• Breaking News

    Monday, September 28, 2020

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - September 28, 2020 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - September 28, 2020 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - September 28, 2020 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    To see prior Skeptics Discussions, click here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It's official, this shitcoin just hit an all time low

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Moons have turned /r/Cryptocurrency into a yield farming platform. Mods need to ban karma farmers and enforce a higher posting standards.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Now with karma farming on this subreddit having monetary gain, people have started exploiting this sub to make money and it's only going to get worse. Create multiple accounts, post on reddit with all these accounts and just upvote all your accounts.

    In order to counteract this, mods need to ban users who post low effort comments and posts. Or better yet, change how moons are distributed so it doesnt incentivize spamming and exploitation.

    submitted by /u/ShotBot
    [link] [comments]

    Actual footage of me trying to day trade my bags

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    Me buying into the ICO and DeFi hype

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    These coins are not uncensorable or decentralized AT ALL.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    The first mention of Bitcoin's price "going to the moon" was exactly 10 years ago, when it was at $0.11!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    A bunch of shit posts

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    This subreddit is becoming home to a bunch of memes, how to convert moon posts, shit posts and less relevant information regarding cryptocurrency. I honestly don't give a fuck about moons, have 0 and don't intend on accumulating any, but this is getting a bit out of hand for people like me that actually want quality updates and information.

    submitted by /u/taigarawrr
    [link] [comments]

    Full Detailed Guide - Converting Reddit Moons to $$$

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Full Detailed Guide - Converting Reddit Moons to $$$

    This guide will be guide starting from nothing, to convert your Moons to ETH, I found lots of guides, but I ended up having to use about 4 guides, and a few videos to get it done, so I decided to put this guide together for the community.

    To see the current price of Moons, go here:


    Linking Metamask, and your Reddit wallet.

    • Go to https://metamask.io/download.html
    • Click the Chrome or Firefox logo, to add Metamask to your browser.
    • Now Open the Reddit app on your mobile
    • Open the Reddit Menu (Click your profile picture in the top-left)
    • Click on Vault
    • Click on the 3 dots next to Vault, once in the Vault Page.
    • Click on Recovery Phrase and Copy it to your clipboard.
    • Send the Recovery phrase to your computer in a secure manner, so you can access it on the computer you have installed Metamask
    • Once Metamask is installed, click "Import using account seed phrase


    • Paste in the seed phrase you got from your Reddit Value
    • Set a password, and continue, you should now be logged in to Metamask

    Seeing your Reddit moons in Metamask.

    • In Metamask, switch to the Rinkeby Test Network


    • Click "Add Token"
    • Click "Custom Token"
    • In the "Token Contract Address" field, put in 0xDF82c9014F127243CE1305DFE54151647d74B27A
    • Click "Next"
    • Click "Back"
    • Click "Custom Token"
    • In the "Decimals of Precision" field, put in 18
    • Click "Next"
    • Click "Add Tokens"

    You should now be able to see your Reddit Moons Balance within Metamask on the Rinkeby Test Network


    Funding your wallet to cover fees

    Now you need to fund your main network "Main Ethereum Network" with around $20 of Ethereum (GAS fees were quite high when I transferred, mileage may vary here).

    This is to cover purchasing Dai to cover conversions from xDai to Dai etc

    • Fund your main wallet from anywhere you like with Ethereum, to do so, switch back to the "Main Ethereum Network" copy the address, and then send some Ethereum (I did so from Binance)
    • You also need to fund your "Rinkeby Test Network" with Ethereum you can do this in several ways, most methods will require you to connect your wallet to one of the faucets available
    1. Use https://faucet.metamask.io/ ***
    2. Use https://faucet.rinkeby.io/ (Requires a social media post) ***
    3. Use https://testnet.help/en/ethfaucet/rinkeby (Requires registration via email) ***
    4. Use https://rinkeby.faucet.epirus.io/ ***
    5. Ask someone nicely on Reddit /u/BankBailout was extremely kind in sending me some, and if anyone struggles with getting some via the other methods, then I will be happy to send some over!

