Cryptocurrency Daily General Discussion - April 7, 2018 |
- Daily General Discussion - April 7, 2018
- Let me get this straight about Verge...
- Vitalik Buterin just burned Justin Sun on twitter
- Major News: Coinbase to become a potential SEC regulated Brokerage!
- ‘Hybrid’ Crypto Exchange ICO Announces $5m Partnership Deal
- Apple implements Ripple’s interledger in Safari on iOS
- Guys, polish government has just destroyed all crypto trading by publishing a new tax law "interpretation". By trading 15000 USD you can pay even 500000 USD tax.
- No Crypto ban in India, clarity given by RBI (India's central Bank)
- Hello European people, let's fight back against companies like Google, FB, Twitter ... who decided to block crypto - we have GDPR coming on May 25th
- In terms of Adoption this is where we at..
- Anyone here so tired he just doesn’t give a fuck anymore?
- Was so happy that i saw this.
- Don't become a laundering mule.
- Whales buy a lot. Price goes up. You guys think it is a bull run. Join in. Price goes up even more. Whales dump. Price goes down. You guys panic. Price goes down even more. Whales buy.
- $25 Billion Owed in Crypto Taxes Causing ‘Massive’ Selling, Wall Street Analyst Says
- Shanghai Automobile Group implements applications in the in-vehicle central control system using elastos and Blockchain technology
- "XRP is not a security". #stopfud
- I was scammed, know who did it. Can any reddit lawyers help me out.
- No, India hasn’t banned cryptocurrencies
- I’m calling the bottom
- How Crypto Became My Entire Job By Accident
- BANANO faucet game goes live! links on the website
- Which are your Top 5 favourite coins out of the Top 100? An analysis.
- Devery & United Nations World Food Programme use Blockchain to ensure the safe delivery of food to children in North Africa
- Soros, seen here, getting ready ready to enter the crypto markets
- Monero Forks And Shuts Down ASIC Miners.
Daily General Discussion - April 7, 2018 Posted: 06 Apr 2018 11:12 PM PDT Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and excercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here. PnDs and brigades are not sanctioned by the mod team in any way as they violate rule III. If you discover this thread is being used for these activities, bring it to the mod teams's notice via the modmail. Guidelines:
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Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! [link] [comments] | ||
Let me get this straight about Verge... Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:04 PM PDT So, Verge is pretty "big" for an alt/shitcoin. I remember the hype started when John McAffe (the "celeb" who gets paid for his tweets) tweeted about it, and it's been a shitshow ever since. And the dumb money KEEPS FLOWING IN.
Despite all this, XVG is riding a pretty substantial rocket in value, gaining crazy percentages in a consolidated bear market. This honestly feels JUST LIKE BITCONNECT. Dumb money flows in, colorblind to all the red flags that keep popping up and probably thinking they're gray or green. I'm at a loss for words. If anyone knows an exchange that allows me to short Verge, please PM it to me. I'll love some free money when this shit booms. [link] [comments] | ||
Vitalik Buterin just burned Justin Sun on twitter Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:57 AM PDT
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Major News: Coinbase to become a potential SEC regulated Brokerage! Posted: 06 Apr 2018 12:56 PM PDT
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‘Hybrid’ Crypto Exchange ICO Announces $5m Partnership Deal Posted: 07 Apr 2018 12:27 AM PDT
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Apple implements Ripple’s interledger in Safari on iOS Posted: 06 Apr 2018 08:32 PM PDT
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Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:24 PM PDT Ministry of Finances has just published an announcement, which can cause massive bankrupties or even suicides of people trading cryptos (especially those day-trading). From buying/selling capital of 15000 dollars worth of cryptocurrency, you can pay even 500,000 dollars tax or more. Sounds completely unrealistic ? Yet it is the state of reality in Poland now. Sources: Oh by the way for those that didn't know: in Poland the IRS has a time machine. For them, the law works even back in time. I am serious. They don't change the law, they just change the interpretation which can reverse their previous decisions even 10 years back in time. I know you guys cannot do anything about this, but maybe giving the topic some publicity abroad could help our case. Our government is usually only concerned when it is massively criticized from all sides. If we don't do anything soon, this will go into law and cryptocurrency trading (or even using it) could case to exist in our country. Also X-Posted to r/btc [link] [comments] | ||
No Crypto ban in India, clarity given by RBI (India's central Bank) Posted: 07 Apr 2018 12:37 AM PDT
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Posted: 07 Apr 2018 02:32 AM PDT As we can see more and more big companies trying to somehow fight against the crypto currencies we should also make their life a bit harder. You may know that on May 25th the GDPR EU legislation goes into the effect. It means you are entitled to ask any company having your personal data to give you all information what they collected about you and with whom they shared it. If you like you can also force them to delete everything. They have to comply within 1 month. It's of course up to you what you want to do, but speaking for myself... 1. I hate those companies getting more and more power 2. They have almost unlimited access to users' data 3. They are not transparent So myself, starting on May 25th, I'll contact each company where I have any account and I know they fight somehow against the crypto. I will demand to handover all information they have about me and if I see any problem I'll force them to delete it. If you want to know more about GDPR: edit: date error, should be May 25th [link] [comments] | ||
In terms of Adoption this is where we at.. Posted: 06 Apr 2018 11:44 AM PDT
