• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 6, 2021

    GPU Mining My sons room never had good airflow from the heating vent. So every Winter I move a rig up here.

    GPU Mining My sons room never had good airflow from the heating vent. So every Winter I move a rig up here.

    My sons room never had good airflow from the heating vent. So every Winter I move a rig up here.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    ERGO Miners Update Urgently

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    ERGO Miners Update Urgently

    What happened? (Information from 2Miners)

    Ergo mining software stores special data table in the video card memory (analogue of DAG-file in the Ethereum network).

    This data table size is currently 2.08 GB.

    Starting from block 614 400 (approx. 07:00 UTC, November 7) the table size increases to 2.18 GB. From this moment on it also starts to increase 5% each 51 200 blocks (79 days). 3GB video cards could mine ERGO without any notable hashrate loss till the beginning of the 2023. In May 2023 data table size will exceed 3 GB. Most likely 3 GB GPUs would be able to mine even later but in limited modes with the reduced hashrate.

    For those of you who are mining ERGO, if you want to continue mining from tomorrow, you must upgrade to lolMiner 1.35, otherwise tomorrow you will no longer be able to mine, possibly there are other miners who can not, for the moment with lolMiner you can. It is also very interesting for all 4Gb AMD has incorporated the double buffer, so there is almost no time lost in the generation of the Dataset and increases the hashrate in the pool.

    HiveOS update to 1.35 from 1.34/1.34a: Run command or write it in the Hive Shell Console

    miner stop && cd /tmp && wget https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/releases/download/1.35/lolMiner_v1.35_Lin64.tar.gz && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.35_Lin64.tar.gz && cd 1.35 && cp lolMiner /hive/miners/lolminer/1.34 && cp lolMiner /hive/miners/lolminer/1.34a && miner restart

    RaveOS update to 1.35 from 1.34/1.34a: Open console en write it:

    stop && cd /tmp && wget https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/releases/download/1.35/lolMiner_v1.35_Lin64.tar.gz && tar -xvf lolMiner_v1.35_Lin64.tar.gz && cd 1.35 && cp lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.34 && cp lolMiner /app-data/miners/lolminer-1.34a && start

    Windows Download from : https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/releases/tag/1.35

    AMD Double Buffer improvement: Reduce the Dataset from +4s to 0.5-2s, that will improve Mhs at the pool.


    submitted by /u/Jgonzi
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    How would you connect this setup?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    I'm currently missing some cables, I'm not 100% sure how to connect these. How would you guys connect this setup and what cables do i need to purchase.?

    I read somewhere that you should connect everything to one PSU, is that true?

    Edit, forgot the link https://imgur.com/a/hymgWyi

    submitted by /u/divorso
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    Thoughts on HiveOS or Linux for mining? I'm pretty much absolutely done with Windows after 20 years

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:48 AM PDT


    HiveOS or Linux?

    Windows bullshit:

    I don't know what the hell these guys are doing at Microsoft but I've been stuck in a never-ending security loop at the login screen for Windows itself. I thought I was entering all of my stuff incorrectly but today confirms it's not user-error.

    "Something happened, you need to change your pin!" Okay, weird. So I go to change my pin, but now I'm in an email security confirmation loop, the codes they are sending me aren't working so I cannot verify my email to change my pin. Dealt with this all day yesterday, this morning the codes finally worked.

    Guess what? For no reason whatsoever I have to change my pin again today. Guess what? Their security codes that they are emailing me to confirm my email codes aren't working again.

    Two fucking days. Two fucking days. FOR A SECURITY CONFIRMATION JUST TO LOGIN TO MY DESKTOP.

    I'm angry.

    submitted by /u/SuperSonicCynic
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    2.5 TH/s. I'm rich

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Adding another 5700xt to the rig.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    MSI RTX 3080 LHR |0/1700/93c

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Am I the idiot? I bought a voltage monitor, used it to monitor wattage to my rig, and nearly started a fire in the process.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    I disconnected one of my rigs and shut it down because I bought a "wattage meter" to check whether Hive OS was reporting an accurate pull from the wall; Hive OS definitely isn't accurate. Fortunately, I am doing more to make sure I don't trip any of my circuits. Somehow this nearly led to a house fire and I'm not sure if this is coincidence or I screwed something up badly.

