• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Ethereum Introducing the Ceramic Protocol

    Ethereum Introducing the Ceramic Protocol

    Introducing the Ceramic Protocol

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Introducing the Ceramic Protocol


    Hey everyone! We're excited to introduce Ceramic to the world. Ceramic is the protocol for a connected, interoperable web without silos. http://ceramic.network

    What is Ceramic?

    Ceramic is a new permissionless protocol for creating unstoppable documents that serve as the foundation for an interoperable web without silos.

    Ceramic's public infrastructure allows participants to create signed, versioned, tamper-proof documents that act as a censorship-resistant and universally available source of truth for important information. Because Ceramic's Universal Document Graph is public, permissionless, and verifiable, it unlocks information access and interoperability between all platforms and services across the web.

    This is a critical requirement for building interoperable systems that need to operate outside the bounds of any single wallet, application, database, service, or network silo. Such as:

    • Portable, self-sovereign identity
    • Shared data schemas and definitions
    • Interoperable user & app data storage
    • Open web services, without accounts or signups
    • User-managed access control permissions

    Ceramic supports these use cases by storing documents that represent decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and their associated metadata, data schemas, service definitions and routing info, policies for usage of services, hosting agreements, access control permissions and much more. Collectively, these documents enable boundless identity-centric interoperability, routing, and access control between an ecosystem of connected wallets, applications, databases, and services.

    With Ceramic, a user can always control their identity and resources regardless of which wallet they're using, which app they're on, which DB it's in, or where a service is hosted/located. This allows devs to build composable apps with unprecedented modularity, trust, and scale. As a result, Ceramic is the trusted foundation upon which a more connected, transparent, and user-centric internet is built.

    Side Note Ceramic documents are a very general abstraction that can be used to represent almost any type of information that requires guaranteed trust, interoperability, and censorship-resistance. We invite you to explore what's possible on Ceramic.

    Learn more about Ceramic:

    submitted by /u/oed_
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    Hashmap-based polynomial commitments for state -- Dankrad Feist [ethresear.ch]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Ethereum on ARM. Nethermind and Hyperledger Besu Eth1.0 clients included. Prysm Eth2.0 huge improvements. Raspberry Pi 4 progress. Software updates.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Ethereum on ARM is a project that provides custom Linux images for Raspberry Pi 4 (Ethereum on ARM32 repo [1]), NanoPC-T4 [2] and RockPro64 [3] boards (Ethereum on ARM64 repo [4]) that run Geth, Parity, Nethermind [5] or Besu [6] Ethereum clients as a boot service and automatically turns these ARM devices into a full Ethereum node. The images include other components of the Ethereum ecosystem such as Status.im, Raiden, IPFS, Swarm and Vipnode as well as initial support for Eth2.0 clients.

    Images take care of all the necessary steps, from setting up the environment and formatting the SSD disk to installing and running the Ethereum software as well as synchronizing the blockchain.

    All you need to do is flash the MicroSD card, plug in an ethernet cable, connect the SSD disk and turn on the device.

    It was about time!. We've been hard at work, doing lots of tests, fixing bugs and updating and including new software. This is what we've been up to.

    Images update

    Note: If you are already running an Ethereum on ARM node (Raspberry Pi 4, NanoPC-T4 or RockPro64) you can update the Ethereum software by running the following command:

    sudo update-ethereum

    For installing the new eth1 clients:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nethermind hyperledger-besu


    For further info regarding installation and usage please visit Ethereum on ARM32 Github repo [1] (Raspberry Pi 4) and Ethereum on ARM64 Github [4] (NanoPC-T4 and RockPro64)



    SHA256 605f1a4f4a9da7d54fc0256c3a4e3dfed1780b74973735fca5240812f1ede3ea



    SHA256 e67fdc743b33a4b397a55d721fcd35fc3541a8f26bd006d2461c035c2e46fe97



    SHA256 9d75dc71aba8cd0b8c6b4f02408f416a77e8e6459aedc70f617a83a5070f17b5


    Software updates

    • Geth: 1.9.12 (official binary)
    • Parity: 2.7.2 (cross compiled)
    • Swarm: 0.5.7 (official binary)
    • Raiden Network: 0.200.0~rc1 (official binary)
    • IPFS: 0.4.23 (official binary)
    • Status.im: 0.34.0~beta3 (cross compiled)
    • Vipnode: 2.3.3 (official binary)
    • Prysm: 0.3.4 (official binary. ARM64 only)
    • Lighthouse: 0.1.1 (compiled. ARM64 only)