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Anyone here so tired he just doesn’t give a fuck anymore? Posted: 06 Apr 2018 09:13 AM PDT If there is it makes two of us. I deleted my blockfolio app, I stopped entering coinmarketcap, I stopped worrying. I'm don't care if we hit the zero. Not selling. I will hold this bag until I brake even at least. And I don't care how long is gonna take. Maybe few months, maybe years, maybe decade. I was stupid enough to buy, and my punishment now is bagholding. I just wanna forget all this and take my profits when I hear again on cnn that bitcoin hit new ATH. Goodbye gentlemens, it was honor for me to play with you. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 06 Apr 2018 08:57 PM PDT
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Don't become a laundering mule. Posted: 07 Apr 2018 01:16 AM PDT Lately, I seen shady people posting laundering advertisements on local forums while trying to camouflage it as a trader trying to bypass so-called deposit or withdrawal limits, thus asking to use your banks and exchange accounts as medium, then paying you a commission in return. For anyone that are new to the world or society, remember, there is no free lunch. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:11 PM PDT It's hilarious watching this happen over and over again during the last few months. And you fall for it, time and time again. The price trend couldn't be more clear, yet you still cling to the hope that a moon shot is just around the corner. My honest advice to most of you is to get out with whatever you have left. You are being manipulated. [link] [comments] | ||
$25 Billion Owed in Crypto Taxes Causing ‘Massive’ Selling, Wall Street Analyst Says Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:21 PM PDT
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Posted: 06 Apr 2018 08:51 PM PDT
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"XRP is not a security". #stopfud Posted: 07 Apr 2018 02:15 AM PDT
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I was scammed, know who did it. Can any reddit lawyers help me out. Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:35 PM PDT To start off im not a crypto noon but should have done more research on the poor business practices of zelle. I've been investing in crypto for over a year but don't have too much experience selling it. I set up a trade through localethereum and was going to go a different route than zelle but the buyer reminded me that since I used bank of America I could take the cash out immediately. I escrowed the eth (2 total so being a few months ago he sent $2k via zelle. After confirming I had the payment I released the 2 ETH that was escrowed to him. He asks immediately if he can buy more eth. I check my account and the money is gone. I call zelle and they tell me "he must have canceled the payment." I said what do you mean cancelled I had it. They then tell me that zelle is only for family n friends, not business and that this info is there at sign on. Obviously buried in the pages of agreement.... So I figure this piece of shit whose phone now appears to be a burner is long gone missing recently I noticed that the payment sent to be had the name jetta on it. I figured it was fake or this was his car....long story short I know who took it and his father is a rich business man and just dropped out of a race for congress. I want my money back. I emailed the family asking for it after talking to the son who just told me "Good Luck" thru email. Worst case I go right to the door of the luxury condo is parents pay for but I figure I'll ask you reddit revenge pros what's best first. [link] [comments] | ||
No, India hasn’t banned cryptocurrencies Posted: 07 Apr 2018 03:02 AM PDT
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Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:51 PM PDT BTC bottom has hit at $6,526. Contest for Bulls: Post your guess for the high BTC price (coinmarketcap) for April, 2018. Closest to the high will get $20 of BTC on May 1, 2018. One guess and no editing. Guesses closed on April 8th at 12:00 am CST. My guess is $11,400. [link] [comments] | ||
How Crypto Became My Entire Job By Accident Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:21 PM PDT So, I'm going to start this off by saying that I am fiendishly addicted to crypto. I don't even invest anymore (after making some really... enthusiastic investments in early January). But crypto is literally my full-time job now, and I think it's the only one I've ever been really into. I'm a freelance writer, and I used to write about a whole bunch of stuff. I wrote business plans, people's college essays (I know, I know), proofread and edited eboooks, ghostwrote novels, wrote articles on everything from photosynthesis to meditation. It was a good way of getting paid to learn things I was interested in, but a lot of it was... not so interesting. The photosynthesis thing was about scientific experiments on tomatos. I was just faffing around, basically, and not treating it like a real job. That said, I liked making money online and after a while I got good at it. Then I kind of zeroed in on e-commerce clients, which actually paid well (really well), and started making a proper living as a writer. I set up my own website, made business cards, started interacting with clients a lot more, raising my rates, and business was booming. I was becoming successful. And I was really bored. I was writing web copy on dropshipping sites and putting together articles about marketing software, sales platforms, how to rank high as a seller on Amazon, etc, etc. Money = good. Job satisfaction = not good. I kept seeing job postings about ICOs, and how people needed white paper writers. The money was OK, and I was booored, so I applied. I had heard of cryptocurrencies, didn't know much about them, and I figured it was a good chance to learn about them. Plus I was really, really bored with my actual work, did I mention that part? I applied for a few ICOs, and heard back from everyone. Good technical research writers were in short supply, and many of the available writers didn't often have a great way with words. Suddenly I was writing and editing white papers, creating the written content for ICO websites, and drafting cryptocurrency press