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    Monday, January 24, 2022

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - January 24, 2022 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - January 24, 2022 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - January 24, 2022 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 04:00 PM PST

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.



    Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.



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    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I mean this in the absolute nicest way possible, but some of you just need to get a job

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:34 AM PST

    It's no secret that a significant portion of this sub are small time investors, and while not inspirational, it's also no secret that it takes money to make money. I mean what I'm about to say as genuine advice, not to make fun of anyone, but a lot of people here really need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

    Every day we have people stressing and speculating over the day-to-day movements of their crypto, panicking over bear markets, asking "where should I invest this spare $50?!" in the daily. When in reality, they could see their portfolio do a 2x by working a few solid minimum wage shifts and dumping the paycheck into crypto.

    A nice 20% pump on the $100 you invested in your favourite alt-coin which you spent hours researching, still only leaves you with $20 profit. You could probably ask your mom for $20 and she'd give it to you. It might be a harsh truth, but crypto isn't a life-changing opportunity until you're working with a decent stack of money, until then, conventional money-making methods are faster and more lucrative (without the potential downside of investing!)

    It's not what you want to hear, but a couple hundred dollars in the market isn't going to make you financially free unless you're the crypto-embracing, second coming of Warren Buffett. Grinding out a real life job and dumping that money into crypto? That might just do the trick though.

    Important disclaimer/reminder: I mean ZERO hate to small time investors whatsoever with this post. You guys are learning essential lessons and gaining investing experience without the risk and potential downside of others with more skin in the game, and most importantly, small amounts of money can mean a hell of a lot more to some people than others. I'm simply saying look at the bigger picture, and make the most of your time. Crypto becomes more rewarding the more you can safely invest into it, typical jobs might not have the potential of crypto, but they will build you a base and give you a start way faster and safer.

    submitted by /u/RyanShieldsy
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    Warning: Coin Bureau's YouTube channel has been hacked and the hackers have released a new video telling everyone to buy a new scam coin

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 04:29 AM PST

    Warning: Coin Bureau's YouTube channel has been hacked and the hackers have released a new video telling everyone to buy a new scam coin

    Coin Bureau's new YouTube video titled, 'One World Cryptocurrency' is an obvious scam. Most of the comments on that video are probably bots. Its a 1 minute video and it just contains some slides on how to buy the new scam coin. Not sure if coin bureau is the only one affected by this hack. Guy has not provided an update yet but he will probably post something about it in his telegram channel or on his twitter account. Obviously the scam coin is on Binance Smart Chain, who could've seen that coming. This is as obvious of a scam as you're ever gonna get, please don't buy it.


    Reasons why there is no way this was posted by the Coin Bureau team:

    1. Its a scam.
    2. Guy does not give financial advice.
    3. They don't post short videos.

    Edit: Guy has confirmed on Twitter that their account has been hacked.

    Edit 2: Some other YouTube channels that have been hacked have also published the same video. These channels include The Moon, Floyd Mayweather, aantonop and Crypto Banter

    submitted by /u/SauceMaster145
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    A notorious market bear who called the 2000 and 2007 crashes unloads on the Fed for creating 'the most extreme financial bubble in US history' — and warns of a 70% drop in the S&P 500 just to return to normal valuation levels

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 04:23 AM PST

    Anyone else not really scared?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:17 AM PST

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not jumping with joy either, but I was shitting myself during the 2018, March 2020, and May 2021 crashes while pretending to be okay… This time I don't really care. I'm a little upset I didn't set aside more cash to buy in a bear market, but looking forward to working and investing as much as I can if we go really low.

    I'm not happy we're going down but I'm also not shitting myself, just kind of whatever about it. If we go up from here, great 👍 I'll sell some. If we go down from here, fuckit I'll buy some.

    submitted by /u/Shmux2
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    This sub when prices go up: They will go up forever 1M EOY. This sub when prices go down: It's going to 10k I told you so.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:15 AM PST

    It's just fascinating that this sub, an actual sub that should support crypto, is always putting in the biggest bearish sentiment and FUD. Anytime the prices go down everyone here panics and starts their "I told you so". And put in targets of 10k. This sub is actually the place the most pessimistic about crypto prices.

