• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 25, 2021

    BTC Really impressed with the speed of Bitcoin.com wallet.

    BTC Really impressed with the speed of Bitcoin.com wallet.

    Really impressed with the speed of Bitcoin.com wallet.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    First time I've sent a tx using it in quite some time. I've heard people say how fast it is but man it was damn near instant. I'd say under 100ms. By the time I was done with the swipe the screen on the website I was paying already updated that it was received. Desktop wallets and full nodes are fast but this is ludicrous speed. Puts credit cards to shame.

    submitted by /u/FUBAR-BDHR
    [link] [comments]

    It is acceptable that BTC small block propaganda is the #1 result for 'Bitcoin Cash' on YouTube? Let's do something about it!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    Bitcoin Cash and ABC splitting scams persist... Please beware and help other to prevent falling victim..

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    As per title...

    The BCH/ BCHA splitting scams are back....

    If you still have bcha which you would like to dump, follow only the splitting guides from trusted sources/ recommended by your known peer community members, or use an exchange that explicitly offers the service of splitting your coins (ie like Coinex)

    Whatever you think of the fork, please help each other to prevent losing more money on these scams....Crazy amounts of money have been lost to these criminals already.. and Too many victims have been tricked already

    Please report the following YouTube account, that appeared to reinstate this scam, as ''SPAM/SCAM'' https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW77QTS0uOQRF-HjmscBHeQ/featured

    submitted by /u/J_A_Bankster
    [link] [comments]

    Looking at the percentage of each of the top 20 cryptocurrencies owned by the team - about 22% on average, with PoW coins much lower

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    One of the big things that I like to consider when looking at a cryptocurrency project is how much of the supply is owned or somehow controlled by a central entity. Usually this is something like the dev team, foundation, or company behind the project, and they give themselves some of the coins at the launch in order to help fund more development, advertising, etc. (or sometimes just to make themselves rich). Personally I think this is often fine, since if they create something really useful then maybe they deserve to make a bit of money off it, and it can help them to expand the project. At some point, though, too much control of the supply by one central entity can be dangerous to the stability of a network and potentially the price if they decide to cash out and abandon the project. This can be a concern especially for something whose main feature making it more interesting as a cryptocurrency than a centralized database is its claimed decentralized structure. So I decided to look into the top 20 cryptocurrencies and make a list of how much is controlled by some sort of central entity.

    For the purposes of this list, I only considered coins that were minted out of nothing in order to be given to the people behind the project. I'm also looking at current values rather than the values at launch since this seems more useful. This is partially because it seems like a less accurate measure of centralization to measure coins that were obtained by the team in a way that anyone else could get them too, and also because it's pretty hard to tell how much a team might have bought/mined/staked for a lot of coins. That means, for example, I don't count the coins mined by Satoshi Nakamoto - while it is likely that they mined a lot of coins when Bitcoin was new, they did so on a public network where everyone was free to compete for those coins themselves, exchanging their hashpower for bitcoin. There are also several projects where it's hard to find current values, so some of these numbers might be old or somewhat inaccurate. If anyone has better data let me know in the comments.

    List, ranked by market cap:

    1) BTC - 0% - every coin was mined on a public, permissionless blockchain, and even though Satoshi likely mined much of the supply it was done on a competitive market rather than being given to them just for being the creator. The 50 coins from the genesis block, the only one that had to be mined by the creator, cannot be moved.

    2) ETH - unclear, but most likely under 5% - at launch, about 6m ether were given to the foundation and another 6m to early contributors, the largest being Vitalik Buterin. Since then, the foundation's (public) holdings have been reduced to about 430k. It's hard to know exactly what the early contributors have done with their coins, but it seems unlikely that they all hedl this long with the opportunity to cash out tens of millions.

    3) BNB - as an exchange coin, this one is a bit different from the others. While it can be used on (at least somewhat) decentralized networks, its main value comes from its reliance on a centralized exchange. Initially, the supply allocated 40% to Binance, 10% to angel investors, and 50% to a public sale. Since then, Binance has been buying back and burning coins, some from the initial allocation to the Binance team, reducing the total supply. They plan to continue burning coins until the supply goes down to 100m coins, but with the current supply still above that it seems like Binance still owns a large portion of the coins, though I couldn't find an exact number.

    4) USDT - this one is a stablecoin designed to be a sort of bridge between fiat money and crypto, so by design it's fully centralized, giving the company the ability to mint and freeze any tokens at will. Most other stablecoins work the same way, though some like DAI use oracles instead of a central company like tether (still referencing centralized services though).

