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    Saturday, October 30, 2021

    Litecoin Litecoin-cli list of commands

    Litecoin Litecoin-cli list of commands

    Litecoin-cli list of commands

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    So I setup my own litecoin node through litecoind and I use litecoin-cli to query it. But I can't find a list of available commands.

    For example, I found that

    litecoin-cli getblock "3a4d8e7c77a85554fc8bd30d4e42d56eb71010e769ea9737f16241ba79bed9c5"

    returns block data by hash. But how can I do other things like return transaction data by hash, balance by address etc?

    submitted by /u/bomberb17
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    Is there a need for LN-LTC?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    Is there a need for LN-LTC when we can do Submarine and Reverse Submarine Atomic Swap between LTC and LN-BTC?

    The way I see it, the on-chain block size limit of BTC allows for about 500k transactions a day or about 182 Million transactions per year. So if every American were to open 1 LN-BTC channel, it would take 2.5 years to complete those transactions using the mainnet BTC. During that time, I would imagine the on-chain fee would increase as people would not want to wait, but I also believe people would not want to pay a high cost. I think the excess demand would leak onto Litecoin, and Sub Atomic swaps would help ease on-chain BTC demand.

    submitted by /u/IndigoBlue300
    [link] [comments]

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