    *** None of those worked for me, step 4 is how I got the ETH to convert it.

    Now you have ETH in your "Main Ethereum Network" wallet and your "Rinkeby Test Network" Wallet, you now need some Dai in your "Main Ethereum Network" wallet

    Now you need to convert 5 Dai to 5 xDai

    • Go to https://dai-bridge.poa.network/
    • Link your Metamask wallet, in the top-right
    • Switch to the "Main Ethereum Network" wallet
    • Put in 5, and click Transfer
    • Confirm the transfer in your wallet pop-up
    • You should in a minute or so, have 5 xDai, in your xDai custom Network

    Now the best part, converting those moons into $$$

    • Go to https://xmoon.exchange/
    • Connect your Metamask Wallet
    • Switch to your "Rinkeby Test Network" Wallet in Metamask
    • Click "MOON to xMOON"
    • Confirm the transfer in your wallet pop-up
    • Wait until the xMOON's show up on the exchange, it will be on the left-hand side.
    • Switch to your "xDai" wallet in Metamask

    Selling large quantities of moons, at once, may tank the market a touch, due to the currently quite low liquidity.

    At this point, you can continue to use xmoon.exchange, or you can use Honeyswap, which has around 10x the liquidity, at the time of posting.

    Continuing on xMOON

    • On the exchange, click xMOON to xDAI
    • Confirm the transaction
    • Wait until the amount of xDAI Increase on the right-hand side of the exchange.

    Using HoneySwap

    Now converting those xDAI, back to DAI.

    • Go to https://dai-bridge.poa.network/
    • Switch to your "xDAI" Network within Metamask, if you are not already on it.
    • Transfer your xDAI to DAI via the bridge.
    • Confirm the transaction in your Metamask wallet pop-up
    • You should now have your DAI in your "Main Ethereum Network" Account
    • You can then use Oasis etc, or other DeFi exchanges, to convert that DAI to ETH etc.

    I then sent the ETH to my Binance, then my Wirex in the UK, and cashed out to my bank.

    I thought I would document this process for others, as I Imagine like myself many of us are going through hard times at the moment due to Covid, and the $200ish I pulled from this, will help myself massively, so hopefully, it will help some of you!

    Please let me know, if I have missed anything, or if there is anything I should add.

    EDIT 1: Added note about using Honeyswap, and instructions on how to do so, due to the increased liquidity.

    submitted by /u/DanklyNight
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    Crazy amount of moon shitposts.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Is this sub going to turn into nothing but people basically begging for moons? I really do not want my feed clogged up with these. I come here for news not recycled memes. Is there going to be a way to stop low effort posts in this sub?

    submitted by /u/Chyeadeed
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    I guess this is my WTF moment in crypto...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Selling my moons I got for upvotes on an internet forum that I mainly use whilst taking a dump for over $1000.

    Messed up thing is, this will probably age like milk and they'll be worth insane amounts more in 5 years.

    Still, getting paid for going to the toilet seems pretty nice after 2020.

    Cheers everyone.

    EDIT: Thanks so much for the awards guys, this is an awesome surprise to wake up to, you guys are awesome.

    submitted by /u/jpreddit200
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    Warning - moon-exchange.herokuapp.com may be malicious. Use with caution.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    https://i.imgur.com/fGIy3gM.png As you can see, I transferred 2k moons and received 0 xMoons.

    Using: http://moon-exchange.herokuapp.com

    Any way to get these back? If not, beware.

    It looks like there was no contract integration, instead there was a "send" function.

    If you know a way to recover, I would appreciate. Thanks.

    I posted this thread earlier and at least 2 other users have come forward saying the same thing happened to them.

    It is possible that random TXs are being routed to the site owners address. Or, it could be a bug. Beware.

    submitted by /u/joesmith91
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    KuCoin: User Funds Will Be ‘Covered Completely’ After Friday’s $150M+ Hack

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Be you own bank

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    PSA: your r/cryptocurrency Moons have real value and you shouldn’t trade them for fake Reddit award coins.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Time to get real. You'll lose your crypto if you're not smart. Here are a few tips for staying safe:

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    When markets get exciting, it's time to batten down the hatches. New people are entering the space and will soon be exposed to scams and phishing sites.

    A new crypto user and their crypto are easily parted.

    Here are a few ways to prevent that:

    1. Get a hardware wallet. 🛡️

    A hardware wallet holds your private key within the device and protects it from being exposed. It's recommended to use a hardware wallet for cold storage (the funds you don't plan to touch). The two biggest players are Ledger and Trezor. Both are great.

    2. Browse safely. 🌐

    Always use bookmarks and never click links, and install an extension like MetaMask or EAL to protect you from known phishing sites.

