• Breaking News

    Monday, March 26, 2018

    Ethereum Adding ERC20 Support to Coinbase

    Ethereum Adding ERC20 Support to Coinbase

    Adding ERC20 Support to Coinbase

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 12:04 PM PDT

    Digix official launch date for DGX gold token purchases announced: April 8th! KYC officially open today.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 05:31 AM PDT

    Centra Asia Partners with Root Project — Centra Asia와 Root Project의 파트너

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 03:05 PM PDT

    Why You’ll Be Hearing A Lot About Securities Tokens

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 05:53 PM PDT

    Coinbase Will Add Support For Certain ERC20 Tokens

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 02:34 PM PDT

    We Are in Need of a Trustworthy Exchange

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 02:53 PM PDT

    ScalingNOW! — An Ethereum Scaling Solution Summit Summary from the Web3 Foundation Team

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 09:13 AM PDT

    Q2 Bitmain ASICs are coming.. I believe ASICs are bad for a community/Coin What is being done to stop This now ? is POS going to address this ? ASICs are out of reach for 99% of people due to cost/country. I think ASIC resistance is key. 1 GPU vote.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 08:47 AM PDT

    Thoughts on "BCH smart contracts"?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 04:22 PM PDT

    Ethereum Co-Founder: The Internet Is Broken but Blockchain Can Fix It

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 02:34 PM PDT

    Blockchain Can Eliminate Fake News

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 06:25 PM PDT

    ERC: Web 3 QR Code Scanning API

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 11:41 AM PDT

    Gitcoin: Q1 2018 Update

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 07:51 AM PDT

    Problem with Casper getting stuck?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 03:54 AM PDT


    I posted this problem a few days ago with a naive example. I have updated the example to show a case where I believe it is possible for Casper to get stuck.

    submitted by /u/warrenofauburn
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    "Regulation could be an enabler of a stable, flourishing cryptocurrency exchange in the City of London." - UK City Minister

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 12:25 PM PDT

    How Blockchain Will Transform Digital Ads

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 03:49 PM PDT

    Plasma Transaction Commitment Vulnerability?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 02:40 AM PDT

    I think I can see an issue with the block withholding mitigation / withdrawal mechanism I wanted to discuss.

    From the Plasma whitepaper: "...it is impossible to detect on the root blockchain whether a block is being withheld (either the user can assert that they never received the blocks, or the Plasma chain can assert that the user refuses to recognize that the block is available and is lying)... Instead, Plasma presumes that if a user believes that the Plasma blockchain is adversarially withholding blocks and may impact the ability to enforce state transitions in the future, then one simply should exit from this Plasma chain to another as quickly as possible. "

    So am I right in thinking that a bad actor can pretend not to have recieved a block, and that this cannot be validated by the mainchain, and by withdrawing they can then rollback all transactions they were involved with on the plasma chain since the last (infrequent) update to the main chain.

    If so, imagine the plasma chain is being used for a distributed currency exchange. I could transact hunderds of times on the plasma chain at high speed, then, just before the plasma chain commits, decide that because I lost on those trades, I will pretend I didn't get a block and signal that I want to withdraw. In otherwords, I can engineer a bet to nothing, where I withdraw whenever the market goes against me, and retain the transactions wheever the market goes in my favour.

    If so, this is deep problem, as essentially it means that no transaction made on the plasma chain can be trusted until they are committed to the main chain. This would mean that despite appearances the plasma chain in reality only operates at the same speed as the main chain.

    Is this right, or have I missed something here?

    submitted by /u/pmcgoohan
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    EthPledge: Smart contract for matching charity donations

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 05:48 AM PDT

    I'd like to get some feedback on a small project http://ethpledge.com I've been working on the last few days. This is a smart contract and website where Ethereum users can pledge to donate a certain amount to an address (ideally a charity of some sort), which gets sent only if others match that amount. Upon creating a pledge to donate a certain amount to some address, the user sends that Ether to the EthPledge smart contract, and if others donate to that pledge too up to that amount of Ether it all gets sent to the charity address. You can also pledge to donate several times what others do (eg. you could put up 10 Ether, and say that if others donate only 2 Ether it'll all get sent to the charity address).

