• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 29, 2021

    BTC Watch your language and avoid BTC maxi lingo!

    BTC Watch your language and avoid BTC maxi lingo!

    Watch your language and avoid BTC maxi lingo!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Introduced a friend to BCH. (And the brand name damage that BTC Core has done.)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    This was an enlightening (but "slightly" sobering) experience for me the other day:

    A friend of mine here in Canada was lamenting how much it was costing her in Western Union fees & bank transfer fees to send money back to her disabled & unemployed mother in Europe.

    But it wasn't just the fees — it was also the monthly restrictions on how much money she could send! Her bank had flagged her as some sort of a criminal for continually sending money back to Europe, so she could only send something ridiculously low like $1,000 per month back home. Similar restrictions (but slightly higher limits) from Western Union for a repeat customer.

    The big red flag, apparently, is that much of her income is in cash from her tips as a bartender. Her bank and Western Union loathe that she's paying in cash, because that apparently means "criminal". These fucking governments, man.

    I took it as the perfect opportunity to introduce her to BCH!

    So I had her download the Bitcoin.com wallet, and I sent her some BCH, and she was blown away at what happened before her eyes!! I told her that she could just instantly send that money to her mom, and then another family member could help her mom convert it to cash.

    Her first question was: "How come nobody ever told me about this?" (She's a new friend, or else she would've heard about it from me a long time ago! ;)

    Her 2nd question was: "Where can I convert my cash to Bitcoin Cash on my end, and convert it the other way around on my mom's end?" I told her about local.bitcoin.com.

    Her 3rd question was: "Where can I spend this?" She was disappointed to learn that the answer was essentially nowhere at the moment, but that she could try to get her favorite merchants to accept it.

    But then, after about 60 minutes of playing around with BCH, she asked her 5th & final question:

    "This is really cool. Now how can I do this with the REAL Bitcoin?" 🤦🏻‍♂️

    This is the damage that Core has done to our P2P currency by forcing us to change our name.

    She was brand new to crypto, but she's heard the word Bitcoin enough to think that that's the "real" bitcoin, and this is something completely different.

    This is the perception that we're fighting against. This is the Corean damage that we're fighting against.

    Of course, I told her everything she needed to know about BTC vs. BCH, but it was heartbreaking for me. 😢

    On an unrelated note, we tried to do that fun experiment where we pass $1 back and forth to each other very quickly, but there were lengthy delays. I'm assuming that it's because the previous transaction hadn't confirmed yet? On the sending side, it appeared like it had sent successfully, but it took 5-10 minutes for anything to show up on the receiving side. Is this because technically we're not allowed to send coins until they're confirmed?

    She was still extremely impressed nonetheless!

    submitted by /u/scotty321
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    Welcome Genesis, a new BCH user from Venezuela!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    this made me lol a little. 30 cents is cheap compared to $27 but... bch is definitely light years ahead of this

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    Kim Dotcom: "Ask yourself which crypto is best suited to survive the coming crypto prohibitions. Bitcoin as a “store of value” is in a weak position. Bitcoin Cash as “digital money” is in a strong position. Utility is the best immune system for crypto. Satoshi knew this"

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Peter Schiff: "The market cap of #Tether is now above $50 billion. Are there really 50 billion dollars in bank accounts backing up Tether, or were the tokens created without backing in a fractional reserve system so that fake dollars could be used to buy #Bitcoin to manipulate the price higher?"

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    Scammed over $100 from Voyager Crypto Exchange

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    I was one of the early adopters of Voyager the newest of the crypto brokers (Voyager Digital, LLC) when it was barely a new app and signed up on their wait-list to participate once the app was released and decided to support them. About a month ago I decided to invest about $100 in a new up and coming alt coin called Ocean (BOTS) on their platform. Out of the blue one day, I get this message from Voyager saying this, "Our recent review of your account has uncovered activity which doesn't meet our requirements and has a level of risk which we deem unacceptable. As a result, we are no longer able to offer you an account on our platform and your current account has been deactivated and closed. Our decision is final and there is no remediation available to you for reconsideration at this time." Dated Tuesday, April 6th, 2021

    I was completely dumbfounded, shocked and appalled at this letter obviously. I have zero idea what they are talking or referring about. Maybe/Apparently, I might have been hacked? The problem is, they have cut off communication 100% from me and will not respond to a single letter I write them. On top of that, they have FLAT OUT STOLEN my money I have invested in their app.

