• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 29, 2021

    Ethereum Deep diving on the whitepapers. I want to understand this at its depths.

    Ethereum Deep diving on the whitepapers. I want to understand this at its depths.

    Deep diving on the whitepapers. I want to understand this at its depths.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    SCAM ALERT! BE CAREFUL ~ Please read and make yourself aware

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    I was watching a tutorial on rarible how to sell NFTs. Suddenly this ad popup on my screen saying Vitalik Buterian having 10000 ETH airdop.


    I thought to myselft this can't be this good. NO WAY it's real! It sparked curisity to investigate more. I went to their website and guess what, it looked so legit. The FAKE ETH "IN" and "OUT" script made it look so real.. I am like no way! Thank god, I didn't rush and investigated more... I came to find out that none of the link on their website works. The comment time stamps remains same even after an hour.

    I copied thier ETH address and did etherscan. to my surprise 0 transactions were made.


    I copied their domain in google and guess what I found. I found the exact youtube ad which I saw. Here's the link:





    All these videos are unlisted and have 0 views. They were uploaded about 7-8 hours ago.

    Did little bit more research and it came to my attention that their website domain is not only one. They actually have over 99 domains. The domains goes like this...




    vbuterin3.com ...... and it goes up to vbuterin99.com

    Over 99 domains for phishing. I am so angry at this group or person trying to steal people's money.

    I checked their whois data and all this domains were registered on April 21st, 2021. So it's litterly new scam they put in action. Please share and make aware your fellow human being about this scam.




    submitted by /u/timebug007
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    If ETH2 is moving to Proof of Stake, why are some exchanges letting you stake ETH already?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    I thought one of the changes of ETH2 is that it will be purely proof of stake but we are still on ETH1 which is proof of work. Why are you able to stake on exchanges like Coinbase then?

    submitted by /u/GhostofBlackSanta
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    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    10,000 UK Taxis to Take Crypto Payments on Ethereum

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    Developing a balanced perspective on Ethereum (and I guess crypto in general) - trying to separate out greed, ideology, value, hype and FOMO

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    To be up-front, what got me interested in crypto was that a lot of "mainstream" podcasts that I listen to have been covering NFTs, Bitcoin. I have been vaguely aware of Bitcoin's peaks and valleys over the years, but I'll be up-front and admit that I basically dismissed it all.

    What really made me re-think things was the CoinBase IPO and Bitcoin crossing the $1T mark in terms of market capitalization. For someone who is not quite a believer, these two events made me open my eyes and convinced me to give a good-faith effort to understand this these things better.

    I understand posting on the Ethereum subreddit, I will get a certain range of viewpoints from die-hards to some who are well-balanced and whose Reddit posts I found very educational, but the general tilt is going to be pro-Ethereum. I'm okay with that, and the point of this thread is to hear more opinions on some topics I will bring up.

    I am hoping to start a good-faith discussion on Ethereum. On my end, I will try to be transparent and honest about where I'm coming from, but also not dismissive. The truth is, I don't know what the next 10 years will look like, the Internet of 2005 looks drastically different from the Internet of 2015, I could not have predicted that.

    TL;DR: I am doing all this background research to answer the following question: is it worth investing in Ethereum and holding for the next few years? I have absolutely zero interest in day-trading. I am trying to see if I believe in Ethereum enough to buy it, hold it, and just sit on my ass for a few years.

    I see a lot of value in having a digital currency that is peer-to-peer. Our society is more and more a globalized society, and our culture is more and more an Internet culture. For the start, I see a lot of value in having a decentralized digital currency.

    Currently the two big cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin and Ethereum. I am attracted to Ethereum because I like that it can be a more general platform than Bitcoin. I have not dived into the code, but my impression is that Bitcoin being first is a bit "clunkier" whereas Ethereum had the benefit of learning some lessons from Bitcoin's development and is a bit smoother. So I think here Ethereum has some real benefits over Bitcoin. I think there's some intrinsic value in Ethereum's code, its development team and leadership.

    I think where I start to really get lost is when people say Ethereum is going to be a Web 3.0. I have tried to see the rationale here, and frankly I struggle to see it. I would like to be clear: I am not making a prediction that it won't or can't become Web 3.0. Me personally, I am skeptical, but I also don't think ETH needs to be Web 3.0 to be an effective cryptocurrency.

    On the other hand, I do feel a FOMO. I don't believe cryptocurrency needs to become the dominant global currency to have a big impact on society. The idea is so radical, and the growth has been so tremendous, it feels risky not to at least learn more about this and invest in it. There's a real sense of being in on the ground floor of something.

    From a raw greed (or maybe a concern about my future/retirement in an uncertain world) when I look at the numbers, if BTC is hovering around $50K USD, and ETH is around $2700 USD, it's not inconceivable that ETH has plenty of room to grow.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I have seen some very polarized opinions on fiat currencies here. Broadly I see crypto as a reaction to the subprime mortgage collapse. I understand the reservation and outright mistrust people can have, we are truly in strange economic times with quantitative easing, massive stimulus packages and orthodox economic theory not being able to explain the lack of inflation.

    I think what started out as an ideological concept, a totally decentralized currency, has sort of morphed into a hybrid as it has become more and more mainstream.

    I have to admit that I do not share in the ideology of decentralized currencies. I'm just not there and I might not ever get there. I see a lot of posters here who I would say are on the very far end of the spectrum and I am far more of a centrist in this regard.

    I struggle to see a wide-spread adaptation of ETH as the global currency. I however think that ETH can be a good store of value. I do think that the wild swings in valuation, the taxation laws are huge barriers to crypto being a standardized currency. That's not to say that ETH won't have use as a currency, but I struggle to see the wide-spread adoption.