    3. Never enter your private keys on a website. 🔑

    One of the most common ways for someone to be parted from their cryptocurrency is via a phishing site, a.k.a. a fake version of a real site. Phishing sites will usually allow you to enter your private key so you can "access" your funds, but as soon as you enter your private key they'll send it to their servers, access your funds themselves, and drain your account.

    It's a BAD HABIT to enter your private key into a website. Just don't do it. If you have to use a private key / mnemonic phrase / keystore file, use a desktop application that's away from the browser. Even then, make sure to verify it's not a fake desktop application.

    4. Turn on 2FA for everything. EVERYTHING. 📲

    Choose Google Authenticator over Authy. Don't use your phone number. Then, make sure your phone number is NOT tied to your Google account (look in privacy settings).

    SIM-swapping is real and common and if your phone number is attached to any account recoveries, you could be in real trouble.

    5. Be mindful of where you store your keys. 🔐

    Don't store your keys on cloud storage like Dropbox. Don't store your keys in your email. Ideally, don't store your keys on any device that's connected to the internet. All of these things can be accessed by bad actors if you're not careful.

    Use a hardware wallet, and keep your backups safe on an air-gapped device or in a safe physical location.

    6. Verify everything. 🔎

    Check the URLs of the websites you're on.

    Check the URLs of the social media accounts you're reading.

    Check the URLs of the GitHub repos you're exploring.

    Never download anything from an unverified URL that someone sent you - go find the proper URL at the proper source.

    Double- and triple-check everything, especially when you're sending a transaction - read and verify the output addresses. For an extra layer of assurance when sending a transaction, try out Protected Transactions.

    7. Never click on ads/promoted results. 🛑

    Many times these promoted results are actually promoting scam/fake/phishing sites.

    8. Nobody is giving away ETH. 🚫

    Ever. EVER. If you see someone giving away crypto or saying that you have to send them crypto to get more crypto in return, RUN AWAY. It's not real.

    9. Look out for one another. 💞

    If you've been in this space for a while, you know exponentially more than someone who started exploring it. Things move quickly, so it's likely that you're an expert in some of these subjects, and you can share this knowledge to help new users build better habits.

    You have the power to help others not screw up. Use that power!

    10. Use your brain. 🧠

    Always stop and think.

    Don't assume, ask.

    Don't blindly follow, question.

    Patience is truly a virtue.

    If something seems too good to be true, it's likely not true.

    submitted by /u/trogdortb001
    [link] [comments]

    First time seeing a business that accepts bitcoin as payment option in person. ��Cebu, Philippines

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Discussion of the Day: Avalanche (AVAX)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    -Today's Crypto of the Day is Avalanche (AVAX), and it's current price is $4.55.

    -Since 2/18/20, every day I have featured a new crypto of the day for us to discuss. I try to make follow up posts within a week, but I am behind at the moment. I try to mix in the most popular projects, along with some long shots. Sometimes I even feature projects I personally am not a fan of, just for the sake of conversation. I feel it is important for us to focus on the pros and cons of all projects, even if that sometimes means playing devil's advocate. At this point, I plan to try to continue making these posts until I have completed a full year.

    -If you decide to reply, please add something more than, "scam" or "this coin will moon to $1000 by the end of 2020". Please say why. If it is a scam, link or show evidence. If you feel it is a true moonshot, what makes this project special with that sort of potential? It seems many people within this community only promote projects they are financially invested in, while trash talking coins they do not hold bags.

    -I strongly encourage everyone to follow up on past discussions and you can still make comments on them. There is a lot of valuable information on many of these posts, so please check them out as you have time. You may learn a lot regarding some of these projects. I know I certainly did!


    -These posts are not meant to be financial advice, but instead to be an educational discussion. Everyone is responsible for doing their own research.

    submitted by /u/joenorwood77
    [link] [comments]

    Uniswap becomes first DeFi protocol to hit $2 billion in total value locked

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    Here I am . (Hey, at least I have to try)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    If the current supply of moons is roughly 60 million, and the price is around $0.18 this would give it a market cap of roughly $11 million. This actually seems quite low to me for a coin that’s integrated with a massive social media company.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I'm a student and lost my job due to covid. I have been freelancing in the crypto space since march and I hadn't paid attention to my exchange wallet, found out I'm getting close to 1 BTC in earnings I wouldn't have made without cryptocurrency. Thank you BTC!!!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    EY OpsChain Network Procurement solution on ETH Mainnet

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    The New Zealand tax office is making a move, and demanding client information from all local exchanges

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Grayscale Investments now has almost 450K Bitcoin in its position

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:41 AM PDT

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