• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    BTC Looks like Lbry got banned from the play store.

    BTC Looks like Lbry got banned from the play store.

    Looks like Lbry got banned from the play store.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Google showing it's teeth I guess.

    submitted by /u/meatloaf-toaster
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    Try venezuelaworkers.com and employ venezuelans with Bitcoin Cash! (+ new features!)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    How's going? First off, I want to invite you to use venezuelaworkers.com and hire freelancers with BCH. It'll help us to know your experience.

    Second, I would like to mention some new features we added this month:

    - We added a review option after a job is done from employers to freelancers. They'll show up in their profiles.

    - We added a tipping option in each profile.

    - Added "re-hire" option in case you want to hire the same freelancer for another project.

    - Added bookmark option on the freelancers listing. If you are an employer, now you can bookmark your favorite freelancers.

    - We added an option to hire someone directly from their profiles.

    We hope you use our website so we can gather more information about the user experience. We are already working on promotion material and UI/UX improvements. We'll keep updates here on Reddit.


    Oscar Salas from venezuelaworkers.com

    submitted by /u/oscar_salas93
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    [Flipstarter] CashSQL - a database backend for BCH

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    As some people I know in this space were unaware of my original post for this flipstarter, I've re-posted it to pitch it to the BCH community. Some additional Q/A provided below.

    Flipstarter: CashSQL - an SQL backend for BCH.

    Q. Why is this product relevant?

    A. Simple answer is that raw UTXO databases by themselves are too "low-level" for anything useful. This is by design, as the data is maximally normalized and compressed for storage and transmission efficiency.

    To make use of a UTXO database for a layer-2 p2p applications (gambling, social media, etc) it requires de-normalization and processing of this blockchain data. If every single project needs to get kneck-deep in these complexities, it's going to stop a great many of them in their tracks due to cost and time (I've seen this happen personally).

    This product alleviates this burden significantly which means layer-2 applications can be rapidly developed for BCH. Lowering the entry-barrier for outsider developers also means more (non-protocol) developers can enter eco-system.

    Note that other eco-systems have comparable projects (e.g. BSV's Planaria which is what most of their projects are using).

    Q. Why 6-12 months?

    A. The existing MVP took 6 months to develop and another 6-12 months are needed for the enterprise-grade finish. For example:

    • Need to support multiple DBMS's using an abstraction layer for more DBMS's later.

    • There are all sorts of problems encountered at this scale of data. I call it doing "big data on small data infrastructure". Try out the MVP, cross-join on the TXO table and see if you can break it -- you cannot. It's fully stable and responds even for crash-able queries.

    • During import, the data is parsed directly from raw BLK files speed up installation process, and this requires LevelDB integration and all sorts of custom core stuff (e.g. they use a different compact integer format in storage than in chain).

    • Blockchain data tends to be maximally efficient and normalized, however applications consume denormalized data. For example, getting the "fee" of a transaction is a transitive calculation based on input/outputs. Getting the "fee" in USD is then a join to another table. All these things are data-transformations which need to be applied during import. Whilst a node can give you the "fee" there's other things they don't give. Real-world use cases need to parse OP_DATA payloads for Dapps whichl require custom transforms during import (you can't search for this stuff retrospectively in the chain).

    • The complexities pile on, but nothing that can't be solved.

    Q. What guarantees do we get for delivery? Can't you just run off with the raise?

    A. If this flipstarter is funded, I will deliver no matter what. The fact that a substantial MVP is provided is evidence of competence and delivery. Also, I am raising through a company structure and publicly identified myself so it's possible for any contributor to launch litigation should I fail to deliver (and I have no problem with that).

    Q. It's written in C# and I use <insert favorite language here>.

    A. You don't need to integrate with anything C#. The system generates SQL databases which is all that developers integrate with (for both reading and sending data).