    I get it that you don't want to have false hope and get shocked afterwards. But still you should prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    And it's the exact opposite when prices go up. Then they think it's going to go up every day and forever. We are going to reach 100k in this run. That's just not how it is, green and red days are mixed up, we won't straight up shoot to 100k or so. We will suffer for that.

    submitted by /u/partymsl
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    Guess who doesn't care about crypto price crashes? The investors pouring billions into the sector, the hundreds of banks about to offer trading services to their clients, and devs actually building better, faster, cheaper alternatives to what is being used today.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:44 AM PST

    Here's some food for thought. Major investors like VC and private equity funds, put their money into projects with a roughly five year time horizon (when they have to pay back their investors.)

    Literally billions of dollars have flowed into the crypto markets in January, 2022 alone. Temporary price movements have little to no effect on these investor decisions.

    As the old sports saying goes, hockey players skate to where the puck will be, not where it is now.

    Other trends point in the same direction.

    More and more banks are going to offer crypto trading services (watch out for those fees) according to industry stalwart American Banker (https://www.americanbanker.com/list/7-tech-trends-to-watch-in-2022-from-crypto-banking-to-biometrics). They do this because they project continued demand for these services, which requires them to spend money on infrastructure, marketing, It teams, to make it happen. As slow as banks generally move, the fact they are offering these services is a longer-term plus.

    Still not enough positive momentum?

    Consider which Blockchain/web 3.0/tokenization projects are actually making services better, faster, or cheaper (or will relatively soon.) The tech adoption curve starts out slow, but eventually sweeps upwards over time (no one knows how long it will take until there's mass adoption.)

    Crashes like this shake out weak projects, get-rich-quick traders (they'll be back when green days return, no doubt), and other fad chasers. That doesn't change the longer-term trajectory of the industry.

    submitted by /u/bkcrypt0
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    For everyone who is freaking out right now I would like to point out that in the last year Bitcoin is up 4.42% while Amazon is down 15%

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:11 AM PST

    For everyone who is freaking out right now I would like to point out that in the last year Bitcoin is up 4.42% while Amazon is down 15%

    I know you people have the attention span of hamsters but lets keep things in perspective

    In the last 365 days Bitcoin is up 4.42% in that same span of time Amazon is down 15%


    But I know what you're all thinking 365 days is a long time. How can you possibly hodl an entire year?


    Based on my extensive research it takes roughly 3-4 weeks to sail across the Atlantic ocean. If you have a boat and leave right away, you should be able to do 7 round trips.

    Now lets say you can't swim or you don't have a boat:


    Since all you guys talk about it going to the moon, just go!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

    In 365 days you could go back and forth to the moon almost 45 times

    so if a Saturn V rocket cost $185 million X 45 trips that comes out to $8,325,000,000.00

    submitted by /u/Sabertoothkittens
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    Do you ever just scroll through this sub, especially when times are like this, reading the advice and think... OH JUST STFU ALREADY!!!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:35 AM PST

    Surely I'm not the only one (maybe I am lol).

    You must know what I mean......

    ...."Buy the dip" .... "The dip will continue, and I'm going to tell you why" . .... "This happened to me in 2020, and I'm gonna tell you about it" ...."HODL!!" ...."You said you wanted a dip, here it is!!!" ...."People!! Look at my chart, where I prove something to you" .... "We hate Cardano, and we are going to let you know!!"

    Newbies must walk in here, take a look around and their jaws must hit the floor. Lol

    This post suggests X... The next post is from some dude who has spent the last 2 weeks putting charts together "proving" X to be ridiculous.

    Just a harmless observation, no offence intended!!

    Anyways, I'm off to give the ShibArmy a piece of my mind...wish me luck. X

    submitted by /u/Alice-null
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    You should always save a certain amount of money and keep it for these situations when market prices are down.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 04:00 AM PST

    And I did not do that, so don't be like me.

    Even though I said it before and even though I have written it now and even though I have been saying it to myself for the last 5 months greed has done its thing and I have not saved a single dollar, euro or anything like that for these situations.

