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    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    Bitcoin Daily Discussion, April 15, 2020

    Bitcoin Daily Discussion, April 15, 2020

    Daily Discussion, April 15, 2020

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

    If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

    We have a couple chat rooms now!

    Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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    The Run of the Golden Bull

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    Sex workers turn to Bitcoin during coronavirus lockdown

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Lemonade/LN: A Bitcoin enabled, social distancing approved, beverage dispensing cooler. Powered by BTCpay!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    What would a Bitcoin economy look like in a crisis and how could it be 'fixed' during or after a crisis?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    I have difficulty understanding this part. The US government is wildly printing money now, which almost always happens during economic crisis. This way stocks don't fall too low, government has more money to spend to help businesses not go bankrupt or to give money to those that need it in these difficult times or pay off loans/debts (I think that is the purpose at least, but I understand that the way this is handled in reality is very different). How would the economy look and which direction would it go if the government/banks did not have the ability to print money? There are reasons to do it apparently and if the government does not have enough reserves in a Bitcoin economy, how would it handle an economic crisis? Very curious on everyone's thoughts or ideas on this.

    submitted by /u/Foppo12
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    Bitcoins biggest yet most disregarded benefit over gold is it's unconfiscatability.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    If we enter a depression > financial crisis > global fiat currency collapse, governments will have no choice but to try to back their currencies with something scarce again to stop a catastrophic loss in confidence of their currencies. There will be no choice. Some smart governments have been buying gold like crazy the last decade in anticipation of this, but most have not.

    In this global governmental rush to back currencies with gold again most countries will call on the confiscation of the populations private gold holdings in an attempt to obtain gold that can no longer be sourced on the open market. Some will do it reasonably just like how the US confiscated its citizens Gold on April 5th 1933, and some countries with unjust legal systems will do it unreasonably via forcible seizure.

    Governments will implement fines and prison sentences for everyone who does not hand over their gold for worthless fiat and they will nationalise gold mines under the guise of trying to help their nation.

    Governments will start to help each other confiscate gold held in other countries, for example Singapore will rat out US citizens who store gold in Brinks Singapore and repatriate that gold back to the US etc.

    Anyone with investment grade gold stored in seizable locations like private vault storage will end up with nothing but a pile of collapsing fiat in return for their years of prudent investing.

    However, amongst all of this chaos and drama there will be one thing overlooked. The one thing that if stored properly is unconfiscatable. The one thing you can hide in your brain if need be. The one thing that can't be seized or repatriated.

    Digital gold.

    Without decree or force, and without the mark of any government, it will become the only truly honest money, it will become the defacto money of free people worldwide.

    submitted by /u/slvbtc
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    Research – Blockstream Engineering Blog – Medium

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    Anyone else moving their savings out of USD and into Crypto to escape the inevitable dollar inflation?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    I just want to make sure I'm not the only crazy person.

    submitted by /u/rtaylo
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    Is owning 0.78BTC of any significance?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Ok, so i'm 19, and South African, and was officially introduced to Bitcoin in December by a friend who believes in Bitcoin more than anything else as a save haven for protecting your wealth. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe in Bitcoin, and that it can go to the moon someday, but my question is, is 0.78BTC of any significance? My goal is to reach 1 full Bitcoin in the near future.. I have been doing alot of research on Bitcoin, and find it very interesting, I even have a Trezor where my coins are stored in..

    Let me know what your thoughts are, and i'm new here..

    submitted by /u/jeremysanders922
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    Explain to me as a noob what the bitcoin hype is all about?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    I've got money to invest, and all I hear about is bitcoin.

    Is this a good investment for someone who doesn't have much knowledge on bitcoin?

    What do I need to learn?