    I am past the point of begging them and giving them the benefit of the doubt as it has been weeeeks now of zero communication from them. I plan on spreading the word to stay as far away from these outright SCAM ARTISTS and THIEVES as many places as I can.

    submitted by /u/loganblackkk
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    Warning: over the next few days, the number of transactions on BCH network will drop considerably, people will start to guess. The reason is noise.cash batching, not drop in activity or fake transactions.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    noise.cash is responsible for about 300,000 transactions daily on Bitcoin Cash network (99% of which are FreeTips, sponsored by /u/marc_de_mesel and given by noise.cash based on user activity, so-called "FreeTips" explained here). It was really fun for people (at first), when each small tip got into their wallet and they heard a little ka-ching sound or similar.

    However, when you get hundreds of $0.01 or less transactions, the consolidation fees later might reach 10% or more (this is explained in detail here: https://noise.cash/post/1m4860gl ), which is not fun at all. Some wallets (like Electron Cash, sadly) start to load in minutes or hours, when the history is full of $0.01 tips... or stop loading at all. Consolidation transaction is slow and expensive.

    To improve the experience, we, at noise.cash, have implemented "batching" today, so the user can set the minimum amount we'll send to them, effectively batching as many small tips as the user wants into one transaction, reducing the number of inputs for the future consolidation transaction. (This, of course, does not concern the QR tips, which go peer-to-peer and we can't affect them, but they are only about 1% of all tips, 250-400 QR tips per day)

    With batching, naturally, we'll be sending out less transactions, so the number of transactions on the BCH network over the next few days will drop considerably.

    This will probably lead to a lot of speculation and accusations, like "these were fake transactions all along, I told you! See?", we are putting this warning ahead of time, so that good users of r/btc have the correct information in advance. It's not a drop in activity, it was not fake, it's not something else. It's just batching to improve the user experience.

    We'll still be giving out $4,000 per day in Bitcoin Cash for the foreseeable future, just like we did previously.

    submitted by /u/readcash
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    Just made this unbreakable bitcoin sign for my store! What do you guys think?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    TIL there is a website where you can get paid in BCH just for watching ads.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Feature request for bitcoin.com wallet

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    The bitcoin.com wallet lets us hide our balance on most screens, which is great!

    However, on the "Send" screen, it always shows our balance. This makes us wary of making YouTube videos that show us sending money to people (we have to go back and try to blur out the balance in editing), but it also makes us wary of sending money in a group of people while training them how to send BCH.

    It would be great if the balance could be hidden on the send screen as well.

    submitted by /u/scotty321
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    K.im and SmartBCH are launching later this year (or why I've converted my entire portfolio into BCH)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Right now, Bitcoin Cash hasn't even scratched its all time high. In relation to the current bull run you could say BCH is underperforming, or you could say it's undervalued.

    I believe that the latter half of 2021 is going to be the most important year for Bitcoin Cash yet, with its 2017/18 ATH being insignificant to what it could potentially be. User experience is the key to this.



    submitted by /u/Hakametal
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    I think I already know the answer that I do not want to know

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Pretty certain I do NOT want to know the answer to this.

    Today sent 60 some odd BCH to BTC Segwit address on coinbase exchange, from my Ledger Nano S (Dont ask!) - Am i hooped? Is this something a BCH miner can recover?

    submitted by /u/Confident-Divide667
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    Things that don't work with high fees:

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    • ATMs
    • Remittances
    • Tokens
    • DEFI
    • Coffee
    • Tipping
    • Lightning Network ...
    submitted by /u/estebansaa
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    Bitcoin Cash has been added to mobile crypto POS app MoonPos

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Hello BCH community!

    I am writing this to tell you that with the newest version, BCH is supported in MoonPos.

    What is MoonPos?


    MoonPos is my attempt to help adoption of crypto by allowing merchants/restaurants/coffee shops/whatever other businesses to accept payments in cryptocurrencies in a simple, intuitive and safe way. We need more businesses to accept payments in cryptocurrencies.

