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    Litecoin #GivingTuesdayNow: D3 Crypto Concert

    Litecoin #GivingTuesdayNow: D3 Crypto Concert

    #GivingTuesdayNow: D3 Crypto Concert

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    Accidentally sent LTC from exchange to BTC address in my Trezor. And was able to recover.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    If you have done the same mistake, this few lines will help you.

    1. Don't be stressed. The LTCs are recoverable, as long as you have got your trezor. If you have sent to another exchange, that would be different issue and will depend on the destination exchange's customer support.
    2. Apparently this is a common mistake. That was the reason new LTC addresses start with M rather that 3. I wish there was a hint in the withdrawal page of the exchange, asking me to make sure my LTC address is starting with 3 not M.
    3. The solutions I found where involved extracting the private key for the address you have used and then importing that address to a LTC wallet that allows you to import keys. This would expose your private key, which is not good.
    4. Better solution is to use Electrum-LTC wallet which is able to use Trezor and with a little tweak you will be able to see and transfer the LTCs without exposing your mnemonics or private key.

    Wallet: give a name to your wallet -> Next

    standard wallet -> Next

    use a hardware device -> Next

    Select your trezor -> Next

    Put your passphrase if you have one ->

    Select p2sh-segwit and override the derivation path of m/49'/2'/0' with m/49'/0'/0' -> Next

    Encypt wallet file is ticked -> Next

    1. I couldn't find where did I read this solution. I am thanksful of it. And would like to share this so that this solution could be found easier. Please help spreading it.

    Now you are ready. Look at the History tab, you should be able to see your LTCs there. Now Click Send and transfer them to a new proper LTC address.

    submitted by /u/AussieBitcoiners
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