    5) XRP - 12% of circulating supply, but 54% including escrow - Ripple holds about 6b XRP that they can send freely, and another 1b is released monthly from the 48b in escrow.

    6) DOGE - 0% - like Bitcoin, Dogecoin had no premine or other allocation of coins to its creators, with all coins being mined on the public network. One address does hold about 28% of the supply though, and while that wallet isn't tied to the creators, it could be a similar concern.

    7) ADA - up to 16% - initially, about 5b ADA were distributed to IOHK, the Cardano foundation, and Emurgo, and the rest were sold. The foundation appears to still have the about 600m that it received initially, but I can't find any recent information about the others. Their coins moved between wallets several times it looks like, and I'm not sure who owns the wallets they ended up in.

    8) DOT - 30% - there doesn't seem to be much easily available information about this one. I was able to find on icodrops an image showing that the foundation was given 30% of the total supply, while the rest was sold before launch. It looks like it came from the website but I can't find any updates since this initial distribution.

    9) UNI - 40% - this is split mainly between the investors and the team, with a small amount going to advisors. The initial billion coins get released over 4 years, and then 2% inflation makes their percentage of the supply decrease over time.

    10) LTC - 0% - like Bitcoin and Dogecoin, Litecoin had no premine or other allocation of coins to its creators, with all coins being mined on the public network.

    11) BCH - 0% - Coming from the same genesis block as BTC and building off of the same chain until 2017, Bitcoin Cash also had no coins distributed to any central entity. Note that this isn't necessarily true for all coins created from a fork off another chain - Bitcoin Gold, for example, had a large premine. 12) LINK - 43% - the team owns about 280m coins of the 1b total, but 350m are held as rewards for node operators, with these coins also technically currently being controlled by the team. The 28% is the team's allocated supply out of their coins plus the circulating coins, ignoring the node operator rewards.

    13) VET - 24% - this one was one of the easiest ones to find good data on the current allocation of coins, which they published in their financial executive report. The foundation holds about 24% of the total supply, though they control a higher percentage of the liquid supply since about 20% is in soft lockup (including 2b additional team coins).

    14) SOL - 18% - these coins are split between the team and the foundation, with the team's coins increasing by another 5% of the total supply over the next couple of years.

    15) USDC - this is another centralized stablecoin, so it is similar to tether in that coins can theoretically be minted or frozen at will by central entities.

    16) XLM - 47% - the foundation holds a large portion of the currently available supply at around 47%, which is allocated for various parts of the project. In addition, another 3b coins (6% of the total supply) are released from escrow each of the next two years.

    17) FIL - 20% - Protocol Labs, the team and contributors, and the foundation control 20% of the total supply. Most coins have not been released yet, but are released over several years, so right now the current supply is much lower than the total supply (about 68m coins circulating with a total supply of 2b).

    18) THETA - 58% - the team, advisors, partners, and Theta Labs received a majority of the coins at about 58%, with the greatest amount being held by Theta Labs at 36% of the total supply.

    19) WBTC - this is like a stablecoin but instead of being backed by fiat money, it's a token backed by BTC. Like centralized stablecoins, it can be minted or frozen by the operators, giving them control over the whole supply.

    20) TRX - 33% - Initially, the foundation was allocated 34% of the total supply. Their public addresses now hold closer to 33%, and the foundation does not say what it does with its funds from sales or the coins moved out of foundation TRX wallets.

    Based on these best-estimate values for individual projects (excluding BNB, USDT, USDC, and WBTC), the mean is about 22% of coins are held by a central entity. 4 of these coins stand out at 0% - these are all PoW coins, which can be launched from a supply of 0 as new coins can be created without needing any existing coins, unlike with PoS. ETH is also (for now) PoW, but unlike BTC, DOGE, LTC, and BCH it launched from a token sale with a percentage of the coins allocated to the foundation and contributors.

    Conclusion: Foundations/teams/contributors/advisors/investors/whatever control a large portion of the supply of many of the top 20 coins. Maybe this is a risk, who knows? It apparently hasn't stopped them from getting this far.

