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    Saturday, August 31, 2019

    Ripple Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 09/01/19 [Questions and Price Predictions]

    Ripple Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 09/01/19 [Questions and Price Predictions]

    Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 09/01/19 [Questions and Price Predictions]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    Hello! It's Sunday. Welcome to our daily discussion thread.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    4 Banks added to SBI money tap (29 total)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    Creating a wave: Is Ripple the future of international money transfers?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    Pre-Swell: What Is Ripple's Investment and Acquisition Strategy?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 09:28 PM PDT

    Not getting into the discussion whether XRP sales suppress the token price, but one thing is clear: We outsiders really don't have the slightest clue about the discussions Ripple is having. Rest assured they have the space's best interest in mind:

    Pre-Swell: What Is Ripple's Investment and Acquisition Strategy?

    submitted by /u/panmores
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    If you want to flip a switch, buy a light.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    I think Ripple is going to buy a bank. Yeah I said it. Tin-foil hat me, bro.

    So Ripple has amazing software xCurrent, but they want people to use xRapid with XRP. It saves money. It works. But only the brave are doing it right now because its still a fringe idea. Ripple wanted a big remittance company to use xRapid in a meaningful way and couldn't find one of the big boys to pull the trigger, so what did they do? They bought one. They have SO much money from selling and licensing software and selling XRP on top of it, that money is their strong suit right now.

    I think the next insanely large step for Ripple is going to be doing the exact same think they just did with a remittance company, but with a bank. Why not? They have the money and have been hiring bankers for 4 years or so. Ripple has seen that big banks won't really put a lot of time into switching and trying xRapid in a real way because they are risk adverse. That is the name of there game, "don't lose money". So why would they take any unnecessary risk when there competitors aren't doing it? Sure they will try it out and test it and be ready-ish but "don't lose money" by overextending yourself. The first rule of bank club.

    BUT if all the sudden Ripple buys a large stake in a major bank, switches the bank to xRapid and saves a billion dollars, everyone has to compete with that. Companies will have to either build their own network, (or start using the one they have been secretly building if they've been smart), or just use xRapid. I imagine most will just use xRapid. We already see banks trying to look futuristic by becoming more digital, they see this coming, hello JP Morgan coin.

    We all say this "flip the switch" thing on here, but I think Ripple buying MoneyGram and then MoneyGram stock goes up 30% or so is THE MOST BULLISH RIPPLE NEWS THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED AND IS COMPLETELY OVERLOOKED. Ripple showed us exactly how they're going to flip this switch, first, they bought a light, which was a remittance company, MoneyGram. The next utility they see for XRP is for bank use and if they are going to flip that switch, first, they have to buy a light, which will be a bank.

    MoneyGram stock is up after news of Ripple's investment. The big wall-street traders just confirmed for us that this whole plan of Ripple's, is probably gonna work.



    submitted by /u/etchasketch4u
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