    New software included

    • Nethermind [5]: 1.7.4 (cross compiled)
    • Hyperledger Besu [6]: 1.4.2 (compiled. ARM64 only)

    Ethereum 1.0


    The Nethermind client is finally included and these is great news for the eth1 client ecosystem. On one hand it took a while, mainly for two reasons. .NET support for ARM [7] is quite recent and, on the other hand, getting a self contained binary for ARM is not an easy task (although Microsoft has a nice cross-compilation tool set). Besides, Nethermind has some native dependencies and it took some time to figure out how .NET handles this and how to put all config and system files together (by the way, thank you very much to the Nethermind team for their great support,).

    Nethermind is a great option for running an ETH1 node. .NET performs quite well and synchronization time is fantastic.

    Keep in mind that Nethermind doesn't download receipts and bodies by default, this is why the sync time is so fast. You can change this behaviour by editing mainnet.cfg file (see below).

    As always, you need to enable the service and disable the other ETH1 clients. For instance, if you are running Geth:

    sudo systemctl stop geth && sudo systemctl disable geth 

    sudo systemctl enable nethermind && sudo systemctl start nethermind

    You can tweak the client parameters here (currently only mainnet.cfg is supported)


    Systemd parameters:


    As always, output is redirected to syslog.

    tail -f /var/log/syslog

    ARM32 version has some problems, though. There are lots of crashes because of memory problems (as well as the other clients). This is certainly related to the ongoing "allocation memory bug" [8]. See "Raspberry Pi 4" section for further info. Feedback is appreciated.


    Besu is an enterprise-grade Java-based Ethereum client developed by Pegasys [6]. Thank you very much to Felipe Faraggi for reaching out and give us further information about it.

    Besu is now included in Ethereum on ARM (64-bits only) and you can run it as a systemd service (please see Nethermind instructions above).

    sudo systemctl stop geth && sudo systemctl disable geth sudo systemctl enable besu && sudo systemctl start besu 

    It runs fine on NanoPC-T4 but needs more testing (particularly on the memory side). Please, give it a try and report your feedback to us. We will post more info soon, including full sync data.

    Ethereum 2.0


    Prysmatic Labs put a lot of work on their Prysm ETH2 client and the changes / improvements are impressive [9]. Additionally, they took ARM support very seriously from the beginning and are now releasing official binaries for ARM64. Thank you very much to the team!

    We are getting 4-6 blocks/second (compared to 0.1/0.2 of 0.3.1 version.) This is a huge improvement and allows a NanoPC-T4 to sync the beacon chain in less than a day (23 hours).

    To start syncing the beacon chain just start the service by running (again, stop and disable other clients):

    sudo systemctl start prysm-beacon

    If you want to be a validator, please, follow their instructions [10]. You can run the validator binary to do so.



    Rockchip boards run on a legacy 4.4 Linux kernel and that means that it's missing lots of improvements from the mainline branch, particularly on the storage side. We tried 5.4 and 5.5 mainline versions but it still needs some work, we will keep an eye on it [11].

    On the other hand, there is an issue with log rotate (this is not a bug). We noticed that, if you don't change the root password, cron jobs don't work and, among other things, logrotate doesn't truncate syslog and the it gets full. So, in order to avoid this, you need to login twice to change both passwords. First, as ethereum user (default password: ethereum) and second as root user (default password: 1234).


    We've been experiencing memory limitations on the Raspberry Pi 4 for quite a while now, mainly caused by the 32-bit OS [8]. While the Raspbian kernel is already using a 64bit kernel, the userland is still on 32bit so, in order to mitigate these problems as much as possible, we've ported the Armbian virtual RAM system to the Rpi4 [12] that leverages the ZRAM kernel module to improve memory performance and, additionally, raised the swap file to 6GB. All in all, eventual crashes may happen so take this into account.