    Sources: lots of coin websites, some medium articles, a bunch of Reddit posts, Binance research, and various other crypto news sites

    submitted by /u/-__-_-__-_-__-
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    Tipping first 25 people to comment "BCH is better and faster than BTC core" a dollar worth of BCH! ��

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    via ChainTip!

    submitted by /u/Nexidy
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    Thank you Tibanne. 15 days of tipping with Bitcoin Cash.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    u/opcode_network, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Even-Champion-916, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/MediocreStream, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Loud_Piece5594, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/blueherringag, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Yeswhyhow, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Dry-Letterhead4439, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/EwokTusk, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/HeyHazeyyy, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.11 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/wildlight, you've been sent 0.006942 BCH | ~5.48 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/WiseAsshole, you've been sent 0.006942 BCH | ~5.47 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/ErCiccione, you've been sent 0.026942 BCH | ~21.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/10YOredditandbitcoin, you've been sent 0.001242 BCH | ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/NotVerySmarts, you've been sent 0.0010042 BCH | ~0.99 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/NotVerySmarts, you've been sent 0.0010042 BCH | ~0.99 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/tohbee_hodl, you've been sent 0.0010042 BCH | ~0.99 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/1MightBeAPenguin, you've been sent 0.002 BCH | ~1.90 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/BewareOfShills, you've been sent 0.00214242 BCH | ~2.03 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/CMan_CO, you've been sent 0.0056942 BCH | ~5.39 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/jaydizzz, you've been sent 0.031337 BCH | ~29.68 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/GraysonG263, you've been sent 0.00142069 BCH | ~1.42 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/the_far_yard, you've been sent 0.0010086 BCH | ~1.01 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/blueplatespecialed, you've been sent 0.00101563 BCH | ~1.01 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Bigbluepenguin, you've been sent 0.00101563 BCH | ~1.01 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/annaerno, you've been sent 0.00369 BCH | ~3.69 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/kdharvey8_, you've been sent 0.0042069 BCH | ~4.20 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/blueplatespecialed, you've been sent 0.00100079 BCH | ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/LS-TA-6SP, you've been sent 0.00100079 BCH | ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/agentSmith68681001, you've been sent 0.00100079 BCH | ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/gaysyndrome, you've been sent 0.00099776 BCH | ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Sea_C, you've been sent 0.005 BCH | ~4.97 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/bralice1980, you've been sent 0.00100079 BCH | ~0.99 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/theredmage333, you've been sent 0.00100361 BCH | ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/medieval_mosey, you've been sent 0.00100569 BCH | ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/moonboundshibe, you've been sent 0.00034 BCH | ~0.34 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/DinnerSubstantial, you've been sent 0.0011 BCH | ~1.10 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Jarmatan, you've been sent 0.00097639 BCH | ~1.01 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/DogeCALI, you've been sent 0.00108659 BCH | ~1.01 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/MiamiHeatAllDay, you've been sent 0.00325451 BCH | ~3.01 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Rumpole_of_The_Motte, you've been sent 0.0011 BCH | ~0.99 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Strider08000, you've been sent 0.0022 BCH | ~1.98 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/NotVerySmarts, you've been sent 0.0022 BCH | ~2.02 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Tibanne, you've been sent 0.05555555 BCH | ~50.91 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Mahalorob, you've been sent 0.00214875 BCH | ~1.95 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/qyrion, you've been sent 0.00001082 BCH | ~0.01 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Gloomy-Inflation-828, you've been sent 0.00110536 BCH | ~0.99 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Superr_Steve, you've been sent 0.00265467 BCH | ~2.38 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/Odd_Cockroach_3967, you've been sent 0.00109697 BCH | ~0.98 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/MARVINMONEY777, you've been sent 0.00465921 BCH | ~4.14 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. Please claim it! u/AD1AD, you've been sent 0.0042 BCH | ~4.56 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/NilacTheGrim, you've been sent 0.03332848 BCH| ~26.86 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Phucknhell, you've been sent 0.01282158 BCH| ~9.99 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/readcash, you've been sent 0.01581752 BCH| ~10.02 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Sykosmax, you've been sent 0.00157054 BCH| ~1.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/ajamesmccarthy, you've been sent 0.00470411 BCH| ~3.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/AD1AD, you've been sent 0.01568504 BCH| ~10.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Htfr, you've been sent 0.00319203 BCH| ~2.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/ajamesmccarthy, you've been sent 0.00470411 BCH| ~3.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/AD1AD, you've been sent 0.01568504 BCH| ~10.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip. u/Htfr, you've been sent 0.00319203 BCH| ~2.00 USD by u/InevitableLight8 via chaintip.