    However, if you want to add your own custom data-transformations to extract meaningful data out of the blockchain, then these plugins will be built in C# (or .NET supporting language, of which there are many like Python, F#, C++, etc). These plugins will also be open-source and over-time the community will build many out. By default, I will provide "Account" and "SLP" plugins that provide high-level "Account" tables for BCH and SLP tokens (will be like bank accounts).

    As new layer-2 protocols are established by BCH community for other use-cases, then plugins can be built so entire community can start getting this data without constantly re-inventing this tooling.

    submitted by /u/HermanSchoenfeld
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    09/26/2017: Propagandists propose to remove Coinbase and BitPay from Bitcon.org and “alert” users that supporting an increase to 2mb makes them altcoin peddlers.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Live w/ Amaury SECHET (deadalǹ͔͜͡i͎̜͖͗̎͞x̛̳̠̤̥̦̉̊̕̕) - "Benevolent Dictator" Of Bitcoin ABC

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    A new era of casinos that accept Bitcoin

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    You know something's coming up when the world's first online decentralised casino, EarnBet announces that it will be adding live poker,1000 slot machines and sports betting to its platform:https://twitter.com/EarnBetCasino/status/1306761103922221056 One can gamble via Bitcoin and simultaneously earn dividends in Bitcoin by holding the platform's token,BET

    submitted by /u/NickyNick272
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    question on replay protection for BCH ABC (IFP) and non-IFP chain (BCHN and others)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    since Amaury is not going to put replay protection on the IFP chain

    then how will people on the non-IFP BCH chain be able to secure their UTXO's on each respective chain to have replay protection?

    can I, for example, use nLockTime on the longer chain, then re-spend those coins before the other chain catchs up to the faster chain?

    don't really want to talk politics or drama in this thread, just technical tips to ppl on how the manage this risk in November fork

    submitted by /u/theswapman
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    How to Keep Your Identity Safe While Using Bitcoin

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    "Announcement: ��️CoinSpice News has halted operations for the forseeable future. Thank you for your attention and readership over the years. Any future updates will be shared in this channel.", thank you Coinspice for the great work by you guys!!!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away! Bitcoin Cash is one of them. Share, help and make things happen! #Venezuela

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    KuCoin cryptocurrency exchange hacked for $150 million | ZDNet

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    The unknown miner signing with "HATH" is just mining empty blocks now

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Aumary live now on CryptO

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Buy Bitcoin Cash in the Philippines

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    BCH Coffeehouse #5: Who Needs Bitcoin Cash & Where?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    BCH.info now has a CashAddr - Legacy conversion tool

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    False safety issue

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    I find it very common, to prevent people from doing the right thing using false safety concerns.

    We have to wear the (COVID19) mask for people's safety.

    We have to keep the block size small for network safety.


    Majority of people wear a mask, while the global economy is crushing with huge consequences.

    Majority of people use BTC while the network fees get extremely high, confirmations too slow, destroying the reputation of Bitcoin as a scalable financial network.

    submitted by /u/walerikus
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    University of Cambridge: Crypto Asset Users Have Skyrocketed to 101 Million Globally

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    7-part video series presented by NBTV: **P2P Cash: A Guide for Newcomers**

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Bitcoin Cash Brazil - Full interview

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Big Bubbler's Flipstarter Update!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats to hear the latest ;-)

    Highlights from the Flipstarter:

    • No one has made a pledge yet.You could be the first.

    There was actually one tiny direct-donation from anti-BCH forces claiming me as their own.

    This Flipstarter attempts to gather 50 Bitcoin Cash and lasts about 20 more days:

    It is not a fancy site with the recommended cloudflare and a website as I am working on a shoestring budget ...

    My anti-trolling world view is in this long article I published recently:


    Thanks for considering this Flipstarter, Big Bubbler

    If you do not wish to be known for supporting my efforts, I can understand that. I am a bit of a pariah at the moment. Feel free to be anonymous or use this direct address and I will try to add your donation to the Flipstarter if it seems like it would help it become complete or if you ask me to:


    submitted by /u/Big_Bubbler
    [link] [comments]

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