• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 5, 2020

    GPU Mining Being paid to use electricity 10:30am to 4pm - every bit helps!

    GPU Mining Being paid to use electricity 10:30am to 4pm - every bit helps!

    Being paid to use electricity 10:30am to 4pm - every bit helps!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Rx 580 getting 11mh/s on ethash

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    So I've had this problem with my new XFX RX 580's, all three of them are only doing 11-13mh/s. I have been using phoenixminer and even tried using claymores. When I mined on my r9 fury the hashrates were normal ranges. I flashed the GPU's (after trying with original settings) with ATI and everything and I'm still getting no more than 13mh/s whilst my girlfriend is mining on her 1660ti and 1060's and she's getting 25-29mh/s per card. I can't figure it out. I will post a copy of the logs soon. Is there something I am doing wrong or is this just the typical crap AMD driver issues? I never liked Nvidia because they are twice the price for similar hashrates between amd cards but it seems worth it considering they work. Any advice or similar experiences? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/cryptolucifer
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