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    Wednesday, April 7, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - April 7, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - April 7, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - April 7, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ‘Banning cryptocurrencies would be like banning Internet in 1990s and will set India back by years’

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    Spending much less money after getting into crypto

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    I just wanna share this because im curious if others have the same experience but basically after getting into crypto and getting some sweet gains I barely spend any money. Dont get me wrong, I'm far from being rich but theres a lot of stuff I always wanted that I could get now but I simply dont feel like buying them anymore. I always imagined that if I made a lot of money from crypto id buy all kinds of stuff but its the complete opposite. Im not exactly sure why but I think I just have a new perspective on money and value it more and therefore more scared to spend it. I'm really glad I've become less materalistic and only wish I was always like I am now.

    submitted by /u/Snomannen
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    I'm a Historian: CRYPTO will be to the 21st century, as LAND was to the nineteenth century

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    TLDR: crypto will be the most important asset of the 21st century. (This post is about long term Hodling and not intended to make anyone expect to get rich with YOLO investments).

    I post this because I want to live in a world where wealth is distributed and decentralized. It may be inevitable that big hedge funds and whales end up scooping the largest swaths of crypto markets. But I'd love to read posts in ten years of the 2 million r/cryptocurrency users who held and accumulated and are financially independent.

    Crypto is not stock or simply digital cash. sure, according to the SEC it's a commodity, but it's really so much more.

    It is land.

    ...because certain crypto projects, like Ethereum, will be the foundation upon which the rest of the global economy is built.

    As a metaphor, think of eighteenth century landholders in the United States. (The colonizers, yes. Fucked up, I acknowledge). They owned the economy's foundation: land. Not only could they reap cash from selling land for a profit, but because land had so much power, they could literally shape the map itself. They had the power to build towns, lease real estate, and even shape government (voting was restricted to landholders for the early part of the century).

    My thesis: Cryptocurrency will be no less powerful. And those who hold it early (because it's still early af) will be the ones who shape the century, or will at least maintain enough financial independence to smoke bowls all day in your favorite sweat pants like I plan to.

    Much like land could, crypto can command resources, accumulate interest, host business development, and much more. Accumulate 32 Eth for your own node and you're the owner of the digital equivalent of investment real estate, earning a dependable ROI perpetually. Own Chainlink, and you control the toll road between phsyical/digital assets. And so forth...

    This sort of wealth creation comes once in a century, and as big money enters the arena, crypto will become very scarce and very expensive. Now is a person's chance to accumulate a form of capital that IMO will be comparable to land in it's significance to the global economy.

    The big money has known this for years as they quietly accumulated. But it's still early.

    So DYOR, make up you're own mind. Just don't take this lightly, or in 50 years your grandkid's first words will be "dumb fuck".

    [This is not financial advice: this post was typed by the ass of a very cute cat sitting upon the keyboard while the user lays drunk on the couch].

    submitted by /u/caspertheasper
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    The top receivers of Moons each month are receiving money equal to a well-paying full-time job

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    The top receiver of Moons last month (Mephistoss) received a little over 20,000 moons. At its peak today ($0.46) this was valued at around $9,400. Someone would have to make around $58 an hour, working 40 hours a week, to bring this same amount in. This is... pretty incredible, when you think about it.

    And yes, it quickly dipped from $0.46, but even at its current value of around $0.12 those 20,000 Moons are worth around $2,500.

    And it's not just the #1 user. At its peak price today, even the #10 user had nearly $4,000 worth of Moons earned just last month.

    submitted by /u/BoundariesAreFun
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    Too hesitant to get into crypto? This is made for you by a newb.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    Thought I'd make a comprehensive list of all the ways (that I know of) to earn crypto with relatively little effort, with links I've saved. This is knowledge I've gathered up ever since I got into crypto space a few months ago and I'm giving back to the community. I'll also mention questionable projects with probably a false sense of hope for earnings so you don't waste your precious time on them.

