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    Thursday, January 4, 2018

    GPU Mining Built a new rig. 8x palit 1070ti

    GPU Mining Built a new rig. 8x palit 1070ti

    Built a new rig. 8x palit 1070ti

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 02:28 AM PST

    Just an FYI - PNY has 1070ti's for $499, 1080's for $549, and 1080ti's (founders) for $699 - all with free shipping - in their online store.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:23 PM PST

    Altcoin Mining Business

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 12:54 AM PST

    Thinking about buying a few 1080TIs and making a rig. Going to use awesome miner and miningpool hub to auto switch mining to most profitable coins. Plan on just Hodling the coins until they make a run and then sell for bigger profit.

    Thoughts on registering as an LLC to write off the 1080TIs as a business expense and electricity as well? I don't know why more people don't take the plunge. New tax law allows 100% depreciation first year vs amortization over 27.5 years...

    submitted by /u/pocketrocket1993
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    Why does everyone prefer the 1070Ti over the 1070?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 06:30 AM PST

    I am getting about 500sols/s with my Zotac 1070, which is the same the 1070Ti gets (assuming everyone is mining equihash right now, since its the most profitable). Is it only for better resale value or whats the point?

    submitted by /u/seriouslox
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    New arrivals!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 03:06 AM PST

    First rig up and running!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:55 AM PST

    A few Questions regarding Nvidia cards im having

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 07:22 AM PST

    So I'm currently deciding which cards to buy for my 6 gpu rig. I'm planning on using nicehash, since it seems like the easiest and most consistent way of mining. First of all - does that make any sense or should I rather mine a specific coin in a pool?

    For the gpu's im thinking either 1060 or 1070 / ti. 1060's have the obvious advantage of beeing a lot cheaper. Do I need the 6gb variant or is the 3gb enough? Only the 6gb one is showing up in the nicehash calculator.

    the 1070 has higher hashrates in the nicehash calculator than the 1070 ti. whats up with that?

    submitted by /u/ThegamingZerii
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    Opinions: Mining a coin where you net more per month vs a larger coin where you net less than a coin per month

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 07:16 AM PST

    I have a 6x1060-6Gb rig (slightly OC'd) that I've been using to mine Ubiq for the passed 4 months. Been very profitable as of late which I'm loving. However, I'm thinking of moving over to Zcash since right now Whattomine states it will net a slightly higher profit. Also, my current portfolio does not have Zcash in it, which I like the idea of adding it to diversify more. With that said, Whattomine also states I'd barely mine a complete coin in a single month.

    For me, with daily/monthly profit set aside, I personally like to mine more of a single coin than not even making a full coin in a month. I like the quantity aspect of Ubiq over Zcash for this reason.

    Any other miners have this same feeling? And what are your opinions on this topic?

    submitted by /u/flujerky
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    Setting up a 6x1070ti rig. Help with Asus Z270A bios setup.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 07:07 AM PST

    I am putting together a rig over the next couple of days and I have seen a lot mentioned about bios settings that need to be changed on the Z270A. I have primarily seen:

    Setting Gen 2 as default

    enabling "always on"

    activate above 4G

    I have also seen this video. Is there anything that has changed or forgotten in this video?

    submitted by /u/hammburglar0249
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    Why do you lower your power limit?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:05 PM PST

    To me, the practice doesn't make much sense, outside of a few scenarios. The first reasonable scenario is to avoid exceeding the power limits of a circuit, and the second is to avoid overheating.

    I get the impression that some people here think it's more profitable to lower your power limit. The truth is that it's not more more profitable for the vast majority of miners. If your electricity cost is 25 cents or greater, then it starts to become reasonable.

    Here's a quick example with a GTX 1070 mining Zlcassic.

    With a power limit of 70%, the hashrate will be 420 sols, the revenue $4.86 and the profit $4.43 (assuming it uses 120 watts at 15 cents).

    With a power limit of 110%, the hashrate will be 490 sols, the revenue $5.67 and the profit $4.99 (assuming it uses 190 watts at 15 cents).

    You can do this for pretty much any other card out there and you will reach the same conclusion. I also think that now in particular is a good time for raising your power limit. Crypto prices are so high that the increased revenue from a higher hashrate greatly exceeded the increased power costs of a higher power limit. (And it's winter for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.)

    submitted by /u/marthor
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    Best humidity and room temperature for mining rig

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 05:25 AM PST

    What do you think is the best humidity and room temperature for 6x1070ti Mining Rig. My GPU temp safe range is from 60C to 70C and keeping the room cool without unnessesery energy consumption will extend the lifetime of the fans, but I dont know anything about hummidity.

    submitted by /u/bobomarinov
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    Need help with first 6 GPU Mining Rig

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 04:59 AM PST


    First of all, I've read he sidebard and done some research on reddit but I still have some doubts.

    I am about to build a 6 GPU rig (of rx570's and rx580's mixed, I still have to choose how many of each, but the rx580's cost about 40$ more)

    So I was wondering if this components would do good for the rig:


    The PSU would be 2x Corsair RX750x and I wanted to use this as a frame for the PSU, graphics card and mobo.

    My questions are:

    • I the CPU, RAM and PSU enough to power 6x Rx570/580?

