• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 25, 2018

    Cryptography Protecting RSA-based Protocols Against Adaptive Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks

    Cryptography Protecting RSA-based Protocols Against Adaptive Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks

    Protecting RSA-based Protocols Against Adaptive Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks

    Posted: 24 Apr 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    Any research on using diffusion with smaller S-boxes

    Posted: 24 Apr 2018 03:00 PM PDT

    I was wondering if anybody has come across papers that take a better look at the model where a lot of small S-boxes are used but input is diffused before/between them (e.g. you take a 128-bit input, diffuse it and sift it through 8-bit S-boxes). Help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/naclo3samuel
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    Verifying results of homomorphic encryption without knowledge of the private key?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2018 03:45 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    let's say we have a database of some numbers, encrypted using public-key encryption. I'd now like to query whether a specific number exists (just a simple true/false oracle).

    My first attempt would be to compute c = EncPub(number) x EncPub(query_number xor 1^n) (where x denotes the group operation) and verify whether DecPriv(c) == 0.

    That should work using something like the Paillier cryptosystem, right?

    What if I want to throw the private key away, though? Let's say I don't even want to know the numbers in my database, just an oracle that returns true/false depending on the queried number.
    c == EncPub(0) should fail due to the system's IND-CPA property, right?

    A second system with its own secret key to decrypt the result of the computation would be fine, I just don't want to be able to decrypt the database. The numbers are sufficiently large to bruteforcing them isn't an issue.

    Proxy re-encryption probably wouldn't work since I'd still need the first system's private key, right?

    I guess I'm looking for some sort of ciphertext delegation / transformation / lifting to another cryptosystem to verify the result (zero / not zero).

    I'm not even sure it exists since that would require the system to leak plaintext information, right? But I'm just a curious student and who knows, maybe some genius is a lot smarter than I am and came up with something. Anyone got an idea or some hint?


    Edit: The more I think about it, the more I realize I don't need ind. ciphertexts as output, only as input. So I'd need some sort of scheme where encryption is indeterministic except for when it's a group operation on the ciphertext? It probably breaks the IND-CPA property in theory but that should be fine, I guess. Anyone ever heard of such a scheme?

    submitted by /u/AppropriateCurrent3
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    Looking for feedback for simple "cryptographically secure" voting web-app.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2018 11:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm trying to finish my dissertation for my Bsc and my subject is to create a "cryptographically secure" voting web-app. I'm placing the cryptographically secure part in quotes because it doesn't necessarily have to be completely cryptographically secure but it would be nice getting close to that with some compromises.

    I've done some reading and I have come up with the plan regarding the app functions and how it could work but I need some feedback in order to know if I'm heading the right way and if I should change anything.

    A little FYI, I'm building the web-app in Django and I already have a simple voting app working but with no cryptographic security measures implemented. My general plan is for a user to be able to registrate, create a poll, and invite other users to vote. The admin can set an expiration date for the poll or deactivate it manually. Only when the poll is not active the results will be counted and become public.

    This is an imgur link with simple flowcharts for the app functions

    Sorry for the formatting of the pictures but I'm on mobile and couldn't post it otherwise.

    submitted by /u/morky_mf
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    Encryption with multiple outputs?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2018 01:32 PM PDT

    I posted on this sub awhile ago, but no conclusive answer was suggested.

    Before we start, I know this isn't a cryptocurrency sub, but I need cryptography in order to solve this problem since both are connected.

    So I have a bunch of public keys. One for Bitcoin, one for Ethereum, one for Dash, etc, with a total of 16 public keys (It's okay if you don't know what the currencies are, you just need to understand they are hashed public keys). So I need an encryption method that outputs ONE SINGLE payload. That public key then can be decrypted using the same encryption method to produce all 16 keys when provided the right passphrase. For instance:

    Input1: 0x559f85h9w4CXsd3 | Passphrase: ethereum

    Input2: 49h09FhoQU4hOxzz | Passphrase: bitcoin


    Output: ljDOi7gReO857y42nfvju76tR4JRIf87ki9458


    Input: ljDOi7gReO857y42nfvju76tR4JRIf87ki9458 | Passphrase: ethereum

    Output: 0x559f85h9w4CXsd3


    Input: ljDOi7gReO857y42nfvju76tR4JRIf87ki9458 | Passphrase: bitcoin

    Output: 49h09FhoQU4hOxzz

    I thought about using XOR OTP, but the only post on StackExchange I could find on XOR OTP multiple passwords encryption was only using 2 passwords to get 2 outputs, not more than that, AND it only worked with passphrases of equal length. (link)[https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/149202/is-there-an-encryption-algorithm-that-allows-for-a-single-payload-to-have-two-di]

    (P.S. I'd like it if I didn't have to download anything to run the encryption algorithm. If it's in javascript and can run in the browser, that's fine too.)

    If you have any ideas, please let me know!

    Thanks in advance!!

    ~ ExileMage

    submitted by /u/YTExileMage
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