    At the same time, we are looking for alternatives to set up a full 64bit image. Firstly, to get rid of the memory problems and, secondly to allow the Raspberry Pi 4 to run Eth2 clients (currently Prysm and Lighthouse). We are looking into these 2 options:

    Official Ubuntu Server image [13]: We tried the official Ubuntu Server 18.04.4 that includes the 5.4 mainline kernel. The good news here is that we haven't been able to reproduce the allocation memory problem. The bad news is that the disk performance is painfully slow so this doesn't seem an option right now.

    Unofficial Ubuntu Server image [14]: As described on a recent post [15], this images is a pure 64-bit OS but uses some Raspbian parts, including the 64-bit kernel and firmware. We will try the new image soon and post the results here.


    We set up a Gitcoin Grant for the project. If you appreciate our work and want to support the project, please make a donation. Remember that in Gitcon CLR rounds even 1$ can make the difference!. Thank you in advance.


    Last but not least, we setup a twitter account (since January) where we try to send info on our progress, follow us or reach us on https://twitter.com/EthereumOnARM

    PS. Be careful and stay safe!


    1. https://github.com/diglos/pi-gen
    2. https://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=225
    3. https://store.pine64.org/?product=rockpro64-4gb-single-board-computer
    4. https://github.com/diglos/userpatches
    5. https://nethermind.io
    6. https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/besu
    7. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/thank-you/sdk-3.1.200-linux-arm64-binaries
    8. https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/20190
    9. https://twitter.com/EthereumOnARM/status/1238858421601959942
    10. https://prylabs.net/participate
    11. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/7498-nanopc-t4/page/5/
    12. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/5565-zram-vs-swap/
    13. https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi
    14. https://jamesachambers.com/raspberry-pi-4-ubuntu-server-desktop-18-04-3-image-unofficial/
    15. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/epxy8l/ethereum_on_arm_ethereum_1020_ecosystem
    submitted by /u/diglos76
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    Introducing: Yul+ — A new low-level language for Ethereum -- Fuel Labs

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Annotated edition, Week in Ethereum News, March 21, 2020 issue

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    Gitcoin grant page for Buidler EVM (Solidity console.log & stack traces)

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    State Of Pipeline

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    ## State Of Pipeline

    20 months have passed since the first Pipeline PoC and nobody prepared us for the richness of the problem space:


    ### Latest Achievement

    Pipeline - Ethereum dApps with Nested WebAssembly & Smart Contract Graphs


    Test it out on https://pipeline.pipeos.one. If you want access to more smart contracts, use the Pipeline and ChainLens plugins from the Remix IDE: https://remix.ethereum.org See tutorial: https://youtu.be/TsXgE_AQgQU

    submitted by /u/lorecirstea
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    Current status of privacy in Ethereum?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    What are the current options if someone wants to hide his ethereum riches from everyone he pays to?

    submitted by /u/TheCurious0ne
    [link] [comments]

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    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Ethereum CLI to timestamp, sign and verify digital Documents on Ethereum. Try it out an write files to Ethereum that are 100% immutable. Use test ether to try it out and not risk anything. Feedback appreciated! Thanks im advance.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Argent: Solving Dapps’ Dirty Secret

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Long festering DeFi Dapp bug still not fixed by industry

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:08 AM PDT


    You give permission to a dapp for a certain transaction but in clicking accept you gave it permission to withdraw all your funds.

    How many of you were aware of that?

    You can test for yourself here https://kzen-networks.github.io/badapprove/

    submitted by /u/Randomizer91
    [link] [comments]

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    ETH desktop wallet choise? MyCrypto, Atomic, Exodus?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Which wallet should I choose to begin with Ethereum? I want a secure desktop wallet, mostly open source.
    Can I store the full node blockchain on a 1Tb hard drive? (I assume, that MyCrypto, Atomic and Exodus are full node)

    submitted by /u/justauselesssoul
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    Basic ethereum questions

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    1. for running a full node (no mining, no archiving, just a full sync to eth main chain), which client is most suitable in general for deeper level of interaction with the smart contracts??
      I know there are three clients (geth, parity, prysmatic labs). No Infura.
    2. Could you tell me pros and cons for Metamask and MEW? Saw a Gnosis Safe wallet just now and in terms of safety-wise, which one can be assumed generally to be the best?
    3. What could be the safest way to store ETH and ERC tokens? Is there a way for a running node client acting as a 'safe software form of wallet'?
    submitted by /u/jasz3217
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    Creating Your first DAPP: Beginner’s Guide

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:11 AM PDT

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