    Brave Browser

    Yes. It had to be the first. It's simple. You use Brave Browser and earn BAT by watching/clicking on ads. BAT is the first crypto earned by many and it is popular among newbies. The only thing holding the browser back is Uphold wallet which they are planning to replace with their own. (Along with more exciting plans of a search engine you can earn from). How much BAT you earn decreases as price of BAT rises.


    This is the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit's favorite. It successfully unlocked the average redditor's dream of shitposting to earn money and make them closer to lambos. With a maximum cap of 250 million moons, you earn moons per Post or Comment karma you get here although the ratio is not 1:1. There are more specific rules to how karmas earn you moons so here's the FAQ. Make sure you create your Vault to receive your moons.

    Liquidity Providing

    If you already own some crypto and if you're hodling it anyway you can use it to provide liquidity in Uniswap, Honeyswap or Pancakeswap and earn an APY% based on how many LP tokens you have. Keep in mind it's advisable to read on impermanent loss before you get started, and how rugs pulls can happen. Know your risks before fully diving in.

    Coinbase Earn and Coinmarketcap Earn

    Love the idea. You participate by learning on coins and you earn in that coin by answering questions correctly! The concept is great because what's better than an investor knowing the coins they hold and this spreads education on the multiuse of Blockchain, a relatively new tech. I've read countless posts about how people held on to their earned coins and made gains as their prices rocketed. Here's a lil something to get you started ;) Although be aware that Coinbase rewards is only available in some countries and you need a Binance account to get CMC rewards.

    Banano on F@H

    You can use your computer power to Fold proteins and aid in biomedical research like Covid-19 and get rewarded in Banano (a similar coin to nano but more meme inclined). Institutions like CERN and Intel and Nvidia are top contenders for folding points (although they're not earning banano) so you're earning crypto while contributing to a great cause and the Banano community is welcoming and full of potassium.


    In short, they send you free crypto for clicking a button (like this nano faucet), or you do work and earn bit of crypto change for it. As much as people believe its such a waste of time for a small change, well so did people back when a faucet gave 5 BTC. You never know when you hit the jackpot with the pace of crypto being accelerated compared to anything else. Or it can just be a waste of time if a coin's price plummets. It's a gamble, like crypto basically.

    Things you might want to reconsider**:**


    Again you dedicate computer power to earn crypto either through using CPU, GPU or ASICs. GPU and ASICs have skyrocket high prices right now and are notoriously difficult to obtain. Mining is currently profitable due to the bull market and might not be so if the market crashes. It's important to consider that profit depends on electricity costs and you should look up a suitable machine before making a purchase, and ROI on initial investment into your mining setup, otherwise you'll lose money. And don't for the love of god mine with your laptop unless you're willing to lose it.


    95% of them are a waste of time but there are some genuine ones. Read this experiment one redditor did on airdrops worth $2827.

    Pump n Dumps

    There's a general sentiment of disgust for these schemes but for those who still think there's no harm in joining one this is a post of someone who took part and lost everything.


    One of my biggest heartbreaks. You earn tokens by using Presearch search engine. It's genius since we use google alot anyway so why not earn for doing the same thing? However you earn a max of 3.6 tokens a day and you require 1000 of them to withdraw (which would take 9-10 months). And even when you do their withdrawal process isn't straightforward with them taking +3 days to process your withdrawal. I have not been able to see a single successful withdrawal from their site (check their subreddit r/Presearch).

    Pi Network

    There are rumors that it steals private data since its not actually mining the coin on your phone. Basically stay away from it.

    I'm tired now and this is probably long enough. Make of this list what you want and please provide corrections if you find any. I'd love to see discussions about each method simply because I don't know everything and even if I did this post would be longer than it is. Stay informed and happy <3 Now go cherish your newly earned crypto!