    After powering off all of my devices on the breaker and plugging up the voltage monitor for my first rig (RX 570 cards on relatively new risers and PCIe extension cables). After connecting up my wattage monitor, I turned on my rig and almost immediately started smelling smoke coming from one of my RX 8GB XFX GPUs. Immediately, I disconnected the power and checked every cable and connector on the device. I also made sure to move it somewhere away from my other rigs and grabbed my fire extinguisher just in case I ended up needing it.

    After checking every wire running through the rig which started smoking, I found that one of my risers had damage on the USB slot, the attached USB to PCIe x1 cable was scorched on the pins connecting to the motherboard, and the PCIe splitter powering my riser and GPU seemed to be missing a pin on the female side; I'm wracking my head as to how things were working fine before running my voltage monitor, but seeing a splitter with a pin recessed into the female port is shocking.

    Fortunately, the card still works and I had recently ordered more splitters and risers, so the only things which got damaged are easily replaceable. However, I'm absolutely spooked by this happening. Did I do something outrageously bad to cause this to happen? Am I the idiot?

    TL;DR Buy a fire extinguisher and keep it someplace where you can reach it (and keep spares away from any potential fire hazards).

    RX 570 Sapphire 8GB x 4 Approx. 76w per Hive OS

    RX 570 XFX 8GB x 2 Approx. 69w per Hive OS

    8 GB DDR3 Memory

    1000w Rosewill PSU

    Ryzen 3 1200 Quad Core

    MSI Gaming Plus Max B450

    submitted by /u/RedditMadeMeReddit
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    Mining help/questions

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    Hello, I am still relatively new to mining and have a few questions I was hoping some of you could help me with. I recently built a brand new gaming PC (FE 3070, 850 Gold PSU, 10th gen I7). I also have my old gaming computer that has a (Tuf gaming 3060 OC (LHR Card), 650 PSU, 8th or 9th gen I3). Currently, I use my new computer for gaming only and it runs amazing. I use my old computer for mining, but since it is an LHR card, I am only getting about 21 MHs on ETH. I have tried OC with MSI Afterburner but it doesn't help that much. I use Unminable because its super easy to use. A few of my questions I have are:

    1. Should I use my gaming PC to mine as well? I don't think my FE card is LHR so I am thinking I should get around 55-60 MHs on ETH? If I do use my gaming PC, will mining be hard on the card and or the computer and affect gameplay and such? Obviously would not do both at the same time.

    2. Is it even worth mining with the 3060? Or should I sell the system for like $1200?

    3. I choose Unminable because it was easy to start up and use, however, I see that MBminer can unlock the LHR cards to be a bit more efficient, I am stuck on the pool part. How do I now what pool to pick and do I have to constantly monitor that?

    Let me know if I left some information out. I appreciate all the answers in advance! Basically, I am looking to see if I should start mining with both computers or sell the old one and then start mining with my gaming PC and if I should use a different software to mine. And lastly how the heck do the "pools" work and how do you know a good one to pick?!


    submitted by /u/combatwombat34
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    Since we’re flexing my rx 580 today 444.7 mh

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Is it okay to power 3070tis with single 2x8 pin?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Im running 3070ti TUFs on ETH - NBminer shows 200w of power and TDP of such card is 290w.

    I've read here somewhere that the maximum for a pci cable is 288w. Some would say a max of 180.

    Would just like to confirm if my set up is safe with a single PSU cable (also note it is a seasonic 1000w plat)

    Reason is, I've run out of PSU cables and modular slots so I'm really hesitating to buy another PSU just for a single GPU.

    submitted by /u/fried_chckn
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    Got another 3070ti hooked up, but nbminer won't unlock it. Only the 1 3070ti and 3060

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    Has anyone here tried these 45-degree angle GPU mounts?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    Has anyone here tried these 45-degree angle GPU mounts?

    I've crossed with these things twice today, a YouTube video and eBay post; it's supposed it improves the air flow, do you think they may be worthy?

    they look cool though, but it seems to me that if heat escapes by the back, fans should be aiming downwards, shouldn't they? Or, if the exhaust it atop of the cards then it wouldn't make much of a change. What are your thoughts...



    submitted by /u/Regular-Month
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    [HELP] Did my vega 56 get fried while mining? Really appreciate anyone's help

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    [HELP] Did my vega 56 get fried while mining? Really appreciate anyone's help

    Please refer to this image

    I just got this thing used, a few days ago. If necessary I will provide further details but I'm not sure right now. It's an old ASUS mobo, probably about 8 years old. CoolerMaster power supply, I believe it is 500W but I will check, if it's relevant.