    I was in profit with a couple of coins and I was telling myself that I should get a few hundreds there, few from other coin and just keep it in fiat or stablecoin or whatever, just save it for a dip or crash, nothing more, nothing less.

    Of course, I always invested using DCA tactics and I will keep doing that, but I thought I should have a certain amount of money for a really big dip or crash and don't touch it untill it happens.

    Anyway, don't be like me, keep some money in case of a drop, crash.

    This is the time when people are making money, investing and waiting for prices to climb up again.

    submitted by /u/UnexperiencedIT
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    You're gonna hate this

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 02:06 PM PST

    You're gonna hate this

    I'm seeing a lot of posts today about buying the dip and how today is different than 2018 because of increased adoption and more advanced tech, mainly in L1s. I hate to break it to you, but none of that matters. Have a look at this:


    EDIT: The chart cuts off at 2016...which is apparently making some people think there was a bear market sometime after 2016. Let's have a look:


    There was no bear market. There was a relatively small crash in 2020 as everyone panicked over Covid. That's not a bear market. This picture also shows you that it's even worse, the market has been absolutely parabolic for almost 2 years.

    That's the S&P 500 index. Notice something? Every ten years or so there's a severe downward correction which lasts 1-2 years. In the early 2000s it was the tech bubble, in 2008/9 it was the mortgage crisis. As you can see here, we've been in a sharp uptrend for over 10 years now. This uptrend has been fueled not in small part by record low interest rates. This is turn has resulted in parts of the market being hopelessly overvalued, a prime example being Tesla.

    Now look at the crypto charts, specifically the top 50 alts. Most of them have had absolutely face melting pumps over the last 18 months. Do you think that's just going to keep going up? Their valuations are now so ridiculous that 'crypto market caps' are basically a meme, completely detached from reality. Of course market caps are hardly ever a true reflection of what company is worth, but they are a reflection of the amount of speculation in the current market. Just to look at a few:

    Cardano MC $36 billion, doesn't have fully functional smart contracts, lots of promises while continually underdelivering, if at all.

    Solana: MC $30 billion, has been unusable for the last 48 hours, has suffered multiple outages over the last 6 months which lasted up to 17 hours.

    Dogecoin: $18 billion MC....don't think I need to go into more detail on this one.

    Ethereum: $288 billion market cap, supposed to disrupt the global banking industry (along with everything else), meanwhile it costs $200 for a simple ERC20 token swap.

    BTC: $665 billion market cap, supposed to be the future of digital store of value, meanwhile, has lost more than 50% in value over the course of 2.5 months.


    The point is that these market caps aren't a reflection of the current states of those projects, but rather their promised states at some future point in time. Unless that point in time is very close as in a few months away, that's not sustainable. I personally don't think that point in time is very close, as almost nothing in crypto currency works as advertised.

    What would a multi year global bear market mean for crypto?

    - BTC bleeds more than stock market

    - ETH bleeds more than BTC

    - Alts will bleed even heavier than ETH and a good number will never recover. You have to remember something very basic here: if an alt your holding loses 90% of its value in the bear market, it has to pull a 10X just to get back to its previous price.

    Further complication:

    DCAing into projects is obviously the way to go in a bear market, but it becomes more difficult to predict what projects will have merit the longer the bear market continues. Will your favourite project still be relevant in 2024 or will it be replaced by something that hasn't even launched and won't until 2023? The longer the bear market lasts, the more likely that outcome becomes. Do lots of research, try to keep up with the tech developments in crypto. The next Solana or Luna is probably being planned as I write this. Try to find it.

    submitted by /u/Rusty_Charm
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    Biden Administration to Release Executive Order on Crypto as Early as February: Report - Just great. Just where the Government doesn’t belong

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 07:22 PM PST

    JP Morgan Chase has closed down the bank account of Uniswap's founder. He says it's simply for working in crypto.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 09:14 AM PST

    JP Morgan Chase has closed down the bank account of Uniswap's founder. He says it's simply for working in crypto.

    JP Morgan has closed down the bank account of Uniswap's founder Hayden Adams, a software engineer and tech entrepreneur.

    He says not only him, but many others have been targeted just because they work in crypto.

    This is an abusive display of power.

    Uniswap is a multi-billion market cap trading platform that does revenue comparable with the likes of Robinhood.