    I'm aware that this page can be a starting point for many people too hesitant or feel unsafe to get into crypto space as was the case with me. And it's posts like this that eased me into crypto once I earned it. Now I cashed in on my funds and can call myself an investor. Ya'll can pay me back when you're millionaires ;)

    Edit: fixing links

    Edit 2: decided to make Pi section more concise to avoid misconception.

    submitted by /u/superlmniscate
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    Anyone else feel relieved with their longterm life now?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    Planning on HODLing long term for 10 years or so, and still being in my 20s I do feel a lot more optimistic for the future than if I had just worked away all my life and stored all my money in the bank to depreciate

    I've already been working as a tradesman for 10 years, no way I'm doing this for another 40!! If I can cut my working life in half and retire completely in my 40s/50s that would be amazing

    Man, it's actually a reachable goal, i wouldn't have even found crypto without stumbling into this subreddit. I appreciate you all ❤️

    submitted by /u/Glenzz
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    For anyone on the fence due to the recent BNB price spike, BSC is just Ethereum with a higher gas limit at the expense of centralization. Don't be fooled into thinking it's better or that Ethereum is "outdated tech", Ethereum has the most developers working on improving it by a very wide margin.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    I've noticed a lot of people suggesting Ethereum is outdated tech and that BNB is the future because it has lower fees. That couldn't be further from the truth.

    BSC is an Ethereum clone and all they did to reduce fees was increase the gas limit. That means that more transactions can be processed for lower fees but it requires more powerful hardware and thus more centralization. Ethereum could do this in 10 minutes if they thought that was beneficial to the network but they haven't because doing so would break a lot of the decentralization and security of the network.

    Ethereum is so widely used and trusted because it is so decentralized and secure.

    Ethereum has the most developers and researchers working on it than any other blockchain project by a very long way which means it is literally the bleeding edge of crypto tech. The Eth killers have a long way to go to knock it off as king of DeFi.

    That's not to say that ADA and DOT aren't very promising projects but putting BSC/BNB in with them is almost laughable. It's just a clone! It will always be behind.

    Check out Ben Cowen's recent fundamentals video to understand a bit more.

    submitted by /u/areyoudizzzy
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    Just in: Miami is collaborating with Ethereum developers to put city services on the blockchain

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Paying off my student loans with crypto!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    Just a sappy little post for you all. Started into crypto back in 2016, lost my nut in 2017 or so I thought.... Fast forward to 2020. Had this funny feeling about things tanking in general so I bought a little bit more crypto like a crazy person. Not a big hodl preacher but I hodled. Fast forward more to about October and things started getting a little hot. Now I'm actually making dents in a very large student loans and making payments from my gains from staking. Life is good people! One day uncle sam won't own me! Thank you to all in this subreddit for the wisdom and shilling and more wisdom. Sorry this post is a little sloppy but you guys get it.

    submitted by /u/gonzalezpcg
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    Someone Moved $1.3 Billion Worth Of Bitcoin For Just $10: Try That With Your Bank

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Polygon/Matic <-> BSC Bridge just went live! Bye bye Binance Smart Chain

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    You can now move your tokens on Binance chains to Matic for a very cheap cost, using the new MATIC - BSC bridge.

    For those who havent used Matic / Polygon yet, it is a highly scalable L2 Network for Ethereum, infact it is multiple times more scalable than even BSC. So while a transaction may cost 10c on BSC, it would cost only $.002 on Matic.

    The beauty can be seen in complex transactions that involve multiple contracts and routers, which may cost $200 on Ethereum, $2 on BSC but still only 1c on MATIC. For example, imagine a farming pool where you stake one LP token, and get over 10 different tokens as reward. on Ethereum the fees will absolutely kill you, so no project will even attempt this. But there are projects that already run this on Matic.