    It is fairly common for companies to do giving pledges like this ("we'll match anything employees donate to this charity") and having something like this on the Ethereum blockchain makes it 100% transparent and by going through a smart contract can guarantee someone holds up their end of the bargain. There is at least one major international charity with an Ethereum address for donations, Heifer International (https://www.heifer.org/what-you-can-do/give/digital-currency.html) and I've created the first pledge on the website to donate 0.1 Ether to them: see http://www.ethpledge.com/id/0 :) (look at it while connected to the mainnet).

    Should you create a pledge and then cancel it, you'll get a refund of your pledge amount in line with how much others have donated - if you cancel the pledge when 10% of the donation target has been reached, for example, 10% of your pledge amount (along with the donations) will be sent to the charity address, and 90% of the pledge amount you put up will be returned to you.

    The verified contract code is at https://etherscan.io/address/0x10ec03b714a2660581040c1a0329d88e381ca603 and I've also uploaded the code for the website/UI at https://github.com/wanshun123/EthPledge if that's of interest to anyone.

    Feedback and criticism very much welcome.

    submitted by /u/hanyuqn
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    How to participate in the Auctus Token Sale – Auctus

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 04:55 PM PDT

    How Blockchain Will Affect Digital Marketing in 2018

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 01:42 PM PDT

    Truebit: the marketplace for verifiable computation

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 08:54 PM PDT

    Guarda Multicurrency Web Wallet supports Ethereum now! Time to manage your ETH staying in the full control of your private keys!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 06:20 AM PDT

    Dether and Kleros join forces to launch decentralized arbitration for cryptocurrency traders

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 07:41 AM PDT

    FoodRaptor - The Food Delivery DAO

    Posted: 26 Mar 2018 05:53 PM PDT

    Food Raptor is a project that started out as a centralized organization built to compete with GrubHub & DoorDash for the Detroit market. It failed and I spent some time away from the project to think about strategy. During this time I used GrubHub and DoorDash and it became very clear what their weakness was... themselves. Fees and commissions littered across the entire process, carefully calculated to provide GrubHub & DoorDash with strong returns at the expense of the customer and food establishments. All while the driver is receiving just enough to make it worth their time as a side-gig.

    That's when it clicked. I'll just take Food Raptor out of Food Raptor. Eliminate the middle-man through utilization of smart contracts and provide incentive for all actors facilitate long-term improvement and moderation of the platform.

    Below I go over the advantages I have identified that a DAO platform has over a centralized organization for food establishments (providers), deliverers (vehicles), and customers. The concepts below present an extremely simplified narrative of platform requirements for development, execution, and long-term continuity. Please take that into consideration when reviewing. The purpose of sharing this information is to begin building a community to support and further determine, evaluate requirements, and develop this project.

    The documentation includes all of the information below and may be easier to read: https://foodraptor.com/Food-Raptor-White-Paper-v1.0.1.pdf



    Unlike centralized food delivery services, there is no charge to receive orders through Food Raptor. Utilization of the Food Raptor application would have no cost for the provider, except for the transaction fees to update core information. To keep transaction costs to a minimum, non-core information will be stored and hosted utilizing a content delivery service such as AWS to provide end user content. Associated content delivery service costs will be absorbed by the order contract initiator (customer).


    The incentive for providers to purchase FDR include:

    Lower the cost of delivery for their customers to make ordering from their establishment more attractive. *FDR can be sent to the provider's contract and a payout type (fixed or percentage) and rate variable is set to dictate how much FDR will be contributed to each order.

    Promote the visibility of their contract (their establishment) on Food Raptor *FDR can be sent to the provider's contract and a payout type (PPC or CPM) and rate variable is set to control when this contract is displayed as promoted.


    Existing food delivery services currently raise multiple fees and charge both the customer and provider for using their platform. These costs are compiled as the cost of service.

    In a decentralized organization we are able to remove the margin a centralized organization would take, sometimes as much as a 13.5% commission to the provider and various other charges to the customer. Doing this allows the vehicle to request and earn more for the service performed while lowering the actual cost of delivery for the customer.


