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    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Litecoin [Daily Discussion] - Tuesday March 02, 2021

    Litecoin [Daily Discussion] - Tuesday March 02, 2021

    [Daily Discussion] - Tuesday March 02, 2021

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:15 PM PST

    Why is LTC barely talked about

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:22 AM PST

    I see BTC, ETH, ADA charts left and right, I see tons of news about all the altcoins out there and no one seems to be talking about LTC other than to convince people to buy some. I personally see great potential in the currency and I'm trying to understand why doesn't it have more traction. I feel like LTC should easily be above XRP.

    submitted by /u/RollTheCx
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    Global Litewallet usage distribution

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:45 AM PST

    Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread - February

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:38 PM PST

    Revolut litecoin

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Hi f#uckers

    I bought 22 litecoins on revolut after doing a fair bit of research roughly between 140 and 150 euro a coin. I no now after speaking to a few people I should have never went near revolut but it was literally 2 seconds and I thought it was easy. I've since set up Coinbase and binance accounts. I haven't used them yet. It's my first time buying any crypto and from everything I'm reading litecoin seems so underrated. I'll be in for the long haul. I'm just thinking should I wait until the price hits a good high this year sell my coins and put my profit back into litecoins with coinbase and work from there. I feel like I'm wanting to keep buying more, but my head is saying hold with wat you have then move forward with coinbase once your coins out of revolut. Only new so I feel like I'm getting carried away. I don't no if there's even a question here jyst getting stuff off my chest as I'm getting hooked into looking at screens. Any and all comments welcome.

    submitted by /u/Dennythebrat1
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    Crypto vs gold

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Do you guys think gold holders are nervous about cryptos like LTC and BTC? Many rich people "protect" their money in gold and silver cus they are great store of value, but now with cryptos in the game could this lower the demand for gold?

    submitted by /u/Nastyreputation
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    How LTC help BTC onboard new users. My personal experience

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:53 PM PST

    I own a small business in small city, I have more than 100 customers average every day. Couple years ago, I decided to put up a sign that said "Bitcoin accepted here" at the cashier. I was so excited and wanna see how people react to it. I am also prepare to give away small amount of BTC for those who show interest and wanna know more. Show them how the transaction work is better than a thousand words. That was my plan to contribute to BTC because I don't know anything about coding.

    I remember the first time I send my customer $5 worth of BTC and try to explain how it work, I quickly found out that was a bad idea. Why? For someone who has no knowledge about Blockchain, the transaction seems very slow for him. He had to wait couple minutes to see the transection even show up in his new download wallet. And yet, the transaction show pending. From the look of his face, I can tell he was so confused why I think this is a better technology and why I was so excited about it. We have to understand he do not have any knowledge about blockchain and how things work. Obviously he compare it to our payment system, and we don't have hour to talk in depth. I can tell he will never gonna open that wallet in his life again and he probably think I am weirdo.

    So, my mission failed. But it does not stop me from trying to push BTC adoption.

    My mission was to quickly explain how value can be transfer without middle man to as many people as possible and get them excited about it in less than 5 minutes. This is when LITECOIN come to save the day. I decided to use LTC as my tool to do the demonstration. It went well, the transaction went through in reasonable time and I was able to convinced many people that value can be transfer without middle man. I can tell by the look of their face, they were quite impressed. Mission accomplished. Because they never heard of LTC, so I just told them that LTC is just little brother of Bitcoin. They can know more about it by do their own research.

    I have been doing this for many years now, and I actually use LTC very often in my life to do the demonstration to get people onboard to BTC and LTC network. Everyone of my family members are BTC and LTC believer now. About 20% of my friends is into it, and less than 1% of my customers got $5 worth of LTC if they ask about it. I often convert my business extra cash into BTC and LTC.

    If BTC Maximalist wanna ask me why don't I introduce Lightning network so the transaction can be instantly transfer. My answer is, I honestly do not have enough time to explain how lightning Network work as much as I want to. I only have 5 minutes before they lost interest. I did my part as normal folks who want to help bring people onboard. I don't have 100k youtube followers, and I am too stupid to code. This is all I can do to help. ( And I sincerely want to help)

    I hope BTC max understand that LTC is your friend, not enemy. I talked to one of my customer who is BTC max and he told me LTC will be obsolete because of lightning network. I disagree. I think they both useful in their own way. Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/CryptoBULLLL
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    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:51 AM PST

    i accidentally installed litecoin core onto a drive with low disk space and requested some coins without the blockchain completing the sync. Now i keep getting the 'low disk space' error and consequently can't see the coins. If i were to reinstall would i lose the coins that i sent to my wallet address? Thanks

    submitted by /u/urgnadie
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    Litewallet vs Coinbase

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:32 AM PST

    Im fairly new to cryptocurrency and trading, been like 2 weeks on Coinbase and noticed how high the fees are. I got interested in buying LTC but don't know if I should buy/trade in Coinbase or directly from Litewallet. What do you guys think is a better option?

    submitted by /u/Refresh4101
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    [Question] At how much volume can the Litecoin blockchain be considered congested?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:23 PM PST

    How does LTC with MW compare to XMR?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:53 PM PST

    So whenever LTC gets fully implemented with nimble wimble, how does the privacy/security compare to XMR for example? Would LTC be considered a "privacy coin" in the same way XMR is? If yes wouldn't that make LTC a direct competitor to XMR?

    submitted by /u/Lime_Singularity
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    any exchange with swap available like btc to eth and alerts or price limits to sell automatically! ??

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:50 PM PST

    binance, phoenix, bitfinex, these kind of exchanges feel too much compilcated and i can only sell/buy against USD there trade limits, some coins even gets leftovers.

    i was looking for some site like oneswap or something so i can swap crypto and also put a limit price to sell automatically.

    Please help me.

    submitted by /u/Willing_Locksmith_96
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    Litecoin 1 vs 2 ? -> Issues adding Litecoin to ledger "Sell" ??

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Litecoin 1 vs 2 ? -> Issues adding Litecoin to ledger "Sell" ??

    Hi - Been holding onto some litecoin for years now and I'd like to cash out to recoup my investment.

    I'm trying to sell via Ledger Live and it wants Litecoin 2 and I have litecoin 1 ? Is there a way to convert?


    submitted by /u/septemous
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