    • Should I get an SSD or an old HDD I have is enough?

    • How would I mount the motherboard on the frame? Should I screw in the standoffs or use the include anti-static bag to prevent problems with the mobo?

    • Lastly, is there something I need to know about grounding the PSU and the mobo when using that frame? I don't know if just laying them down without a case would be dangerous.

    Sorry for so many questions and thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/maredawaci
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    My new rig and an undervolting question ...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:29 PM PST

    Rig design?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 12:00 AM PST

    I'm looking at building a large case with 4 1080 Tis as a mining rig. Power is cheap so they'll all be pulling 300W. I'll be running an Asus Maximus VIII Extreme as the mainboard and a Corsair AX1500i to power it all. Probably a Pentium, 850 Evo, and 8GB of RAM to round out the build.

    Any recommendations on cards? I've always like the FE since they have blowers, but this will be more of an air-cooled case with lots of fans and an open panel so I'm open to different cards.

    It's winter here, and power is cheap, but does anyone see any obvious with this build? I was going to stick it in the garage and see how hot it got. If necessary, I could run an AC to keep it cool, but hopefully winter air and fans will do the trick.

    submitted by /u/Beo1
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    Powercool Modular PSU 6Pin Question

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 02:08 AM PST

    I have one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/Powercool-Modular-850W-Single-Efficiency/dp/B00647GBDI

    I am using the 2 8pin connectors that came with the PSU, but it also has 2 6pin pci-e connectors on the power supply. No cables were provided for these, I know you shouldnt just go and buy any old PSU cables. Has anyone used this PSU before and know which cables are compatible for these ports?

    Im after 6pin male to 6pin male, something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mini-6-Pin-Male-To-PCI-E-6-Pin-Male-Power-Extension-Cable-Video-Card-18AWG/322640293794?hash=item4b1edc2fa2:g:W1oAAOSwRh1ZiN5i

    Do you think these will work ok?

    submitted by /u/J0hnAG
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    42 mh/s with vega 56

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 01:42 AM PST

    I just flashed my vega 56 with 64 bios and have now overclocked it.

    Here are my settings: https://s.put.re/vHhs3yC.png

    And here is my mh/s: https://s.put.re/mJiG1kr.png

    Im getting really good rates but im wondering if my settings are safe.

    submitted by /u/SnakeFawk
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    Is this type of riser ok to use?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:40 PM PST

    Which coin is most profitable to mine on a 3 RX 580 rig right now??

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 12:49 AM PST

    Multiple GPUs - Awesome Miner

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 04:50 PM PST

    I currently have a GTX 960 and GTX 1080TI and have some questions around Awesome Miner.

    1. Is it possible to run the 1080ti mining, while using the 960 for general computing, to avoid having my system run slowly?
    2. Is it possible to run both the 960 and 1080 at the same time, with the free Awesome Miner version?
    3. Is it possible to run the 1080ti gaming, and use the 960 for mining in the background, at the same time?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/nyu_db
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    What screws do use to to screw in the gpu clamps.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 11:58 PM PST

    Sorry for the confusing question, but what screws are used to mount the gpu on.

    submitted by /u/areddituser46
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    Are people with multiple PSUs in the US using different fuses?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 11:45 PM PST

    A 20amp fuse in the US at 110v will net you around 1900w potential. An 8x 1080TI build will use more than that at peak. Are people splitting their PSUs in to different rooms, or is my math wrong?

    submitted by /u/manfrin
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    community for bitcoin signals/pump&dumps - NEXT PUMP IN 2 HOURS

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 05:22 AM PST

    Having power issues but can't figure out why.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 11:18 PM PST

    So I have a 1500watt Rosell 80+ titanium certified PSU. I am currently running 4 GTX 1080ti's, 4 risers, 7 fans, a 60gb SSD, and a G4600.

    But all calculations this shouldn't have any problems running these four cards. But it always powers down unless I have the gpus TDP turned down significantly even at max tilt this psu should be able to handle these cards.

    It's an open air build and they are all running cool so nothing is overheating, the CPU is cool as well.

    Do risers really use that much power? I had all of these running before the risers, or is there something i'm missins?

    submitted by /u/Ragnaroknight
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    Having second thoughts on GPU choice?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:43 PM PST

    I just this week ordered a machine, but having some second thoughts on the GPU. I chose a ryzen 5 1400 cpu, paired with two 1060 OC gpus and one Asus 1070 Ti. I am wondering should have I paid a little more for the 1080 oc, instead of the 1070 ti or switch one of the 1060 for a regular 1070? It would cost about $135 to swap to the 1070(from 1060) or 1080(from 1070 ti). Is it worth the extra power usage and cost for hopefully improved hash rates or should I keep what I ordered? Thank you.

    BTW: Related should I also go with the higher end ryzen 5 1600 and try cpu mining for monero?

    submitted by /u/cannaqueers
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    Mix GPU for mining different algos

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:21 PM PST

    Let's say in one rig I have GPU0 (AMD) and GPU1 (Nvidia). Is it possible to have GPU0 mine ETH and GPU1 mine Lyra2REv2 at the same time?


    submitted by /u/foresttrader
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