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    Tuesday, July 3, 2018

    Cryptography Embarassing question, but why is the public key a multiple of 2 primes?

    Cryptography Embarassing question, but why is the public key a multiple of 2 primes?

    Embarassing question, but why is the public key a multiple of 2 primes?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2018 10:06 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a highschool student and am very interested in cryptography (not at all good at it yet though haha) I was just wondering, why is the general formula for a public key ((private) Prime1 * (private) Prime2 = (public) key)

    Wouldn't it be more difficult for codebreakers to find out what Prime1 and Prime2 were if they were just any long numbers multiplied together? Doesn't the two numbers being prime technically make them easier to find since only two specific primes are multiplied togehter? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ItsChrate
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    BP: Formal Proofs, the Fine Print and Side Effects

    Posted: 02 Jul 2018 09:25 AM PDT

    Brainlet here: How do I do full disk encryption with LUKS?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2018 12:58 PM PDT

    Using Xubuntu or even Lubuntu. I got a t400 Thinkpad laptop so it's pretty old, I like Xubuntu it works pretty smooth and looks good.

    Anyway, PLEASE tell me how to encrypt STEP BY STEP the entire HDD. I have tried searching for tutorials but im paranoid that there is something incorrect in them, perhaps something is outdated and im leaving some parts of the HDD unencrypted or something fatal.

    For instance is this tutorial accurate and it applies for Xubuntu?


    If I follow step by step what this guy is doing I will be ok?

    Also I heard dm-crypt is easier to use but not as strong as LUKS im not sure why.

    I dont have Linux experience, I used Veracrypt in the past, very easy with the GUI, but no full disk encryption for Linux for some reason. I wish LUKS had a GUI.

    On the video I added, he says not to do it within the installer, he says it sucks:


    I dont know why he does it with the terminal.

    submitted by /u/HeavyAssMachinegun
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