• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 21, 2020

    BTC Anyone else?

    BTC Anyone else?

    Anyone else?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Why Automatic Replay Protection Exists

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Just in case, some forget, this is the current roadmap of BCH. The upgrades planned are here for more than 6 months and don't just magically come out without discussion as some might claim.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    Great 2013 Bitcoin.org linked Wiki post on how to scale Bitcoin Cash!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    PSA - Warning: Shilling activity on /r/btc increased by at least 300% this week. Brace up for contention or attack.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I gave such warning multiple times over the years, I was right (always) every time, check my submissions.

    submitted by /u/ShadowOfHarbringer
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    Simple Ledger Protocol Universe Is Thriving: Lottery, Mint, ATMs, Over 8,500 SLP Tokens Created

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    Brilliant comment on why IFP is fundamentally flawed

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    The game theory is what is flawed. The IFP creates a situation where any address receiving bitcoin from the IFP is incentivized to give kickbacks to miners to get all of the blocks they mine. This has a ripple effect of making those miners which are engaged in such schemes make significantly more BCH than other miners who do not participate in these schemes. Since mining is already low margin game, that means the mining companies which engage in this scheme will be able to mine more profitably than honest miners. This is also why an IFP being put into place will never be taken out by the miners who are scheming and are able to mine for cheaper, because it will be destroying the goose which lays the golden eggs. It also greatly benefits any addresses that choose to do this, because they will get the majority of blocks and therefore more money. This is absolutely broken, and there is no way to get out from it.

    Source: u/blockparty_sh

    submitted by /u/Pablo_Picasho
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    Join us tonight for a free roll blockchian.poker tourney ��SOUR SLP Satudays - every Sat @ 8:30PM EDT and try to win some SOUR & BCH!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Another day. Another forgery uncovered. This time, a live person

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Why don't we do another stress test on Bitcoin Cash for 16MB blocks?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    Ethereum miners are increasing the network's gas limit by 25% - The Block

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Calinstradamus Preditcion #12341: IFP 2.0 coming in Nov., no voting, just mandatory.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Is there an anti ABC mob?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    In today's Bitcoin Cash #Crypto Adoption #Meetup, SLP was the hot topic!! Thanks to zapit.io for zapt token and more slp's like USDH, Spice, Rnew and INC instacrypto's own slp token.. https://www.instacrypto.in/presenting-instacryptos-inc-token/ #BitcoinCash https://youtu.be/3fbkFnDOx8s

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Prediction: ABC will unilaterally pull another IFP in November

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    This will of course lead to many businesses and people leaving BCH.

    Why do I think this?

    • The IFP Code was not removed. This just has to be tweaked slightly to do again. If there was not a plan to do the IFP again it would be removed. Only bad software engineers leave code laying around that they don't plan to use, because it contributes to maintenence burden and potential for bugs.

    • In the ABC business plan they have this:

    The Infrastructure Funding Plan (IFP). If all else fails, miners may be incentivized to implement an infrastructure funding plan that involves a mandatory percentage-based contribution of the Bitcoin Cash block reward to Bitcoin Cash development teams.

    • It makes sense why they would be claiming BCHN wants a split right before... doing something that may cause a split.

    • So far even though this has caused a massive disruption to the community and has caused many people to leave, and many businesses and investors who have promised to leave if IFP goes through... ABC has not backed down from this idea.

    I hope I am wrong.

    submitted by /u/blockparty_sh
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    Elon Musk Bitcoin Giveaway Scam Rakes in Millions of Dollars in BTC

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    Only 3.5 Million Bitcoin Is Traded Worldwide; Majority of BTC Held Long-Term as Digital Gold, Says Chainalysis

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Is Bitcoin going to outshine the USD?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    Requesting clarity from George and the official ABC/IFP team on the following outstanding items not clear to me around the IFP.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    I'm currently writing an article about the IFP and how it will be the next best thing to ever happen to Bitcoin since Sliced Segwit Blocks.

    As Amaury has hinted at a chance of reactivating it with the next upgrade, I kindly request George and Amaury and others from the ABC team to chime in here:

    • What is the exact method for adding names, addresses and entities to the whitelist?

    • Who runs the quarterly and annual transparency audits on the distribution of those funds? How can we guarantee no siphoning or misuse of those funds will ever take place - or that if it did, it will be caught?

    • How can we vote to add or remove development entities?

    • Can we add non-development entities to the list of those funded?

    • Is there a steering committee to decide on the trajectory of the IFP and its future goals and iterations?

    • What is the governance model this committee follows? What are the voting mechanisms, rotation schedules and guiding principles?

    • What is the formal process for objecting on the funding of certain entities?

    • As a user of BCH - can I choose to not fund a specific entity if legally or ideologically I am ought not to?

    • Does me using a network which funds such illegal entity (if my country deems them illegal) put me as a user in any legal risk?

    Please start by answering those for me - or point me to where I can find such answers.

    submitted by /u/wisequote
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    Battle for the Southern District of New York United States Attorney's Office

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Let's compete in Reddit's Scaling Bakeoff (with SLP tokens of course). Who's in?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    FloweeJS bugfixes release (2020.4.2)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Guarda Academy | What Are the Network Fees in Blockchain? And, How do they work?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Do the miners, exchanges, developers or users control Bitcoin Cash?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    I have been thinking about this subject recently, due to recent controversy.

    I have come to the conclusion that the miners AND exchanges control Bitcoin Cash.

    Miners and exchanges choose the software they want to run. Exchanges decide in the event of a chain split, which fork gets the Bitcoin Cash name and ticket symbol.

    Miners and exchanges choose to run the software that they consider the best. This is where the developers fit in. Whichever team makes the software that is chosen by miners and exchanges wins the prize.

    Where do the users fit in? The users, businesses and community effectively decide how much they are willing to buy and sell the finished product for, and which product they will use.

    submitted by /u/bitcoineo
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