    Banks shutting down accounts of individuals just because they work in what could be perceived as a competitor industry should never be tolerated.

    submitted by /u/Set1Less
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    Everyone is right in a bull market. Influencers are not your ally. Spend your attention wisely!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:32 AM PST

    This post might be a little too soon, or at least a little too raw, given the bloodbath we're seeing today. But I think it's important to remind folks of the lessons learned along the way here, one of which being -- managing our attention given to influencers.

    I've been in crypto since 2017 and have definitely shaved years off my life watching my portfolio rise and fall. But one thing that has steadily risen over the past 5 years, has been the increase of influencers on twitter, youtube, and other social media platforms. Insert picture of influencer with their mouth wide open; arrows and charts falling down; and a clickbait title of "Bitcoin to $0?!" The fact that you know exactly what im talking about is cause for concern.

    At the end of the day, these 'influencers' are simply seizing an opportunity to make money. A large interest in crypto is growing, and so, there's an opportunity to amass advertising revenue for these talking heads. For the vast majority of these channels, these influencers have 0 knowledge of what they are doing. They've simply googled "Technical analysis", watched other influencers, and then spit out their own content.

    The beauty of a bull market is that everything just goes up. It's hard to be wrong. To that end, these influencers have slowly gained your trust even though most are new to crypto themselves! But when things get tough -- your guess is as good as theirs. The difference is -- they're still making money off of your viewcount.

    There are a select few who exercise caution in price forecasting, but no one really knows. But these people *dont care* if you succeed or fail. And it's important to remember that; especially now. EVERY influencer loves this price drop because... where is everyone flocking to for help? To their channels. More volume, more revenue, more followers.

    These days, I spend most of my attention watching and reading about projects and their backgrounds as opposed to price forecasts (i.e., Crypto Bureau, etc). I also try to lean on 5 years of price action experience help determine when to buy and sell. This has worked far more advantageous than listening to influencers.

    To end, I'm hoping that at least 1 of you will take a step back and think about what caused you to hodl after seeing massive gains in 2021. Eventually, this drop and/or bear market WILL end, and we'll be back into up-only territory. Who will you be listening to when that time comes?

    submitted by /u/myhaxdontwork
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    Latest Solana outage leave users liquidated

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:32 AM PST

    If your portfolio is bleeding right now and you feel bad about it, just remember: if you had bought ICP at the top, you'd be down 97.3% right now

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 05:02 AM PST

    That means it wouild need to increase in value x37 just for you to break even!

    I scraped the ATH prices of the top 200 coins, how much they're down since then, and when they reached that ATH from Coingecko to see if anything else even comes close. And well... yeah! Zcash is currently down a tiny bit more (-97.4%) and the ATH was in October 2016. If you're a bagholder from back then, you maybe should get used to the idea of selling at a loss at some point! Small Love Potion lost 97.2% in value - since July!

    Bitcoin and Ethereum are holding up quite okay - at least in comparison to others, they are down 51.5% and 54.6%, respectively, only 24 and 34 non-stablecoins in the top 200 are currently closer to their ATHs

    How's Doge doing? For some reason, I regularly see articles and posts here about how it's down so much since its ATH, does it really stand out negatively compared to others? Well... not really. It's down 82.5% - which is a lot! - but 54 coins in the top 200 are down further, quite a few other top 50 coins (like XRP, BCH, VET, ETC, FIL, THETA, and of course ICP) are down much further.

    Here you can see the whole data visualized, the size of the dots indicates market cap, so bigger dots = bigger coins. Let's hope we see more green again soon!

    submitted by /u/mic_droo
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    70% of El Salvador population already use Bitcoin (over 4 million people). Only 2 million people have a bank account. In just a few months, Bitcoin has banked more than 2 million people excluded by the banking system for decades

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:59 AM PST

    Why most of you won't get rich from crypto?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 07:55 PM PST

    This isn't a rant post, but a reminder that most people here won't get rich from crypto. I have seen tons of HODL and DCA posts during the past 1 year. They make sense to most of the new investors when you see the market retrospectively. It seems very lucrative and missed opportunity at the same time, when we zoom out and see Coin X making 50X gains, coin Y making 100X gains in a year.

