• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 10, 2018

    GPU Mining ZenCash will hard fork to fight ASICS!!!

    GPU Mining ZenCash will hard fork to fight ASICS!!!

    ZenCash will hard fork to fight ASICS!!!

    Posted: 09 May 2018 04:21 PM PDT

    And another one

    Posted: 09 May 2018 03:52 PM PDT

    My new budget rig ��7* RX550

    Posted: 09 May 2018 04:49 PM PDT

    [HUMOR] When your AV starts complaining about the miners

    Posted: 10 May 2018 07:56 AM PDT

    Should BIOs modding cards be allowed by maf

    Posted: 10 May 2018 06:51 AM PDT

    As we all know BIOs modding AMD cards unlocks great performance, yet AMD and Nvidia try ways to lock the users our of modding the BIOs. Up till GTX 900 series we could Bios Mod our Nvidia cards. With the 1000 series they add a hash and check function that locks people out and makes so even if they flash the drivers will no see the cards. AMD did a similar thing although not as effective, with the RX480/470's blocking them with a driver.

    If we can "unlock" Iphones(link below) to use with any Carrier using software, why the hell are GPU manufactures blocking up from modding our cards? I believe it is essentially the same thing.

    IMHO once the product is in the hands of the user, they can do whatever the heck they want with the card. Yes you SHOULD lose warranty, that is specifically stated and should be understood, but even "overclocking" can technically void a warranty. It should be the person who paid for the product to be allowed to freely do what they want with it without restrictions placed from the manufacturer/seller also see the VOID IF REMOVED sticker warranty case that FTC ruled illegal. Such as GPUs which have the stick on the cooler screws which means you cannot replace thermal paste or a different cooler on your GPU.




    submitted by /u/Xazax310
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    What happened to the guy who claimed he had 100+ modded xboxes for monero mining?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 06:10 PM PDT

    Couple of months ago a dude posted how he had a mod for xbox 360 (or one) that allowed monero mining. And not that browser mining, but full blown mining. I believe he even posted a pic of pile of xboxes. I remember lot of people telling him its impossible to use 100% of the resources without some Microsoft dev licence.

    Did he ever respond with results/more pics or was he fucking around?

    submitted by /u/sovuljaner
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    EZNANO V1.4.2 Released!

    Posted: 10 May 2018 05:35 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! Been a little bit since I released an update. Have been busy with final exams but they are over now and I plan on working on this a lot over the summer!

    I have a new release that fixes a bug with multiple machines mining to the same address.

    I also have a new program where you can get paid in NANO for any bugs you encounter! From 0.2 to 1 NANO depending on the severity!


    Happy Mining!

    submitted by /u/VOID_Games
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    What is the best/securest way to trade new coins which are not listed on any exchange?

    Posted: 10 May 2018 04:54 AM PDT

    Like the subject says, I'm looking for the best and securest way to sell new coins which haven't been listed yet. I would like to avoid getting scammed ...

    submitted by /u/hoyt54
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    Need help managing heat.

    Posted: 10 May 2018 04:28 AM PDT

    So I'm trying to get a handle on heat before the summer is upon us. I have 19 1080TIs spread across 3 separate rigs that are located in my basement.

    Right now I've just got each rig spaced around the room and a fan in the window bringing fresh air in. Room is probably 600SQFT. Cards tend to run between 55 and 65 degrees. Yesterday was 24C out and one card hit 67. Running fans at 75% and a TDP of 80. Probably will drop the TDP as it gets warmer.

    So the issue is managing the heat. The rest of my house is about 26-28C when its 14-18 degrees out. It's a brand new house so its very well insulated and all that. In my basement I've only got 1 window. Looking for suggestions on how I should be managing the heat. Was thinking maybe going for the hyroponics tent but my concern there is the cards running extremely warm. I wouldn't have an easy way to get cool air to them. I've got a 2 ton central AC and I ran it yesterday to see how it'd help and it really didn't. Ran for 6 hours and the house came down a degree. Guess it makes sense. Roughly 4KW of heat in the house and 4KW of cooling.

