• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Ethereum Super weird 'n/a' token with quadrillions (or more) in my eth wallet just showed up. Anyone know what this is? Is it some kind of attack? A bug? There's no transfer listed where they came in.

    Ethereum Super weird 'n/a' token with quadrillions (or more) in my eth wallet just showed up. Anyone know what this is? Is it some kind of attack? A bug? There's no transfer listed where they came in.

    Super weird 'n/a' token with quadrillions (or more) in my eth wallet just showed up. Anyone know what this is? Is it some kind of attack? A bug? There's no transfer listed where they came in.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    KuCoin hacked for $150M in ETH/ERC20 tokens - full story (LONG THREAD)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    How To Become a DeFi Developer?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Ethereum scalling dissection

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I am trying to figure out how will ethereum scaling play out and what I got wrong.

    1. POS won't make much difference, its a bit more optimized then POW, but basically we get the same scaling
    2. Beacon chain as the first phase of 2.0 is just for bootstrapping later phases and also doesn't change much on scaling part
    3. Rollups (and others L2) will make TPS from 100 to 2000, but If I am correct all L2 solutions are not part of ethereum core project and it is just a matter if someone uses those L2 in their Dapp?
    4. Sharding is a some way to go, and in the first phase, it will just have the possibility to scale normal transactions but not smart contracts as this is more complicated.

    Am I missing some important part for scaling and where ethereum could get more TPS and when?

    submitted by /u/simon_fx
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    Rinkeby.io faucet error - Is there an alternative that works?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Received the 'insufficient funds for gas * price + value' error on rinkeby.io/#faucet. Is there an alternative that works? Just trying to play around with rinkeby.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. :)


    submitted by /u/Midwest_Parrothead
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    Majority vote random number Oracle, rough sketch

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Keeps track of a "leaderboard" in the contract. People vote, using whatever strategy they prefer. Can automate it, major point is each person can choose to automate it differently. Difficult for any single actor to attack, difficult for reasonably sized colluding party to attack. The random number submitted by each person here is their address they use to sign up for Pseudonym Pairs, so the winner after phase rngvote is pairIndex[leaderboard[0]]. If anyone has a successful strategy to attack this RNG, feel free to share it.

    function vote(uint _id) public inState(rngvote, randomize) { require(registered[msg.sender] == Rank.Commit); registered[msg.sender] = Rank.Vote; if(points[_id] == 0) { leaderboardIndex[_id] = leaderboard.length; if(upperBound[1] == 0) upperBound[1] = leaderboard.length; leaderboard.push(_id); } else { uint index = leaderboardIndex[_id]; uint nextBucket = upperBound[points[_id]]; if(nextBucket != index} (leaderboard[nextBucket], leaderboard[index]) = (leaderboard[index], leaderboard[nextBucket]); if(lowerBound[points[_id]] == nextBucket) lowerBound[points[_id]] = 0; upperBound[points[_id]] = 0; else upperBound[points[_id]]--; if(upperBound[points[_id]+1] == 0) upperBound[points[_id]+1] = nextBucket; lowerBound[points[_id]+1] = nextBucket; } points[_id]++; } 
    submitted by /u/johanngr
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    Proof of stake question for eth 2.0

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    If I decide to run a node with 32 eth and my internet cuts out for a few minutes, or my internet speed drops for a brief period will I be penalized for this?

    submitted by /u/DolphinNChips
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    Need help with finding a working Rinkeby testnet faucet - Help please :)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Hiya everyone, sorry to bother you, but I was looking for a working Rinkeby testnet faucet. I tried the one at rinkeby.io/#faucet but it constantly gives me a error saying "insufficient funds for gas * price + value". I was interested in trying the Rinkeby testnet, any help would be appreciated. Thank you :)


    submitted by /u/badaccountant28
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    Not Received Faucet ETH

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Ive managed to put a successful request but i haven't seen anything arrive for 2 hours now?

    submitted by /u/philanthropyhustle
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    Where are staking rewards going to come from in early ETH 2.0?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    This is a question I haven't seen addressed yet. There won't be any many transactions generating fees in phase 0, but stakers will receive significant rewards. At the same time we still have POW miners getting paid on the old chain as well and I haven't seen anything about them getting their rewards cut with phase 0. So we now have two groups of validators who both need to get paid, which necessarily means more inflation for anyone holding old Eth and not staking. Is this correct? And if yes was this discussed anywhere? Would be great if someone could link if they know a place where the economics of this were discussed in detail.

    submitted by /u/penguinneinparis
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    PoS - some questions

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    From what I can tell, the biggest difference between ETH2.0 and other smart contracts platforms that use PoS is slashing (and inactivity penalties).

