Cash you have a currency that will not lose value over time and that can be used once you are done saving, but if you don't save no matter what price Bitcoin Cash is you don't get any better than what you are now. Looks like I am going against the logic that Bitcoin Cash was made to be spent, but in reality, BCH is just like Cash, Cash is useless to you if it is in someone else's wallet.

    I am not rich and I have to work for a living so that means that I don't have much money left over every month so one thing you must do if you are in the same situation is to preserve what you already have and try to add up to your position over time or whenever you get some fiat. Sometimes is not about how much you have in your wallet is about how much you can hold over time regardless of the situation. You must save and only invest what you can afford to lose but it must also be money that you don't need any time soon as well.


    Because I know that Bitcoin Cash is an asset that will hold value over time I am willing to save it and that means that I must protect what I already hold, regardless of fiat price, I am so sure that it will be number one that I must try my best not to use if I can't replace my satoshis right away. Bitcoin Cash works as a currency today and it will be in the future, and I don't need to use it today if I don't have to, and I will only use my satoshis if it is something else that I really need, and if I must use my satoshis to help adoption I always make sure that I can replace my satoshis right away. Bitcoin Cash is the greatest saving vehicle for rich and poor and a tool to use as a self loan mechanism if you have the ability to control your finances.

    Those that spend their income today and can't save up will always live paycheck to paycheck regardless of market conditions, the question you must ask is if you are financially willing to make the sacrifice to save up a little bit today to have the capital to invest tomorrow.


    submitted by /u/francis105d1
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    Bitstamp’s referral program is a scam

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    I have sent my friend a referral link, been sitting next to her when she opened the account and verified. Then she bought for more than 1000 $ of crypto and we didn't get the 20 $ as promised. Their support is acting ignorant and is not helpful. Avoid this shady exchange in decline.

    submitted by /u/Withyourfeetintheair
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    Any online record stores that accept bch (or xmr)?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Binance suspends deposits from key European payments network

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    We're building a new 100% fair roulette game! Will you pick Red, Black or Green?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Is anybody else experiencing issues with payment by link in the Bitcoin.com wallet?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Is anybody else experiencing issues with payment by link in the Bitcoin.com wallet?

    To reproduce: create a payment by link, share it with no one, click to discover the status, wait up to 60 seconds.

    Does it show as claimed? If so, please report to support.bitcoin.com. They refuse to investigate further unless I give my xpub, which I do not intend to share. Perhaps more reports will help them recognize the issue and escalate it.

    Several people are reproducing this situation.


    submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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    Did you use Cashfusion ?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    Shopify Integrated Payment Processor

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    I am moving my website off square online to shopify so that I could support crypto payments. Nowpayments? Bitpay? Coinbase commercial? GoCoin? What do you use and why?

    submitted by /u/funktacular
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    Cloud computing platform CUDOS

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    Your business can accept Bitcoin Cash and Simple Ledger tokens with prompt.cash

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Crypto-Linked Visa Card Spending Tops $1 Billion?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    In the first half of 2021 alone, in this time of FUD, some sort of good news or signs of adoption is good!

    But does anyone have the visa card and whats your opinion on it

    submitted by /u/the_damj
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    From Livestock to Bitcoin: "Legitimacy" and the Evolution of Money | Mises Institute

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    I Build a Price Alert Web for Exchanges

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:36 PM PDT


    Basically you can get the alert by email for the price of different exchanges. If you want to setup alert for any coin, please try my website, and it's totally free. Right now I only setup 3 exchanges, but I will add more.

    If you have any issue or advice, let me know.

    submitted by /u/flychicken2008
    [link] [comments]

    Yours.org is down? What happened to you Ryan Charles ? You had great projects and ideas

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I'm sad, today I've revisit an articles posted on yours.org (domain seems like sort of down/abandon) then realized this was the once loved Ryan Charles that went in "another direction" with CSW.

    According to crunchbase the company have 7 investors for 1.7M. I wonder if everyone is happy about their investement. That project would probably have worked with BCH as we have simular project working well.

    submitted by /u/Zyoman
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