    Appreciate any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/CanGuitarguy
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    ASICminer Equihash 40,000 Sol/s - $15,000 Released

    Posted: 09 May 2018 08:11 AM PDT

    Python program to reset a miner plugged into a Xiaomi power socket via Home Assistant

    Posted: 10 May 2018 02:22 AM PDT

    GTX 1070, 1070ti, and 1080 FE are in stock in the NVIDIA store rn. :)

    Posted: 09 May 2018 04:53 PM PDT

    Nice tip there you go


    submitted by /u/buzzwonder
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    Super old card mining

    Posted: 09 May 2018 09:57 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I have an Quadro FX 1700 laying around, and I have free electricity. Nicenash wont support this card, but what algorithm can this card mine? Please help! Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/rwhat333
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    Using Ethenlargementpill with x16r?

    Posted: 10 May 2018 12:46 AM PDT

    Been running the pill my on 1080 ti to pretty good success on Dagger (~56MH/s) just curious if anyone has seen a boost on the x16r algo? Can test myself I know but wanna see if someone else has tried it out before I waste time. Thanks heaps!

    submitted by /u/Trennodude
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    How is Zclassic still profitable to mine?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 09:42 AM PDT

    As I understand it, the developers have moved on to other projects, and yet still MPH occasionally determines zclassic to be the most profitable coin.

    What is giving the coin any value? How has it not gone to zero? Why would anyone want to buy it?

    submitted by /u/RavenMFD
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    vega liquid cooled hbm temps

    Posted: 09 May 2018 07:28 PM PDT

    Has anyone mined with these? How much cooler do they run the memory at vs. something like a asus rog 64?

    It doesn't look like you can manually control the fan speeds on them. Does HBM run hot then?

    submitted by /u/Riptide_NVN
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    Ducting Hot Air into HVAC Exhaust?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 02:27 PM PDT

    I haven't been able to find anyone who has done this, and I want to get some input before I jump into the project.

    So my rigs are in the garage, and right above them runs the exhaust duct from my HVAC dumping air out of the house. So i'm thinking I can splice into that exhaust duct with my own ducting and inline fan and push the hot air out of the house that way, while pulling air in from a window with a 20inch box fan.

    What do yall think of this setup? I got about 4kw of heat being generated.

    EDIT: My HVAC setup has a Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV), that is the unit that exhausts air out.

    submitted by /u/PigeonLaughter
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    I hit a wall with my first Vega 64 mining rig, Please help.

    Posted: 09 May 2018 01:23 PM PDT

    I have build a few Nvidia rigs and mostly it was "plug and play" I decided the try an AMD card, So I started a Monero mining rig.

    I have 4 cards and for now I will be Happy to make one of them work ( only one card is connected to my rig) screen is connected to on board GPU. I used CircusDad Consolidated Guide as a reference. I did fresh windows install + updates, did the Mining Related Windows Settings and installed the AMD blockchain driver. I turned off CROSSFIRE DETECTION (EnableUlps & EnableCrossFireAutoLink to 0). And I can see and control my Vega card via OverDriveNTool. I did not applied soft power tables.


    I configured XMR-Stak, when I try to run it I get this massage:


    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : Mining coin: monero7

    WARNING: NVIDIA Insufficient driver!

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : WARNING: backend NVIDIA disabled.

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : Compiling code and initializing GPUs. This will take a while...

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : WARNING: using non AMD device: Intel(R) Corporation

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : Error CL_INVALID_DEVICE when calling clCreateContext.

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : WARNING: AMD device not found

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : WARNING: backend AMD (OpenCL) disabled.

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 1.

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : hwloc: memory pinned

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : Fast-connecting to pool.supportxmr.com:7777 pool ...

    [2018-05-09 23:05:02] : Pool pool.supportxmr.com:7777 connected. Logging in...

    [2018-05-09 23:05:03] : Difficulty changed. Now: 25000.

    [2018-05-09 23:05:03] : Pool logged in


    So basically miner is not detecting my Vega card.

    I decided to try another miner and used CAST-XMR

    This is what I got (applied settings to it)


    [23:08:40] Initializing GPU, loading kernel ...

    Detected OpenCL Platform: OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2442.9)

    GPU0: gfx900 | 64 Compute Units | Memory (MB): 8176

    [23:08:41] Driver Version Warning.