releases. Like most new enthusiasts in the space, I went from not knowing what blockchain was to getting into hash rates, TA, smart contracts, PoW/PoS, and everything else in the "newbie crypto starter kit". I was doing so much research for my new projects that I didn't even stop to think "hang on, wasn't I an e-commerce writing consultant like 5 minutes ago? Am I having some kind of crypto-induced seizure or something?" I took to it way more than any other topic I'd been involved in before (sound familiar?), and decided to make things official by getting myself what freelancers call "social proof" - published articles with a byline (author's name) to prove to clients that you actually work in the space and that you're not just some random weirdo absconding from their burgeoning e-commerce consultancy business. I figured one or two would be enough, so I got one published on InvestInBlockchain, then another on another site... then another... then anotherthenanotherthenwhyareyoustillreadingthiscomeon Meanwhile I had totally stopped applying for new work in e-commerce, begrudgingly accepting work that paid literally over three times as much as crypto writing from my existing clients. Fast forward a few months and my business has been rebranded to deal with ICOs almost exclusively, and even that's just a side business now. I spend most of my time these days writing crypto articles - op ed, breaking news, investigative work - because it's just so damn interesting. I work freelance for a number of different sites, and I'm starting as a managing editor of a startup media outlet soon. The salary isn't even good - I just think it sounds fun, and I also think that I may have gone a little bit insane for saying that. Did someone tie a weight around my leg and drop it into some sort of blockchain vortex? Things have moved crazy fast (in true crypto fashion), and I've gone from absentmindedly procrastinating from my work by accepting something a bit different to becoming so involved in the space I don't think I'd know what to do with myself if I got out. I can honestly say that this is not at all what I expected to be doing with my life, but here I am - and I wouldn't have it any other way. To all my fellow Crypto Fiends, I salute you. Whether the market goes up, down, sideways, or anyways, we're all part of a fascinating movement that will change the way human beings live their lives forever, and that's worth something. It's maybe even worth more than the money you've invested, because in years to come when things have settled down and blockchain is the norm, the world looks back on the insane, ridiculous, chaotic early days of this space and laughs at how something so normalized could ever have been such a wild experience, you'll know that you were here, in the thick of it with the rest of us. But hey, I hope your investments do well too. If we don't get more gains, what are we going to use to buy more crypto, amiright?* . . . . *Not intended as investment adviceseriouslydonotspendallyourcashoncryptoyouguysnotagoodidea [link] [comments] | ||
BANANO faucet game goes live! links on the website Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:42 PM PDT
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Which are your Top 5 favourite coins out of the Top 100? An analysis. Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:04 AM PDT I am putting together my investment portfolio for 2018 and made a complete summary of the current Top 100. Interestingly, I noticed that all coins can be categorized into 12 markets. Which markets do you think will play the biggest role in the coming year? Here is a complete overview of all coins in an excel sheet including name, market, TPS, risk profile, time since launch (negative numbers mean that they are launching that many months in the future) and market cap. You can also sort by all of these fields of course. Coins written in bold are the strongest contenders within their market either due to having the best technology or having a small market cap and still excellent technology and potential. The 12 markets are
Before we look at the individual markets, we need to take a look of the overall market and its biggest issue scalability first: Cryptocurrencies aim to be a decentralized currency that can be used worldwide. Its goal is to replace dollar, Euro, Yen, all FIAT currencies worldwide. The coin that will achieve that will be worth several trillion dollars. Bitcoin can only process 7 transactions per second (TPS). In order to replace all FIAT, it would need to perform at at least VISA levels, which usually processes around 3,000 TPS, up to 25,000 TPS during peak times and a maximum of 64,000 TPS. That means that this cryptocurrency would need to be able to perform at least several thousand TPS. However, a ground breaking technology should not look at current technology to set a goal for its use, i.e. estimating the number of emails sent in 1990 based on the number of faxes sent wasn't a good estimate. For that reason, 10,000 TPS is the absolute baseline for a cryptocurrency that wants to replace FIAT. This brings me to IOTA, which wants to connect all 80 billion IoT devices that are expected to exist by 2025, which constantly communicate with each other, creating 80 billion or more transactions per second. This is the benchmark that cryptocurrencies should be aiming for. Currently, 8 billion devices are connected to the Internet. With its Lightning network recently launched, Bitcoin is realistically looking at 50,000 possible soon. Other notable cryptocurrencies besides IOTA and Bitcoin are Nano with 7,000 TPS already tested, Dash with several billion TPS possible with Masternodes, Neo, LISK and RHOC with 100,000 TPS by 2020, Ripple with 50,000 TPS, Ethereum with 10,000 with Sharding. However, it needs to be said that scalability usually goes at the cost of decentralization and security. So, it needs to be seen, which of these technologies can prove itself resilient and performant. Without further ado, here are the coins of the first market Market 1 - Currency:
Market 2 - PlatformMost of the cryptos here have smart contracts and allow dapps (Decentralized apps) to be build on their platform and to use their token as an exchange of value between dapp services.