    Link to the bridge: https://www.xpollinate.io (the bridge has been developed by the 1hive DAO organisation, which also runs the honeyswap and xDai network)

    submitted by /u/DetroitMotorShow
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    Just set up my Vault!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    I am a noob and am glad that I get to learn about crypto and wallets etc through Reddit, which has been an amazing social media outlet and community since I found it and joined last year, one month into the pandemic. Thanks fellow redditors!

    submitted by /u/TappetTappetTappet
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    Sometimes I wish I could take one last look at my crypto portfolio and then fall into a deep slumber like Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 12:51 AM PDT

    Only to be awoken in early 2023 by my true love's kiss, holding a 10th gen iPad with my crypto portfolio loaded up for my viewing pleasure. I've done a little research, bought some coins i'm excited about, and now I just want to accept a magical universal remote control like Adam Sandler in the movie Click and fast forward a little bit. Edit: Also, I've stopped using dating apps during the pandemic and it would be so much easier to have my true love just find me while I'm catching some Zs. I just hope she wants to take things slow and explore our options.
    Can anyone else relate to this?

    submitted by /u/thejordanproject
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    How I (mostly) stopped trading and always swapping out coins

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Like most here, I look at charts, my portfolio, and this sub daily. This has led to me often day trading, deciding to swap one coin for another, and generally just meddling with my portfolio.

    Anyone whose been in crypto for 4+ years will probably tell you that if they had just not touched their portfolio, they would be better off than they are now. In the last few years, I've done it all:

    • Had over 2 BTC, then traded it all for alts during 2017
    • Traded an alt that hadn't really moved for a year for a different alt, the original would now be worth many tens of thousands
    • Bought the hottest alt at the top of a bull market, held it for years at - 80% only to sell just before it moons again

    In order to stop doing this, I've done some of the below:

    • Have a concrete goal in mind. For me, it's earning 10 years worth of post tax salary. Once my crypto reaches this amount (after paying tax on that too) it means I've cut 10 years off my working life. This is a huge goal and means I'm more cautious with my coins
    • Just think about what would happens if you sell and later it moons. If you have a coin you really believe in, just think how painful it would be to sell it to fomo into something else, only to realise later you missed out on the jackpot
    • Earn staking and interest. This is a great one that wasn't as prevalent during 2017. I stake as many coins as I can from their native wallets, and use DeFi platforms to earn interest on others. Not only am I making some great passive income, it keeps me from selling. And yes there is some risk with keeping coins on platforms like BlockFi, Nexo etc, but you can spread them across many sites to help reduce risk
    • if you don't need immediate access, delete the app. I can only log onto these sites by first logging onto my password managers, then logging onto the desktop site. It's not much, but it reduces impulsive decisions
    • Think in longer time frames - I try think in a 10 year time frame now, which helps not worry about chasing the latest pump

    Now there's also something to be said for cutting your loses when you're down, and not every coin should be held forever. If you build a portfolio of decent coins you believe in, it should make it easier to hold even when you are 80% down

    submitted by /u/loc12
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    In some of my previous posts, you guys came up with some amazing ideas for more crypto bot projects, which ones would you be interested in the most?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    First of all, I am happy to announce that the Elon Musk Twitter Bitcoin Bot (link to the Reddit post) is under development with a roadmap to become a fully-fledged application with a larger scope within the next 6 months! More updates soon on how you can follow along with the project's development, we'll most likely call it moonShine.

    You guys also suggested a bunch of other great ideas for crypto trading bots, so I created a list in order to figure out which one you would be most interested in testing, so that I can code it and share it with the community.

    1) A bot that always rebalances trades vs liquidity

    The bot will always balance out your active trades and available balance to a 50/50 split. Say you start with $10k and invest 5k in BTC. After a few days BTC goes up by 10%, so your portfolio will consist of $5k available balance and 5.5K in BTC. The bot will balance this out to 5.25k on each side by withdrawing the surplus. It would work the same in case of a loss.