    Mined on NiceHash for about 4 days and then the GPU crashed. OC was about +100mhz on the memory clock and minimum core clock. I tried to undervolt it but I didn't get the settings optimal, I was gonna come back to it once I had the time.

    Anyway, when it crashed, at least the display still worked. When I restarted the computer, I got no signal from the GPU. Unplugged the GPU from the power supply and PCU but to no avail.

    When the AMD software was still working on my computer somehow (after the crash), it read an extremely low voltage, like 6 Watts going into the GPU and fan speed of 0. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I've gotten extremely unlucky. First my Legion 5 Pro completely stopped working after mining for 2 weeks (thankfully I have warranty), now this after only a few days!!! I loaned my friend over 3 grand for an Alienware laptop and an RTX 3080 and he's been mining for a really long time without any issues! Why me :(

    submitted by /u/TomSatan
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    MSI Ventus 3090 thermal pad replacement with results

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    Top options by algorithms

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Can someone explain what does the % indicate in each algorithm option when mining? I see on minerstate 2Miners has 0% for ETH. SPIDER has -4.23% for ETH.

    submitted by /u/AAG_2
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    Different flightsheets to unlock Lhr

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I've been GPU mining for around 3 weeks now. I am using Hive OS, and have 6 x GPU GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB · Gigabyte Samsung GDDR6.

    https://ibb.co/xfRLtLd - screenshot of my miner details.

    I've been trying out different flight sheets because I've bought the miner as a plug and play version and everything was setup for me along with my Coinbase wallet (I've doublechecked this). Initial setup was on hiveon pool gminer.


    I was getting around 190 MH using 500 W power. (2.63 MH per W)

    Since these cards are lhr I've been trying to level them up by trying taking off lhr restrictions by changing flight sheets and this is my current setup:


    I am seeing that my cards now can achieve 210 MH with 625W (2.98 MH per W)

    Is there anyone who can help me understand whether payout will be different since I've changed flight sheet to 2miners pool nbminer-ver. 39.7

    Using my first flightsheet - payout was supposed to happen once I mine 0.01 ETH. Is this going to change now? Do I have to set it up differently to use second mining pool?

    Thanks a lot !

    submitted by /u/Majek1990
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    Mining rig no signal when GPUs are connected.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Hello. When my GPUs are not connected, I can get signal directly from MoBo, but when I connect them, I get no signal. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/happiness890
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    Should I replace gpu on old pc (lenovo h530 - 2013) and mine?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Posted this in another sub but I'll post it here too. I am looking for advice on whether I should replace the gpu of an old pc and mine with it?

    I have a lenovo h530 from 2013 that I do not need anymore after getting a much better gaming laptop. The cpu is an AMD A8-5500 APU, 6 gb RAM. I am wondering whether it would be profitable to upgrade the gpu to something like rtx 3060 and mine with it? I won't be needing this pc for anything else so it would sitting idle doing nothing.

    submitted by /u/SimpleCattle9493
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    i got a pc but have an old laptop that i dcont use anymore.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    I have no knowledge of mining at all beyond that you need a pretty beefy gpu, but will my old laptop cut it? : https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Gaming-i5-7300HQ-GeForce-AN515-51-55WL/dp/B074Q54GSR/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=acer+nitro+5&qid=1582934975&sr=8-8

    i dont need it anymore so i dont care if the gpu breaks or anything

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary_Bad405
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    Anyone from NL here?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Just would like to learn about building my rig, got some starter experience already

    submitted by /u/Latvianpure
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    Hosting Miners?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Anybody know any good companies that host ASIC/GPU and also is having ur miner hosted worth it? Or does the company keep most of profit :(

    submitted by /u/ConquerOf1000Chicken
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    Everything is plugged in and works but I get no output on my screen?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    extra GPU mounting bracket with rig frame case

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    so I have one of those standard 8 GPU rig frame cases and there is a part the goes across it that the GPUs rest on and screw into.

    Does anyone know what that part is called or where i can find one?


    submitted by /u/TheApolloX007
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