• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    GPU Mining PSA: TeamRedMiner doing something shady

    GPU Mining PSA: TeamRedMiner doing something shady

    PSA: TeamRedMiner doing something shady

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Was trying to set up RavenCoin mining with TeamRedMiner this morning and came across some really shady stuff going on.

    We all know that mining software is often detected as malware, so we're basically taught "just ignore it" in every case of anti-virus yelling at us. This is NOT one of those cases. I set up my Monero miner (XMRig) last night and Windows was quick to warn me that it was a crypto miner. Why wouldn't it do that here?

    The latest .zip of TeamRedMiner v0.7.11 appears to be infected with a specifically recognized Trojan called WacAtac as you can see here. Why would it have a specific, well-known, named malware inside of it? If this is a false positive it's really sketchy that it mimics the patterns of a virus that nothing to do with crypto.


    And here is screenshots of the GitHub, updated 5 hours ago.



    Notice any thing funny about that GitHub? Like the fact that it only has text files in it? There is no source code there, yet they are distributing "release" version software on the page. Just as a parallel, the official KawPow RavenCoin miner that I'm switching to for now is fully open-source and I can build it myself and examine every line of code to make sure they aren't siphoning coins or something.

    This does not make ANY sense and somebody has some explaining to do.

    submitted by /u/polaarbear
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    (Interesting Data) and help request

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Just Got back into gpu mining after a 3 year hiatus after I deemed it not worth the time after it exploded. I was comparing numbers from my mining software (awesome miner) to whattomine, and noticed that according to whattomine I should be able to make 1.35$ per 24hr on etherclassic but in the software it says I'm mining hmq1725 unspec. at >1$ per day. Any tips would be appreciated and I'm using a 1080ti.

    submitted by /u/irontom10
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    HiveOS only mining 1 GPU detects all though

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    I tried claymore and other miners but my miner only mines on the RX480 not the 5700xts or 5600 but I can't seem to find how to start those GPUs


    submitted by /u/mrpandr
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    5700xt ultra thicc iii settings and hashrate

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Aquired my first ever amd card tonight been playing around with afterburner abit

    • 1175mv
    • power limit -35
    • core 1900
    • mem 1900
    • fan speed 55%

    Gpu is 63c and vram 86c

    Getting 54.9 mh/s with about 149watts.

    How could i reduce the wattage?


    submitted by /u/Honestlynotalurker
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    Getting 1.5 MH hash rate after flashing my zotac P104-100 4gb to a different rom. What could be the reason?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    It is worth noting that several accounts flashed without any problems. Am I missing any bios settings?

    submitted by /u/life-is-a-gif
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    rtx 3090 msi gaming x trio, hashrates and overclocks

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    what should i be trying to aim for with ETH? on stock with 100 power i am getting 102mh with claymore

    OS win 10using msi afterburner


    power on 80

    core on +100

    mem on +900

    getting 118mh on eth

    something odd, whenever i check with remote desktop the hashrates drop to 80, soon as i close remote desktop it goes back up to 118!

    submitted by /u/goldap1
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