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    Saturday, August 31, 2019

    Ethereum Ethereum 2.0: A Complete Guide. Ewasm. -- Colin Schwarz of Chainsafe

    Ethereum Ethereum 2.0: A Complete Guide. Ewasm. -- Colin Schwarz of Chainsafe

    Ethereum 2.0: A Complete Guide. Ewasm. -- Colin Schwarz of Chainsafe

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    Quadratic voting with sortition - Ethresear.ch/economics by vbuterin

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    Telegram’s Blockchain Will Be Compatible With Ethereum: Source

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    The ENS short name auction is starting soon on OpenSea! (in less than an hour)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    Is the Loom Network even based on Ethereum?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    It says that loom is a layer 2 solution yet is a seperate chain.

    It's also centralised.

    submitted by /u/cryptowank
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    Why Loom integrating with Libra is a wake up call for Ethereum

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    So a few days back Loom announced they'll be integrating with Libra.

    I understand the frustrations, including this thread. The announcement caught me by surprise as well.

    But there are a few things to keep in mind. These are mostly my opinions

    1. Loom's been at the front front of things. They have often been a leading indicator of things to come because they're constantly talking to developers and thinking of ways to reach mass adoption.

    Take for example their articles over a year ago about blockchain gaming. They were the first people to recognize the potential of blockchain gaming for mass adoption, something we're finally slowly seeing coming into play.

    On top of that, they've consistently shipped code and actually have a working project, with dozens of projects building on top of their platform.

    They had a working scaling solution/layer 2 solution in place long before anyone else.

    Again, Loom is probably a leading indicator of things to come because they're at least 6-12 months ahead of the competition.

    Plus they've also shied away from the shady type of marketing often seen with crypto projects. If Loom isn't a legitimate project in this space, I'm not sure what is.

    If Loom is deciding to integrate with Libra, instead being all pissy, angry or disappointed, it's strongly worth considering why.

    They might know things we don't - especially since they're actually in the ditches interacting with developers and trying to run a business while people like us are quite frankly just enthusiasts speculators hoping to make money.

    1. Can Ethereum actually support real profit-generating businesses?

    A point was made in the thread I linked above:

    "But somewhere along the line they realized that a business has to make money to be sustainable".

    That's not a knock on Loom Network. That's a knock on Ethereum.

    If Ethereum cannot sustain businesses without the need of ICO and grant funding, this entire ecosystem is in deep sh*t.

    You cannot expect people to run their businesses into the ground for the sake of decentralization or whatever other principle you may hold.

    There are guys like that Crypto Omar guy with his Youtube channel who are so disappointed in Loom for "showing their true colors".

    Right...and how many of us would care about decentralization if we couldn't make money off our BTC, ETH, etc? Besides some very rare exceptions like Vlad.

    I'm going to be very honest: if you think a business deciding they need to pay their employees is "showing their true colors" you're not a very sharp person.

    The only lesson to take here is that as an ecosystem we need to figure out ways to keep businesses/projects in the Ethereum ecosystem and that means making sure there are viable business models for them.

    3. DeFi is worthless.

    In my opinion, Ethereum needs to move away from DeFi or at least not actually drink the DeFi koolaid.

    DeFi is only useful for speculators.

    First of all, you need to have money and the competence to use DeFi. Outside of white collar professionals, most people will not care about DeFi. And even in the white collar professions, it's a tiny minority - it's basically just people who want to be hobbyist investment bankers.

    Let's see: pay a 16.5-20% stability fee to use DAI so you can loop your CDPs or lend out your DAI on Compound to get interest?

    Maybe you want to leverage your ETH on dydx?

    Oh and not to mention that DAI has in the past swung from $0.94 to $1.06. How is that a "stable" coin? I bet it'll swing even harder with multicollateral CDPs.

    Do people really believe this is the way forward. Some idiots like Ryan Sean Adams, the Ethereum equivalent of Mike Pompliano, who spouts everything that comes to his mind, might.

    But those of us who interact with normal people have always seen that DeFi provides no real value to the masses.

    The CEO of Loom brought up a really good point in his article, the lady selling noodles on the corner of the street does not care about decentralization.

    And I'll add to that: it'll be a cold day in hell before she's leveraging or lending her ETH on DeFi dapps.

    DeFi is NOT the path forward to mass adoption.

    You might disagree, but I imagine you (like myself) like the ability to leverage and stack more ETH. But we're a very small minority. Make sure you're not living in a bubble.

    DeFi is the Ethereum equivalent of Bitcoin's Digital Gold. Only true believers and insiders are actually buying it.

    I'll give you two examples: I have two friends.

    One really, absolutely does not care about blockchain. He was mildly interested when I brought up blockchain gaming and showed him Axie Infinity. But that was about it.

    Another friend: thinks the entire blockchain space is a scam. I've been able to convince him there is actual value and he agrees on some, but sees DeFi as the blockchain equivalent of the 2008 financial crisis: people just leveraging highly questionable assets.

    Libra on the other hand...he's actually excited about. He has relatives in other countries and the idea of being able to send them money easily through whatsapp is super valuable.

    That actually is providing real value: allowing people to send money across borders with very little hassle.

    If Ethereum wants to compete with Libra (and I would love for this to happen), Ethereum needs to provide real value to the average person.

    We need dapps that the average user wants to use.

    That's why I became part of this ecosystem in the first place. Because I actually believed that smart contracts had that potential.

    I remember reading Don Tapscott's Blockchain Revolution book and seeing potential ideas like artists getting instantly paid whenever someone streams their music and not having to wait years.

    Those were real value-providing services.

    DeFi really isn't.

    Loom has always focused on mass adoption. It explains why they went so big on blockchain gaming a year ago (although it hasn't taken off as fast as I would've liked).

    At some point in 2019 I feel the Ethereum ecosystem forgot that mass adoption is the goal and started deluding itself that DeFi is actually a big deal.

    In summary:

    When I combine point 1,2 and 3, I can't help but wonder how many more projects are going to start supporting Libra.

    That said, the day Ethereum can provide businesses with a viable business model and provide the average person real value is the day decentralization can actually succeed.

    Otherwise don't be surprised to see more projects "show their true colors".

    submitted by /u/ZombieNik3
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    The District Weekly — August 31st, 2019

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    New token-set introduced by Ethereum DeFi’s Set Protocol

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 02:10 AM PDT

    EVM Smart Contract Blockchain Overview Part 01: Proof of Work

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    How can you hide the amount that someone sends to your dapp?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    The ENS (Ethereum name system) team said they implemented this by hiring the amount that someone bids on a domain name. How would I do that with my dapp?

    submitted by /u/cryptowank
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    Libra competitor Celo unveils mobile DeFi app tools for Ethereum developers

    Posted: 30 Aug 2019 05:40 PM PDT

    I've got a personal media server at home

    Posted: 30 Aug 2019 09:23 PM PDT

    Running Debian Buster, with an email server, Kodi server, and a few other things....

    Would it be possible to add on a little piece of it's functionality as a node of some type?

    To be honest, I'm not very familiar with crypto in general, so I'll look through the info here and read, but I'm better at learning by doing. So any point in the right direction would be really helpful.

    submitted by /u/amberoze
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    I Have Gambled and Lost Devcon5. A call to discuss transparency & collaboration in Ethereum.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 03:34 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 02:10 AM PDT

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