Market 3 - EcosystemThe 3rd market with 11 coins is comprised of ecosystem coins, which aim to strengthen the ease of use within the crypto space through decentralized exchanges, open standards for apps and more
Market 4 - PrivacyThe 4th market are privacy coins. As you might know, Bitcoin is not anonymous. If the IRS or any other party asks an exchange who is the identity behind a specific Bitcoin address, they know who you are and can track back almost all of the Bitcoin transactions you have ever made and all your account balances. Privacy coins aim to prevent exactly that through address fungability, which changes addresses constantly, IP obfuscation and more. There are 2 types of privacy coins, one with completely privacy and one with optional privacy. Optional Privacy coins like Dash and Nav have the advantage of more user friendliness over completely privacy coins such as Monero and Enigma.
However, the question is if full privacy coins will be hindered in growth through government regulations and optional privacy coins will become more successful through ease of use and no regulatory hindrance. Market 5 - Exchange toolDue to the sheer number of different cryptocurrencies, exchanging one currency for the other it still cumbersome. Further, merchants don't want to deal with overcluttered options of accepting cryptocurrencies. This is where exchange tool like Req come in, which allow easy and simple exchange of currencies.
Market 6 - GamingWith $800B worldwide, Gaming is one of the largest markets in the world. For sure, cryptocurrencies will want to have a share of that pie.
Market 7 - MiscThere are various markets being tapped right now. They are all summed up under misc.
Market 8 - Social networkWeb 2.0 is still going strong and Web 3.0 is not going to ignore it. There are several gaming tokens already out there and a few with decent traction already, such as Steem, which is Reddit with voting through money is a very interesting one.
Market 9 - Fee tokenPopular exchanges realized that they can make a few billion dollars more by launching their own token. Owning these tokens gives you a reduction of trading fees. Very handy and BNB (Binance Coin) has been one of the most resilient tokens, which have withstood most market drops over the last weeks and was among the very few coins that could show growth.
Market 10 - Data StorageAnother interesting market, which can really show how useful the blockchain can be by making renting and lending data storage for the common man a potent side-business.
Market 11 - Cloud computingObviously, renting computing power, one of the biggest emerging markets as of recent years, e.g. AWS and Digital Ocean, is also a service, which can be bought and managed via the blockchain.
Market 12 - StablecoinLast but not least, there are 2 stablecoins that have established themselves within the market. A stable coin is a coin that wants to be independent of the volatility of the crypto markets. This has worked out pretty well for Maker and DGD, accomplished through a carefully diversified currency fund and backing each token by 1g or real gold respectively. DO NOT CONFUSE DGD AND MAKER with their STABLE COINS DGX and DAI. DGD and MAKER are volatile, because they are the companies of DGX and DAI. DGX and DAI are the stable coins.
EDIT: Added a risk factor from 0 to 10. The baseline is 2 for any crypto. Significant scandals, mishaps, shady practices, questionable technology, increase the risk factor. Not having a product yet automatically means a risk factor of 6. Strong adoption and thus strong scrutiny or positive community lower the risk factor. EDIT2: Added a subjective potential factor from 0 to 10, where its overall potential and a small or big market cap is factored in. Bitcoin with lots of potential only gets a 9, because of its massive market cap, because if Bitcoin goes 10x, smaller coins go 100x, PIVX gets a 10 for being as good as Monero while carrying a 10x smaller market cap, which would make PIVX go 100x if Monero goes 10x. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 06 Apr 2018 08:29 PM PDT
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Soros, seen here, getting ready ready to enter the crypto markets Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:42 PM PDT
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Monero Forks And Shuts Down ASIC Miners. Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:45 PM PDT
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