    My question is how can the other platforms manage to be secure without slashing and inactivity penalties? I.e. are slashing and inactivity fees absolutely necessary to ensure a secure network?

    submitted by /u/celticwarrior72
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    Cant wrap ETH FLM

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Is anyone else having problems wrapping their ETH? Says it fails to communicate with my wallet

    submitted by /u/barcode972
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    Truffle deploy is successful but it doesn't return a contract address

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    There are no errors, it seems it's successful:

    > Total deployments: 1

    > Final cost: 0.024523213 ETH

    But it doesn't reduce amount of ether from my account neither it does give a contract address (it works fine on local chain with ganache). I am going insane, what the hell am I missing?

    My config:

    mainnet: {provider: () => new HDWallet('mnemonic', 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/code_'), network_id: 1, gasPrice: 63000000000, confirmations: 2, timeoutBlocks: 200, skipDryRun: false} 
    submitted by /u/doctororange_
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    Majority proof-of-work random number "Oracle"

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    A different approach to random numbers on-chain. This lets a majority of validators converge on a candidate random number. A single validator, or a reasonably sized colluding party of validators, cannot attack this. For short periods such as 256 blocks, the implementation here with "leaderboard" is overkill, but for longer periods such as a month of blocks, around 200000, it can be convenient. I originally came up with this for one-person-one-vote (it assumes billions of candidate numbers), here adapted it for one-cpu-one-vote just if anyone has any use for it. Anyone have a strategy to attack this, feel free to shout it from the rooftops, or, comment in the comment field :)

    contract RandomNumberOracle { uint constant period = 256; function t() public view returns (uint) { return (block.number / period) * period; } uint nonce; mapping (uint => bytes32[]) blockhashes; mapping (uint => mapping (uint => uint)) points; mapping (uint => uint[]) leaderboard; mapping (uint => mapping (uint => uint)) leaderboardIndex; mapping (uint => mapping (uint => uint)) upperBound; mapping (uint => mapping (uint => uint)) lowerBound; function getRandomNumber() public view returns (uint) { return uint(blockhashes[t()-period*2][leaderboard[t()-period][0]]); } function vote(uint _id) public { require(msg.sender == block.coinbase && nonce != block.number); nonce = block.number; blockhashes[t()].push(blockhash(block.number - 1)); if(blockhashes[t()-period].length == 0) return; require(_id < blockhashes[t()-period].length); if(points[t()][_id] == 0) { leaderboardIndex[t()][_id] = leaderboard[t()].length; if(upperBound[t()][1] == 0) upperBound[t()][1] = leaderboard[t()].length; leaderboard[t()].push(_id); } else { uint index = leaderboardIndex[t()][_id]; uint nextBucket = upperBound[t()][points[t()][_id]]; if(nextBucket != index) (leaderboard[t()][nextBucket], leaderboard[t()][index]) = (leaderboard[t()][index], leaderboard[t()][nextBucket]); if(lowerBound[t()][points[t()][_id]] == nextBucket) { lowerBound[t()][points[t()][_id]] = 0; upperBound[t()][points[t()][_id]] = 0; } else upperBound[t()][points[t()][_id]]--; if(upperBound[t()][points[t()][_id]+1] == 0) upperBound[t()][points[t()][_id]+1] = nextBucket; lowerBound[t()][points[t()][_id]+1] = nextBucket; } points[t()][_id]++; } } 
    submitted by /u/johanngr
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    Monitor: A Bonding Curve Prediction Market

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I'm working on a new Bonding Curve prediction market system, that takes some notes from Augur, Omen, and Idea Markets. The tl;dr:

    - The system token is on a constant bonding curve that slowly increases in value. Anyone can enter the vault to mint the system token as long as they pay the current price. Anyone can leave for a small fee. As fees are collected, all income is distributed into the vault.

    - Prediction markets are Bancor bonding curves. You mint positions for super cheap gas, and there's always liquidity. The tradeoff here is you never really get the best price according to EV, but there's always a buyer: the protocol itself.

    - Gas is far cheaper than other market systems. The goal was to make a prediction market oracle and not a trading platform, so initial estimates are around 5x-10x cheaper transactions than other protocols since it really only does a few checks.

    I'd love to get more people involved trying this out. Feel free to check out the link in the discord.


    submitted by /u/gremlin0x
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    Detailed analysis of the original dark forest transaction, and how scary are these generalized bots.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Some folks did not believe the transaction was indeed performed by a general bot. We looked into the details of the transaction:

    submitted by /u/amanusk
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    Rinkeby Test Network

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Faucet not working. It says that my requested was accepted but didn't get my test Eth. Anyone has some test ether to send?

    submitted by /u/xymiche
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    Vyper.fun: Learn Vyper by building a Pokemon Game.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

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