• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 22, 2021

    BTC Bitcoin.org owner makes a strong case for Bitcoin Cash 🤷‍♂️

    BTC Bitcoin.org owner makes a strong case for Bitcoin Cash ��‍♂️

    Bitcoin.org owner makes a strong case for Bitcoin Cash ��‍♂️

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    We are not competing against BTC. There is 0% chance that BTC becomes the future of money. We’re competing against the forthcoming U.S. Digital Dollar. They specifically hijacked BTC to prevent competition. They didn’t predict BCH, which is why all the propaganda against us. Our time is now.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    Small blockers complaining about small blocks. Can’t make this stuff up����

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Just traded all my Bitcoin to BCH

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    I think I'm going to hold and look for long term gains, I do see myself using it in the future as well, love the idea of it compared to Bitcoin with fees and transaction speeds

    submitted by /u/AcanthocephalaOk9269
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    Um. Someone tipped me $20,000 in BitcoinCash. Thank you kind donator for the 20 BCH! �� I'm speechless. �� I was literally already preparing a new video with BCH content today and I saw this when I checked my tip address. (I will hodl it as I feel BCH is undervalued) ��

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Today is my first day (of many to come) investing money into BCH. I’m 19, and don’t have much disposable income but all of it that for now on is going to it. I figured that I’d like to invest into my future now and take that leap, thanks to the people that will help me further down the road! Cheers!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    * Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has been processing more transactions than BTC for months now. * BCH median fees remain under 1 cent per transaction, while BTC median fees are around $40 per transaction. Those��points are enough to convince people in Africa to start using BCH for their basic needs��

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    “ An unknown section of BTC censorship is via Pi-Hole blocklists. I run one on my home network, blocking around 4 million domains via custom blocklists. Some of the people maintaining these lists are BTC maxis, so by default sites like [ bitcoin.com, blockchain.com, bitcoinfees.cash] are blocked”

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    I made a meme.. proud of this one!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Bitcoin Cash Privacy with CashFusion: How does it work

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    Man Offers To Buy 111 Tesla Model 3s If Elon Musk Gets Tesla To Accept Bitcoin Cash

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    Im gonna collect as much as BCH as i can until i have enough money to buy a house

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    Believe in BCH it is really great :) we are the hidden army :)

    submitted by /u/humanewanderer
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    It's great to have all you new people here! If you haven't already, try out the game of trust. If it doesn't BLOW YOUR MIND, I'll tip you 0.001 BCH (rules in comments)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    Bitcoin.org is false and lying to unsuspecting noobs

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    Just sharing an interaction ive had recently with a newbie to this space. Patience and persistence pays off. People want truth with their knowledge. This took about 4 months of back and forth:

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    BTC is currently charging $140,000 every 10 to 15 minutes to store less than a single Floppy Disk of data across 10,000 nodes. BCH does the same thing for $20, across 4,000 nodes.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:19 AM PDT


    BCH does the same thing for $20.

    Edit: Correction: BCH does the same thing for $20, across 4,000 1,000 nodes. Thank you /u/TraderCryptoCoon for source. For an apples-to-apples comparison, it looks like BCH will need to charge $200 per MB of block space with 10,000-node redundancy. You're still going to get a lot of change back for your $140K.

    submitted by /u/bitmeister
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    Switching to BCH from BTC

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Just bought my first $100 in BCH! I know it's not much, but it's a start, and I only plan on HODLing for the near future regardless. I hope to keep adding to my bag when is possible. I'm likely going to swap out the rest of my BTC holdings in favour of BCH as well after doing some decent amounts of research into the project :)

    submitted by /u/ZER0S-
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    HSBC: Ban coinbase due to crypto’s role in money laundering and criminal activity. Also HSBC: launder more than $880 million for a network of drug kingpins, including “El Chapo.”

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    BTC average fee is almost $60 today, to comparision, a worker with a minimum wage in my country (Brazil) earns about $40 per week, and my country is not so bad compared to other 3rd world countries, how BTC maxis thinks that BTC will be a global, when some people need to work weeks to pay fees?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    The term crypto "currency" is what is causing so many identity problems atm

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:35 PM PDT

    So I was thinking about this. We all know the issues bitcoin core/ethereum has going on with transaction fees and speed right now. People that treat them as as digital gold/their new savings account have no issues because they don't have to transact with it much. However people who are slowly trying to spread its use as a currency are unable to and waiting on layer 2 solutions. If the word cryptocurrency phased out and eventually called just crypto or crypto coins or something, I feel like less people would be at each other's throats about these issues. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/brollikk
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    BTC isn’t even a good store of value for most users.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    It's so ironic seeing maxis (LOL my iPhone autocorrects maxis to "Nazis" 🤷‍♂️) promoting BTC as a store of value, and therefore the high transaction fees are OK.

    Yeah little Timmy will sure think BTC is great when he saves $100 from his first pay check because he heard BTC is a great store of value and.... oh shit suddenly his $100 is now $60 as he had to give $40 to a mining pool as a transaction fee.

    Great "store of value" you got there. Fucking idiots.

    Sure it's not as bad if you save $1000 per month, but losing 4% of your savings every month to transaction fees is still excruciating. You're meant to get paid interest on your savings. Not pay for the joy of saving. Imagine going to a bank and paying them to save your money. That's BTC for you today. BTC's price is gonna have to go up a lot to compensate people for this but at $60k.... is there much room for it to go up any time soon? Great you just paid $40 to see your investment flatline (or go down) for a year or more, way to go.

    This will lead to a lot of newbies having terrible crypto experiences.

    submitted by /u/Gazing_Into_The_Void
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    What changes do you want to make to the BCH listing on CoinMarketCap.com?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    It is possible to make changes to the BCH listing there. For example, last year I updated the BCH description and recently bch.info was added as a website for BCH.

    I had a whole list of updates to make but was unable to complete it before resigning from ABC last July.

    So, what changes do you want to make to improve the BCH listing https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin-cash/ and either someone will magically help us or I will work with the Binance/CMC people to make it happen.

    P.S. And don't say rank! That one we gotta earn the hard way LOL.

    submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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    Why is censoring BCH on platforms like reddit and twitter so common? Check this website out select /r/cryptocurrency see how much BCH is mentioned it's ludacris how many other currencies are mentioned when it's been in the top 15 since creation! It's so infuriating! What can we do to fix this?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    BCH > BTC

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    I decided to swap $100/BTC to BCH just to tip on here. It's been 5 Days now! The transaction was executed correctly, but still awaiting confirmation. I knew BTC was slow, but If I had known BTC would take this long for a single confirmation, I would have just purchased BCH with fiat.

    submitted by /u/Dont-Be-H8-10
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    Ah shit, here we go again... BTC fee...

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    It is impossible for a new BTC user to receive $5 worth of BTC. That's why BCH is the real peer to peer electronic cash system!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 08:25 AM PDT

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