    But there's another harsh truth taht seems to pop out when you zoom out on the charts. It's that when the markets plummet, then Hodling isn't easy and many people think that buying at such times is crazy.

    So, if you aren't in crypto for longer run, and invested already too much beyond your limits, then this volatile market if not for you.

    Invest what you can and never beyond what you can't, let the dust settle, markets will rise again sometime in future.

    submitted by /u/CoolCoolPapaOldSkool
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    You will know when the bottom is after you miss it

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 04:08 AM PST

    The only way to know when the bottom is, is in hindsight after you have missed it and see everything start to gain in value again.

    So to those trying to time the market and not buying till the very bottom it is very likely that you will continue to wait for cheaper and cheaper prices and may very well wait for a price target that may never arise.

    This is exactly why you should be DCAing slowly into the market and keep buying more as it dips. Many people call this catching knifes but if you're smart about this I call it catching cheap sats. You may not time the exact bottom with this strategy but you will likely get close and when the inevitable market reversible occurs you will be happy.

    I will admit the market looks bearish and I do think there's a lot more red to come so I'm burning up the fiat miner and DCAing into my Cryptos of choice. I suggest you all do the same.

    Especially if you were rushing to buy in at ATH and now your Crypto of choice is half the price it should be 2x as attractive, assuming your investment philosophy has remained the same and nothing has changed about the underlying asset.

    Happy Dip Buying! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Many_Arm7466
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    2018 vs 2022

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:25 AM PST

    I am just going to write this for the people that are scared. I see a lot of you are thinking that it's going to zero. Can that happen? Don't know but I do know it can go very close to zero.

    I'm talking about your portfolio that can almost go to zero. In 2017 I bought for around $3000 which rose above $7000/8000.

    In 2018 it went into red numbers big time. My friends who helped me in the crypto world told me not to worry. Of course I worried shitless.

    Every day it went lower and lower. Trust me, it went down to $400/500. I said fuck this shit, it's all lost. So I took my loss and stopped being very active(didn't sell though).

    For example:

    I bought bitcoin($18k I think), chainlink($0.32), ($0.45)ripple, (cant remember but around 30 cents) ada and tron($0.03). We all know where most are even now.

    Im still up good but down huge since a few months like everybody else.

    Long story short: Hodl.

    Edit: for some people here below commenting and cry about everything, I can prove I'm not full of shit.

    submitted by /u/memmox
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    You're gonna love this

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 06:46 PM PST

    You're gonna love this

    This is in response to the post titled "You're gonna hate this".

    I feel like the information from that post is misleading and causes unnecessary fear.

    The stock market

    OP says the stock market is "hopelessly overvalued" since it's in a sharp uptrend. The image they used was a screenshot of the S&P 500, with a LINEAR scale. Take a look at it with a log scale:

    Not so sharp now

    OP posted a screenshot, knit-picking the dot com bubble and mortgage crisis, implying that there must be a crash/bear market every 10 years. Take a look at this chart, where I overlayed the move from 1950-2000. A 50 year time period where the stock market sometimes went "sharply up". This isn't even accounting for inflation. Obviously, if trillions of dollars are printed, the stock market will seem like it is going parabolic.

    S&P Overlayed with move from 1950-2000

    As a final note, I suggest you watch Ben Cowen's video where he shows the stock market divided by the money supply. It's very interesting.

    Market Cap

    OP argued that the crypto market caps were too high. I think market cap in crypto is somewhat useful, but also very silly metric in some cases, especially in markets with low liquidity, where it is very easy to manipulate (like many alt coins mentioned in the post).

    Market Cap = Price * Supply

    Knowing this, it is much easier to influence lower liquidity markets/coins.

    Example #1: If I create 1B poop coins and sell 1 of them for $1, the market cap will be 1B.

    Example #2: Let's say poopcoin has a supply of 1M. The current price is $1. There is 1 poopcoin for sale at $1 in the order book and the next poopcoin for sale in the order book is for $1.50.

    If I only buy 1 poopcoin, my $1 order will increase the price of the coin to $1.50, thereby increasing the market cap from 1M to 1.5M.

