• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 28, 2021

    Ethereum Since everyone is complaining about gas prices, I thought I’d share a non-opportunistic screenshot of reasonable rates available right now

    Ethereum Since everyone is complaining about gas prices, I thought I’d share a non-opportunistic screenshot of reasonable rates available right now

    Since everyone is complaining about gas prices, I thought I’d share a non-opportunistic screenshot of reasonable rates available right now

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    What is eth

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    Can we stop acting as if the gas fees aren't an issue?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Seriously, the argument "it's so high because it is being used" is just delusional & it's mind baffeling how many people flatout live in denial

    I won't deny that I'm not an "all ethereum" guy, & no, I don't hold any bitcoin either

    However, I think that Ethereum is substantial & fundamentaly important to the cryptospace

    Yet, the majority of people using ethereum, as in actually making transactions, are mainly people within the Cryptospace & some basic technical knowledge And even those are a minority in the cryptospace

    Which is a minority of people globaly

    So it's basically a minority, of a minority

    Now sure, there are L2 Solutions, but does anyone seriously think all the regular Joes who barely can use an exchange or know how to send their crypto to a wallet will go all "ahh, so I need to use L2 Solutions?"

    Those are nice & dandy

    But if we're speaking about actual, global,mass adaption, the scalability of Ethereum IS a major issue

    Unless you seriously think that your neighbor who's proud because he can download a song from youtube with an online converter alongside the billions of people wih barely technical knowledge will be fine to pay a couple of hundred (or rather thousands, if we speak about global mass adaption levels) bucks because "bro, it's ok, it's just a sigk that it gets used a lot! Isn't that dope?" Just to wait 50 minutrs for the trsnsaction to go through, You.. well, pretty much live in denial

    Ethereum has so much f'in potential to have massive impact on the world To introduce dApps & so many cool things to people

    But circlejerking to it and denying the severe issues with the gasfees & transaction speed doesn't help anyone

    In fact, it causes a lot of harm because it puts off pressure to work on it by forgetting that the majority of people don't have even fundamental, basic crypto knowledge. A "there's L2 bro" won't cut the case for global mass adaption

    Edit: Ok, as spme people seem to get hyperoffensive without reading the actual content of what I wrote, yet again, a disclaimer:

    This is NOT targeted at the devs who are working on it or Ethereum as a blockchain It's ONLY targetted at people flatout dismising that this is an issue whatsoever and blindly act as if it's all going normal

    submitted by /u/LaVolpe1469
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    Could Ethereum be the foundations of a new Stock Market. Making it impossible for corrupt hedge funds from manipulating the market with their illegal names shorting of shares driving companies to bankruptcy. Just a thought would like to hear people’s thoughts.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Open letter to the moderators

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    Dear moderators,

    Your lack of moderation makes the sub detrimental to Ethereum. This sub should help people to understand Ethereum, to use it, to know its economics. For weeks now, it has mostly been spammed by misleading information.

    If you can't make the situation better, I see these solutions:

    1. Hire moderators.
    2. Kick out the spamming kids.
    3. Stick valuable discussions at the top, especially those debunking the spam.
    4. If you don't want 1-3, then close the sub. Having no info will be better than this info manipulation.


    submitted by /u/barthib
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    Token burn since EIP-1559 deployment

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    Lack of moderation will lead to an exodus of dedicated subscribers

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    I spend the time to try and do my best to education and help people as well as point out/combat fud and malicious commenters. I enjoy this, but what I don't enjoy is having to respond to the same user replying to every comment in multiple threads that's fudding because there's inadequate moderation. I'm pretty much at the brink and about to unsub and let this place burn like r/CryptoCurrency and the meme ridden cesspool r/ethtrader has become and I'm sure I'm not the only one ready to give up.

