• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 3, 2018

    Crypto Currency Markets My guide to making money off crypto without investing a single dollar.

    Crypto Currency Markets My guide to making money off crypto without investing a single dollar.

    My guide to making money off crypto without investing a single dollar.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 06:32 PM PST

    For all you n00b investors, FYI I made $3000~ bucks off selling tokens that I got for free. So before you start getting all risky and HELOC your house to try and fly to the moon, I suggest hopping into the crypto-space with a more conservative mindset. All I did was participate in token airdrops, bag held a bit, then sold after a bit. In all instances, I sold way too early but I will not complain about free money.

    Many people don't realize that most ICOs suck. Almost all of them are illegal and violate securities law. With an airdrop, the tokens are free so you have nothing to lose and there is no money invested -100% safe in any country and nice on your wallet.

    Seems pretty easy right? Well yes and no. The tricky part is finding a half decent project that does an airdrop. There are very few good ones as many projects want to raise money instead of give away tokens for free.

    In Conclusion:

    Airdrops can happen on really good projects, I made a fair amount off Stellar last year just by holding a bit of BTC, and holding ETH I was able to obtain OMG which is up 10 fold. The total cost for these coins were 0 (I legit got them for free).

    There are 2 projects right now that are doing airdrops that have caught my eye:

    VICO token by Verified ICOs


    Polymath Network Token

    If anyone knows any other ones, feel free to post as I wouldn't mind getting into more free token projects.

    Cheers to free money.

    submitted by /u/fredrock12
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    Interstellar Leap: Stellar Lumens Up 50%, Surpasses Litecoin at $16 Billion

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:57 AM PST

    LiveEdu ICO — The next-gen decentralized online learning platform (Y-combinator)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 04:54 PM PST

    What happened to this sub?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 04:05 AM PST

    Ranting is about to ensue

    Hey mods can we get some modding out here? All I see now are shit posts.

    • "Top 5 coins of 2017 number 5 will shock you."

    • "OMG guys buy into X super undervalued, low market. cap, great whitepaper."

    • "Guys WTF coin X is dropping fucking HODL."

    • Shitty Lambo memes.

    • "I'm out guys thanks for the roller coaster I've made 5000000000 dollars on X, Y, and Z."

    Isn't this sub supposed to be about the technology and talking about, I don't know, the actually fucking markets? I understand that alot of noobs are jumping on the crypto hype but please keep your shitty memes to yourselves we don't have many subs this big about coins as a whole w/o censorship.

    Mods please freaking mod ok. I've your having trouble controlling it all maybe open up some mod applications. At the very least raise the posting/commenting age and karma requirements.

    sorry I'm naturally salty as fuck.

    Edit: I'd like to thank the mods for reaching out and taking all of our feedback.

    A couple more things and rule proposals.

    • Stop spamming your referral codes this isn't the place and no one is going to use it.

    • Cut it out with the low effort posts one one wants to rate your portfolio no one cares.

    • No more shit ICO's you know what mean the ones that are obviously spam

    • No more clickbaity BuzzFeed like shit. "Top 10 coins of 2017"

    I've talked to a mod and hopefully they are planning on implementing some new rules and allowing the community to vote on them as this sub continues to grow.

    anyway thanks for listening to my annoying rant

    submitted by /u/whaliam
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    Ready for 2018! ������

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 04:57 PM PST

    R/cryptomarkets listening to coin shills

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 03:37 PM PST

    Coinmarketcap Data Analysis: People are mostly just buying coins with cheap prices and large circulating supplies

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:04 PM PST

    I downloaded the coinmarketcap.com data for the top 100 cryptocurrencies as of a couple hours ago (source) and did some charts of which coins gained the most in the last 7 days. Note: These are not weighted averages but I doubt that makes any difference.

    Top 100 CMC coins by price
    Here we're sorting by price-per-coin from the most expensive coins (BTC, BCH, DASH, ETH) to the least expensive (KIN, XP, BCN, DOGE). There's a pretty clear trend here that the expensive coins are up a little bit, but the cheaper the coin is the more likely it is to be up a huge amount.

    Top 100 CMC coins by circulating supply
    This is sorted by the total number of coins in circulating supply, from fewest (GBYTE, GNO, BTCD, DGD) to the most (KIN, XP, BCN, DOGE). There's an even clearer trend here that the coins with smaller total supplies are up a little bit, but the more coins circulating the more likely that coin is to be up by a lot.