    I have around $3,000 spare to invest

    submitted by /u/UnjointedAtom
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    What will happen when all BTC are mined?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    In this decade, BTC will be mined completely (I guess?). What will happen then? What will BTC miners will mine? Other crypto? Do you guys think that BTC will then become a reserve of value? I'm very interested in your opinion tbh cause I am kinda new to this ecosystem and this question cannot stop yelling in my head.


    submitted by /u/susanoo_tengu
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    give me a chance & read this

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    I live far away from modern societies, I live in a geographical location where a war is going on 5 Kilometer away from my home with a lot of other bad things happens on a daily basis in where I live. lately, I started seeing things differently, I've been into the crypto world since 2014 and all whats mater until lately is the bitcoin price and my dream limbo, I've never sold even in the worst times.

    Lately, I started questioning things I start feeling that everything is rigged the whole system is fake the economy, politics, media the coronavirus and it seems like there will be a major change in the world/system settings.

    I'm now wondering did Satoshi Nakamoto know/expect the current events and Bitcoin is actually a revolutionary movement that aims to open people's minds and free them from the current fake-controlled-system? and does he currently waiting for something?. Satoshi choosed to be anonymous because he knew that Bitcoin will be a massive thing and it won't be liked by those who "control things".

    I'm writing this because I'm currently very attached to Bitcoin more than ever, I kinda feel safe holding bitcoin and I think after the coronavirus the world will change, there will be new millionaires out there, those who stayed focus and calm during the current time.

    P.S. I'm not on drugs

    submitted by /u/shenegamy
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    When I should invest, before or after the halving?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    I've been reading and in some website say that the value will drops and in others it say it will rise like in 2016. I'm very new in the cryptocurrencies world, and I don't know where to search.

    P.D.: To start trading I found Coinbase. Is it OK or you would recommend another one?


    submitted by /u/mam5pcgamer
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    Visa about to boost bitcoin usage

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Seeing signs everywhere ��

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Im usually so poor but today party people....

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Today i received my 1200$ check and was able to put a big chuck towards bitcoin, fealt likke a transfer of power to me✊lets go people

    submitted by /u/BatMelk
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    Asking for a friend... Turbo Tax wants to know if they purchased any virtual currency in 2019 (they haven't of course) but lets hypothetically say some crypto was bought off Robinhood, can they be in their right to say they haven't purchased any because technically RH does not actually sell crypto?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    FYI for US Bitcoiners.. You can get your stimulus money via Cash App directly now, and obviously they also let you buy Bitcoin direct.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    WELP. It's about that time

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I'm going to spend my entire stimulus check on Bitcoin. Yay! 0.17 bitcoins here I come.

    submitted by /u/WaterBottleVEVO
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    So... Bitcoin?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    The Big WHERE

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Let me know please, on wich exchange to buy bitcoin with lowest possible fees, not forgetting about full trustfulness on that exchange???

    Coinbase for example ir trustworthy but high fees

    submitted by /u/RecentDrop9
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    Banking Collapse

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    The European banks have been lab testing its rats with the beautiful negative interest rate experiment during the last couple years. The research project has been led by the ECB and its brr brr brr printer located in Frankfurth.

    TLDR: The foundation of the banking system is softer than my pee pee when my wife's bf comes on his Friday night visits.

    We all know about Jpow and madame Lagarde's brrr brrr brrr bukaki fest going on lately, but this is just the grand final of what i believe could challenge the banks basics of existence.

    Some background

    The shit show began in June of 2014 when the ECB introduced negative rates of -0.1 to stimulate growth in the region, fast forward to September of 2019 couple months before the ol' ro ro outbreak, rates where cut to -0,5 in a desperate attempt to win the Paralympic gold medal for financial irresponsibility. With the banks in uncharted territory around the union they had to adapt. On one hand lower rates = more loans, more mortgage refinancing etc. = gr8 fOr biZz. On the other hand, due to the banks risky behavior from 08 and general bad pr and distrust in the public they were handcuffed by most European governments demanding them to increase their capital requirements, take less risk and an ever evolving and expensive KYC/AML procedure.

    After all the rate cutting and increased expenses, the banks margins grew tighter and tighter. In fighting for survival the banks had to react, first off they implemented negative interest rates on corporate deposits with household deposits still remaining in the positive. At this point a mayor revenue stream for the banks was gone, as they historically always made money from household deposits, all of a sudden this was no longer the case.