    The Food Raptor delivery system would be open to anyone who has access to the internet. This makes it possible for anyone to sign-up and begin delivering in minutes.

    The Food Raptor System would allow each vehicle to set their own price.

    As mentioned above, by taking out the unnecessary fees charged by centralized organizations, this will allow vehicles to charge higher delivery costs because the overall delivery cost will more closely reflect the amount being paid for the delivery service.


    In order to provide an experience that can compete with centralized organizations, certain centralized service requirements have been assumed. It is the community and contributing developers' responsibility to ensure that these services, although centralized, are publicly managed and paid. These services include:

    Google Maps API * For tracking vehicle locations.

    Push Notification Supplier [TBD] * For pushing order status notifications between all users.


    *The usage of the term vehicle is in regards to the method in which a delivery is fulfilled. This includes human, human controlled, and autonomous methods. *


    Centralized delivery services charge customers raise fees to use their platform to place orders in order to return a profit. A decentralized organization such as Food Raptor will allow customers to pay less because they are only paying what is required to satisfy content delivery service costs and the vehicle's minimum requirements.

    In addition, the provider's usage of FDR drives down the cost of the delivery, and in some cases the cost of delivery for the customer may be completely covered depending on how the provider has configured the award payout and the order total.


    The Food Raptor delivery system does not work to benefit any particular user group, but the system as a whole. This means competition for the customer's business has a direct positive influence on how much the customer pays for delivery, not how much an organization will profit for promoting a particular user group such as the providers or vehicles.


    Customers must use the FDR to place and pay for orders on Food Raptor. * The USD/FDR exchange process must be seamless and integrated into the dApp checkout to successfully compete with the experience existing centralized services provide.

    SMART CONTRACTS & COST CALCULATIONS Proposed functions and relationships are covered in more detail in the documentation: https://foodraptor.com/Food-Raptor-White-Paper-v1.0.1.pdf


    To build trust between all user groups, vehicles and providers may transfer FDR to their smart contract as a guarantee to the customer.

    Any user can claim there is an illegitimate party involved in the order for the order to be deactivated and set the inResolution variable to true. When this function is executed, wager funds are pulled from the vehicle and provider contract if available.

    When the contract is in resolution, the highest confirmation requirement of all involved parties is used as the actual confirmation. Other third parties will be able to interact with the contract to confirm or deny the claim. The resolution system will tightly correlate to the value of FDR, the wager payout in FDR should persuade contributors to answer with their best judgement to preserve and strengthen the value of the FDR.

    As an award for contributing to the security and trust of the system, confirmation actors receive an equal percentage of the wager remainder. Wager payouts are held for 14 days to further prevent bad actors from quickly or wrongly confirming or denying claims to receive FDR.

    Whether the claim is approved or denied will affect the vehicle and providers listing contracts reputation score by updating claimGuilt and claimCount variables on the vehicle or provider contract.

    DISCLOSURE Many unidentified risks and challenges will arise during and post development. Many core requirements and details need to be gathered and evaluated. Many statements, concepts, and suggestions are only partially developed. The proposed timeline is hypothetical and is likely to change. All objectives are hypothetical, some may not be possible to accomplish.

    I can't express enough this is a concept and has an immense amount of requirement gathering and evaluation to be completed to truly determine the plausibility of everything mentioned above.

    So what's my angle?

    The current concept runs off the assumption that funding will be needed to develop this project, although I assume it's possible community contributions could fully develop the project. At this point and time, the proposed method of raising funds is through the sale of the FDR token, and I would like to retain 10% of the FDR. This is not a requirement and I am very flexible on this. If the successful launch of this platform required me to relinquish all FDR, I would do what is necessary to increase the likelihood of project success. By day I am a process development project manager, I am familiar and experienced and skilled in managing agile SDLCs at an enterprise level. I intend on staying the project to facilitate development and preserve the project's initial mission.

    Transparency and community will make or break this project.

    I look forward to seeing some responses and receiving constructive feedback. Even more so, I look forward to any community interest and involvement to begin shaping this into something amazing. A Slack workspace has been set up to collaborate for now. More information can be found at: https://foodraptor.com/

    submitted by /u/intuzu
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