    So a note to mods is to get your shit together or you'll lose whatever quality contributors you have left. Most have already left this sub in favor of r/ethfinance because of this. I understand you're overloaded, but that's not an excuse. It's clear you need additional help since at least half the mods seem to be inactive here. I understand the reluctance to add more mods, potentially due to bad actors or abuse of power, but when the current tactic isn't working.

    submitted by /u/Hanzburger
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    Talking about gas prices being too high is like saying that you can’t afford an apartment in NYC. The gas prices are high BECAUSE so many people want to use Ethereum.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    I present the knights of ethereum, intricate art by me to inspire you all !

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Analysis of DEX Inflation Via Yield Farming Vs. Token Price

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    General Conclusion

    Inflation is not only an important variable in monetary policy in the economy, but also important in crypto. Inflation is the easiest way to fund development. This forces holders to indirectly pay for development through the loss of value or ownership of the token over time to the protocol.

    Inflation is usually referred to via a token release schedule; the researcher actively recalculates it.

    What Is Inflation?

    Inflation in traditional economics refers to the increase in prices of goods. Inflation in token economics refers to the increase in token supply.

    Inflation is the persistent increase in the general price level of goods and services over time and the value loss of a currency. When the general price level rises, a unit of currency buys fewer goods and services than in the past. Thus, inflation reflects a decrease in purchasing power per unit of a currency. In the economy, inflation is affected by many factors such as demand-pull, cost-push, structural changes and import and export, etc.

    In the crypto space, inflation is the issuing of new crypto/tokens into circulation which puts selling pressure on them. In theory, their value should decrease with an increase in supply, if demand is constant. Inflation in the crypto space is mainly affected by the increase in the supply of circulating tokens.

    Token Issuance Model

    The only impact on inflation is the issuance of tokens into circulation. Token inflation is used to bootstrap growth or to start a community. In this section we are going to find the answer to this question: which issuance models have been used so far in crypto space?

    • Algo Supply
    • Scheduled Supply
    • Governed Supply


    While inflation should theoretically reduce the value of a particular asset, in a strong bull market, enough demand can still outweigh the selling pressure from inflation.

    You can clearly see this in the inflation chart (monthly) of Sushiswap. Despite the huge inflation in the early stages to incentivise users, the value of $SUSHI is increasing rapidly. This is something interesting in the crypto space.

    submitted by /u/economicsdesign
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    Become your own Bank

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Is my outlook in line with what is realistic in the 'become your own bank' narrative that cryptocurrency provides? For example in the distant future a transaction occurs within the Ethereum blockchain where I purchase some property.

    Me the buyer enters an agreement with the seller and a smart contract is written up with the parameters of the transaction set. I the buyer send my deposit to the smart contract in order for the smart contract to access a liquidity pool to finance the loan in order to pay the seller x amount to purchase the property.

    Now that I have procured the property the parameters set within the smart contract state the x amount of loan, length of loan and the x amount of interest to be paid. If I default on repayments the smart contract takes ownership of the property and liquidates to return the funds back to the liquidity pool.

    In this scenario the transaction is recorded on the immutable Ethereum blockchain ledger, the legitimacy of my ownership is stated on it and any future potential buyers have access to all prior transactions associated with the property. In the process of obtaining the loan the smart contract also has all subsequent information to determine if I qualify for the proposed loan amount. Such as (assets owned, wage, employment history, deposit amount) that is also stored on the ledger as a decentralised digital identification. Ethereum holders lend their assets through a liquidity pool to earn yield in scenarios where transactions like this take place. In the event of a default in loan repayment the property is the collateral which can provide liquidity and minimise risk for lenders.

    Is this a realistic scenario in which we could see the Ethereum ecosystem (or subsequent copies) function or am I way off, clutching at straws?

    submitted by /u/up_sycho
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    Ethereum Records a Lower Issuance Level than Bitcoin's

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Not your grandma's blockchain? Making Ethereum for everyone is a destination and not a moment

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    Preface: I'm not an eth dev or pool operator but I am a miner. I have really enjoyed being part of this community as a participant, even if I've not been vocal in the past. I'm throwing this out to the r/ethereum community because someone made it sound like it wasn't a garbage idea. I do not foresee having time to make EIPs and follow up on them, per https://ethereum.org/en/eips/ in the near term. And I don't think my plan is the best, but I think a plan just requires some imagination and creativity to work. And I think that is what communities can assemble if they believe positive change is possible.