    MoonPos allows users to store public addresses and generate QR codes for payments. No private keys are stored, therefore the app is completely safe. MoonPos is not a wallet. A lot of you might agree that many crypto-related apps are not very pleasant to use, they feel like they have been made for engineers (by engineers). My app focuses on a pleasant and intuitive user experience. It is optimized for both smartphones and tablets. Cryptocurrency prices are refreshed often, so they are always up-to-date.

    The app is currently available for Android - Play Store link. Along with BCH it supports BTC, LTC, DASH, ETH, DOGE, PIVX, Dai, Nano and Monero. For the first five currencies, it also provides Payment Verification.

    What is Payment Verification?

    It is the simplest way how to make sure, that the customer is not cheating. The app uses various REST APIs, to see whether the transaction has appeared on the blockchain.

    Why is there no Payment Verification for BCH?

    Sadly, I have not found any blockchain explorer with free public REST API. If you know about any, please, let me know.

    How much is it?

    For now, the app is completely free and there is no subscription, transaction fees, in-app purchases or ads whatsoever.

    I would love to hear your feedback. If you like the app, please consider sharing it.

    Check it out at moonposapp.com!

    submitted by /u/AmkSk
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    Bitcoin Cash vs BTC

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Books on cryptocurrency

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    I know crypto is quite new, most financial advisors did not adopt it yet and the ones who are expert in the field are quite rare and will not share their knowlede.

    However, I was wondering if there are good books on the topic, covering everything from the fundamentals to in-depth financial and macroeconomics analysis?

    (I should post on the crypto sub but they have a minimum 500 comment karma requirement...)

    submitted by /u/ultimate_vibration
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    Bitcoin does not deserve the name. It is the fork & the drastic change. Bitcoin kept the name/ticker symbol during the hijacking, and that is a worth lot when it comes to network effect & brand recognition. That being said, BCH is the truest Bitcoin that I know of.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    What happened? Bought $50 of BCH on BitPay and got like $37.5?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    I thought BCH had low fees? Did BitPay charge me? I didn't see a 'your fees will be...' section. Did the crypto company Simplex charge me? Yikes... did I fuck up somewhere? Sigh.

    submitted by /u/CreeyoLeelo
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    Ethereum finally rises blocksize-->fees drop-->usability increases-->price rises to new ath.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    A very simple causal logic. Yet maxis still fail to understand the same works for bitcoin.

    submitted by /u/GeorgAnarchist
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    Hardware wallet transaction

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    I'd like to know when you send cryptocurrencies to a hardware wallet if you need the wallet connected to the computer until the transaction is done or you just need the address and not having the hardware wallet conected all the time.

    submitted by /u/DCLLondon
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    Alleged $366M Bitcoin mixer busted after analysis of 10 years of blockchain data

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:57 PM PDT

    Bitcoin cash biggest criticism comes from the fact that big blocks lead to centralization. What’s the best response to that?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Other than the fact that it hasn't happened thus far?

    submitted by /u/itradeoptionz
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    Many of the coins in the top 10 have less activity on their social media than BCH. Even r/ethereum has only 800k subscribers compared to 500k on r/btc, yet it is priced at 20x the BCH market share.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    2 more examples, uniswap and polkadot havent even bothered to pay for bots to subscribe to their subreddits like some of the others have.

    BCH has lots of room to grow in valuation.

    Litecoin only has one selling point which is that it is in the top 10 cryptos, they are barely keeping it in there, and once it falls out it is done, their community is much smaller and less active than BCH.

    I think many projects have decided as part of their marketing strategy, to dedicate a significant amount of money to keep their coins in the top ten Cryptos, and they are willing to burn through lots of their funds to try keep it there.

    submitted by /u/Oscuridad_mi_amigo
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    Adoption of crypto by elderly people

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, hope everyone is safe.

    I was explaining cryptocurrency to my father, who is 78yo, and his major concern regarding it, is in his words "if it fails, I don't have a door to knock on". Surely the descentralization concept sounds weird for someone who's entire life is used to centralized systems, but that's not what I would like to discuss here.

    His concern made me think on how the adoption of cryptocurrency will be for elderly people. In general, older people have more money reserve than young ones, and I was wondering how will cryptocurrency draw attention of them.

    Cases like Warren Buffet, who disbelief crypto can be converted to believers?

    submitted by /u/menecomrade
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