    Top 100 CMC coins by market cap
    This is the top 100 coins by the value of their total market capitalization from lowest (WTC, POE, BLOCK, ITC) to highest (BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH). This time there's basically no trend. The coins with the highest market caps are up just about as much as the lowest market cap coins, and it's fairly random inbetween.

    I'm neither a statistician nor a market analyst but this looks like pure market irrationality to me. The best recent predictor here for market performance of a coin is simply the size of its circulating supply, which is essentially a meaningless decision about where to put a decimal place. Satoshi could have just as easily capped bitcoin at 21 billion coins instead of 21 million, and maybe if he did the BTC market cap would be much higher because people would perceive it as "seeming cheap".

    We're in a bull market and nearly everything has been up, so there's a lot of FOMO and throwing money at anything that moves. If this was the stock market I would knowingly tap the side of my monocle and say "Oh ho, fundamental valuations will catch up to you in the end, and then you'll be sorry you didn't do your due dilligence." In crypto, however, I've seen little evidence so far that fundamental valuation ever catches up to anybody.

    submitted by /u/JKadsderehu
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    In your opinion what is the next Ripple

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 03:05 PM PST

    If you invested 100$ into ripple at the beginning of 2017 you would now have about 35,000$. Of course we all want in on something like this, so what is your opinion on what will be the next ripple?

    submitted by /u/PnutButaAnDcraK
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    Controversial advice: be careful, we're in a bubble

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 06:30 AM PST

    Not many people are going to like this advice, but please be careful with your money as we're currently in a crypto bubble, and think before investing, don't just look at yesterday growth to make your decision.

    Why we're in a bubble, you ask? Because there's a ton of coins at the moment, and the majority have been going up crazily for a few weeks/months (since BTC started growing like crazy months ago).

    It's fair to assume that the vast majority of these coins are either scams, PnD schemes, or won't simply stand the test of time. So why are they all growing 50% a week? Because it's a bubble and even grandmas are starting to invest in this gold rush. You see SuperCoin5000 has gone from $0.01 to $15 in 2 weeks and think it's the next Bitcoin. It's probably not.

    Read up the whitepapers, re-read them until you understand what's going on, read up on all criticism you can find online, read the dedicated subreddits with a lot of salt, think "would I use this coin for some practical purpose?", and then make your decision. You'd probably pick a couple coins, and ignore most of them.

    And, super cliché, don't invest what you're prepared to completely lose.

    I'm not going to give any advice on which coins I think are best. Just use your brain.

    submitted by /u/1_player
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    New trading strat: Seeing how much I can make off reddit shill coins- Week 1 Results, Started at $1000, already up +$743

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:18 PM PST

    Short term perspectives on RaiBlocks, Stellar, REQ and VeChain.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 05:51 PM PST

    I feel that the four mentioned coins all stand to gain immense market share over the course of this upcoming first quarter 2018. I am diversified in each however I'm really curious to hear what everyone thinks is the best pick for short term gains.

    I think all four are here to stay in the long run. Most diversified investors seem to have at least a couple of these in their possession now. And I've heard good arguments about each showing the most long term potential... but if you had to pick one to win the 1st quarter of 2018 purely based on percentage of growth - which one of the 4 and why?

    submitted by /u/MisterTimberShiver
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    Total market cap is +200 billion dollars since the start of the year 2018

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:22 PM PST

    In Response to All the "This Market is Stupid" Posts for the New Year

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 11:02 AM PST

    Every New Year, the hoards flock to their blogs to reflect on last year and grant their gathered wisdom to the unwashed masses. Predictably, we're seeing these posts shared here as well, in all their glory: "This market doesn't make sense, it won't last!"

    I'm going to cut this off right now for anyone really buying into these posts: There is no safer bet than saying something won't last. This market won't last. Microsoft won't last. You and I won't last.

    This is an emerging market, behaving like an emerging market. It is specifically not meant to last. It is a highly competitive land-grab for market share. Next will come maturation as the next stage of adopters come in, then consolidation, then decline. This is all business as usual.

    This is where large returns are made. Once a market is mature and stable, you'll get your 7% return on average. Cryptos are not in the stage of the S&P 500. It is not meaningful to compare the two, nor insightful to point out they are different.