    On the other hand, if there are 500k poopcoins for sale at $1 and I buy 400k, the price will remain at $1, meaning my $400k order wouldn't have moved the market cap at all.

    The point is, you can't compare crypto market caps to stock market caps. They're two very different entities.


    In conclusion, I think OP is spreading unnecessary FUD.

    The Fed isn't stupid. I don't believe they will purposefully cause a recession. Wall street is just reacting to the fact that rates might go up, which is causing them to de-risk.

    Obviously, there is a possibility for us to go into a bear market, I'm not denying that. I'm just saying that we don't know whats going to happen and I don't think spreading unnecessary fear is going to help.

    submitted by /u/Smaash_
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    For those who sold in November 2021, how did you know that was a good time to sell?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 05:37 AM PST

    Like many im one of the people that held onto their bags even though I was up x7 on my portfolio. I'm thankful I'm still up x2.5 but man I should've sold earlier. However, I got greedy. Now I'm down almost 100k where if I sold, I could've bought back in now and doubled or tripled all of my bags. Anyway hindsight is 20/20. WE LEARN AND WE MOVE!

    For those that sold at or near the peak, what are strategies you used to know it was a good time to sell?

    One thing I can think of is to set a target on your portfolio and once you hit that, sell. No matter what. There will always be other buying opportunities as clearly evidenced by the market.

    submitted by /u/myheadsexplodin
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    The Wednesday news is already priced in

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 07:44 AM PST

    As everybody knows there will be a big announcement on Wednesday that many think will result in big fluctuations in the crypto market. I am here to tell you that this news is already priced in, and now is the time to buy.

    Everybody who is anticipating bad news has already pulled out. This includes all of the whales, and it is a big reason the market is down. Do you think the whales are just sitting there waiting for a potential dump?

    What does that mean? It means that there are very few people left to pull out of the market (and make BTC drop further) after the announcement, regardless of what the announcement is.

    But if there is good news, they're ALL going to buy back in.

    So worst case, the market doesn't really move. Best case, we moon. Now is the time to buy.

    submitted by /u/_BreakingGood_
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    Don't be sad because of the market crash, the time to get rich is coming

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 05:15 AM PST

    "Your profits are made when you buy, not when you sell.' Price of Bitcoin crashing. Great news. I bought BC at $6K and 9K. I will buy more if and when BC tests $20k. Time to get richer is coming"

    Yes these words were said by Robert Kiyosaki in a tweet, The author of rich dad poor dad

    Isn't it much better we will be able to buy crypto at a much cheaper price? I mean shouldn't be happier that crypto prices are getting less and less and in the end, we would be able to buy more and more of crypto?

    Always remember, it gets worse before it gets better.

    Good luck to you all

    submitted by /u/evanfghfghgfh
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    Let's take a moment to share what we've learned from this crash.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:14 AM PST

    Don't comment if isn't something educational. If you don't agree we've crashed, just move on. Not trying to argue that.

    I think the first thing I can say is that I should've seen this coming. Most experts said that the rise of memecoins was a sign that the market was overinflated and a huge correction would be imminent. And a rise of memecoins we saw. 2 memecoins were in the top 15. Dogeelonmars made it to the top 100. So many different memecoins can be listed. You had new ones pumping every few days. Obviously hindsight is 20/20, but next bull run, (maybe it's in a few years) when coins with no use case start pumping 100x, it's a sign to start taking profits.

    Again, whether you think the market is gonna recover or not, I don't want to argue that. I want to just see what you guys have learned from this crash.

    submitted by /u/2COLD2HOLD88
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    Stock market and bitcoin are being mentioned together in headlines

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:09 AM PST

    Stock market and bitcoin are being mentioned together in headlines

    Most of the headlines I've seen today about the stock market drop also mention bitcoins drop.

    I know a drop is not a good thing but bitcoin being taken seriously amid a possible economic upset seems like a good thing overall for crypto. It's not just an afterthought anymore and more people are starting to take crypto seriously.

    People interested in stock market news are seeing crypto being mentioned more and more too so exposure outside of memecoins is increasing.

    That's how I see it but let me know your opinions.

    submitted by /u/SaezyF
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