    2) An API that integrates Twitter with noise[.]cash

    Not a bot in itself but the idea is to have every Tweet you make automatically be posted on noise[.]cash for that sweet sweet BCH

    3) A bot that would determine strongly correlated symbols to inform decision making

    The bot would generate a list of strongly correlated (and anti-correlated) equities. Take cross-covariances of them in pairs to determine which ones are leading indicators of other ones. Then examine current price momentum to see if any of the leading indicators are moving. If so, make trades in the equities which they are leading indicators of. Much like ETH is sometimes considered a positive indicator for BTC.

    4) 1000 Sats high frequency trading

    The idea behind this bot is that it would place a buy order at the current price minus 1000 sats. Once the order is fulfilled, the profit is taken when the price reached the original current price, making 1000 sats in profit.

    5) A bot that's using the RSI indicator

    The RSI is a momentum indicator that shows how strong and consistent a movement is in the market. An RSI less than 30 means negative momentum while and RSI of 70+ means positive momentum. The bot would place a buy position when the RSI moves below and then crosses above 30 and when the RSI moves above and then crosses below 70 it will trigger a sell position.

    6) A Stablecoin bot

    This bot would take advantage of the small fluctuations in stablecoin prices such as USDT. The idea is that stablecoins will always return to value of the currency they're pegged to, so at least on paper it sounds like an easy way to make some passive income. If the sablecoin's price is over its pegged value, the bot would sell, otherwise it would buy instead.

    Let me know which one you would be interested in testing, and feel free to add your own!

    submitted by /u/CyberPunkMetalHead
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    I'm Willing to Sell off My Moons To Raise Money in Community Effort to Pay For Moons Go Main Net.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    Im Serious. By end of month I'll have over 50k, and I get HODL bonus.

    I have no problem Selling off 20% of my Supply to go into some sort of community pot to Cover the fees to go to Main Street.

    I think the increase in price on main will more that cover what we donate as a community.

    I'm not greedy, and I hope people are on board.

    It could be $1,000,000 for a top tier exchange but only $100K for a medium teir.

    100K is about 1 million moons. If I donate 20,000 moons. That's 2% right there, and I'll continue to donate 20% of my monthly moons .

    If we can get just 50 people like me, we can raise $100,000. It might take a couple weeks to sell off but there's 20k volume on test net daily. Give or take. Or 2000 people to donate 500 moons. Even 50. It adds up faster than you know it, and within a month or two, we should easily reach $100,000.

    We would just need someone to open up some sort of trust where they can sell off the moon's and save it in btc or eth.

    This isn't that wild. I'm totally down to give up my moons. I will even go 25K moons initially to kick start it. FK it right? Moon to the moon of nothing.

    submitted by /u/JuicySpark
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    FUN FACT: You need only 125 moons to be considered moon rich.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    The total gold supply right now is roughly 200,000 tonnes which leads to per capita distribution of roughly 33g each.

    Bitcoin will have max supply of 21 million coins and doing the same calculation, one person needs to hold only 0.28 BTC to be considered above average.

    Applying the same logic to moons, the max supply is capped at 250 million. And our current subreddit user count is 2 million. Hence, each person should roughly have 125 moons each.

    So, if you have more than 125 moons, you can be proud to know that you have already beaten the current average.

    The average will keep getting lower the more our subreddit users grows.

    So continue contributing and get your share.

    submitted by /u/ultron290196
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    Coinbase Announces First Quarter 2021 Estimated Results : Verified Users of 56M, Trading Volume of $335B, Total Revenue of $1.8B, Net Income between $730M-$800M

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    MAJOR Milestone Reached: Cryptocurrencies Now Worth More Than Public American Banking System

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    Our counter narrative about Bitcoins energy usage is extremely flawed. We need do acknowledge the problems and work on solutions.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    Everyone here screams "Gold is worse! Look how mining gold is bad for the environment!" but people forget that you need a shit ton of Hardware build with RARE EARTH MATERIALS LIKE GOLD to mine Bitcoin.Even if you mine Bitcoin with 100% clean energy, you still need a massive amount of Hardware and you need to update it every couple years because it gets harder to mine! This is a massive problem of Bitcoins Proof of Work system and ignoring it will not make it go away.

    submitted by /u/Kontikulus
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    Am I the only one who likes looking at prices every few hours for no particular reason?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    I just like checking the prices every few or so hours and it's not even to cash out or anything.