    No bank works for free and they would suck every last drop of blood if they could but they had to stay competitive with each other as well as acting the role of the responsible parent in the eyes of the public. So what was the next step?

    Jyske Bank in mid 2019, the 3rd largest bank in my beautiful country of Denmark was the first bank in the world to introduce a -0,5% mortgage rate. Yep you heard that right, Jyske Bank pays customers 0.5% pr. year to take on a mortgage. You might think to yourself, daaaamn i wish i had such nice bankers in my country, but hold up. The next step Jyske Bank would take lifted the eyebrows of every autist with a brain cell. Jyske Bank went negative on household deposits. All of our lives we were told to save for the future, to be financially responsible, Jyske Bank took that philosophy and pissed on it. I mean a good old dark, yellow, stinky, hangover morning piss. At first it was exclusive for high net worth clients having at least the equivalent of 1 milly USD, but the requirements quickly lowered and all other mayor Danish banks followed suit.

    As of today it will cost private households deposits -0,75% pr. year if you own more than roughly 35K USD. Yup you read that right, we have to pay the banks to gamble with our money!

    What now?

    Even before the Rona i think negative rates on every household deposit in every European bank were coming now it is inevitable and i don't see a way around it in great Muuurica as well.

    After reading through reports on the National bank of Denmark, they express concern with what they call "reverse rate", this basically means that there is a point where lowering the rate through monetary policy further into the negative would have a reverse effect and banks would increase their rates to borrowers and growth would stall. In other words, they are running out of ammo. I know Japan has been running this scheme for decades but it is just not sustainable for the entire European union and possibly the states all at the same time.

    Total disaster

    My fear and doomsday scenario goes as follows:

    Good credit and less risk is very subjective terms in banking. Every fucker with a paycheck applied to all the negative and near zero % mortgage loans in Denmark and around Europe and of course the banks have lend out more lightly than they should. All off the banks are now tied up on long term mortgages making peanuts with margins tighter than ever meanwhile governments are pushing for lowering rates on risky business loans even further due to the credit crunch going around the world atm. On top of that we are in a situation where unemployment is skyrocketing allover the place, supply and demand chains are shutting down, consumer confidence must be at an all time low, what does this lead to?

    From a game theoretical perspective the most logical thing for people to do when this thing drags out is to do a historical bank run. People will flood the banks asking for physical cash withdrawals to avoid paying negative rates on their deposits in times of uncertainty and distrust, the banks cash requirements are non existent and most central bank liquidity is just numbers on a screen, no bills. This leads to a solvency crisis, 1930's 2.0. The Danish national bank even discussed the issue in one of its reports but pushed it aside with the argument that lager physical amounts of cash is a hassle to store, the public will not give a flying fuck when they see their fortune vanish and it is time to put food on the table.

    This could possibly lead a total collapse of the banking system in the western world, banks did not have a reason to exist with negative interest rates before the Rona, now it is even more evident. No brrrr can make up for distrust and panic in the public, only push it further.

    After posting this on WSB, a report from FSB (Financial Stability Body) surfaced expressing mayor concerns with stable coins. This all comes together with my post. Stable coins are a direct threat to the banking system and its negative rates on deposits. This is the last desperate attempt from the banks to stay in control.

    BTC must be the end game!!!!!

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Real_mindbender
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    Даю уроки пикапа

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Paper wallets advantages

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    I want to list my personal criteria on choose what wallet use. If you don't agree, share why. THIS IS NOT A BATTLE, BUT A WAY TO MAKE US TO THINK ON THIS SHIT

    How can you have assurance that the software or hardware wallet are not hijacking the seed or private key without your knowledge?

    How can you have assurance that these Electrum, Armory, Ledget will not stop working in a near future?

    How can you have assurance that the source code hasn't a mechanism to forward the keys to someone else?

    In my opinion, Paper wallet you will not have these concerns.

    submitted by /u/69676f72
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    Projecto de novo Coin portuguesa amz coin

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:41 AM PDT

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