    Whoever invented something may have had some design principles, use principles in mind, may have even hard-coded it, but once it gets released into the world, it will find its own place in the market. I sort of think we are seeing that with big institutions like JP Morgan and VISA getting involved in the crypto space. And as I am not an ideological die-hard, this bolsters my enthusiasm for ETH.

    But paradoxically another reason I feel optimistic about ETH and cryptocurrencies in general is precisely that when I read these forums, there's still a lot of ideologically motivated people. Yes there are cynical greedy people as well, but it feels like there is a strong ideologically principled Internet sub-culture that is driving ETH, Bitcoin, crypto, and I believe this has a real value. At least it does to me.

    I really do enjoy reading these forums, and overall, I am amazed at the progress of cryptocurrencies. I may not come from the exact perspective that many of you are coming from, but I appreciate your enthusiasm and principles.

    submitted by /u/BrasilianEmerican
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    Tutorial for ethereum merge testnet implementation from Nethermind

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    72 days of ETH transaction to Bittrex being in Limbo

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    Deposited to bittrex from my metamask account over 2 months ago. Etherscan says the transaction went through, Bittrex isn't showing any record on their end. I've had a ticket in for about 65 days without a response. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/MoonGhostCayde
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    Would you still buy a Ledger wallet?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    I'm considering between Ledger and Trezor. As part of my position is in Neo and Nano Ledgers seems a good option to me. But all that data leak of the past year really made me think twice about buying a Ledger.

    What are your thoughts on that?

    submitted by /u/chesspeneple
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    A few methods for increasing your privacy when using MyCrypto

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    Quote: About Ethereum by Tyler Winklevoss

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Just like current companies are built on top of aws ( Centralized cloud network) where the companies pay usd every month to use their resources, we have applications that are built on top of Ethereum ( Decentralized cloud network ) where people pay money in ETH to use the network for transactions -Tyler Winklevoss

    Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zfkmyYWTbQ&t=123s

    submitted by /u/steve0316
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    There is Now Over 4 Million ETH Locked in Ethereum 2.0

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Is it possible to test how Layer 2 works in the ETH testnet?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this even makes sense, but I'd like to know if it's possible to try L2 services such as Polygon, Loopring, Quickswap in the testnet. Are these things available there?

    submitted by /u/_bush
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    Etherplay -- Get ready for conquest.eth first alpha!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Economics of proof of stake

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Recently started getting into Bitcoin. Now I want to understand Ethereum as well. In pos the new coins will be issued for people who already owns and stake Ethereum . Isn't this similar to rich getting richer scheme?

    Some people may tell me that in case of proof of work, you still need up front money to buy mining machines. But still you need to put a lot of work to mine Bitcoin and mining is barely profitable. Whereas in pos once you have lot of coins, you can keep making more coins at very low cost. Something about economics of pos doesn't sound right to me.

    I would like to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/fplfreakaaro
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    How do I register my eth name?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    I want to register a .eth name, but the ENS manager will not load. I am using app.ens.domains. It just shows as locked with a blank white page. I tried it in Safari and Chrome, and neither works.

    I am pressing "launch app" on the ens.domains page and typing it into the URL bar but neither works.

    Any advice? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/johnnysdollhouse
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    Advice needed on staking

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Hi, I just DeFi staked my ETH for BETH on Binance. They promised an estimated interest of ~ 7-20% or so. I would like to ask however, when will the interest be paid out? In the end of the first phase (when the BETH can be redeemed), or already sooner at some point? Couldn't find that info easily from the site. Also it would be nice to see the (estimated) cumulative interest somewhere and keep updated about it. Thank you in advance if there's someone who could help with this! Also: I believe in ETH and will defo buy more later! 💪🏼 🚀

    submitted by /u/NefariousnessFine882
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    Transaction complete without gas fee?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    I wanted to send a small amount of Tether USDT from Kraken to another exchange via ERC20 to verify it all worked correctly, 2.5USDT to be precise.

    After just a few minutes Kraken said the transaction went well and etherscan.io also says the transaction was a success, but there is something I don't understand.

    First if all, the gas fee was 18$, which is insane for just 2.5USDT, but the thing is, none of it was taken from my portfolio, and yet it said "Status: Success". Is it normal?

    Then, after a couple of hours, the amount I moved still isn't present on the receiving platform and I don't understand why. Does it take much more time after the transaction was completed? did the gas fee eat up all the Tether? was the amount moved not enough to pay for gas fees?

    submitted by /u/spoonthrows
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    If I very low Gas Price on a tx, will it execute once the network is less congested?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    I want to transfer some ETH to a different wallet. Looking at gas prices, they are currently pretty high. But historically, the minimum in the last few days was like 20 Gwei (compared to 106 Gwei right now). So if I create a tx with 20 Gwei, will it execute in the next few days? Is there any risk involved?

    submitted by /u/kilianv3
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    Eth vs Eth 2.0

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I'm still pretty new to eth so maybe someone already asked this. I was checking Coinbase and it showed eth and eth 2.0 listed next to each other with different prices, although only different by a couple cents. I thought I wouldn't have to buy eth 2.0 if I already had regular eth is that still correct? What exactly is the difference between them?

    submitted by /u/shasan3
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    OpenZeppelin Contracts 4.1: UUPS upgrade proxy, Multicall batch transactions, ERC20FlashMint extension, Cryptography tools ERC2098 & SignatureChecker; npm install @openzeppelin/contracts

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    Blockchain Domains Integrated Into Web Browser Opera In A Major Push For Web 3.0

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    The True Power of DeFi: Composability

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:24 AM PDT

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