    I'm a hodler so whether the prices go up or down doesn't rly matter to me in the short term... I have no clue why do I even enjoy it so much, is it just me?

    submitted by /u/filthydestinymain
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    Cardano reveals its first supply chain solution in with Scantrust

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    [Release] Nano now available to Unity game developers - A reach of 2 billion active gamers

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    Originally posted by u/wezrule here.

    I'm proud to announce the Unity plugin which adds Nano support is now available on the Unity asset store:


    This enables 1.5 million Unity developers access to directly support Nano in their games. Features include:

    • Creating private keys
    • Save/Load encrypted password protected private keys on disk
    • Building-block functions for processing blocks
    • Helper functions for sending/receiving block and waiting for confirmation from the network
    • Automatically pocketing pending blocks
    • Watch changes for specific accounts using websockets and polling as a fallback mechanism.
    • QRCode support for both payments and scanning private keys for payouts in arcade-style setups
    • Multiplayer server side validation of payments with block hand-off
    • Websocket server which allows listening to all confirmation callbacks (useful for visualisers)
    • Listen for payments to single accounts, private key payouts and much more.
    • node.js server as a proxy for communicating with the nano node
    • Publically available server for quicker onboarding
    • Demo level showing all features
    • Tests for validating and converting between raw/nano

    Tested on all desktop (Linux, MacOS, Windows) & mobile operating systems (Android/iOS) as well as browsers through WebGL.

    Video describing adding the plugin to a project and showing how the demo level works: https://youtu.be/Mvk6NRcGSGM

    More information available on the github, as well as all client/server side code: https://github.com/wezrule/unitynanoplugin

    If Unreal Engine is your cup of tea, then I have a Unreal Engine plugin too: https://np.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/jktawj/released_unreal_engine_nano_plugin_v1/

    I welcome any external contributions to either repos.

    submitted by /u/SenatusSPQR
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    *** Mass Adoption is here***

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    *** Guys you don't believe what I just witnessed****

    Yesterday out of boredom ( was a bit high as well 🤣) I went to a Pentecostal church with my aunt , at the end of praying session two guys start to go around to receive donation offerings but as they guys came towards us I quickly noticed that one guy receives cash and the other one had some sort of iPad and was asking for crypto donation. I was like damnnn this can't be real .

    Jesus coin to the moon Bullish 🚀🚀🚀🚀

    submitted by /u/Denaneha
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    Brave browser is the perfect gateway into crypto

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    Like many of you I don't like being that 'crypto guy' around coworkers/friends and don't bring it up unless people ask about it. Reason: if they buy crypto after you talked about it and it 'goes up' they think they are geniuses. If it's going down however, chances are you take the blame for it.

    Enter Brave: a product that you can recommend to your non-techy colleague. If you have ever used a browser, you can use Brave. If you don't know what Brave is: a chromium based browser that blocks ads and instead has it's own non targeting ads that you get paid for and can tip to content creators you like.

    The browser has built-in crypto wallets but accumulating ad revenue in them and contributing to content creators is an automatic process: you only need to use them to withdraw. Chances are that at this point people have become interested in the underlying blockchain tech powering it. For many of us our crypto journey started like this, because everyone has to start somewhere. This is contrary to many other tech in crypto that may not be that easy to use initially for no-coiners.

    I have recommended the browser to about 10 friends and many of them liked it, mainly for its speed, looks and privacy focus. Maybe only one of those 10 will eventually become interested in crypto because of Brave but I think that's already great. So in a sense it's the perfect gateway into crypto (at least better than doge).

    Thanks for reading and hope you have a nice day, cheers.

    submitted by /u/VictisHonor7
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