    Do your own research, make your own choices.

    submitted by /u/crypto-ish
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    Raiblocks ($XRB): probably the deepest analysis about Raiblocks you can find

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:48 AM PST

    Why is the crypto bubble different from all others...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:26 PM PST

    Markets are category 2 chaos systems. The difference between a category 1 and category 2 chaos system is that a category 1 system doesn't react to predictions.

    For example: The weather is a category 1 chaos system. There's so many variables interacting that you can't perfectly predict it. It's chaos. But we try to predict it. And the weather doesn't give a shit about our predictions. It's going to be what it's going to be no matter what we say. Category 1.

    A category 2 chaos system is reactive. Not only can't you predict how the stock market will act. You can't predict how the market will react to the prediction of how it will act. If I say the market will go up 10% tomorrow, then everyone will buy in an attempt to take advatage of the increase thereby making it go up 20% potentially, in turn falsifying my 10% prediction. Category 2 chaos systems react to themselves.

    So why is the crypto bubble (assuming it is one) different from all other bubbles...

    With the housing bubble in 2008, no one was on the news calling it a bubble until after the fact. Dot com bubble? I don't know. I'd have to do more research. But people who remember it tell me that there was not nearly as many people going on the news saying the dot com era was a bubble.

    What makes the crypto bubble different is that it is arguably the most self-aware bubble in history. I think that's partially what accounts for the hyper volatility. I also think it's also what allows for this bubble to have greater longevity.

    Think of an analogy to a balloon: If you just blow up a balloon all the way, it'll pop. But if you blow up a balloon a bit and then let some air out and then blow it up some more and then let some air out, you'll fulfill the balloon's elastic potential far more than if you just blew it up all at once.

    How does this analogy pertain to the crypto bubble? Well, because of how self-aware the market is — because of how often someone cries "bubble" or "fraud" or "crash" — the market takes wild dips periodically. This is the equivalent to letting out air from the balloon. It allows the market to expand even further. The housing bubble wasn't a self-aware bubble, so it hit hard and all at once and out of no where.

    The attribute that makes the crypto bubble different from any bubble in history (high degree of awareness) is what gives it so much potential for growth before it bursts.

    submitted by /u/davidmichaelmiller
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    What coins do you think are undervalued compared to their tech, potential and partnerships? [Plus my top 7 picks]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 01:34 PM PST

    This sub and a few others have been helped me find some incredible projects flying under the radar that have been great investments with significant ROI's...

    And so I wanted to a) share my top picks for 2018 and beyond and b) get your input as to what coins/projects you think have outstanding tech, great partnerships and big potential.

    I'll start with my picks and a quick summary of why:

    Skycoin (SKY) - Incredible project that has largely been flying under the radar. What they are building is truly next level:

    1) ability to scale to infinite transactions per second with no fees 2) decentralized internet platform via sophisticated meshnet 3) founded and developed by some of the original BTC and ETH developers with an activity community around it 4) 51% attack and quantum secure 5) Can support apps with their native language CX 6) Has distributed file storage and communications platform built in

    Why I like it: Low circulating supply (20,000,000) giving it potential price dynamics similar to BTC, undervalued, not on any big exchanges yet, no big marketing efforts done yet, tech is next level. All these forces combine to give it some serious headroom. Recent bull run put it in the top 100 so expect some more visibility going forward.

    Substratum (SUB) - Decentralized internet, beautiful ecosystem design, communicative team with marketing saavy and experience designing enterprise level software ecosystems, about to launch their first iteration of their product in a few weeks (Jan 2018), token still very affordable with huge upside potential if project is successful and catches on, positive market sentiment.

    PowerLedger (POWR) - Multiple partnerships with organizations and govt's across Australia, Europe and Thailand and likely more in the pipeline, brings efficiency improvements and decentralization to power and renewable energy markets which are huge, large team, token still cheap with a lot of headroom and potential given the potential market size

    Singularity Net (AGI) - See video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RHMzi-WTYU for some great fundamentals analysis, but this is a stacked AI ecosystem project with some big enterprise level partners on board already. Just ICO'ed, sold out in 66 sec. not on any exchanges yet (will be releasing in Jan 2018) so opportunity to basically get in close to the ground floor. Not a lot of big players in the AI space in Crypto yet and these guys have some major heavyweights in their corner.