    By updating the Radeon Driver to version 18.3.4 up to 50% higher hash

    rates can be achieved. For more info check http://www.gandalph3000.com

    [23:08:41] Connecting to xmr-us-east1.nanopool.org:14444 ...

    [23:08:41] Connected to pool.

    [23:08:41] New Job received (CryptoNightV7).

    [23:08:41] Difficulty changed. Now: 120001.

    [23:08:46] GPU0 | 31°C | Fan 3416 RPM | 1153.2 H/s

    [23:08:48] New Job received (CryptoNightV7). Avg Job Time: 7.0 sec

    [23:08:49] GPU0 Found Nonce, job already changed -> outdated.

    [23:08:49] Shares: 0 Accepted, 0 Errors | Hash Rate Avg: 1162.5 H/s

    [23:08:51] GPU0 | 32°C | Fan 3553 RPM | 1198.5 H/s

    [23:08:55] GPU0 Found Nonce, submitting...

    [23:08:55] Share Accepted -> +1

    [23:08:55] Shares: 1 Accepted, 0 Errors | Hash Rate Avg: 1180.7 H/s | Avg Search Time: 0.0 sec

    [23:08:56] GPU0 | 37°C | Fan 3697 RPM | 1200.9 H/s


    So this time card was detected but hash was only 1200.9 H/s


    I tried to change my drivers. I did DDU via safe mode and installed 18.3.4 adrenaline driver and again turned off CROSSFIRE DETECTION and again my card is detected at OverDriveNTool and I control it.

    This time Cast XMR & xmr-stak get stuck


    Cast XMR 1.0.0 CryptoNight mining optimized for AMD Radeon Vega GPUs

    Coded by [glph3k] for more info visit http://www.gandalph3000.com Donating 1.5% mining power to developer. Thanks.

    For current stats press 's' For seamless exit press 'q'


    19:57:23] Initializing GPU, loading kernel ...


    xmr-stak 2.4.3 26a5d65f

    Brought to you by fireice_uk and psychocrypt under GPLv3. Based on CPU mining code by wolf9466 (heavily optimized by fireice_uk). Based on NVIDIA mining code by KlausT and psychocrypt. Based on OpenCL mining code by wolf9466.

    Configurable dev donation level is set to 2.0%

    You can use following keys to display reports: 'h' - hashrate 'r' - results

    'c' - connection

    [2018-05-09 19:58:43] : Mining coin: monero7 WARNING: NVIDIA Insufficient driver! [2018-05-09 19:58:43] : WARNING: backend NVIDIA disabled. [2018-05-09 19:58:43] : Compiling code and initializing GPUs. This will take a while...

    I would really appreciate any help with this

    submitted by /u/5p458d28
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    Need some help with reading electric diagrams for the circuit board in my office.

    Posted: 09 May 2018 10:41 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm planning on building 6 mother boards with 8 1080ti's per mobo. I'm very much out of my element when it comes to reading electric stuff. Here is a picture of the circuit box:


    Are these 120 or 240 volt outlets?

    Do I add all those amps up to know the total AMPS in the office?

    There are 11 switches on the switch board. Each mobo would have it's own circuit. Will this system be able to handle that?

    Thanks for any help, really out of my element.

    submitted by /u/DannyDesert
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    Two GTX 970's. One of them fan stopped working. Need some help here.

    Posted: 09 May 2018 10:17 AM PDT

    A while back I bought a GTX 970 to use for mining. The fan worked fine and I had zero issues. Then I buy a second one and after installing it the original's fan no longer worked, however if I took out the new one and messed around a bit with the old one I managed to get the fan working again. Here's the weird part though. After trying to get the old one's fan to work for a while and not succeeding I gave up and just left it alone for about a month or so bc I had other stuff to deal with. One day I check the rig and I notice that the old card fan was spinning. I hadn't touched it or anything for at least a week or so (every now and then had to relaunch the miner bc of internet downtime or whatever). I was super excited it got fixed randomly but after about two weeks of this the rig restarted overnight and when I went to turn on the miner I noticed the fan wasn't working again.

    Does anyone know of any possible solutions here? I don't think the fan on the old card is broken seeing as how it works just fine all on it's own, and it worked for two weeks straight until the rig randomly restarted. Any advice here would be appreciated thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/samoox
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