• Breaking News

    Monday, February 17, 2020

    Litecoin Trying to restore access to my LTC funds, need some help.

    Litecoin Trying to restore access to my LTC funds, need some help.

    Trying to restore access to my LTC funds, need some help.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Hey guys. So 2 years passed and I've recovered enough psychologically to start looking at my crypto again and at least summon what is left. And I have hard time locating my LTCs.

    I found a private key that got me access to a wallet that shows that 110 LTCs were sent to this address: LdgeooYY4jVqHq4BDBLDx9TvJtL2n8SncJ

    I also found this address in my chat messages from those time, so I probably had access to it, but now don't remember anything, honestly. Is there a way to find out if that is an address of any exchange? Or just a private address? And if it is private. I would need either seed words or private keys to access it? I have a few seed words that I don't know the origin of. I tried pasting them into Electrum LTC wallet with no success though.

    Please advise :)

    submitted by /u/coinhorror
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    Georgia Tech researcher looking to learn more about the problems you face with crypto

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:58 AM PST

    I'm part of the Create-X program at Georgia Tech. I'm conducting research to identify problems people face with crypto and products/services people use in crypto.

    I'd really appreciate it if you could take this 2-minute survey

    Your responses will help me figure out what the biggest problems are that consumers face with crypto today. I will analyze the response data and summarize my findings in a research article, which I'll post here.

    I've posted similar surveys on Reddit back several months ago, received >400 responses, and wrote this Crypto Investor Behavior research article. (Please don't read the article before taking the survey, as it may create response bias).

    Thanks in advance for your time!

    submitted by /u/heist95
    [link] [comments]

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