    Xtrabytes (XBY) - Akin to Ethereum 3.0 — solves many of the issues of the ETH blockchain and similar smart contract/dApp platforms, can handle up to 10,000 tx/s or more when network is fully up and running, reportedly quantum secure and infinitely scalable. Note: This project is still quite early in its development with some big proof of concept releases expected in the next few weeks. As such, price is low, risk is high, but definitely looks promising and the chance to get in on the ground floor of a potentially major project.

    Chainlink (LINK) - Brilliant team, already partnered with SWIFT and major universities, no major competitors and solving a big problem in connecting smart contracts with real world data (Oracles), well funded, not well marketed with lots of upside as their products come on line. Downside is the team is not marketing saavy, upside is they are focused on building an insanely good product and developing real world partnerships so you are not buying hype here. Could be a sleeping giant as they lock in users and deals. Token has utility value in the ecosystem and the market potential is massive.

    Horizon State (HST) - Bringing voting to the blockchain which will significantly lower costs for organizations and governments, already have ties to the UN and a few big orgs, great team, marketing saavy, great token ecosystem and all around solid project. Still under the radar. Small token supply gives very good price dynamics if this catches on. Currently trading around ~ $1.

    Please share your picks below!

    submitted by /u/crypto_nerd17
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    How to do my own research on a coin?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 06:11 PM PST

    Been reading the fourms here and while I've learned alot, I know I should still do my own research on a particular coin. Question is how exactly do I go about that? Is there a particular place where I can learn out the tech and how it benefits society?

    submitted by /u/xadc430x
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    For those looking into FUN, remember, the entire online casino industry is only worth $47 Billion and online gambling is primarily illegal in the US.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 07:39 AM PST

    This isn't FUD, it's just a wake up call. Being a former online casino consultant this project stood out to me. It's highly HIGHLY doubtful FUN, a game distributor, will take in 25% of all online gambling earnings so be weary of the market cap. This project shouldn't reach a market cap close to the top 10 given the industry they are in is not big enough. It's important for us to pinch ourselves and realize we are investing in companies and need to properly value THEM not just crypto.

    Additionally, of this $47bn, 48% comes from sports betting which does not have the same trust issues as casino games. source

    Lastly if you're interested in this tech, consider checking out others that are doing the same thing. I won't say their names so I'm not 'a shill,' but google blockchain casino.

    Overall, I think there is a need for this product. It's a good use of blockchain. However, if you're expectations are for a multi-billionaire market cap coin then I'd suggest finding a coin with a larger addressable market.

    submitted by /u/usereddit
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    SALT Lending

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:52 PM PST

    ** crossposting from /r/personalfinance with some details removed. I'm hoping to get better advice from some of you all who are more experienced in crypto... ***

    I have a little under $5,000 in credit card debt, most owed to Chase Bank. I have three cards that have between 18 and 24% APR, and I would like to consolidate this to one source.

    How does SALT lending sound to you all? I have about three thousand dollars of Litecoin available for collateral. I have $500 of money set aside for investments that I can use to purchase SALT Tokens in order to qualify for a loan.

    If you don't think this is a viable option, do you have any other suggestions? I very much want to learn how to be financially responsible and smart while supporting a market I believe in. You all give great advice, and I want to set myself up for a great future.

    I make between $1200 - $2400/month (I do freelance work and have a steady weekday job in mental healthcare), and I can usually put ~$400/month towards debt repayment.

    What would happen to my crypto assets if SALT flops before I can recover my crypto due to debt?

    Thanks. I appreciate any and all help, and I very much appreciate any learning opportunity presented.

    submitted by /u/Foxxcraft
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    SALT Lending has added ETH as collateral to their platform, ahead of schedule.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 03:59 AM PST

    Are there any bearish arguments against XRB?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:12 AM PST

    XRB just seems... pristine at this time. I'm bullish but would like to hear other people's bearish viewpoints.

    Please, rational discussion, instead of shilling.

    submitted by /u/oarabbus
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    Programmer explains Raiblocks! Pretty interesting if you want a quick run-down.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:35 PM PST

    Stellar Lumens Price Prediction 2018 (Updated Technical Analysis!)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 03:26 PM PST

    1-month Update: Diversified Portfolio up 233% vs BTC up 36%

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:46 AM PST

    QASH's Worldbook has completed development and is now going through quality assurance! • r/LiquidQASH

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:39 AM PST

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