    TL;DR: Wen lower gas fees on saturated L1 network?

    1. Let grandma wait for a "slow boat" to deliver them tokens if that is what she wants. Reduce or eliminate stability fees that raise the gas limit floor. Maintain EIP-1559 changes that secure the network and remove exploit vectors.

    2. Implement maximum aggregate L1 fees relative to consecutive epochs. Aim for a specific ETH total (insert median/average/statistical calc here) and then explicitly drop broadcast transactions with gas limits above the calculated threshold. Outbidding grandma does not give you priority on L1!

    3. Develop an API for L2 providers to facilitate L1 finality for "bonus" transactions with high gas limits - this is L1 transaction priority which is distinguished from the gas limit and instead places value on metrics described below.

    4. Wallets integrate L2 provider solutions to automatically re-broadcast high gas limit tansactions dropped from the L1 mempool. Seamless end-user experience is the goal.

    5. If a wallet integrates multiple L2 providers, they can bid to complete the transaction and then bridge back to L1 seamlessly using a signature of the dropped L1 transaction to drive a flash loan.

    6. The winning L2 of a given "bonus" transaction produces the expected outcome in L1 first. Other rollups with follow-on commits to L1 including different L2 paths to execution will fail. L2 has an API to adjust the priority of their transactions with L1 overflow signatures.

    7. L2 provider does lose potential space in their rollups if another L2 commits to L1 first. They are free to have users interface with them on L2 directly instead of using the L1 overflow API, in case this matters.

    Some of this may be impractical or unworkable in the frame of current development efforts. I think the above plan maintains a steady future for miners (until PoS anyway) and pushes the responsibility to pay for L2 on the people most equipped to pay for it. It's also a little stick in the eye to speculator traffic that depends on being validated by unlimited gas incentives. And that's what grandma would want, right?

    submitted by /u/BsdFish8
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    I bought a ton of ETH right before this whole gas fee mess. I'm fine with my decision.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    I bought a lot of ETH compared to the normal amount of crypto I buy. I came into a small windfall and decided to throw it all into what I thought was the second safest cryptocurrency.

    I'm not really regretting it because ETH has had bigger problems than this and came out fine. A major factor in this mess is that ETH is so successful it's collapsing on its self. If there were less transactions this wouldn't be an issue.

    Everyone is out here saying "This other coin couldn't have this happen". Well one of the reasons your other coin couldn't have this happen is because there's not enough transactions on the network.

    Based on the stable price, I guarantee you most whales know this. It's ETH for gods sake. This is the main one being used. Doesn't it seem like a good thing that the blockchain is malfunctioning because so many people are using it and not for another reason?

    Without disclosing how much I put on this coin. I AM a person who is putting his money where his mouth is.

    submitted by /u/pillfromdarkweb
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    Can you explain BETH to me?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    What is it used for, should I buy it and is there a catch?

    submitted by /u/Morgentau7
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    What is stopping counterfeiting an NFT by simply minting it on another blockchain or even the same blockchain?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    The Ultimate Web3 IDE - User Manual, Logging (time to focus on better developer & user tools)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    Looking for some super HD ETH wallpapers for my 3 screen desktop.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    Newsflash: The only cryptocurrency with actual utility: working smart contracts and de-fi, has higher fees than the others. It’s almost like the fees serve a purpose!����‍♂️��

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    CoinTracker question

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    I imported transactions from Coinbase today and am showing separate amounts for eth and eth2. The staked eth2 amount is all I have. That amount is correct. I have no unstated eth so I'm guessing somehow it's double counting. Any clues?

    submitted by /u/jcpainpdx
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    Is there an Ethereum NFT subreddit here?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Is there an Ethereum NFT subreddit here? Please point me to the group. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/snymed
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