    Tipping with crypto is like scratching an itch, it feels so good.

    submitted by /u/InevitableLight8
    [link] [comments]

    Bitcoin.com explorer cert expired?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Has your certificate for the explorer. subdomain expired?

    submitted by /u/Tibanne
    [link] [comments]

    What will incentivize miners to keep the BCH chain secure once the last BCH has been mined?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    Hey all, new to the community who recently put most of my portfolio into BCH. I'm hyped about this coin and have been liking the recent projects I've been seeing. I apologize if this question has been answered before:

    I know that miners are incentivized through earning bch and transaction fees which led me to wonder that once the last bch has been mined if the low transaction fees would be enough for miners to stay incentivized and keep the network secure?

    submitted by /u/saltyrazz
    [link] [comments]

    "I just sent somebody 25$ of $btc and paid 27$ in fees how the fuck are we going to make it?"

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    "How to contribute to a Flipstarter campaign" - by Bitcoin Out Loud

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    A Letter from the CEO of Bitcoin Cash

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    Sci Hub only accepts Feecoin.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    At the moment, Sci-Hub provides access to hundreds of thousands research papers every day, effectively bypassing any paywalls and restrictions. https://sci-hub.se/

    Can someone who speaks the language contact them and let them know we cant donate because, $25 fees? Add a BCH or Monero address. Even a Doge address if they must.

    submitted by /u/InevitableLight8
    [link] [comments]

    This girl makes a huge IRL innovation on Bitcoin Cash & SLP platforms - consider to read & support

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Mark your calendars for the next Bitcoin Cash Network Discussion on smartBCH

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Y u guys hate bitcoin even though it is more valuable than bitcoin cash?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    U read the title plus this is just a question not meaning to be hateful i am ignorant so just answer the question

    EDIT: guys thanks for the ONLY civil replies that could be found in reddit. god bless you bois

    EDIT 2: bois wtf holy shit thanks for the tips

    EDIT 3: You helped me a lot with my question thanks

    submitted by /u/ThePrimordialOne
    [link] [comments]

    Where to learn more about BCH?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:43 AM PDT


    I'm a university student looking to learn more about crypto currency especially in New Zealand as there isn't many places that accept it here. Does anyone have any YouTube channels or things that I can read and learn more? Thank you

    submitted by /u/mozartrappin
    [link] [comments]

    Central Bank Digital Currencies And The Orwellian New World Order

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    I just got paid for the first time in BCH. I'm impressed

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    I just completed an online gig and got paid in BCH. Completed the task,sent over an address, 1 minute later whole amount is in my wallet.

    Share the love people! The future is now.

    submitted by /u/TheCreepNextDoor
    [link] [comments]

    What happens if you use too small of a fee on btc, how long till it gets dropped from the mempool?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    Like i want to try and consolidate some coins so dont mind it it takes weeks. How low can i set it?

    Sorry didnt want to ask /bitcoin cuz everyone there is just mental.

    submitted by /u/tablepennywad
    [link] [comments]

    Bitcoin cash ATM

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, looking to get a bitcoin cash ATM in my bar. Anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Basil505
    [link] [comments]

    Bitcoin Cashs energy consumption if the network grows

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I did research the topic but could not get a satisfying answer to it.

    Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin. Therefore it uses proof of work to add another block onto the chain if i understand it correctly.

    • If the network grows and will become as big as BTCs network, would that result in the same energy consumption of the whole network?
    • How can we be in favour of this system, if all of us are fighting co2 emissions on the other hand?
    • Is there any discussion about moving to proof of stake? this would minimize the energy consumption significantly as i understand it.

    I do not mean to be rude about BCH in any way, but seriously want to know things that are important to me.

    best wishes

    submitted by /u/Manauer
    [link] [comments]

    Amazing is you!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    Sometimes I can't believe how everyone here is so generous and this is such a friendly community. I'm fairly new here and to the block chain thing and compared to other subreddits ya'll are wholesome af!

    submitted by /u/Icewolf208
    [link] [comments]

    Bitcoin Wallet App needs a "dividens" tab on the interface.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    I'm trying to build network around an SLP Token supply I created on Bitcoin Mint. My friends and I would find it very useful if there was dedicated "Dividens" tab on the mobile app. The application of anyone being able to pay dividens to a project could really transform SLP and the future of the tech.

    What do yall think?

    submitted by /u/-xtatic
    [link] [comments]

    Maybe LN should be called the blightning network

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Two main reasons for the decline in Bitcoin | CoinTechn

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Will Bitcoin Be The Solution To Inflation? | CoinTechn

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:33 AM PDT

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